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Submitted By pissluffare
Words 462
Pages 2
Questions Plato and Aristotle

1. Characterize the Athenian democracy! Which were its main traits? 2. What are Plato’s main objections to democracy? 3. Discuss Plato’s idea that the most talented and educated should rule the state. What are his arguments? Do you have any objections to this? If so, which? 4. How does Plato argue around questions of family and private property? 5. What does Aristotle mean by Zoon Politicon? How does it affect his political ideas? 6. In what main ways does Aristotle’s view of democracy differ from Plato’s? 7. How does Aristotle justify slavery?

1. Mill is one of the main figures of the liberal tradition. Why? Characterize the main ideas of this ideology and discuss how they are represented in Mill’s philosophy.

2. Define and discuss the dangers of democracy according to Mill. What are his solutions?

3. Describe utilitarianism. In what ways can Mill be understood as an utilitarian and in which ways not?

4. Describe Marx’ historical materialism, including what role history plays in his philosophy. What relation does ‘revolution’ have to historical laws and human activity, respectively?

5. Describe Marx’ theory of alienation. Discuss its political implications.

6. What are the main arguments of Michael Hardt’s text? Discuss them in relation to Marx.

7. Compare and discuss the different understandings of ”freedom” in liberal and socialist ideology.

1. Characterize the main ideas of neoliberalism.

2. What are Nozick’s arguments against distributive justice and what does he mean by entitlement theory?

3. What aspects of enlightenment thought can be found in Wollestencraft’s writings?

4. What are the main points of the feminist critique of liberalism according to Nussbaum?

5. Discuss how Fanon views the mechanisms of colonial violence. How are

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