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To Be Gay or Not Be?...That Is the Question.


Submitted By caitdavids0n
Words 992
Pages 4
To Be Gay Or Not To Be, That Is The Question.

“A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.” Kurt Vonnegut

"Just be yourself." That is great advice for a teenager where there are only unwritten and sometimes unspoken laws that society expects us to abide by without question. Being different isn’t an option. Being different is often looked down upon simply because people are not used to it. It's hard to understand new standards that are out of the ‘norm’, which causes people to become superficial. Being gay is wrong in society’s eyes but yet you are told to “Just Be Yourself” if yourself is straight of course. Teenagers go through a stage in life of discovering themselves, finding who they are and who they want to become. Gay teenagers go through the discovery part of their lives with the bigotry and hatefulness that can come from some very unlikely sources. One of those sources are Christians, or so-called Christians. The teachings they preach are “God is Love” but then turn around and tell you that you’re going to hell for liking someone who is the same gender. A real consistent message there! Many religious gay people fear that they will go to hell if they don’t figure out a way to stop being who they are. People turning to suicide because they can’t change who they are, even though they have been told, “Just be yourself”. Religious preachers indicate that it is sinful to be gay as a man and woman were put on this earth to reproduce, that a man and woman’s job is to fall in love and produce a progeny. Therefore because homosexuals cannot produce offspring together it is sinful. But, answer this question. Is it then the same for a woman who is infertile and whose eggs cannot be fertilised? Is it the same for a man who cannot produce fertile sperm? Is it the same for that heterosexual couple

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