...INTRODUCTION Grabber: get your reader interested. If using a quote, lead into it and cite it. Lead in with speaker identification and qualifications. As Atticus said to his daughter Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird “It is a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee). Transition: Connect your grabber to your next sentence. Mockingbirds represent those who are innocent in the novel. Background info: Discuss any pertinent information about the author or story details necessary for the reader’s comprehension The book is about a man who is on trial for rape. That man, Tom Robinson was black and the town was ruled under very unfair social standards. His lawyer Atticus Finch knew he was not guilty. So he was trying to protect his children from Maycomb's corrupt town by...
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...“To kill a mockingbird” by Harper Lee is based on the central idea that is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Atticus tells Scout this when he gives them guns. After, Atticus tells her it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird. She goes to ask Miss Maudie why it’s a sin. Miss Maudie explains it’s a sin because they don’t do anything but sing their hearts out focus. This refers to the thesis statement because it deals with Miss Maudie, Atticus Finch, and Tom Robinson. Miss Maudie is true friend and she has good moral as Atticus. Miss Maudie implies “Indoors, when Miss Maudie wanted to say something she settled her fingers on her knees and settled her bridgework. Then she did and waited. ‘I simply wanted to tell you that there are some men in...
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...Paragraph 1: Introduction (Introductory statement)Throughout the ages, the theme of metaphorical blindness has been evident in real life and many different works of fiction. Whether metaphorical blindness is interpreted as hubris, ignorance or naivety, it is a trait that many different characters possess which has a huge impact on many stories. (Thesis) In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, metaphorical blindness is very evident in many characters which causes many people around them to suffer, including themselves.(Outline of supporting arguments )Some of the many characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” that show metaphorical blindness are Bob Ewell, Miss Stephanie Crawford, and Miss Caroline Fisher. Paragraph Two: Argument...
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...The book To Kill a Mockingbird, Takes place in Maycomb County Alabama. Scout, the narrator, lives with her father Atticus and Jem, her older brother. Scout is a reliable narrator because she’s understanding, she’s brave, and lastly, Scout is smart. The first reason why Scout is a reliable narrator is that she understands more than people think. People think that Scout can’t understand things just because she’s young. ”Aw hush. She doesn’t understand it, Reverend, she ain’t nine yet” (Lee, Page 232). This quote supports the thesis because Jem thinks that Scout can’t understand what’s going on in the trial because she is younger than him, but she does in her own way. Scout also understood that Boo Radley is like a Mockingbird. “Well, it’d be...
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...Have you realIzed you are just bothered by something that someone is doing or acting but you don’t know why. During the time period in To Kill a Mockingbird everyone ( The Townsfolk) looks at everyone and if you do something wrong you're going down for it. During To Kill a Mockingbird throughout the book scout gets criticized by wearing what she wants and to other people's point of view she needs to act and look like a girl. Scout struggles with this because she wants to act and look her own way. In To Kill a Mockingbird no one will get in scouts way to be herself. Atticus has to deal with everyone thinking about him in a certain way because everyone is criticizing him for defending a black man. During this book there are a lot of stereotypes that the finches and Tom Robinson has to deal with. To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee shows that people criticize other people's lifestyles if it isn’t normal to them, which make them feel better about their life. In this book a lot of people seem to criticize people on how they live and how they do things in their own way. Some...
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...Harper Lee’s classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most renowned books of all time, centering around young Scout and her family (her brother, Jem, and her father, Atticus,) as both Scout and her older brother mature through the events that occur in Maycomb county along the three years the novel spans. The aforementioned events include: the wrongful conviction of a black man (who Atticus defended brilliantly in court) for no other reason than the racism the Maycomb citizens harbored in their hearts, the death of this man by seventeen gunshot wounds when he attempted to escape prison, the attempted murder of Scout and Jem, the appearance of a neighborhood recluse for the first time in years, the slow death of a morphine addict who...
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...Jorge Luis Borges once said, “Their books are also different. Works of fiction contain a single plot, with all its imaginable permutations. Those of a philosophical nature invariably include both the thesis and the antithesis, the rigorous pro and con of a doctrine. A book in which does not contain its counter book is considered incomplete.” This saying best applies to the book and movie, To Kill a Mockingbird. Being almost a different story, both, the movie and book, contrast on many different levels, with the novel being far better than the movie. With the plot, characterization of many characters, and the themes shown, it shows that the book is better. It is very apparent, after reading the book, that the scenes are different in the movie....
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...Atticus is the most honest, shows the most courage, and pacifistic throughout the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus plays a big part in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. He is one of the main characters and is a good guy. He supports African Americans. He seems like one of the only few guys that do in Maycomb. He hates violence and does not prefer to ever use it. Thesis Statement Throughout the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus determined honest, courage, and pacifistic. Body (paragraph 2,3,4) Atticus shows honestly throughout the book. If you wanted to trust someone Atticus was the guy. He was an honest man. Some examples of him being honest is that he never lied during the trial. He never lied about something for Tom Robinson. He told the jury the truth about everything. Another example is when he comes out and says he will defend Tom Robinson. He was being honest about it and did not try to cover it up before the trial to everyone just in case if the whites would get mad. The white people of Maycomb did get really mad at Atticus but he didn't care he still wanted to defend Tom. Another example of him being...
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...Thesis: Lee’s philosophies of hypocrisy, the difference between right and wrong, and the symbolism of the mockingbird is shown by the use of dialogue, and characterization. In the novel, Lee expresses hypocrisy within the Society through the use of three characters. Lee shows hypocrisy with the use of Miss Gates, Scout’s third grade teacher. Miss Gates teaches the class about all the evil things Hitler does to the Jews in Germany. Showing her students why she disagrees with Hitler, Miss Gates tells the class that “over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced” (208-209). However, while at the Missionary Society meeting Scout overhears Miss Gates talking about how Tom Robinson's conviction...
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...Contrary to what many people think, courage does not mean that you live without fear. It does not mean that fear is absent from your life. Courage is your ability to face the fear. It is the bravery inside of you that helps you conquer the fear. In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, many examples of courage are shown, such as emotional, moral, and physical courage. Extra information about courage. Transition sentence. In chapter 2 of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Scout shows an example of emotional courage. When Miss Caroline is confused as to why Walter Cunningham will not accept her money, Scout makes a courageous move by standing up and explaining to Miss Caroline that he is a Cunningham. “‘The Cunninghams never took anything...
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...Student Name: Lecturer’s Name: Date: Southern Contemporary Fiction and the Issue of Race Thesis: Southern contemporary fiction contained a lot of truths about the race relations between Black and White Americans in the twentieth century. Introduction Since the beginning of the twentieth century, there has been a significant shift in the focus of southern literature, both fiction and nonfiction. In the nineteenth century, most Southern fiction works were mainly on the Civil War and the Reconstruction. However, as that generation died away, the new crop of authors who had never experienced the civil war or the Reconstruction became more objective in their writings about the South. Contemporary Southern writers such as Harper Lee, Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner wrote fiction, but the stories written had a lot of truth about the way communities in the American South lived like in the twentieth century. As a result, one cannot fail but notice that there is one recurring issue in almost every novel in contemporary Southern fiction; the issue of race. (Sundquist 1994) Authors usually write stories which are a reflection of the attitudes and the norms of their time and contemporary Southern fiction reflects this. The southern part of the United States has always had a large percentage of people of African descent living there. At the beginning of the twentieth century, two states actually had an African-American majority; South Carolina and Mississippi...
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...TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Analysis of Atticus’ Closing Argument Using the Rhetorical Devices The purpose of this writing assignment is to analyze Atticus’ closing statement and identify the three approaches – ethos, logos, pathos—he uses to persuade the jury. This approach to rhetorical analysis will help you question a text, explore your responses to it, and prepare an analysis on the thoughts and ideas of the novel. INTRODUCTION: Paragraph 1: Introduction Catchy beginning – usually a quote from the reading Title of novel, Name of author 2-3 sentence summarizing what the trial is about Thesis statement based on the reading prompt and including the three points the prompt suggests—ethos, logos, and pathos. BODY PARAGRAPHS: Paragraph 1: Discuss...
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...and walk around in it.” These are the words that were spoken by Atticus Finch when he was talking to scout about people and perspectives. Atticus Finch is a very simplistic person in the story To Kill A MockingBird by, Harper Lee. Atticus is a very quite person and he expresses this by not being too brash and taking insults but also showing he's the bigger man by not fighting with his fists but with his own words. What i want to express is the way Atticus is calm, nice, smart, shows courage, is compassionate, and above all tolerant of other people and races. Atticus Finch is one of the protagonist in the story To Kill a Mockingbird and is a well rounded character....
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...the debate as to the usefulness of literature and law have examined works such as Kafka’s The Trial or Dickens novels as sources of legal theory for these same reasons. Professor R.M. Dworkin argued that law is similar to literature in that we seek to find meaning in the same by process of interpretation. He argued that this process is adopted by judges in that they interpret the law. He attacked legal positivists, who simply examine the law in isolation from society, who find only the meaning of the law and not its substance. The debate as to the usefulness of novels sees the creation of the distinction between ‘law in literature’ and ‘law as literature’ . The former thesis examines the worth of literature which tells a legal story. For example, it can be argued that the novel to kill a Mockingbird is a useful source of information about the American legal system at the time the novel is set. Just as The Long Firm is a useful source of information about criminals, their associates and how they operated in 1960’s London. The...
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...Rockwood School District Research Paper Guide Revised 2008 Table of Contents What is a Research Paper?................................................................................................................2 How to Efficiently, Effectively Conduct Research and Evaluate Sources .......................................3 What Types of Information to Collect ..............................................................................................6 How to Write Source Cards for a Research Paper ............................................................................7 How to Write Note Cards for a Research Paper .............................................................................11 How to Write a Thesis ....................................................................................................................14 How to Write an Outline ................................................................................................................15 How to Structure Writing in a Research Paper ...............................................................................16 How to Integrate Quotes .................................................................................................................17 Internal Documentation ..................................................................................................................18 Works Cited Page ..............................................................................
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