Free Essay

Toefl Speaking


Submitted By luyeqing517
Words 27239
Pages 109


美国 ETS 托福出题组内部的中国大陆人。凭借他出色的口语和美式思维方式,张涵成为参
中国学生。由于与 ETS 有保密约定,因此张涵不能透露任何他所出过的题目,但这本书,
学法对企业家和职业经理人的指导意义进行类比 . 但仔细思考之后,我又坚信张涵的这本书




一周托福口语提高 6 分的奇迹
猴哥有一个学生,托福 95 分,其中阅读 27、听力 25、写作 25,但是口语 18 分。这个
时候,离申请前最后一次托福考试的时间只有一周 . 很明显,口语拖了他的后腿,托福如果
不到 100 分,大量的学校将不能申请 .
这个时候我能想到名字只有一个,“张涵”!也许 , 只有他能创造奇迹 .
4 个小时的 1 对 1 课程,让学生的托福口语成绩 , 发生了无法想像的变化 .
不像口语能力 , 需要较长时间的训练),所以一定要有信心。学生按照张涵在课上所提供的
方法试着组织自己的思维和语言,结果很快找到了窍门 . 学生的自信找回来了 !
第二、三个小时 , 张涵针对他的问题,为其制定了每个题型的答题方案和训练方法。
第四个小时 , 张涵带着学生进行了大量的训练和纠错,并且为其安排了课程结束之后
几天的训练计划 . 与此同时 , 正确的考试心态也是他讲解的重点 . 学生自信满满的结束了四
一周后的托福考试,这个学生考了 107 分,其中口语是 24 分,一周提高了 6 分。这是
一个大家都没有想到的分数 .



后来在跟张涵聊天的过程中 , 他告诉我,他在 ETS 从事托福口语出题工作的时候,除
了写出题目外,还需要给每一道题写出答题要点(key points),而这些答题要点,就是学
高。由于张涵的 1 对 1 口语课的高效性,很多家长和学生,都点名要让张涵上口语 1 对 1 课,
哪怕只是 1 个小时。
十分强,学生很快可以看完,并且可以马上开始实践和练习。这本书把张涵老师在 ETS 的
更需要极高的天赋 .



Rosedale Road 666 号,Messick Hall, 编 号 为 N-208-Z 的 一 个 普 通 的 格 子 间。 在
2009 年 7 月 6 日上午我到达这里之前,这里于我而言,只是个遥远的、神秘的地方。而
当我离开这里时,我的导师之一 Emily Pooler 女士微笑着走到我的桌前对我说:“It’s been a privilege working with you Han. You do know you’re the first Chinese intern we have, right?”在那一刻,我才知道,自己是这个项目组历史上第一位来自中国大陆的
这里是坐落于美国新泽西州,普林斯顿城郊的 ETS 总部。ETS 全称为 Educational
Testing Service,是目前世界上规模最大的教育考试评估机构,其管理的托福(TOEFL)、
GRE、SAT 等标准化考试已在近年来为广大中国考生所熟知。ETS 这个机构,不仅是许多
中国考生们口中的魔鬼机构,也常常被英语老师们当作各种段子里调侃的对象。ETS 究竟
直到这次经历给了我答案和启示。2009 年夏天,ETS 托福项目组总共招收了 35 名实习生,
其中有中学老师,有考试评分人,有语言学博士生,甚至有一名即将入职 FBI 的学者,而
ETS 对认真负责、以及对不同语言文化背景考生保证公平的重视程度。经历了贯穿始终,
涉及命题理念、出题答题、评分标准等一系列培训之后,我不仅有幸得窥传说中 ETS 的真
面目,更得以同时以考生 , 老师和出题人的三重视角,理解并把握托福考试的精髓。而这些,
正是我希望在不违反保密条例、不泄露任何 ETS 机密信息的情况下,和大家所分享的。
我在 2007 年 10 月 20 日参加了我的第一次、也是唯一的一次托福考试,拿到了 112 分,
在当时是我的家乡重庆地区第一个考到 110 分以上的考生。与现在不同的是,那时新托福考


和考试攻略。当时还普遍不熟悉新托福考试的中国考生,如果分数能达到 100 分以上,便
已具备申请美国名校的实力,110 以上的分数更是十分难得。而在过去几年中,随着新托福
同学们也从中得到了巨大的帮助。到了现在的 2012 年,大家会发现像 100 分、乃至 110 分
洋彼岸的梦想征程。若日后你回首求学之路,能够想起我曾在你备考托福时 , 对你有那么一

2012 年 4 月


第一章 关于托福考试 1
1. 托福考试概况 3
2. 托福考试的三个特点 6
3. 托福考试的重要性 9

第二章 关于托福口语 11
1. 托福口语考试概况及题型介绍 13
2 托福口语考试评分标准 16
3 参加托福口语考试所需的八大能力 22

第三章 托福口语解题技巧 27

任务一(独立): 自由选择
任务二(独立): 二选一 37
任务三(综合): 校园声明 / 观点和原因 43
任务四(综合): 学术概念 / 抽象到具体 54
任务五(综合): 学生对话 / 问题和解决方案 64
任务六(综合): 学术话题 / 摘要 72

第四章 托福口语练习题 81


第五章 托福口语练习题参考答案 125











第一章 关于托福考试

第一章 关于托福考试

1. 托福考试概况
托福考试由美国著名教育测验机构 ETS(Educational Testing Service)研发 , 它旨
在评估有意到美国大学学习的外国学生在学术环境下运用和理解英语的能力 . 托福考试在全
球范围内有三种不同的考试模式 , 分别为纸考 PBT (paper based test, 满分为 677 分),
机考 CBT (computer based test, 满分为 300 分), 以及网考 iBT (internet based test,
满分 120 分). 本书中我们提到的托福均为网考 internet based test, 也即就是我们日常提
到的 TOEFL iBT. 托福考试自 1964 年起在全世界范围内被使用 , 至今已有近 50 年的历史 ,
全球共有超过两千三百万考生参加过托福考试 , 因此它在全球范围内有着相当大的影响力 . 自
2006 年 9 月 15 日起 ,TOEFL iBT 即托福网考成为在中国大陆被广泛且唯一使用的托福考试
模式 , 一直至今 . 因此本书的所有内容均针对托福网考而设计 .
是 30 分,整个托福网考的满分是 120 分 . 下面我们就一起来看看托福网考的每个部分分别
包含了什么样的内容 .
阅读 Reading
托福网考的阅读考试一共有 3-5 篇文章 , 考试时间为 60-100 分钟 . 每篇阅读文章的长度
约在 700 字左右 , 比之前两种形式的托福阅读文章都要更长一些 , 每篇文章后边有 11-13 个
题目 , 均为选择题 . 题目主要包括 10 类 : 事实信息题(factual information question), 否
定信息题(negative factual information question), 推断题(inference question), 修
(rhetorical purpose question) 词汇题
(vocabulary question)指代题
(reference question), 句子简化题(sentence simplification question), 文本插入题(insert text question), 总结题(prose summary), 表格题(fill in a table). 在托福阅读中 , 大多数
题目是针对文章的某一部分提问,且题目的出现顺序与文章的段落顺序一致 , 但最后一题通
常会针对整篇文章提问 .



听力 Listening
托 福 网 考 的 听 力 考 试 一 共 有 2-3 个 听 力 段 子 组 合 , 每 个 组 合 由 1 个 校 园 对 话
(conversation)和 2 个学术讲座(lecture)组成 , 所以一共有 6-9 个听力段子 . 整个听力
考试会持续 60-90 分钟 , 每个校园对话的长度是 3-5 分钟 , 之后有 5 个题目 , 每个学术讲座
的长度是 4-6 分钟 , 之后有 6 个题目 . 与大多数的英语能力考试不一样的是 , 在托福网考的
听力部分中 , 考生在听录音资料之前无法提前看到题目 , 但考生可以在听录音过程中记笔记
以帮助理解 . 除听力部分之外 , 托福网考的口语和写作部分也会涉及对学生听力能力的考察 ,
因此学生听力水平的高低将会极大的影响学生的最后的分数 . 在我个人看来 , 托福网考就是
一个听力为王的考试 , 听力能力强的考生会在整个考试中处于非常有力的位置 . 因此 , 同学
们千万不能放松对于听力能力的练习 .
口语 Speaking
托福网考的口语考试一共有 6 道题目,持续约 20 分钟 . 6 个题目中第 1,2 题是独立口语
题 , 要求考生就某一话题阐述自己的观点 , 其中第 1 题是自由选择 , 第 2 题是二选一 . 在第 1,2
题中 , 考生需要具备较强的口语表达能力 . 第 3,4 题是综合口语题 , 题目要求考生首先在 45
秒内阅读一段 100 单词左右长度的短文,随后短文消失 , 考生再听一段与短文有关的对话或
课堂演讲 , 然后根据先前阅读的短文和播放的对话或演讲回答相关问题 . 在第 3,4 题中 , 考
生有 30 秒钟时间准备 , 然后有 60 秒钟时间作答 . 第 5, 6 题要求考生听一段校园场景对话或
者课堂演讲 , 然后回答相关问题 . 考生有 20 秒钟时间准备 , 之后有 60 秒钟时间作答 . 考生
可以在读阅读和听录音的过程中记笔记以帮助答题 . 在综合口语题中 , 除了口语能力 , 考生
也需要具备较强的阅读 , 听力 , 以及综合多重信息的能力 . 也就是说 , 托福的口语部分 , 其实
考的不只是学生的口语能力 .
写作 Writing
托福网考的写作考试要求考生在约 1 小时内完成两篇作文 . 第一篇作文是综合写作 , 要
求考生首先阅读一篇文章,3 分钟以后隐去文章,播放一段与文章有关的课堂演讲 . 课堂演
讲中会列举一些论据支持或者反驳文章中的论点和论据 . 考生需要在 20 分钟内写一篇大约
150-225 字的作文 , 总结课堂演讲的论点和论据 , 并陈述它们是如何支持或者反驳阅读文章
中的论点论据的 . 听录音时学生可以记笔记 . 在进行写作时 , 阅读文章会重新显示在屏幕上 .
在综合写作中 , 文章不要求考生阐述自己的观点 . 第二篇作文是独立写作 , 比较类似于老托

第一章 关于托福考试

福的写作 , 要求考生在 30 分钟内根据自己的知识和经验就某一话题阐述自己的观点看法 ,
并举出相应事例 . 独立写作的字数要求为 300 字以上 .
加试 Extra
托福考试中 , 考生通常会在阅读或者听力部分遇到加试试题 , 也可能阅读和听力两部分
同时加试 , 或者同时不加试(后两种情况较少). 加试部分虽然不算分 , 但考生考试时并不
知道其中的哪一部分是加试部分,所以考生必须认真对待整个考试 . 除此之外 , 在中国大陆
参加托福网考的考生的加试中 , 大量的出现目前被众多考生称作”经典加试”的固定加试题

(如阅读部分的苏美尔人和听力部分的大王花)因此考生可以提前对相应题目进行熟悉 . 需
要注意的是 , 经典加试对于中国大陆之外的考生并不适用 .



2. 托福考试的三个特点
在中国学生申请美国大学的时候 , 会经历诸如托福 ,SAT,GRE,GMAT,LSAT 等众多考
试 , 在其中托福考试是惟一一个几乎任何中国学生都必须参加的考试 , 这也就决定了它的重
要性 . 托福考试虽然在难度上比其它几个考试相对简单 , 但它仍然具备自己独有的特点 . 如
果能够把握好这些特点 , 考生在准备托福考试的时候会更加有针对性 . 下边就是托福考试最
大的三个特点 :

托福考试是一个语言考试 TOEFL is a language test
从托福考试的全称 Test of English as a Foreign Language 里边我们可以清晰地看到 ,
与 SAT,GRE 等考试不一样 , 托福考试是一个语言考试 . 正因为它是一个语言考试 , 同学们
在准备它的时候 , 应当使用有针对性的策略 . 既然考试考察的是学生的英语语言能力 , 学生
在考试的时候应当尽可能的通过对词汇 , 短语 , 句型等一系列语言技巧的运用 , 去给托福考
试评分人展示自己的语言能力 . 拿托福口语举例 , 正因为托福考察的是学生英语水平的高低 ,
所以学生不用把过多的注意力集中在追求完美的逻辑和内容上 , 而应该花更多的时间和精力
去提高自己的语言质量 , 比如改进自己的语音语调 , 注重高级词汇使用 , 以及复杂的句型变

小贴士 : 托福和 SAT 的关系和不同
托福考试和 SAT 考试均是在中国高中生申请美国大学本科的时候必须参加的考试 , 两者之
间存在一种互补的关系 . 托福考试是一个语言考试 , 它考察的是中国学生是否具备能够在美国校
园的学术环境里听懂课程 , 与教授互动 , 与同学沟通 , 最终达到学术成功的英语语言能力 . 它针
对的是想要去美国大学学习的不是以英语为母语的学生 . 而 SAT 考试是一个逻辑与智力的考试 ,
它考察的是学生是否具备在美国大学里成功学习的阅读 , 数学 , 写作 , 逻辑等能力 , 它是一个以
英语为母语的学生也必须参加的考试 — 俗称”美国高考”. 正因为两种考试之间存在这样的差
异 , 同学们在对付两种考试的时候应当有相应的偏重点 . 以写作部分为例 , 托福写作部分的独立
写作和 SAT 的短文写作部分相对类似 , 但在评分标准上会有一些不同 . 因为托福是一个语言考
试 , 评分人会更加注重学生的语言能力 — 如在写作中表现出的对于词汇 , 语法 , 句型等知识的
运用 . 而 SAT 考试的评分人则会更加注重文章的内容和逻辑 — 如各论点之间的联系 , 论据是

第一章 关于托福考试
否能很好的支持论点 . 一个学生如果犯下语法错误 , 在 SAT 考试中 , 只要他仍旧能够表达清楚
自己的意思 , 可能并不会被严厉地惩罚 , 但如果是在托福考试中 , 语法错误通常对分数影响较大 ,
因为语法能力是语言能力的一种非常具体的表现形式 .

托福考试是一个以能力为核心的考试 TOEFL centers on language ability
同学们要想在一个考试中取得好成绩 , 必须同时注重能力 , 技巧 , 和发挥三个方面 . 以
托福考试为例 , 能力就是指考生本身的英语语言运用能力 ; 技巧指的是考生在对付托福这个
特定考试中不同题目的时候 , 具备的相应的做题技巧 ; 而发挥指的是考生在真正参加托福考
试的时候 , 面对电脑的临场表现 . 在进入网考时代之前 , 托福考试在中国的考察形式是笔考 ,
托福笔考考试是一个高度以考试技巧为核心的考试 . 简言之 , 学生在参加托福笔考考试的时
候 , 并不需要具备很强的英语语言能力 , 只要能掌握好相应的考试技巧 , 他们就能在这个考
试中拿到很好的成绩 . 以听力部分为例 , 曾经有一部分对考试研究非常透彻的学生 , 能够做
到不听听力段子 , 把题目做对一半 . 这样的一个考试显然是不合理的 , 一方面它对于那些努
力学习英语的学生来说不公平 , 另一方面它无法协助美国大学录取人员正确有效的判断申请
人的英语能力 . 于是 ETS 改革了托福考试 .
现在的托福网考是一个设计得非常成功的语言考试 , 因为它不再以技巧为考试核心 , 而
将学生真实的语言能力放到了最重要的位置上 . 也就是说 , 如果一个学生具备很强的英语语
言能力 , 就算他对托福考试考试技巧的研究并不深入 , 他仍然能获得不错的分数 . 相反地 ,
如果一个学生自身的英语能力非常有限 , 就算他潜心钻研托福考试的考试技巧 , 他也很难在
考试中拿到高分 . 能力决定分数 , 这也是广大努力学习英语的学生和大学录取官员们希望看
到的局面 . 正因为托福考试的这种变化 , 以讲授考试技巧为生的传统培训机构遇到了巨大的
挑战 , 因为他们以前所讲授的内容 , 对于学生考试成绩的提高 , 已经起不到那么大的作用 . 如
何提高学生自身的英语能力 , 才应当是现今国内留学考试培训从业人员的研究重点 . 笔者在
本书中会不断地宣传一个重要观点 : 想要考好托福考试 , 最好的办法就是努力学习英语 , 提
高自己真正的语言能力 .What is the best strategy to crack TOEFL? Study English — it’s this simple.

托福考试需要较长的准备时间 It takes time to prepare for TOEFL
谈到托福考试需要的准备时间 , 大家众说纷纭 . 笔者认为通常来说 3-6 个月是相对合理


的 , 原因在于托福考试已经不再是以前那个以考试技巧为核心的考试了 . 倘若一个考试的核
心是考试技巧 , 那它的准备时间会相对较短 , 因为考试技巧的学习和积累是相对较快的 , 学
生通过诸如上培训班学习之类的手段 , 可以在很短的时间内掌握相应的考试技巧 , 从而在考
试中拿到高分 . 但托福考试已经成功转型为一个以能力为核心的考试 . 学生如果想要在这个
考试中拿到好成绩 , 较强的英语能力和大量的练习是必不可少的 . 而语言能力的提高和大量
的练习 , 都是需要较长时间来完成的 . 这也正是为什么托福考试需要较长时间准备的原因 . 笔
者认为 , 对于一个英语水平中等 , 对于托福考试没有任何了解的学生来说 , 大概半年的准备
时间是必须的 . 从了解考试 , 到提高能力和学习考试技巧 , 再到大量的练习 , 半年的时间是
比较正常 , 也比较充足的 . 如果学生本身的英语基础非常好(如英语考试总是全班前三名 ,
或者在美国念高中等), 那需要的准备时间会较短一些 , 但如果学生的目标是在托福考试中
获得 100, 甚至 110 以上的高分 , 那 3 个月的准备时间在笔者看来也是必须的 . 当然 , 在笔者
的学生中 , 也有英语能力极强的学生在一个月内将托福考试的分数提到 110 已上的 , 但那只
是凤毛麟角 , 对同学们参考价值不大 .
那是不是准备时间越长 , 考试分数就越有保障呢 ? 坦白说 , 笔者不赞同学生将托福考试
的准备时间拖得太长 , 因为它会让学生过于疲惫 , 对考试产生逆反心理 , 这样反而不利于学
生在托福考试中提高分数 .


第一章 关于托福考试

3. 托福考试的重要性
至今为止 , 美国和加拿大共有 2300 多所院校规定 , 凡是外国学生想要到该校进行学习的,
必须提供托福考试成绩 . 只有达到学校所要求成绩的申请人 , 才能取得入学和申请奖学金的
资格 . 由此可见 , 托福考试在北美大学的入学条件里 , 占据着非常重要的地位 . 那是不是托
福考试只能用于北美大学的申请呢 ? 当然不是 . 除了美国 , 加拿大的各类大学外,欧洲(如
英国), 大洋洲(如澳大利亚 , 新西兰)以及东南亚一些国家和地区的大学也都已承认托福
考试成绩 . 除了在大学申请时的使用之外 , 近几年来,国内众多的海外组织驻华机构和外企
及合资企业在招聘员工时 , 以及很多国际组织在测试其员工的英语水平时 , 也都经常采用托
福考试的成绩作为评判标准 .
除了帮助同学们满足申请国外大学的硬性要求 , 托福考试的准备过程本身也对大家提高
自身的英语语言运用能力有着巨大的帮助 . 同学们如果能够认真准备托福考试 , 会发现自己
对于英语这门语言的掌控能力 , 以及在学术环境下对它的使用能力 , 都会有长足的进步 . 而
这些能力 , 正是同学们在国外大学里念书时所必备的能力 . 因此 , 无论是从满足录取要求 ,
还是从提高自身语言能力角度来看 , 认真准备托福考试都会对同学们意义重大 .


第二章 关于托福口语

第二章 关于托福口语

1. 托福口语考试概况及题型介绍
老版的托福考试(PBT,CBT)中并没有测试口语能力的部分 , 也就导致了北美众多大学
在通过托福成绩衡量申请人的英语能力时 , 无法了解他们的英语口语表达能力 . 然而口语能
力对于海外学生在美国学术环境下的生存起着举足轻重的作用 . 于是在 2005 年 ETS 向全球
正式推出新版的托福网考(IBT), 即能够反映在北美大学教学和校园生活中对语言实际需
求的新托福考试 . 新托福考试包含了专门对学生英语口语能力进行测评的口语部分 , 这对于
从来没有包含过口语部分的托福考试来说 , 无疑是一个巨大的进步 . 在 2006 年的 9 月 15 日 ,
新版托福网考正式在中国大陆开考 , 一直到现在 .
在托福考试的口语部分中 , 考生需要在大约 20 分钟的时间内回答 6 个问题 . 考试主要
测试的是学生在北美学术环境下的英语口语能力 , 题目会涉及到北美校园生活以及各类学术
讲座 .6 个题目中第 1,2 题是独立口语题 , 要求考生就某一话题阐述自己的观点 , 其中第 1 题
是自由选择 , 第 2 题是二选一 . 在 1,2 题中 , 学生有 15 秒钟时间准备 ,45 秒作答 . 在这两个
题目中 , 考生需要具备较强的口语表达能力 . 第 3,4 题是综合口语题 , 题目要求考生首先在
45 秒内阅读一段 100 单词左右长度的短文,随后短文消失 , 考生再听一段与短文有关的对
话或课堂演讲 , 然后根据先前阅读的短文和播放的对话或演讲回答相关问题 . 其中第 3 题是
校园场景题目 , 第 4 题是学术场景题目 . 在第 3,4 题中 , 考生有 30 秒钟时间准备 , 然后有 60
秒钟时间作答 . 第 5, 6 题要求考生听一段校园场景对话或者课堂演讲 , 然后回答相关问题 .
其中第 5 题是校园场景题目 , 第 6 题是学术场景题目 . 考生有 20 秒钟时间准备 , 之后有 60
秒钟时间作答 . 在综合口语题中 , 除了口语能力 , 考生也需要具备较强的阅读 , 听力 , 以及综
合多重信息的能力 . 需要注意的是 , 在托福口语考试过程中 , 考生可以在读阅读和听录音的
过程中记笔记以帮助答题 . 在托福口语考试中 , 学生的英语发音 , 语法 , 流利程度 , 逻辑准确
性等多重能力均得到了综合的考察 .
下面的表格是 ETS 对于托福考试口语部分题型的官方介绍 , 它能够客观且清晰的反映
出托福口语考试的结构 :


Task Type 任务类型

Task Description 任务描述

Timing 时间限制

Independent Tasks 独立任务

Personal Prefenrence


This question asks the test taker to express and defend a personal choice from a given category, for example,important people,places,events,or activities that the test taker enjoys.
己的观点并加以解释 . 例如 : 重要的人 , 地点 ,
事件或活动 .
This question asks the test taker to make and defend a personal choice between two contrasting behaviors or courses of action.
或者对立观点作出自己的选择并加以解释 .

Preparation time
准备时间 : 15 seconds
Response time
答题时间 : 45 seconds

Preparation time
准备时间 : 15 seconds
Response time
答题时间 : 45 seconds

Integrated Tasks (R/L/S) 综合任务 (读 / 听 / 说)

Campus Situation:
Fit and Explain
校园场景 :

A reading passage (75—100 words) presents a campus-related issue.
A listening passage (60—80 seconds,150—180 words) comments on the issue in the reading passage. The question asks the test taker to summarize the speaker’s opinion within the context of the reading passage.

Preparation time
准备时间 : 30 seconds
Response time
答题时间 : 60 seconds

阅读部分会陈述一个校园话题 , 听力部分会对
阅读中的话题进行评论 , 考生需要概括听力中
说话人对阅读中话题所持的观点和评论 .

Academic Course: General/
学术课程 :
抽象 / 具体

A reading passage (75—100 words) broadly defines a term, process, or idea from an academic subject. An excerpt from a lecture (60-90 seconds,150—
220 words) provides examples and specific information to illustrate the term, process, or idea from the reading passage.
The question asks the test taker to combine and convey important information from the reading passage and the lecture excerpt.
阅读部分会广泛地定义一个学术术语 , 过程或
思想 , 听力部分会就阅读中的概念给出具体事
例或特定信息 , 考生需要结合阅读和听力中的
重要信息 .


Preparation time
准备时间 : 30 seconds
Response time
答题时间 : 60 seconds

第二章 关于托福口语
Integrated Tasks (L/S) 综合任务 (听 / 说)

Campus Situation: Problem/
校园场景 :
问题 / 解决方案

Academic Course: Summary
学术课程 :

The listening passage (60—90 seconds, 180—220 words) is a conversation about a student-related problem and two possible solutions.
The question asks the test taker to demonstrate an understanding of the problem and to express an opinion about solving the problem.
解决问题的方案 , 考生需要总结听力部分内容
并发表自己的观点 .

The listening passage is an excerpt from a lecture
(90—120 seconds, 230—280 words) that explains a term or concept and gives concrete examples to illustrate that term or concept.
The question asks the test taker to summarize the lecture and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the examples and the overall topic. Preparation time
准备时间 : 20 seconds
Response time
答题时间 : 60 seconds

Preparation time
准备时间 : 20 seconds
Response time
答题时间 : 60 seconds

听力部分会涉及一个术语或概念 , 并给出相应
的例子 , 考生需要总结听力部分内容并解释主
题与例子间的关系 .



2 托福口语考试评分标准
托福考试的口语部分采取网考的形式 , 学生需要面对电脑答题 , 所以在整个考试过程中
将不会出现任何的口头互动环节(这点与雅思考试的口语部分是完全不同的). 因此 , 同学
们在参加托福口语部分的考试时 , 需要以独白的形式展现自己的英语口语能力 .
你的托福口语答案将会被进行整体性评分 . 也就是说 , 评分人虽然会根据你在口语回答
中所表现出的各种特点(例如语音 , 流利度 , 逻辑 , 语法等)来判断你的英语口语能力 , 但
他们不会分项对你进行打分 , 并进行叠加得到总分 , 而是会根据你的整体表现为你给出一个
综合分数 . 这给同学们带来的暗示便是如果你在某一个因素上较弱(例如发音不好), 并不
会对你的最后得分有很大的影响 , 如何展现出一种对于英语口语表达的整体把握 , 才是决定
你托福口语分数的最重要因素 . 根据题目的不同 ,ETS 会有评分标准上的细微改变 , 但总体
来说 , 评分人会根据以下三个要素来为学生给分 :
Delivery 表达 : 你的口语答案是否足够清晰 , 是否足够流利 , 其中是否展现出了优秀的
英语语音 , 自然的节奏以及语调 . 简言之 , 在 delivery 这一项评分标准中 , 同学们应当要关
注的因素有三个 : pronunciation 发音 ,intonation 语调 , 以及 flow 语流 .
Language Use 语言使用 : 你是否能够有效地运用正确且恰当的词汇和基本的以及复杂
的语法结构去表达你的观点 . 简言之 , 在 language use 这一项评分标准中 , 同学们应当关注
的两个主要因素是 vocabulary 词汇以及 grammar 语法 .
Topic Development 话题发展 : 你是否能够全面地回答问题 , 是否能够有逻辑地 , 并且
连贯地陈述你的观点 , 是否能够有效地使用掉分配给你的答题时间 , 是否能够有效且明确地
表明观点与观点之间的各种逻辑关系 .
托福口语评分人在打分时会在 0 到 4 分的范围内进行评分 , 然后将全部 6 个题目所得分
数的平均分按照分数换算表转换成 0 到 30 分 , 这个分数将会是学生最后的托福考试口语部
分得分 .


第二章 关于托福口语

由 ETS 公布的具体评分标准如下 :




第二章 关于托福口语




第二章 关于托福口语

需要同学们注意的是 , 托福口语考试的评分人并不指望考生的答案是完美无缺的 , 即便
是在托福口语考试中取得高分的考生 , 也或多或少可能犯下一些轻微的错误(无论是发音 ,
语法 , 还是内容上的). 因此同学们并不需要执着地追求完美 , 尽自己所能去展现英语口语
能力才是在托福考试口语部分中拿到高分的最佳策略 .



3 参加托福口语考试所需的八大能力
根据 ETS 对于托福考试口语部分的描述 , 它所考察的能力主要是学生在北美校园及学
术环境下运用口语表达自己观点和总结客观信息的能力 . 学生必须同时具备在教室里以及
教室外的英语口语技巧 . 在教室里 , 学生通常需要具备四种主要技巧 :1. 回应教授问题的技
巧 .2. 和同学进行学术话题讨论的技巧 .3. 总结在课本中读到的以及教授讲课时听到的知识的
技巧 .4. 就各种话题表达自己观点看法的技巧 . 在教室外 , 学生通常需要具备三种主要技巧 :1.
参与各种对话的技巧 .2. 表达自己观点看法的技巧 .3. 在书店 , 图书馆 , 住房办公室等地与工
作人员交流的技巧 .
为了具备以上提到的七种托福考试口语部分所看重的英语口语技巧 , 同学们必须在准备
托福口语时在以下几种英语能力上多下功夫 :

语音 pronunciation:
语音是困扰大多数中国学生的一个老大难问题 . 在托福考试口语部分中 , 虽然语音并不
是一个取得高分的决定性因素 , 但它的重要性是无庸置疑的 . 试想如果同学们能够在回答托
福口语试题的时候向评分人展现出非常标准的英式或者美式发音 , 那必定能够为自己在托福
口语考试中的表现锦上添花 . 当然 , 发音不是十分标准 , 甚至带有浓重口音的考生也不必太
担心 , 只要你能够流利清楚地表达自己想表达的信息点 , 在托福口语考试中拿到高分也并不
是一件难事 . 简言之 , 语音并不是一个决定性因素 , 但好的语音绝对是一个 bonus. 因此 , 笔
者建议同学们在为托福考试做早期准备的时候 , 注意养成良好的英语发音习惯 , 倘若不好的
习惯已经养成 , 要尽力纠正 .

语调和重音 intonation & stress:
对于绝大多数中国考生来说 , 语调和重音是比语音更加难解决的问题 . 同学们一定有过
这种经历 , 听一个中国人说英语 , 并不能找出其在语音上的明显错误 , 貌似他讲出的每一个
单词发音都十分标准 , 但是你仍然能够很快地辨别他是一个中国人 . 这是为什么呢 ? 笔者认
为 , 在中国学生中 , 存在很大一部分学生 , 他们的英语发音十分标准 , 但是却难以展现出欧
美人在说话时语调和重音上的跌宕起伏以及轻重缓急 . 笔者认为 , 如果一个考生能够具备这

第二章 关于托福口语

种能力 , 能够做到真正意义上的 native-like, 这对于他的托福口语考试分数提高将会有很不
小的帮助 . 关于语调和重音的学习 , 笔者认为最好的方法便是多接触英文的电影 , 电视剧 ,
演讲等视频内容 , 从中去学习欧美人在讲英语时在语调和重音上的变化 , 并在自己讲英语的
时候尽力模仿 .

口语词汇及短语 spoken vocabulary & phrases:
中国考生从来不缺乏背诵英语单词和短语的能力 , 但纵观市面上发行的英语词汇书籍 ,
大多以阅读和写作词汇居多 , 这也就造成了同学们在口语表达词汇和短语上的积累通常都
不足 . 托福考试的口语部分对于学生在口语词汇和短语运用上有较高的要求 . 如果一个考生
在参加托福口语考试的时候使用的词汇过于书面化 , 将会使其答案显得非常生硬 , 这无疑
不利于考生在口语考试中获取高分 . 笔者认为 , 中国考生尤其需要背诵记忆的是逻辑转换词
(例如 because,nevertheless,furthermore 等)以及所谓的无实意插入语(例如 all I’m trying to say is…,to put it another way…等), 笔者将会在本书的结尾部分对这部分内容
进行补充和总结 .

流利度 / 语流 flow/fluency:
在托福考试的口语部分中 , 学生回答问题时所展现出的流利度和语流 , 是评分人评价一
个考生英语口语能力高低最重要的标准之一 . 因此 , 如何能够使自己在用英语回答托福口语
试题的时候做到流利 , 是考生应该高度关注的问题 . 在讲一门并非自己母语的语言的时候 ,
如何能够做到流利 , 如何能够有很好的语流 , 这是众多中国学生在提高英语口语时遇到的巨
大困扰 . 笔者认为 , 要想有好的英语语流 , 最好的方法就是在平时多积累 , 多背诵英文的语
段(例如名人的演讲 , 电影的台词等). 如果同学们对一系列的英语语段做到高度地熟悉 ,
那在碰到相应的主题时 , 便能够节省掉去思考单词 , 短语 , 语法结构的时间 , 从而大大地加
快自己的反应速度 , 做到流利地说话 . 这也正是为什么国内外众多的英语教学专家都极力推
便是一个典型的例子). 笔者认为 , 要想考好托福口语 , 同学们必须下功夫增加自己的英语
语段储备 , 这不仅仅是对英语口语能力 , 甚至对学生的英语写作能力 , 都会有巨大的帮助 . 在
本书的结尾部分 , 笔者将为大家提供一些在笔者自己学习英语口语过程中所使用到的非常有
价值的书籍 , 影视作品 , 以及其他材料的列表 , 以供同学们参考 .



语法 grammar:
语法在英语中的地位举足轻重 , 在托福考试口语部分中也不例外 . 一个人能够看懂或
者使用英语句子去表达意思 , 他必须具备至少两种能力 : 词汇和语法 . 如果学生在语法能力
上有巨大的缺陷 , 在托福口语中 , 他将遇到巨大的困难 . 虽然口语部分的考试并不像写作部
分的考试那样 , 会要求学生进行大量的句型变换 , 但体现出在语言使用上的 diversity, 同样
是非常重要的 . 试想如果一个学生在说英语的时候永远都是使用主谓宾简单句 , 那他的英语
口语能力很难获得评分人的青睐 . 相反地 , 如果学生能在说英语的时候也体现出其对于多种
语法结构的应用自如 , 那评分人对他的态度必定会有巨大的改观 . 因为中国的英语教育一直
以语法教学为核心 , 所以中国学生的语法能力总体来说还算不错 , 但仍然存在很大的进步空
间 . 笔者认为 , 想要提高语法能力 , 除了了解基本的语法知识外 , 学生还需要进行大量的英
语阅读 , 并学会积累里边的常用句型结构 .

阅读和听力 reading & listening:
托福考试口语部分不同于其他很多口语考试的一点 , 便是在其中除了对考生英语口语能
力的考察 , 也包含了对学生的英语阅读和听力能力的考察 . 以托福口语第 3 题为例 , 学生需
要先阅读一段文章 , 然后听一段对话 , 最后再进行口语答题 . 如果学生的阅读和听力能力不
过关 , 那他肯定无法有效的完成之后的口语应答 . 因篇幅有限 , 笔者就不在此讨论提高阅读
能力和听力能力的方法了 , 但希望同学们一定注意 , 优秀的英语阅读和听力能力 , 对于同学
们在托福考试口语部分中拿到高分 , 是万分重要的 !

头脑风暴 brainstorming:
如何在进行托福口语考试时快速地获取观点(这点主要针对托福口语第 1,2 题 , 在这两
个题目中 , 考生需要给出自己的观点), 这是很多中国学生非常关心的问题 . 在很多场合下 ,
学生并不是不知道 how to say it in English, 而是不知道 what to say. 想不出观点 , 比不知
道如何用英语表达 , 更加可怕 . 虽然很多同学认为自己缺乏观点 , 但笔者认为 , 大多数的托
福口语第 1,2 题的题目 , 都与同学们的日常生活息息相关 , 所以大家在考试中无法快速获取
观点 , 主要原因并不是因为对话题不熟悉 , 而是因为过度紧张 . 所以 , 在参加托福口语考试时 ,
同学们要学会保持一个平和的心态 , 尽量减轻自己的心理压力 , 这样才能有更好的发挥 . 当
然 , 为了使自己在回答问题时有话可说 , 同学们平时可以注意多读报刊杂志 , 多看新闻 , 积
累更多的知识 . 当知识储备量足够大的时候 , 同学们一定会在答题时更加游刃有余 .

第二章 关于托福口语

笔记 note-taking:
在托福考试口语部分中 , 尤其是在第 3,4,5,6 题四个综合任务中 , 考生的笔记能力显得尤
为重要 . 同学们都不是速记员 , 更不是英语速记员 , 所以大家不可能完整地记录下综合任务
中阅读和听力段子中的所有内容 . 因此 , 如何把握阅读和听力段子中的重要信息 , 并用最有
效的手段把它们记录下来 , 成为答好这几个题目的关键 . 笔者一直认为 , 每个考生都有自己
最熟悉 , 也最擅长的笔记方法 , 没有哪一种笔记方法是适合所有考生的 . 对于个别学生来说 ,
甚至不记笔记的效果比记笔记的效果更好 . 因此 , 笔者不想在这里大谈特谈笔记方法 . 但是 ,
什么样的信息是重要信息 , 什么样的信息可以忽略 , 这是我们可以讨论的 . 笔者会在接下来
的章节中为同学们详细讲解到底什么样的信息 , 才是重要的信息 , 才是同学们需要记录的信
息 . 与此同时 , 为了使同学们在记笔记的时候能够节省时间 , 笔者在本书的末尾部分为大家
提供了一些简单的笔记符号 , 希望对大家有所帮助 .
以上笔者为同学们详细解释了在托福口语考试中获得高分所需要具备的 8 种非常重要
的能力 , 希望同学们在日常的口语练习中 , 能够在这些方面多下功夫 , 从而让自己在参加托
福口语考试的时候事半功倍 .


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

1 任务一(独立): 自由选择
托福考试口语部分中的第一题是一道独立口语题 . 之所以被称为独立题 , 是因为在这道
题的考察中 , 考生并不需要具备较强的阅读和听力能力 , 题目的核心关注点将会是考生如何
在较短的时间内 , 对于一个自由主题的话题发表自己的观点和见解 , 并举出相应的事例或细
节 . 在托福口语第一题中 , 考生将在电脑屏幕上看到题目 , 也能听到题目 , 然后有 15 秒的时
间准备 , 有 45 秒的时间作答 . 第一题对考生的意义非常重大 , 如果一个考生能够在第一题中
做出相对较为满意的应答 , 将会对考生的心态有着巨大的稳定作用 . 反之 , 如果考生在第一
题中的表现不好 , 有可能会对随后的考试造成较大的影响 . 因此 , 不论从何角度来说 , 第一
题都是一道非常难 , 而且非常重要的题目 .

1.1 题目类型
托福口语第一题主要被分为两种题型 : 自由选择和三选一 . 在其中 , 自由选择题目出现
的概率远远超过了三选一题目 . 下面我们就来看看两种题型的具体例子 .
自由选择 :
Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include details in your explanation.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

Talk about the person you respect most and explain why you respect him or her.
Use details and examples in your response.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds



If you were given the opportunity to learn a new skill, what would you learn?
Explain your choice with details and examples.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

小贴士 : 在托福口语考试中 , 自由选择类题目的主题多种多样 ,
但大多数题目(不是所有题目)通常会被集中到以下四个领域 :
Eg. Talk about the teacher from whom you learned the most and explain what you have learned from him or her. Use details and examples in your response.
Eg. What kinds of characteristics do you think make someone a good neighbor?
Explain why these characteristics are important.

Eg. Describe your favorite area in your school and explain why you enjoy spending time there. Please include details in your explanation.
Eg. If you had a chance to visit a foreign country, which country would you go to? Explain why you want to visit that country with details.
Eg. Talk about a book you really enjoy reading and explain why you love the book. Please include details in your response.
Eg. Talk about your favorite movie and explain what you have learned from it.
Please include details or examples in your answer.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧
Eg. Talk about a holiday that you often celebrate in your country and explain why people love celebrating it. Use details and examples in your response.
Eg. Describe a personal experience in which you learned an important lesson?
Explain what that lesson is with details.

三选一 :
Which of the following careers do you think is most important to society? Doctor, farmer, or teacher. Choose one of the careers and explain why you think it is most important to society.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

Which of the following way of transportation do you like most when travelling?
Airplane, train, or automobile. Choose one of the ways of transportation and explain why you like to travel this way.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
需要同学们注意的是 , 虽然三选一的题目在以前的托福考试中出现次数非常有限 , 但是
在近两年的托福考试中它出现的次数越来越多 , 因此大家千万不能掉以轻心 , 一定要在平时
练习的时候做好充分的准备 .

1.2 解题技巧
1. 拿到题目后快速读题 , 不用理会电脑读题 . 在考生在屏幕上看到题目的同时 , 电脑会
朗读题目 , 这一部分朗读内容 , 学生是可以完全不理会的 , 因为我们的眼睛肯定是比耳朵快
的 , 如果能够很快的阅读完题目 , 可以为我们争取至少 4-5 秒的时间 , 这对于本身只有 15 秒
钟时间准备的托福口语第一题 , 是十分宝贵的 . 请同学们务必要利用好这一点抢来的时间 .


2. 读完题后 , 马上开始在脑海中进行搜索 , 快速获取第一套答题方案 , 这也就是你最终
的答题方案 . 其实这就是一个头脑风暴的过程 . 因为准备时间太短 , 学生在做托福口语第一
题是 , 没有办法去发展出多套答题方案 , 并从中挑选 , 能最快想到的 , 就是最好的 . 就算观点
并非十分成熟 , 只要考生的回答能够流利清楚 , 也是可以获取高分的 . 托福口语的独立任务 ,
与其说是考察学生的口语能力 , 不如说是考察学生的反应能力 . 因此 , 同学们在准备时千万
不要纠结于观点的质量 , 如何最快地做好应答的准备 , 是最重要的 . 当然 , 这种能力在平时
也是可以训练的 , 主要的方法还是通过大量的练习机经以及相关的话题 , 当考生对于众多话
题都有一定的熟悉程度的时候 , 搜索观点的过程就会简单而且迅速得多 .
3. 考生答题时给出的 response, 应当有清晰的结构 , 而不能杂乱无章地进行作答 . 笔
者 在 这 里 推 荐 的 结 构 叫 做 TSE 结 构 . 与 众 多 培 训 机 构 的 老 师 提 出 的 TSE 结 构(Topic
Sentence — Supporting Details — Ending) 不 一 样 的 是 , 笔 者 推 荐 的 结 构 是(Topic
Sentence — Supporting Sentence — Example/details). 下面我们就从笔者对一个例题
的剖析来看看这种结构到底应该怎样运用 :
Talk about a person you admire a lot and explain why you admire him or her. Use details and examples in your response.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

Topic Sentence 主题句 : Allen Iverson, the NBA superstar, is definitely one of the people for whom I have a huge admiration.
主题句的目的是正面回答问题 , 这是在托福口语第一题中非常重要的一个部分 . 在进行
深入的解释之前 , 考生必须非常直接的给出自己对于题目的答案 . 比如此题 , 题目中明确要
求考生谈谈一个自己崇拜欣赏的人 , 在考生回答时 , 第一句话就必须清楚直白地说出这个人
到底是谁 . 在例题中 , 笔者直接说出了 NBA 球星艾弗森是他最崇拜的人之一 .
Supporting Sentence 支持句 : I admire him a lot because he is such a hard-working guy that you would feel like there’s nothing he cannot do.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

支持句的主要目的在于正面解释你选择这个答案的原因 , 这个环节在托福口语第一题中
也是必不可少的 . 既然考生做出了一个选择 , 就必须要给出他做这个选择的原因 . 例如在此
题中 , 既然艾弗森是笔者最为欣赏崇拜的人之一 , 那究竟是什么原因让笔者如此欣赏他 , 崇
拜他呢 ? 笔者给出了很直接的答案 , 因为艾弗森是一个非常勤奋的球员 .
Example/details 例 子 / 细 节 : Once I watched an interview of his coach in high school on NBC. He said that Allen was just super diligent. He was always the first person that arrived for the training, and always the last one to leave. He usually stayed for another 2 hours after all his teammates left for dinner. So it’s definitely his hard work that made him one of the most phenomenal players in the league. 例子 / 细节对于托福口语的独立任务来说 , 是极其重要的 . 它的作用主要体现在三个方
面 : 第一 , 它为前边的主题句和支持句提供了强烈的支持 . 第二 , 它让考生的整个答案变得
更加生动有趣 .ETS 的其中一个语言偏好便是和讲道理比起来 , 他们更愿意听故事 . 第三 ,
因为例子 / 细节具有很强的伸缩性 , 所以它能在时间控制上为考生提供巨大的帮助 . 如果考
生发现自己可能讲不满要求的时间 , 那他可以在例子中加入更多细节 , 以延长自己的答题时
间 . 如果考生发现自己可能没办法在规定时间内答完题目 , 那也可以通过简化或者删去例子
中的细节 , 从而压缩自己的答题时间 . 在此题中 , 笔者引用艾弗森的高中教练在一次访谈中
讲述的故事作为例子 , 不仅让整个回答充满了趣味 , 与此同时也大大地增加了笔者观点的说
服力 . 笔者认为 , 例子 / 细节在托福口语独立任务中的作用非常之大 , 所以请考生务必掌握
讲述例子的技巧 . 考生需要注意的是 , 例子的优势不仅体现在口语独立任务中 , 在写作独立
任务中也一样能够得到体现 . 当然 , 对于部分题目 , 考生会发现无法举出有效的例子 , 在这
种情况下 , 给出足够多的细节 , 也是可以达到类似的效果的 . 通常来说 , 在这三个部分的时
间分配上 , 前两部分会占到 10-15 秒 , 第三个部分会占到 25-30 秒 .
如果我们将以上三个部分的回答放在一起 , 我们就能够得到一个非常完整 , 而且优秀的
答案 , 如下 :
Allen Iverson, the NBA superstar, is definitely one of the people for whom I have a huge admiration. I admire him a lot because he is such a hard-working guy that you would feel like there’s nothing he cannot do. Once I watched an interview of his coach in high school on NBC. He said that Allen was just super diligent. He


was always the first person that arrived for the training, and always the last one to leave. He usually stayed for another 2 hours after all his teammates left for dinner. So it’s definitely his hard work that made him one of the most phenomenal players in the league.
4. 在答案的开头可以加上 hedge. 根据英英词典上的解释 ,hedge 的意思是 a word or phrase used to allow for additional possibilities or to avoid overprecise commitment.
也就是我们中文里常说的让步词或让步短语(它们可以提供更多的可能性 , 同时也避免了
过于唐突的答案). 加上这一类的表达之后 , 考生的答案会显得更加的成熟 , 更像是经过深
思熟虑之后的答案 . 例如 , 题目问考生 : Talk about your favorite movie. 考生的回答可以
是 : Well, I’ve seen hundreds of movies, some of which are truly great, but speaking of my favorite, it’s definitely going to be Titanic. 下划线的部分 , 便是笔者这里所说的 hedge. 当然 ,hedge 并不是一个必须出现的部分 , 所以考生可以在作答的时候酌情考虑 .
5. 结尾是可有可无的 . 同学们在看到上边的回答的时候 , 可能会奇怪为什么它没有一个
清晰的结尾 . 在笔者看来 , 结尾句在托福口语独立任务中 , 并不是一个不可或缺的部分 . 当然 ,
如果考生加上结尾句 , 也并不会带来什么负面效应 . 考生可以根据答题时间灵活掌握 . 需要
同学们注意的是 , 在回答结尾时应尽量避免说出像 That’s all. 或者是 Thank you. 之类的
表达 .
6. 支持点最好只给一个 , 最多只给两个 . 很多托福口语教师在教学时都会告诉学生 , 托
福口语独立任务中 , 至少需要两个支持点 . 拿上面的题为例 , 如果说了崇拜艾弗森 , 那至少
需要给出两个崇拜他的原因(例如除了他勤奋 , 他还具有领袖气质等). 在笔者看来 , 这是
没有任何依据的说法 . 与其慌慌张张地在 45 秒钟内说两个观点 , 还不如讲好一个观点 , 然后
给出具体的例子去 fully develop 这个观点 . 当然 , 对于个别题目 , 如果考生有两个都非常强
的观点 , 或者是考生发现只讲一个观点可能没法用完答题时间 , 那使用两个观点的答法也是
可以接受的 . 需要同学们注意的是 , 尽量避免出现三个及以上观点 . 试想一下 , 如果我们去
头去尾 , 真正讲述观点和例子的时间只有大概 30-35 秒的时间 , 如果你有超过 3 个观点 , 就
算我们假设你英语十分流利 , 那每个观点也只能讲出一两句话 , 这是根本无法深入的 . 结果
很可能是你在给出一个观点的列表 , 这也正是评分人最不喜欢看到的答题方法 .
7. 使用你熟悉的单词 , 短语 , 和句型 . 在托福口语的独立任务中 , 同学们要尽可能的使
用自己平时熟悉的表达 , 这样可以大大地减低作答时的焦虑度 . 如果尝试用高难度的表达 ,

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

或者新的表达 , 一方面考生需要花时间去思考 , 另一方面考生不见得能掌握那些表达的准确
意思 , 所以可能造成句意上的偏差 . 因此 , 最稳当的方法 , 无疑是使用那些自己已经很熟悉
的表达方式 . 如果考生希望能够让自己的语言更加出彩 , 大可以在平时练习的时候努力积累
和使用 , 但绝不是在考试的时候 .
8. 轻微的无组织和偏题是不会对分数造成影响的 .ETS 非常明白考生在用非自己母
语的语言进行口语作答时候的难度 , 很多题目就算是让母语是英语的人士作答 , 也会有
巨大的困难 . 因此 , 即便是考生在回答托福口语独立任务的过程中出现了轻微的无组织 disorganization 和偏题 deviation, 只要他能够保持整个答案的完整和流利(例如通过在答
案结束时进行点题), 也能拿到高分 .
9. 笔记并不是必须的 . 很多老师会建议学生在读完题目之后在草稿纸上写下诸如信号词
一类的东西去提醒自己 . 这样的方法当然没有问题 , 但对于个别短时记忆能力非常强的考生
来说 , 笔记并不是必须的 . 只要你确信能记清楚自己的观点 , 你并不需要花时间把它写到纸
上 . 大家要明白一点 , 笔记是用来帮助我们作答的 , 倘若记笔记已经成为一个负担 , 影响你
的答题 , 那还不如不记 . 考生需要注意的是 , 千万不要指望能在草稿纸上写出整个回答 . 第一 ,
你不可能有足够的时间 . 第二 , 评分人需要知道的是你说话的能力 , 不是朗读文章的能力 . 尽
可能的避免给 ETS 一种你已经将答案 rehearse 了很多次的印象 , 过度熟练反而会影响你的
分数 .
10. 掌握好答题时间 . 托福口语独立任务的答题时间只有 45 秒钟 , 考生务必要控制好自
己的答案长度 . 笔者认为 , 考生的答案如果能够控制在 42 秒到 45 秒之间 , 便不会有任何的
问题 . 反之 , 如果不足 42 秒 , 或者在 45 秒之内没有说完 , 那将会对分数造成一定的影响 . 很
多同学曾经问笔者 , 如果已经讲了 35-40 秒钟 , 但还有一个观点 , 那是应该继续讲(但是肯
定 45 秒内讲不完), 还是直接放弃那个观点 , 开始收尾呢 . 笔者认为 , 虽然这两种情况我们
都不愿意看到 , 但如果确实发生了 , 那宁肯直接收尾 , 也不要出现没办法在 45 秒内结束回答
的状况 , 尽量保持答案的完整性 . 同学们可以通过自己平时大量的练习去提高自己对于时间
的敏感度 , 与此同时 , 在考试的时候通过自己对于语速的调整(pace yourself)去控制时间 ,
也是非常有效的办法 .
11. 考生在回答问题的时候 , 应当尽量保持语言上的自然 , 谨慎使用所谓的模板(这里
笔者所谓的模板 , 是指一些固定的答题句型). 笔者曾经认识一个在美国高中交换了一年的
学生 , 回国后第一次参加托福考试 , 没有经过任何准备 , 口语部分得到了 25 分 . 随后 , 他参


加了一系列培训班 , 大量的采用了某些老师所谓的高分模板进行练习 . 之后几次的托福考试 ,
他口语部分的单项分数 , 再也没有超越过 25 分 . 从中我们可以看到一个问题 ,ETS 并不喜欢
学生使用模板 , 而是希望学生用自己的方式 , 自然的方式 , 去展现自己的语言能力 . 笔者一
直认为 , 模板答题法虽然能够帮助一些低水平考生开口 , 以及整理思路 , 但是对于真正想拿
到 25 分以上高分的考生 , 不仅没有帮助 , 反而会造成负面影响 . 还是拿上边的题目举例 , 试
想一下 , 如果每一个考生的开头 , 都是 Well, in my personal opinion, the person I admire most is XXX because of the following two reasons. On the one hand, …. On the other hand,…. 那评分人一定会觉得非常头疼 . 托福口语是一个考察学生用英语进行口语沟通交
流能力的考试 , 一个真正善于沟通 , 善于交流的人 , 是不会在回答别人问题的时候采用模板
的 . 笔者一直认为 , 真正的高手 , 是无招胜有招的 , 最自然地表达自己的观点(包括说话时
带有正常的停顿 , 口水话等), 才是最有效的回答 . 当然 , 针对部分基础较差的同学来说 , 模
板还是具有一定的参考价值 , 但就算是要使用模板 , 也应当使用自己精心准备的 , 属于自己
的模板 , 而不是那些已经被大众用滥了的版本 .

1.3 例题及参考答案
If you were going to take a trip alone, what would you take with you? Please include details in your response.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

Sample Answer: If I’m traveling myself, I guess I’ll take a lot of items with me, among which my iPad is a must. You know, it’s always pretty boring when you travel alone, especially when you’re on a plane or train. With iPad, I can do a lot of things to kill that kind of boring time. For example, I can chat with my friends through
MSN or Facetime, play video games, watch movies, etc. I still have a very clear memory of my trip to Australia; it’s the iPad that got me through the tedious 10hour flight. I can’t even imagine how bored I would be if I had to sit in the cabin doing nothing for such a long period of time.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

2 任务二(独立): 二选一
托福考试口语部分中的第二题也是一道独立口语题 . 在此题中 , 考生同样只需要具备
较强的口语能力 , 即可顺利答题 . 它与托福口语第一题最大的区别便是在第一题中 , 考生会
就一个自由主题发表自己的看法 , 然而在此题中 , 题目中已经给出两个对立选择 , 因此考生
只需要在两个选择中找到一个自己偏好的 , 然后在加以解释和说明 , 并举出相应的事例或细
节 . 在托福口语第二题中 , 考生将在电脑屏幕上看到题目 , 也能听到题目 , 然后有 15 秒的时
间准备 , 有 45 秒的时间作答 . 在笔者看来 , 托福口语第二题在难度上稍低于第一题(因为考
生不需要自己想出一个选择), 因此 , 考生应当尽力做好此题 , 给独立部分的考试划上一个
完整的句号 .

2.1 题目类型
托福口语第二题主要被分为两种题型 : 二选一和同意或反对 . 在其中 , 二选一题目出现
的次数略微超过了同意或反对题目 . 下面我们就来看看两种题型的具体例子 .
二选一 :
Some people like to work for themselves. Some people like to work for other people as employees. Which do you think is better for you, and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds



Some people think knowledge learned from school is more important for success.
Others think knowledge gained from work experience is more important. Which opinion do you agree with, and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation. Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

Some people like to travel alone. Others like to travel with lots of friends. Which way of traveling do you prefer, and why? Please include details in your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

同意或反对 :
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“Cell phones have greatly improved people’s lives.”
Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“A boss should keep a certain distance from his or her own employees.”
Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“If you really want to know a place, it is better for you to visit there in person than read about it in books.”
Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

2.2 解题技巧
因为托福口语第二题和第一题均为独立任务 , 此两题之间具有高度的相似性 , 在解题技
巧上也有很多的共通之处 . 因此 , 在下面笔者就不再赘述已经在第一题的解题技巧中提到的
信息(同学们如有需要 , 请自行查阅第一题解题技巧部分), 而是介绍一些专属于第二题的
解题技巧 .

1. 考生在回答托福口语第二题的时候 , 如果能够在两个选择(或者同意或反对)之间做
出明确的选择 , 那就这样去做吧 . 笔者相信 , 在这种选择类的题目中 ,ETS 更愿意听到同学
们直接地做出自己的选择 , 而不是在两个选择之间游离不定 . 与此同时 , 如果学生想要使用
平衡观点 , 在答题的时候也会遇到更多的困难 . 例如 , 考生需要考虑问题的两面 , 所以会增
加思考时间 ; 考生需要回答问题的两面 , 所以会增加答题时间 . 在只有 15 秒准备时间 ,45 秒
答题时间的托福口语第二题里边 , 时间是非常有限的 , 如果考生考虑过于细致 , 没有充分的
时间去准备和答题 , 那就得不偿失了 . 因此 , 笔者认为最好的策略 , 便是选择其中一边 , 然后
加以解释 . 当然 , 在个别情况下 , 如果考生认为只答一边没有办法讲满时间 , 或者有把握能
够逻辑清晰地答完两边 , 那选择平衡观点也是未尝不可的 . 要记住 , 没有任何一种答题方式
是万能的 , 考生可以根据临场情况随机应变 .

2. 同学们在做选择时 , 并不一定非要选择你自己赞同的那一个观点 , 而应当去选择一个
你认为比较好回答的观点 . 哪一边你能讲得更流利 , 更清楚 , 更有逻辑 , 那就勇敢的选它吧 . 除
此之外 , 同学们也需要知道 ,ETS 的评分人不会因为你的选择和他的选择不一样 , 而在分数
上对你进行惩罚 , 因为这是有违公正的 .


3. 在托福口语第二题的回答中 , 考生也可以使用笔者在第一题中所推荐的 TSE 结构
(Topic Sentence — Supporting Sentence — Example/Details). 下面我们就从笔者对
一个例题的剖析来看看这种结构在托福口语第二题中到底应该怎样运用 :

Some people like to have dinner in a restaurant. Others like to cook dinner for themselves. Which do you think is better, and why? Please use details and examples to explain your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
Topic Sentence 主题句 : I have a pretty hectic life, so I guess having dinner in a restaurant is definitely a better choice for me.
主题句中 , 笔者用了很轻松的开头方式 “I have a pretty hectic life.”作为一个 icebreaker. 然后很快地正面做出了选择 — 我认为在餐馆里吃晚饭对我来说绝对是一个更好的
选择 .
Supporting Sentence 支持句 : You know, the problem is that I really don’t have that much time to cook for myself.

支持句中 , 笔者正面且简单的解释了自己为什么不愿意自己做晚餐 , 而是去餐馆的原因
— 因为他真的没有足够的时间 .
Example/details 例子 / 细节 : I can show you why it’s a mission impossible. I got off work every day probably some time between 7 and 8. If I want to have dinner at home, I’m going to have to spend 1 hour buying food materials in the grocery store, and probably another 1 hour cooking — I’ a terrible cook, by the way. So when I’ m m done cooking, it’s around 10. I seriously doubt that I still want to eat, not just go to bed or something.

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

笔者在这里并没有使用诸如”for example”或者 “for instance”之类的举例表达 ,
但是同学们如果仔细看完这个部分 , 你会发现笔者其实以自己的生活为例子 , 讲述了为什么
不愿意自己做晚餐的原因 . 值得提到的是 , 笔者给出的例子中 , 充满了细节 , 甚至出现了具
体的时间 , 这样无疑大大增加了答案的可信性 . 与此同时 , 笔者也恰当地使用了一些小幽默 ,
例如 “I’m a terrible cook, by the way”. 这样的句子是可以让评分人会心一笑的 . 同学
们可能会注意到 , 在笔者的答案中 , 出现了一些口语化的表达 , 例如 “you know”和 “or something”, 这样的地道口语化表达在托福口语考试里边 , 是完全被接受的 , 甚至会为你的
口语加分 .
如果我们将以上三个部分的回答放在一起 , 我们就能够得到一个非常完整 , 而且优秀的
答案 , 如下 :
I have a pretty hectic life, so I guess having dinner in a restaurant is definitely a better choice for me. You know, the problem is that I really don’t have that much time to cook for myself. I can show you why it’s a mission impossible. I got off work every day probably some time between 7 and 8. If I want to have dinner at home, I’m going to have to spend 1 hour buying food materials in the grocery store, and probably another 1 hour cooking — I’m a terrible cook, by the way. So when I’m done cooking, it’s around 10. I seriously doubt that I still want to eat, not just go to bed or something.

2.3 例题及参考答案

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“It is always better to have more than one leader in a group.”
Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds



Sample Answer: Admittedly, more people can contribute more ideas, but I don’t think having multiple leaders in a group always helps us work better. In many cases, this is quite a deficiency because it seriously slows down the decisionmaking process. Let me give you an example. When I was in high school, I worked in the student union, and we have like 5 or 6 people who all believed they were in charge. Once we were trying to find a venue for a prom. People all seemed to have their own preferences and just didn’t want to make any concession. It took us 3 hours, yeah, 3 hours to reach a consensus. If there had been only one boss, we could have gotten a final plan much more quickly.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

3 任务三(综合): 校园声明 / 观点和原因
托福考试口语部分中的第三题是托福口语六道题里边出现的第一道综合口语题 . 所谓
的综合口语题 , 意思是在此题中 , 考生不但需要具备较强的口语能力 , 同时也需要具备较强
的阅读和 / 或听力的能力 . 综合任务中的第三题是 R/L/S 题目 , 也就是说 , 考生将会在此题
中同时遇到阅读和听力的内容 . 在第三题中 , 考生将会用 45 到 50 秒的时间先阅读一个关于
校园话题的短文 , 然后再听一个 60 到 90 秒的学生对话 , 其中两个学生会对阅读里的主题进
行讨论和评价 . 随后 , 考生需要在阅读话题的背景下总结听力的内容 . 在托福口语第三题中 ,
考生答题时有 30 秒的时间准备 ,60 秒的时间作答 . 这是一道校园场景的题目 , 在对于考生词
汇和逻辑上的要求会稍稍偏低(相对于学术场景的题目来说), 因此 , 考生应当好好把握住
对本题的回答 , 从而为综合任务部分的考试取得一个良好的开端 .

3.1 题型介绍
托福口语第三题是一个校园场景的题目 , 因此其中的主题均与校园话题相关 , 例如寝室 ,
食堂 , 实验室 , 健身房 , 学费 , 课程设置 , 交通设施等等 . 国际学生所不了解的话题(例如兄
弟会 , 姐妹会等)和敏感话题(例如约会 , 毒品 , 性等)均不会出现 . 下面我们就来看看一
个具体例子 .
首先 , 考生会有 45 秒的时间去阅读一个 75-100 字的短文(如果字数在 100-110 之间 ,
学生将有 50 秒钟阅读). 短文的内容多种多样 , 但在绝大多数情况下 , 都是以下两种 . 第一
种是学校要颁布一个声明 , 可能是需要改变某种政策 . 第二种是一个学生给学校或学校领导
写的一封信 , 建议学校做某一个改变 . 下面便是一个例子 :



Reading Time: 45 Seconds
New Sports Complex
The university president announced last week that the school was planning to spend $3 million to build a new sports complex, with the hope that a new sports complex would help the university attract more excellent students. The president also said that, if there was a new sports complex, the university could strengthen its relationship with the local community since there would be sufficient space to seat more people, not only students, parents, and alumni, but also members of the local community.

然后 , 考生会听一个 60 到 90 秒的学生对话 , 其中两个学生会就阅读中的问题发表自己
的看法 , 并给出相应的原因 . 下面便是一个对话的例子 :

Now listen to two students discussing the article.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Male: So what is your opinion on the university’s new plan?
Female: Well! I don’t know. I actually don’t think it’s gonna work.
Male: Really?
Female: I mean I do not think top students would care a lot about a sports complex when there are obviously other conditions on this campus that need to be improved. Male: What exactly do you mean?
Female: Like the science laboratories not having cutting-edge equipment, and the library needing many more books, and the cafeteria being so crowded…I think that the 3 million could be spent in better places if the school really wants to get more good students to come.
Male: Fair enough, but what about the other reason? I mean having more contact with the local community.
Female: Yeah, still not gonna work. Look, people in the local community hardly ever come to those sports games because our teams lose all the time and they are not going to start winning tomorrow. Moreover, even if there are more seats, it won’t make any difference. If they didn’t come before, they won’t come now just because there’s a brand new sports complex.

听完对话之后 , 考生需要按照题目要求作答(准备时间 30 秒 , 答题时间 60 秒). 下面
便是一个题目要求的例子 :



The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

3.2 解题技巧
笔者一直认为 , 在托福考试口语部分的综合任务中 , 只要考生能够将自己的意思表达清
楚 , 无论他使用什么类型的词汇句型 , 有什么样的语言风格 , 都没有问题 . 重要的是 , 考生在
答题时 , 必须给出 ETS 想要的信息点 , 也就是所谓的 key points. 在托福口语的四个综合任
务中 , 如何找到 key points, 都是十分关键的 . 因此 , 笔者推崇一种按照信息点来回答问题的
答题方法 , 我们可以叫它 “信息点式答题法”. 在托福口语第三题中 , 有六个信息点 , 是考
生必须抓住的 . 下面笔者会对于这六个信息点做出详细阐述 , 并以上边提到的题目为例 , 告
诉考生如何将信息点整合到一个 60 秒的答案中去 .
首先 , 在托福口语第三题的阅读部分里边 , 会出现三个非常重要的信息点 , 分别是一个
主题 , 和它的两个方面(此处的两个方面可能是两个原因 , 两个结果 , 两个影响 , 等等). 下
边我们以最常见的考察模式 , 也就是两个原因模式 , 来举例告诉同学们如何获取信息点 . 如
果我们用非常简单的语言去描述这三个非常重要的信息点 , 便是 :
1. 学校计划做什么
2. 学校计划做这件事的第一个原因
3. 学校计划做这件事的第二个原因


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

下面便是阅读部分 , 请同学们尝试着找出这三个重要信息点 :
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
New Sports Complex
The university president announced last week that the school was planning to spend $3 million to build a new sports complex, with the hope that a new sports complex would help the university attract more excellent students. The president also said that, if there was a new sports complex, the university could strengthen its relationship with the local community since there would be sufficient space to seat more people, not only students, parents, and alumni, but also members of the local community.
如 果 同 学 们 刨 除 阅 读 部 分 里 的 次 要 信 息( 即 细 节 信 息 , 例 如 $3 million, parents, alumni 等), 相信大家不难看出 , 阅读文章里边的三个关键信息点就是 :

1.The university plans to build a new sports complex.
2.Because the university wants to attract more excellent students.
3.Because the university wants to strengthen its relationship with the local community. 如果同学们能在阅读部分里边抽取出以上的三个关键信息点 , 那你对于阅读部分的理解
就是完整的 . 在三个关键信息点之外的信息 , 都是背景信息或者补充说明信息 , 它们都不是
考生需要去担心的部分 . 笔者说过 , 在托福口语第三题中 , 有六个信息点很重要 , 既然阅读
部分已经出现了三个 , 那剩下的三个必然就出现在听力部分中了 . 那听力部分的三个重要信
息点分别是什么呢 ? 它们分别是 :



1. 学生是同意 / 反对学校的计划
2. 学生同意 / 反对学校计划的第一个原因
3. 学生同意 / 反对学校计划的第二个原因
下面同学们来找找 , 听力部分中的三个关键信息点是什么 . 以下是听力部分 :
Now listen to two students discussing the article.
Male: So what is your opinion on the university’s new plan?
Female: Well! I don’t know. I actually don’t think it’s gonna work.
Male: Really?
Female: I mean I do not think top students would care a lot about a sports complex when there are obviously other conditions on this campus that need to be improved. Male: What exactly do you mean?
Female: Like the science laboratories not having cutting-edge equipment, and the library needing many more books, and the cafeteria being so crowded…I think that the 3 million could be spent in better places if the school really wants to get more good students to come.
Male: Fair enough, but what about the other reason? I mean having more contact with the local community.
Female: Yeah, still not gonna work. Look, people in the local community hardly ever come to those sports games because our teams lose all the time and they are

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

not going to start winning tomorrow. Moreover, even if there are more seats, it won’t make any difference. If they didn’t come before, they won’t come now just because there’s a brand new sports complex.
相信同学们不难找出 , 听力部分的三个关键信息点分别是 :
1.The female student disagrees with the university’s plan.
2.She believes excellent students won’t care too much about the new sports complex; rather, the money could be spent in better places such as science laboratories, cafeteria, and library.
3.She believes a new sports complex won’t help attract people from local community to come to watch games because the reason why they didn’t come is that their teams always lose, not that the place was too old and small.

如果考生能够成功地捕获听力中的这三个信息点 , 那加上阅读中的三个信息点 , 我们就
有了对于阅读听力两个部分非常充分的信息 . 六个信息点如下 :

1.The university plans to build a new sports complex.
2.Because the university wants to attract more excellent students.
3.Because the university wants to strengthen its relationship with the local community. 4.The female student disagrees with the university’s plan.
5.She believes excellent students won’t care too much about the new sports complex; rather, the money could be spent in better places such as science laboratories, cafeteria, and library.



6.She believes a new sports complex won’t help attract people from local community to come to watch games because the reason why they didn’t come is that their teams always lose, not that the place was too old and small.

至此 , 我们已经有了所有关键的信息点 , 如果考生直接重复这六个信息点 , 已经能获得
非常不错的分数 , 但我们应当如何精益求精呢 ? 怎样处理这六个点中的信息 , 才能串成一个
托福口语第三题的完美答案呢 ? 笔者认为 , 在我们一起给出这个完美答案之前 , 同学们需要
注意以下几点 :
1. 托福口语第三题是一个综合任务 . 既然是“综合”
任务 , 那说明 ETS 希望考生们去“综
合”阅读部分和听力部分的信息 , 而不是简单地把两个部分完全分开处理 . 因此 , 以前一些
所谓的专家提出的 “In the reading materials, …. In the listening material, ….”这样的
答题方法 , 在笔者看来 , 是非常不合理的 . 倘若考生以这样的方式答题 , 那他们根本没有做
任何的 “综合”工作 . 因此 , 我们应当避免使用这样的语言 .
2. 在托福口语的综合任务中 , 乃至托福写作的综合任务中 , 只要阅读部分和听力部分同
时出现 , 考生都应当把答题的重心放在听力部分上 , 而不是阅读部分上 . 因此 , 在答题过程中 ,
考生在讲述听力部分内容上所花的时间 , 是远远超过在阅读内容上所花时间的 .
3. 在听力对话中 , 会有一个主要说话者(负责表明观点), 以及一个次要说话者(负责
引出观点). 考生需要抓住的重要信息点 , 均会由前者给出 . 因此 , 考生需快速辨别前者 , 然
4. 听力部分的后两个信息点一般是跟阅读部分的后两个信息点相关的 , 考生应当注意去
建立这种相关性 .
5. 考生在托福口语综合任务的答题过程中(第五题除外), 不能掺入任何的个人观点 ,
所有的回答均需要以阅读和听力部分的内容为基础 .
6. 如果考生的目的是获得 27 分以上的绝对高分 , 那考生需要尽量使用自己的语言 , 而
非原文中的 .


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

在明白这六点之后 , 相信同学们已经能够给出一个较为理想的答案 . 以下是笔者自己给
出的参考答案 :
The university is planning to spend a huge amount of money on building a new sports complex because they want to draw the attention from more high-level students. And also, they are really hoping to strengthen the tie between the university and the local community. But the woman thinks it’s a terrible idea. She thinks that spending money in such places as the library and cafeteria, which top students obviously care more about, is a much better choice compared with wasting it on building sports complex. Besides, it’s not going to help strengthen the relationship because people didn’t come to games because they hated to watch the teams losing, not because there weren’t enough seats.

3.3 例题及参考答案
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a conversation on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Free Shuttle Service Elimination
The university made the decision to eliminate its free shuttle service. The reason for making this decision is that only very few students ride the shuttles and therefore they are costly to operate. In the past few years, the shuttles have run from the campus center past school buildings and through some of the neighborhoods outside the campus. The money saved by stopping this service will be used to enlarge the overcrowded campus parking lots.



Now listen to two students discussing the article.

Male: I don’t like the school’s plan.
Female: Why? I’ve taken those shuttles before, and sometimes they were completely empty. It did seem like kind of a waste.
Male: I get your point. But I believe the problem is that the route is badly designed. It only passes the neighborhoods that have gotten too expensive for students to live in. It’s insane that they haven’t already changed it—you know, so it goes where most off-campus students live now. If they did that they would get a large number students riding those shuttles.
Female: Well, at least we’ll have more parking space. It’s so hard to find a spot nowadays. Male: That’s not a good thing either. Imagine if there’s more parking space, then more students will choose to drive to school. And that means more noise and traffic...and that’s not something we want to see.
Female: OK, I guess you are right. Maybe it would be better if more students could take the shuttles.

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan.State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Sample Answer: The university plans to stop the shuttle service because it has come to people’s attention that only few students ride them and they cost a lot.
The money saved can be used to enlarge the size of the parking lot. The man doesn’t like the plan. He thinks that the reason students aren’t riding the shuttles is that they only go through those expensive neighborhoods where students don’t live anymore. Also, He believes that building more parking space is a bad idea as it will increase noise and traffic on campus. That’s not a good outcome.



4 任务四(综合): 学术概念 / 抽象到具体
综合口语题 . 它也是一道 R/L/S 题目 , 但因为是学术场景的题目
考生在此题中遇到阅读和听力内容与第三题中的有巨大的差异 . 在第四题中 , 考生将会用 45
到 50 秒的时间先阅读一个关于某个学术概念的短文 , 然后再听一个 60 到 90 秒的课堂讲座 ,
其中一个教授会对阅读里的概念进行更加具体的解释 . 随后 , 考生需要将阅读里的概念进行
总结 , 并说出听力中具体内容与此概念的关系 . 在托福口语第四题中 , 考生答题时有 30 秒的
时间准备 ,60 秒的时间作答 . 因为本题的难度较高 , 很多考生在做此题的时候压力会比较大 ,
笔者希望考生通过对以下部分的阅读 , 更加清楚的了解此题的考点 , 从而在考试的时候做到
从容不迫 .

4.1 题型介绍
托福口语第四题是一个学术场景的题目 , 因此其中的主题均与学术概念相关 . 概念可以
来自众多不同领域 , 例如心理学 , 生物学 , 环境科学 , 人类学 , 考古学 , 经济学 , 商学 , 等等 . 同
学们可以放心的是 , 此题中出现的所有学术概念 , 均是在美国高中或者大学一年级课本中出
现的入门级知识 . 因此 , 就算考生对于某个领域不具备基本的知识背景 , 也完全不会影响到
他对于此题目的回答 . 下面我们就来看看一个具体例子 .
首先 , 考生会有 45 秒的时间去阅读一个 75-100 字的短文(如果字数在 100-110 之间 ,
学生将有 50 秒钟阅读) 短文中 , 会介绍一个学术概念
(它通常会有一个很明确的名字 , 由 1-3
个单词组成), 然后会提供这个学术概念的背景知识 , 定义 , 特点 , 及应用等相关信息 . 下面
便是一个例子 :


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Perceptual Constancy
How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eyes than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.

然后 , 考生会听一个 60 到 90 秒的学术讲座 , 其中一个教授会为了解释阅读中相对抽象
的概念而给出更加具体的例子或者是讲述这个抽象概念在现实生活中的具体应用 . 下面便是
一个讲座的例子 :
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.



Male: Let’s take an everyday example — an ordinary round plate like you’d find in a kitchen. If you hold the plate directly in front of your face and look at it, what shape do you see? A perfect circle, right? Suppose you tilt the plate to a different angle, to a horizontal position, like you are planning to put food in it.
Still a perfect circle? No. The circle is now stretched out, flattened into an oval.
Do you conclude that the plate has actually changed shape, or that it’s a different object? Of course not. It looks different, but we perceive it as still being the same. Here is a different example. This classroom we are in, it’s fairly large, right? Now, from up close, from the front row, I appear to be relatively big, bigger than if you were in the last row, right? But let’s say you are sitting in a front row today, but tomorrow you are sitting in a back row. From back there I’m going to look smaller, but you don’t think I’ve actually gotten smaller. You don’t think you are seeing a different professor, a guy who looks like me except he is smaller. No matter where you are, up close or far away, you understand without even thinking about it that I am the same size, the same person.

听完讲座之后 , 考生需要按照题目要求作答(准备时间 30 秒 , 答题时间 60 秒). 下面
便是一个题目要求的例子 :

Explain what is meant by perceptual constancy, using the examples provided by the professor.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

4.2 解题技巧
在托福口语第四题中 , 如果同学们仔细分析 , 其实一共涉及到了三个方面的内容 : 抽象
的学术概念 , 具体的例子或应用 , 以及两者之间的关联 . 因此 , 笔者经过研究 , 认为最合理的
答题方式 , 便是能够把这三者有机地结合起来的答题方式 , 也就是笔者所谓的 “三步式答题
法”. 在托福口语第四题中 , 有三个步骤 , 是考生必须抓住的 . 下面笔者会对于这三个步骤做
出详细阐述 , 并以上边提到的题目为例 , 告诉考生如何运用 “三步式答题法”去对付托福口
语第四题 .
首先 , 在托福口语第四题的阅读部分里边 , 会出现一个学术概念的背景知识 , 定义 , 特
点 , 及应用等众多信息 . 那到底哪一层 , 或者哪几层信息是最重要的 , 是需要考生去掌握的呢 ?
笔者认为答案非常明显 — 最关键的信息 , 必定是此概念的定义 . 搞清楚标题上的这个专业
术语到底是什么意思 , 才是考生在阅读部分里最重要的工作 . 下面笔者举例告诉同学们如何
获取信息点抓取阅读里边概念的定义 .
下面便是阅读部分 , 请同学们尝试着找出 Perceptual Constancy 的定义 :
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Perceptual Constancy
How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eyes than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.

如果同学们细细读完整个阅读 , 不难发现 ,perceptual constancy 的定义句 , 一定是
“This is what is known as perceptual constancy”的前边一句话 , 也即就是 “even as


conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same”. 这里 , 让笔者告诉大家两个在寻找托福口语第四题阅读概念的定义时可以使用
的小窍门 :

1. 凡事看到诸如 “this is known as”, “this is referred to as”, “this is called”,
“people call this”, “people refer to this as”等类似表达的时候 , 此表达的前边一句话 ,
很可能便是阅读中概念的定义句 .
2. 定义句(如果它存在)一般会在概念词的附近 , 通常会在前一句 , 后一句 , 或者概念
词本身所在的那一句 .
同学们需要注意的是 , 并不是在每一个托福口语第四题阅读中 , 都有现成的定义句 . 在
个别时候 , 同学们需要自己去总结概念的定义 . 但无论哪种情况发生 , 只要同学们能够正确
把握阅读中概念的定义 , 那你就掌握了关于阅读部分的足够信息 .
那听力中同学们应当掌握什么信息呢 ? 笔者认为 , 这个问题的答案非常简单 — 同学们
需要做的 , 就是对讲座中的例子或者应用 , 做一个清楚的 , 简洁的摘要 summary 即可 . 下面
同学们来看看听力部分的例子 :

Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Male: Let’s take an everyday example — an ordinary round plate like you’d find in a kitchen. If you hold the plate directly in front of your face and look at it, what shape do you see? A perfect circle, right? Suppose you tilt the plate to a different angle, to a horizontal position, like you are planning to put food in it.
Still a perfect circle? No. The circle is now stretched out, flattened into an oval.
Do you conclude that the plate has actually changed shape, or that it’s a different object? Of course not. It looks different, but we perceive it as still being the same. Here is a different example. This classroom we are in, it’s fairly large, right? Now, from up close, from the front row, I appear to be relatively big, bigger than if you were in the last row, right? But let’s say you are sitting in a front row today, but tomorrow you are sitting in a back row. From back there I’m going to look smaller, but you don’t think I’ve actually gotten smaller. You don’t think you are seeing a different professor, a guy who looks like me except he is smaller. No matter where you are, up close or far away, you understand without even thinking about it that I am the same size, the same person.

相信同学们不难看出 , 教授在听力中举了 kitchen plate 和他自己两个例子 , 分别从角
度不一样和距离不一样两个方面来说明了 perceptual constancy 这个概念 . 笔者做了以下
的总结 :
The professor gives us two examples. In the first case, if you hold a kitchen plate right in front of your face, it’s a perfect circle. But if you tilt it into a horizontal position, it becomes an oval. In the second example, if you sit in a front row in the classroom, the professor looks bigger, but if you sit in a back row, he will look much smaller.

如果考生能够成功地捕获听力中的这两个例子 , 那加上阅读中的概念定义 , 我们就完成
了 “三步式答题法”的前两步 . 那我们应该如何完成第三步呢 ? 如何把阅读和听力的部分
联系起来呢 ? 笔者认为 , 最理想的方式 , 就是将阅读中的概念引入到对听力段子的总结中去 ,


或者在每一次讲完听力部分的例子时 , 都用一到两个句子稍稍展现一下这个例子是如何证明
阅读中概念的 . 笔者下边写的这两句话就起到了这个作用 :
1.So we can see that the shape of the plate changes, but because of the concept of perceptual constancy, we don’t think we have two plates, do we?
2.Although the professor seems to have different sizes in the two situations, again, because of perceptual constancy, we know he’s the same person.

在我们把第一步 , 第二步 , 以及第三步结合起来形成一个完美答案之前 , 笔者希望提醒
同学们注意以下几点 :
1. 和第三题一样 , 托福口语第四题是一个综合任务 . 既然是 “综合”任务 , 那说明 ETS
希望考生们去 “综合”阅读部分和听力部分的信息 , 而不是简单地把两个部分完全分开处
理 . 因此 , 以前一些所谓的专家提出的 “In the reading materials, …. In the listening material, ….”
这样的答题方法 , 在笔者看来 , 是非常不合理的 . 倘若考生以这样的方式答题 ,
那他们根本没有做任何的 “综合”工作 . 因此 , 我们应当避免使用这样的语言 .
2. 在托福口语的综合任务中 , 乃至托福写作的综合任务中 , 只要阅读部分和听力部分同
时出现 , 考生都应当把答题的重心放在听力部分上 , 而不是阅读部分上 . 因此 , 在答题过程中 ,
考生在讲述听力部分内容上所花的时间 , 是远远超过在阅读内容上所花时间的 . 与此同时 ,
考生应该不难看出 , 当概念和例子同时出现的时候 , 能把例子讲清楚 , 往往是更重要的 .
3. 考生在总结听力中例子或应用的时候 , 应当首先抓住核心信息(那些能够说明这个例
子可以证明阅读中概念的语句). 如果考生听力能力较强 , 语速也较快 , 能够保证在 60 秒内
说完 , 适当地增加次要信息(如一些小细节), 也是可以的 , 而且这样还能向 ETS 表现自己
极强的获取阅读和听力中信息的能力 .
4. 如果听力部分的例子中出现专有名词(如植物名和动物名), 考生可以用诸如 “a kind of plant”和 “a kind of bird”之类的短语表达 , 不会说专有名词不会造成扣分 .
5. 考生需要记下 , 并能说出阅读中概念的名字(不要求准确发音).

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

在明白这五点之后 , 相信同学们已经能够给出一个较为理想的答案 . 以下是笔者自己给
出的参考答案 :
The professor is talking about a psychological concept called perceptual constancy, which refers to the phenomenon that even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. And he gives us two examples to illustrate this concept. In the first case, if you hold a kitchen plate right in front of your face, it’s a perfect circle. But if you tilt it into a horizontal position, it becomes an oval. So we can see that the shape of the plate changes, but because of the concept of perceptual constancy, we don’t think we have two plates, do we? In the second example, if you sit in a front row in the classroom, the professor looks bigger, but if you sit in a back row, he will look much smaller. Although the professor seems to have different sizes in the two situations, again, because of perceptual constancy, we know he’s the same person.

4.3 例题及参考答案
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a lecture on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Audience Effects
People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another’s behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individuals’work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity. 61


Now listen to part of a talk in a sociology class. The professor is discussing audience effects.

Male: Ok so we said that the way we interact with others could impact our behavior...that, for example, when we have an audience…when we have someone watching us, we act differently from the way we would otherwise. In fact, there’s some interesting research that suggests that when we’re being observed, we tend to increase the speed at which we perform certain activities.
In one study, college students were asked to each put on a pair of shoes—shoes with laces they would have to tie. One group of students was told that they would be observed. A second group, however, did not know they were being observed.
The students who were aware of being watched actually tied their shoes much faster than the students who thought they were alone.
Other studies confirm the same is true even when we’re learning new activities.
Let’s say someone is learning a new task—for example, learning how to type.When they’re conscious of being observed, they’ll likely begin typing at a much faster rate than they would if they were alone. But the study also showed that behaviors that are common to the person or the situation—like making mistakes when you’re learning something new like how to type...will also increase.When we’re conscious of an audience, we’ll type faster but we’ll also make more mistakes.This might suggest that people should practice new activities alone—to reduce the number of mistakes. 62

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Sample Answer: The concept of audience effects tells us that our work is affected when we know that others are watching us. In that case, we tend to do things in different ways. The professor gives us two examples. In the first example, two groups of students are tying their shoelaces. The students who knew that they were being observed did this job much more quickly than those who knew they were alone because of the audience effects. In the second example, people were learning how to type. If they knew that people were watching them, they typed at a faster rate, but at the same time, they made more mistakes.
Again, audience effects can be easily observed here.



5 任务五(综合): 学生对话 / 问题和解决方案
托福考试口语部分中的第五题是一个 L/S 的综合任务题目 , 也就是说 , 考生将不会在此
题中遇到阅读部分 , 而是只有听力部分 , 然后做出口语应答 . 在第五题中 , 考生将会听到一
个 60 到 90 秒的学生对话(在某些时候也会出现学生和老师 , 或者学生和学校工作人员的对
话), 对话中其中一个学生会表达出自己的一个困扰 , 然后另一个学生(或者两个学生一起),
会给出两个解决困扰的方案 . 考生需要在回答中总结听力对话中的内容 , 并说明自己对两个
解决方案的偏好及看法 . 托福口语第五题是一个校园场景的题目 , 考生答题时有 20 秒的时
间准备 ,60 秒的时间作答 .

5.1 题型介绍

托福口语第五题是一个校园场景的题目 , 但和同为校园场景的第三题不一样的是 , 在此
题中并不会涉及过多的校园政策或者校园改变等主题 . 出现较多的是学生在学校中遇到的个
人问题 . 下面我们就来看看一个具体例子 .
考生首先会听一个 60 到 90 秒的对话 . 对话中其中一个人会说出自己所面临的一个困扰
或者难题 , 随后另一个人会给出(也可能两人一起给出)解决这个困扰或难题的两个方案 . 两
人还可能对解决方案分别做出一些简单的评价 . 下面便是一个对话的例子 :
Listen to a conversation between two students.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Male: Hey Lisa, how’s it going?
Female: Hi Mark. Uh, I’m OK, I guess, but my schoolwork is really stressing me out. Male: Yeah? What’s wrong?
Female: Well, I’ve got a paper to write and two exams to study for. And a bunch of math problems to finish. It’s just so much that I can’t concentrate on any of it. I start concentrating on studying for one of my exams, and then I’m like, how long’s it gonna take to finish that problem set?
Male: Wow. Sounds like you’ve got a lot more work than you can handle right now. Look, have you talked to some of your professors… I mean, you know, try to explain the problem. Look, you could probably get an extension on your paper, or on the math assignment…
Female: You think? It would give me a little more time to prepare for my exams right now.
Male: Well, I mean another thing that you might do… I mean have you tried making yourself a schedule? I mean that’s what I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Female: What does that do for you?
Male: Well, I mean it helps you to focus your energies. You know, you make yourself a chart that shows the next few days and the time till your stuff is due and… Female: Uh-huh.
Male: I mean think about what you need to do and when you have to do it by. You know then start filling in your schedule—like, all right 9:00 to 11:30 A.M., study


for exam. 12:00 to 3:00, work on problem set. But I mean don’t make the time periods too long. Like, don’t put in eight hours of studying, you know, you’ll get tired, or start worrying about your other work again. But if you keep to your schedule, you know you’ll just have to worry about one thing at a time.
Female: Yeah, that might work.

听完对话之后 , 考生需要按照题目要求作答(准备时间 20 秒 , 答题时间 60 秒). 下面
便是一个题目要求的例子 :

The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

5.2 解题技巧
笔者和众多参加托福考试的考生持有相同的观点 , 在托福考试口语部分的四个综合任务
中 , 第五题是相对来说难度最低的一道题目 . 原因是学生在回答第五题时 , 可以找到很清楚
的脉络去遵循 . 只要考生具备足够强的听力能力 , 能够抓到听力中的关键信息点 , 并加入自
己的观点和看法 , 便很容易把这个题目答好 . 在考生面对托福口语第五题的时候 , 笔者仍然
推崇之前提到过的 “信息点式答题法”. 在托福口语第五题中 , 有五个信息点 , 是考生必须
抓住的 . 下面笔者会对于这五个信息点做出详细阐述 , 并以上边提到的题目为例 , 告诉考生
如何将这些信息点整合到一个 60 秒的答案中去 .
首先 , 在托福口语第五题的听力部分里边 , 会出现三个非常重要的信息点 , 分别是学生
提出的一个困扰 , 和针对这个困扰被提出的两个解决方案 . 下面同学们来找找 , 听力部分中
的三个重要信息点是什么 . 以下是听力部分 :


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Listen to a conversation between two students.

Male: Hey Lisa, how’s it going?
Female: Hi Mark. Uh, I’m OK, I guess, but my schoolwork is really stressing me out. Male: Yeah? What’s wrong?
Female: Well, I’ve got a paper to write and two exams to study for. And a bunch of math problems to finish. It’s just so much that I can’t concentrate on any of it. I start concentrating on studying for one of my exams, and then I’m like, how long’s it gonna take to finish that problem set?
Male: Wow. Sounds like you’ve got a lot more work than you can handle right now.
Look, have you talked to some of your professors… mean, you know, try to explain the problem. Look, you could probably get an extension on your paper, or on the math assignment…
Female: You think? It would give me a little more time to prepare for my exams right now.


Male: Well, I mean another thing that you might do… I mean have you tried making yourself a schedule? I mean that’s what I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Female: What does that do for you?
Male: Well, I mean it helps you to focus your energies. You know, you make yourself a chart that shows the next few days and the time till your stuff is due and… Female: Uh-huh.
Male: I mean think about what you need to do and when you have to do it by. You know then start filling in your schedule—like, all right 9:00 to 11:30 A.M., study for exam. 12:00 to 3:00, work on problem set. But I mean don’t make the time periods too long. Like, don’t put in eight hours of studying, you know, you’ll get tired, or start worrying about your other work again. But if you keep to your schedule, you know you’ll just have to worry about one thing at a time.
Female: Yeah, that might work.
相信同学们不难找出 , 听力部分的三个关键信息点分别是 :

1.The woman finds it very difficult to finish all the schoolwork.
2.The man suggests that the woman try to explain the problem to the professor and ask for an extension on the paper.
3.The man suggests that the woman make herself a schedule. If she follows the schedule, she will be able to focus her energies and get the work done.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

托福口语第五题有一个非常大的特点 — 它是托福口语四个综合题目中 , 惟一一个需要
考生加入自己观点和看法的题目 . 它要求考生在答案中不仅仅总结听力部分的内容 , 也需要
纳入另外两个重要信息点 , 分别是考生比较偏好哪一个解决方案以及考生偏好那一个解决方
案的原因 . 笔者在下边给出了这两个关键信息点的例子 :

1.If I were the woman, I would definitely make myself a schedule.
2.Because the professor might not grant me the extension. Also, even if I don't have to write the paper now, it does not mean that I don't have to write it forever. It’ll just lead to an even more hectic future.

至此 , 我们已经有了所有关键的信息点 , 如果我们把这五个重要信息点串到一起 , 我们
便能有一个完美答案 . 但是 , 在我们一起给出这个完美答案之前 , 同学们需要注意以下几点 :
1. 托福口语第五题是综合任务中惟一一个可以加入考生自己观点的题目 . 因此 , 考生应
当掌握好听力部分的总结和自己观点之间的比例问题 . 很多老师会告诉同学们要花更多时间
总结听力 , 自己的偏好只需要小小的提一下 . 笔者并不这么认为 . 既然 ETS 给了考生表达自
己看法的机会 , 同学们就应该抓住这个机会 . 因此 , 在听力部分总结和考生自己的观点的比
例上 , 笔者认为 1:1 是比较合理的 , 也就是说 , 考生应当花 30 秒左右时间总结听力当中的内容 ,
然后再花 30 秒左右的时间去表达自己的观点 .
2. 考生在给出自己偏爱的解决方案的理由时 , 可以采用自己想出的理由 , 也可以参考文
3. 如果考生的目的是获得 27 分以上的绝对高分 , 那考生需要尽量使用自己的语言 , 而
非原文中的 .
在明白这三点之后 , 相信同学们已经能够给出一个较为理想的答案 . 以下是笔者自己给
出的参考答案 :



The woman got a lot of schoolwork to do, such as papers, exams and problem sets, so she finds it next to impossible to finish all the work. The man suggests that she try to explain the problem to the professor and ask for an extension on the paper.
Or, she can make herself a schedule. If she follows the schedule, she will be able to focus her energies better and then get all the work done. If I were the woman,
I would definitely make myself a schedule. Speaking of the reasons, first, the professor might not grant me the extension, right? Second, even if I don't have to write the paper now, it does not mean that I don't have to write it forever.
It’ll just lead to an even more hectic future.

5.3 例题及参考答案
Listen to a conversation between a student and her geology professor. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Male: Mary, I’m so glad I ran into you.
Female: Oh hello, Professor Jensen.
Male: Listen, I know it’s short notice...and maybe you’ve already made plans for spring break of my students just dropped out of the field trip to the

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

Smithson River Caves. You’re next on the waiting list, so now there’s room for you to come along.
Female: You’re kidding! I didn’t think there was a chance...and...well, it’s a threeday trip, right? I agreed to spend next week helping Professor Clark set up the new museum exhibition. I think she’s really counting on me.
Male: Yeah, three days. But you know...if you’d rather come on the field trip, why not speak with her and see if she has anyone to replace you?
Female: Yeah, I’d hate to miss out on the caves. I’ll definitely ask Professor Clark if there’s someone else who could help her.
Male: You know...we don’t leave until Wednesday. If you still have to help out, any chance you could get the museum setup done before then?
Female: Oh yeah...not until then...yeah, maybe that’s possible too.

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Sample Answer: The student has just learned from her professor that she can go on a field trip to Smithson Caves because one participant dropped out. However, she has already agreed to help another professor set up a museum exhibition. The professor suggests she find a replacement to help that professor. Or, she can just complete the museum setup before leaving for the field trip. If I were the woman, I guess I would just try to get the job done before I leave, I mean, finish the museum setup. After all, she did make a promise to that professor, so she’d better keep that promise. Also, it’s really not necessary to wait until the very day before the exhibition to finish the setup.


6 任务六(综合): 学术话题 / 摘要
与第五题一样 , 托福考试口语部分中的第六题是一个 L/S 的综合任务题目 , 也就是说 ,
考生将不会在此题中遇到阅读部分 , 而是只有听力部分 , 然后做出口语应答 . 在第六题中 ,
考生将会听到一个 60 到 90 秒的课堂讲座 , 讲座中一个教授会针对一个学术话题为学生做出
讲解 , 并会包括此学术话题的两个方面及每个方面相应的例子 . 考生需要在回答中总结课堂
讲座中的概念和例子 . 托福口语第六题是一个学术场景的题目 , 考生答题时有 20 秒的时间
准备 ,60 秒的时间作答 .

6.1 题型介绍
托福口语第六题是一个学术场景的题目 , 但和同为学术场景的第四题不一样的是 , 在此
题中并不一定会直接涉及一个学术概念(因此不一定有一个明确的概念名称), 而是围绕一
个学术概念的两个方面进行讨论和举例 . 这两个方面有可能是很多种情况 , 以下便是其中的
1. 解决一个问题的两个方案
2. 一个物体或方法的两种使用方法
3. 一个过程的两个步骤
4. 一个原因导致的两个现象
5. 一个后果产生的两个原因
6. 一个概念的两种定义


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

下面我们就来看看一个具体例子 .
考生首先会听一个 60 到 90 秒的课堂讲座 . 讲座中教授会围绕一个学术概念进行介绍 ,
通常他会介绍这个概念的两个方面 , 并为每个方面提出具体的例子 . 下面便是一个课堂讲座
的例子 :
Listen to a part of a talk in an economics class.

Female: So, let’s talk about money. What is money? Well, a broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with. Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms.
Certainly, coins and dollar bills are money. Typically, people exchange goods and services they produce for dollar bills, and they use this money... these dollar bills... to obtain other goods and services. You might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi. The taxi driver might give those dollars to a farmer to purchase some vegetables. So dollars serve as a way of purchasing goods and services and thus are a form of money.
Now suppose we didn’t have coins and bills to serve as money. People would need some other way to make purchases—perhaps they’d use a barter system, where people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services. The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables. Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables are used in barter as a form of money.


Now, there is also a narrower definition of money. In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment. The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride. OK? But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride. So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.

听完对话之后 , 考生需要按照题目要求作答(准备时间 20 秒 , 答题时间 60 秒). 下面
便是一个题目要求的例子 :
Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

6.2 解题技巧
笔者认为 , 托福口语第六题虽然是一个学术场景的题目 , 但其难度要远远低于第四题 . 在
托福口语第六题中 , 并没有过多像第四题阅读部分一样的抽象信息 , 更多的是较为具体的例
子 . 因此 , 听力段子更容易为学生所理解 . 在考生面对托福口语第六题的时候 , 仍然可以使
用笔者之前提到过的 “信息点式答题法”. 在托福口语第六题中 , 有五个信息点 , 是考生必
须抓住的 . 下面笔者会对于这五个信息点做出详细阐述 , 并以上边提到的题目为例 , 告诉考
生如何将这些信息点整合到一个 60 秒的答案中去 .
在托福口语第六题的听力部分里边 , 会出现五个非常重要的信息点 , 如果用简单的语言
将它们描述出来 , 即下面五点 :
1. 教授在讨论的主题
2. 教授讨论的主题的第一个方面

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

3. 第一个方面的例子
4. 教授讨论的主题的第二个方面
5. 第二个方面的例子
下面让我们来听一个课堂讲座 . 同学们来找找 , 听力部分中的五个重要信息点是什么 . 以
下是听力部分 :

Listen to a part of a talk in an economics class.

Female: So, let’s talk about money. What is money? Well, a broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with. Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms.
Certainly, coins and dollar bills are money. Typically, people exchange goods and services they produce for dollar bills, and they use this money... these dollar bills... to obtain other goods and services. You might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi. The taxi driver might give those dollars to a farmer to purchase some vegetables. So dollars serve as a way of purchasing goods and services and thus are a form of money.



Now suppose we didn’t have coins and bills to serve as money. People would need some other way to make purchases—perhaps they’d use a barter system, where people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services. The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables. Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables are used in barter as a form of money.
Now, there is also a narrower definition of money. In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment. The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride. OK? But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride. So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.

相信同学们在经过仔细的分析之后 , 不难找出 , 听力部分的五个关键信息点分别是 :
1.The professor is discussing two different definitions of money.
2.A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with. 3.For example, people might give a taxi driver coins or bills, or even vegetables for a ride.
4.A narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment
(legal tender(.
5.For example, a taxi driver must accept coins and bills, but he does not have to accept vegetables, because vegetables are not legal tender in the U.S.


第三章 托福口语解题技巧

至此 , 我们已经有了所有关键的信息点 , 如果我们把这五个重要信息点串到一起 , 我们
便能有一个完美答案 . 但是 , 在我们一起给出这个完美答案之前 , 同学们需要注意以下几点 :
1. 考生在总结听力中例子的时候 , 应当首先抓住核心信息(能够贴切地反映相应方面的
信息). 如果考生听力能力较强 , 语速也较快 , 能够保证在 60 秒内说完 , 适当地增加次要信
息(如一些小细节), 也是可以的 , 因为在答案中包含更多的细节能够向 ETS 展示出考生较
强的总结听力段子中各种信息的能力 .
2. 考生应当花更多的时间去讲述听力中的例子 , 而不是概念 . 在托福口语题目中 , 凡是
概念和例子同时出现 , 后者的重要性往往要超过前者 .
3. 考生应当学会去捕捉那些描述两个方面的句子 . 在原文中通常有原句来对两个方面进
行描述 , 就算没有原句 , 也会有很明显的信息(例如标志词)对考生进行提示 .
4. 如果听力部分的例子中出现专有名词(如植物名和动物名), 考生可以使用诸如 “a kind of plant”和 “a kind of bird”之类的短语表达 , 不会说专有名词不会造成扣分 .
在明白这四点之后 , 相信同学们已经能够给出一个较为理想的答案 . 以下是笔者自己给
出的参考答案 :

The professor is talking about two different definitions of money. A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with. For example, people might give a taxi driver coins or bills for a ride. If they don’t have coins or bills, they may even use vegetables as a form of money to purchase the service, I mean, the ride. OK, a narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment, in a more formal way, legal tender. For example, a taxi driver must accept coins and bills because they are legal tender in the U.S., however, he does not have to accept vegetables, because he is not required by the law to do this.



6.3 例题及参考答案
Listen to a lecture in United States history class. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Female: Because the United States is such a large country, it took time for a common national culture to emerge. One hundred years ago there was very little communication among the different regions of the United States. One result of this lack of communication was that people around the United States had very little in common with one another. People in different parts of the country spoke differently, dressed differently, and behaved differently. But connections among Americans began to increase thanks to two technological innovations: the automobile and the radio.
Automobiles began to be mass produced in the 1920’s, which meant they became less expensive and more widely available. Americans in small towns and rural communities now had the ability to travel with ease to nearby cities. They could even take vacations to other parts of the country. The increased mobility provided by automobiles changed people’s attitudes and created links that had not existed before. For example, people in small towns began to adopt behaviors, clothes, and speech that were popular in big cities or in other parts of the country.
As more Americans were purchasing cars, radio ownership was also increasing dramatically. Americans in different regions of the country began to listen to the same popular radio programs and musical artists. People repeated things

第三章 托福口语解题技巧

they heard on the radio—some phrases and speech patterns heard in songs and radio programs began to be used by people all over the United States. People also listened to news reports on the radio. They heard the same news throughout the country, whereas in newspapers much news tended to be local. Radio brought
Americans together by offering them shared experiences and information about events around the country.
Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Sample Answer: The professor is talking about two factors that helped increase connections among Americans in the US history. The first factor is the mass production of automobiles. When automobiles became inexpensive, people from small towns could travel easily to cities or to other parts of the country, and when they began to do this, they started acting like people from those regions and started to dress and speak in the same way. The second factor is the drammatic increase in radio ownership. When radio became popular, people from different areas began listening to the same programs and news reports and began to speak alike and have similar experiences and ideas.


第四章 托福口语练习题

Marker 1 exercises

第四章 托福口语练习题

1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Talk about the most memorable birthday you have ever had, explain why it is very memorable. Use details and examples in your response.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Some people enjoy working in big companies. Others prefer working for small-size companies. Which do you think is better? And why. Use details and examples in your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

3. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Ride-Sharing Program
After receiving several suggestions from students about the transportation to school, we have decided to organize a school ride-sharing program, in order to provide students living in the same area or community with a ride to school as a means of shared transportation. Moreover, we believe carpooling will be good for students to save money from the rising cost of gas and bus fares. Please note that this program is also an excellent means to protect the environment by reducing a great deal of pollution released from car emissions.

Now listen to a conversation between two students.

The woman expresses her opinion of the school policy to offer ride-sharing program. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds


第四章 托福口语练习题

4. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
In economics, signaling is an approach. That is, companies use third parties to credibly convey some positive information about their products to consumers who may not be sensitive to the difference between good and bad product quality.
More precisely, producers or sellers of good-quality products can distinguish themselves from that of bad-quality ones by offering high-price goods or services. However, consumers are not capable of telling the difference and not likely to purchase something expensive either. Therefore, having a third party to make objective judgments such as conducting experiments is essential to guide consumers to make purchasing decisions for high-quality products.

Now listen to a lecture on this subject.



The professor talks about an example in the lecture. Explain how the example demonstrates the concept of signaling in the reading.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

5. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

The two people in the conversation are discussing two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds


第四章 托福口语练习题

6. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two features species use to survive in mountain environment.
Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Listening Script:

M: Hello, dear, have you heard of the new policy about ride-sharing? We have to organize car-pools for transportation.
W: Well, I support this new policy. Maybe it can be very helpful to some extent.
M: Can you explain it a little bit? I don’t get it.


W: Have you noticed that ride-sharing is one of the most common and cost effective alternatives for students’ transport? I mean, the cost of sharing a ride is cheaper than a taxi or other means of transportation, because the cost will be divided among members. The program also helps lower the costs of gasoline or car operation since car-pooling needs few vehicles to transport students back and forth everyday. Isn’t it great?

M: Hmm, I can see your point. But other than costs, what else is it good for?
W: Well, it helps protect our environment because fewer cars on the road also means less air pollution, including carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. M: I haven’t thought of that! Your words make a lot of sense to me.
M: Morning everybody, now that we’ve read about this concept. Let me give you an example about my friend who owns a jewelry store. A big problem he had recently was that people would come into his store, look around, and then run off without making a purchase. This is because jewelry is a big investment, and customers really have no idea if the jewelry is indeed real.
Then my friend found a jewelry expert who placed some expensive jewels in fire to prove that they were real. My friend used this jewelry expert as a signaler, that is, he introduced a third party to judge the quality of his jewelry through the experiments.
The end result was that my friend’s jewels were indeed real. He hung the results as an advertisement in his front window. Afterwards something spectacular happened soon after: the same customers who came in and just looked around now had the confidence in the jewels and made the purchases.

第四章 托福口语练习题

W: Hey, Mark. You look worried, I can tell by the look on your face. What’s wrong?
M: Well, this is tough. I’ve just been informed that my audition time for the play
Hamlet has been changed from next week to tomorrow. The worst thing is that I’ve promised my roommate I would help tutor him for his physics test tonight, leaving me no time to prepare for the audition.
W: Ouch!! Sounds like you have almost no time. What’s your plan?
M: I don’t know. I really need to prepare for my audition tonight.
W: Hmm...maybe you could ask someone else to help your roommate out. I am sure your roommate will understand.
M: No, I can’t just renege on my promise by not showing up. I have promised him to help him prepare for his test. I worry he won’t be happy.
W: Ah, I see. Well, then I guess you could just help him first, and then prepare your audition. How’s that?
M: Right, but then I might not have enough time to do all the preparation for the audition next day.
W: Hmmm...well, my friend, I don’t know what to tell you.
W: Mountains are as beautiful as they are deadly. The innumerous dangers, if not taken seriously can either kill us or cause us to be badly injured. These dangers include steep inclines, ice, snow, and bone chilling winds. However, some species of animals can live on mountain ranges because they have developed and formed two features, allowing them to survive in the harsh mountain environment over thousands of years.



A strong muscle structure is one significant feature of species like Mountain goats. They have developed to adapt to the mountain environment over time. A strong muscular system enables them to climb at seemingly impossible angles and jump nimbly from ledge to ledge when they are searching or foraging food in mountain areas.
As we all know, mountain roads or rocks are extremely steep and slippery with snow, making animals easy to fail. Therefore, special feet are another important feature that species dwelling in the area acquire. The Bighorn sheep have become well adapted to living on slippery and rocky cliffs. Their hoofs or feet have special pads with hard sharp edges surrounding a soft inner area which provide the animals with extra traction thus preventing them from skidding on the rocks.
Therefore, the Bighorn sheep can get a better grip while climbing.


第四章 托福口语练习题

1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Describe a character in a book who influenced you a lot, and explain in what way did this character influence you. Use details and examples in your response.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
It is important for families to have dinner together once in a while.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds



3. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Proposal from a Student
Students enrolled at the Newton Technical Institute can borrow as many books as they need. But I am pleased to propose that the volume of books students check out each time should not be more than ten. By limiting the number of books in circulation, students can focus better on the materials and acquire more information and details they need while doing research. Furthermore, the regulation will reduce the possibility of the volumes lost after being checked out and kept in students’ hands for a long period of time before the due date. I look forward to seeing our school bring the proposal into effect.

Now listen to a conversation between two students.


第四章 托福口语练习题

The woman expresses her opinion of the student’s proposal to limit the number of books checked out each time from the library. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

4. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Vertical Migration
Vertical migration is a pattern of movement that some aquatic species vertically travel through water areas such as lakes or oceans every day. Organisms usually move up to the water surface at night and return to the bottom of the ocean or lakes during the day. There may be several factors causing these species to move up and down through a water body, including light, temperature of the water, gravity, oxygen levels, and predator-prey interaction.

Now listen to a lecture on this subject.



The professor gives an example of squids in the lecture. Explain how the example demonstrates the concept of vertical migration.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

5. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds


第四章 托福口语练习题

6. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two different methods ancient human used to keep fire from burning out.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Listening Script:
W: You’ve got to be kidding me!
M: What’s wrong? You’re not a fan of the proposal written by the student?
W: I can’t be too happy about this message. I think it’s the worst idea ever.



M: Well, what’s your opinion?
W: Man writing research papers usually requires a lot of references, and for us, to borrow tons of books from the library is very necessary, if we aim to truly understand the assigned topic and scenarios behind. Only then are we able to write a well-rounded analytical paper. So we need at least 20 volumes at once or even more if we are given assignments to write papers for several different classes. And I assure you that we need to read everything we check out from the library. M: Hmm, I agree with you about that. But what do you say about the books being lost? W: That’s another thing I have to complain about. I can tell you the books from the library have never been lost before. So the guy’s concern is totally unnecessary. Q4:
M: So, what is this concept exactly? Well, let’s look at some organisms like squids.
Squids feed on small fishes or tiny creatures. It’s easy for them to find food on water surface in the daytime, because the sunlight is strong enough to help them. However, the same reason making their food easy to spot might also expose squids to their predators. Because of this, squids usually swim to the bottom of the oceans or lakes during the day, waiting for the evening to come.
Once the sun is set, squids can spend all night hunting for food with little or no distractions from predators under the curtain of night, because the eyesight of their enemies is relatively poor at night. When the night is over, squids return to the depths of water.


第四章 托福口语练习题

M: Susan, I heard you’ve been having some problems registering for Professor
Millar’s writing class.
W: Yeah, the number of students enrolling for the class is far beyond the available class spots.
M: I know Professor Millar’s writing class has always been hot and often difficult to get into. I hope there is room for you.
W: No way. The only way I can get in is to write a short sample story required for every student who wants to enroll in Millar’s writing class. Then he will select the good ones out of those candidates. I am not that confident I’ll be picked. But I would really love to take the class with Professor Millar.
M: That’s tough! Maybe you should sit down and write the story right away.
W: I wish I could. But the story will take me hours to get done, and I am not sure if I even have an idea to write. Plus, I’ve been very busy studying for my biology test coming in four days.
M: Yeah, the time is so tight. Then, I suppose you could try to submit a poem you’ve published before in the school newspaper. It will save you a lot of time and trouble. W: That might be worth a shot. But I worry that Professor Millar will reject the poem right after he receives it.
M: I suppose that’s just a risk you’ll have to take.



M: As we all know, humankind has been using fire for millions of years. Fire changed the way ancient human lived. But when ancient human first got in touch with the secret of fire, their knowledge of how to control and manipulate it was primitive. Now let’s take a close look at how they kept the fire burning.
At a particular stage in human history, ancient human started learning to keep fire with technical knowledge. After lightning stroke a tree, a forest fire began.
When ancient human rushed to put out the flames, they realized that fire can be spreading along with forest trees; otherwise it would gradually burn out without additional wood. Therefore, instead of letting flames flash for few hours before it died out, the ancient human started to apply wood as a kind of fuel to keep the fire on as many hours as necessary.
Unfortunately, fire could still burnt out over night if no one watched over it.
Therefore, social skill was another approach applied by ancient people to prevent the fire from going out. When everybody slept at night. There was usually a guard looking over the fire and keeping adding wood, and then they took turns through the night. By learning the importance of teamwork, the ancient people were warm and safe in the cold evenings.


第四章 托福口语练习题

1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. What would you often do when you feel frustrated? Explain why you choose to do that. Use details and examples in your response.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds

2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Parents should discourage their children from watching televesion programs.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds



3. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Policy on the Usage of Printing Paper
The college computer lab has decided to charge students for printing fee when students print ten or more than ten copies at one time. Considering the limited paper resources and printing ink, proper charges can raise the students’ awareness of saving paper. Also, the printer often breaks down after frequent usage and a new printer is badly needed. The printing fee can also cover part of the expenditure on the new printer, the paper and the ink. The fee will be 5 cents for every page and it is a reasonable price if not wasting any pages.

Now listen to a conversation between two students.


第四章 托福口语练习题

The woman expresses her opinion towards the university’s decision of charging printing fee. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

4. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Information Overload
Information overload refers to the difficulty a person has in understanding an issue or making decisions. It can be caused by the presence of too much information. It is now common for people to get many e-mails, reports and incoming messages. People have to deal with this information effectively.
The advent of modern computers has created and duplicated vast amount of information, and thus the problem of information overload appears amongst the general population. As a result, the human mind will actually meet the bottleneck in the process.
Now listen to a lecture on this subject.



The professor uses two examples to illustrate the definition of information overload. Explain how the examples are related to the reading passage.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

5. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


第四章 托福口语练习题

Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.
Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

6. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Using points and examples from the talk, explain how alpine plants adapt to extreme climates in the professor’s lecture.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds



Listening Script:
M: Have you heard about the new policy? We have to pay for every page we print if we print over ten pages.
W: I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Have you seen some paper were just wasted and littered around?
M: I think you are right. Why did this happen?
W: Because when it is free, students tend to print as many as they want without considering whether they really need the information. Some students choose to print out the whole article before they really read it. A lot of resources can be saved if they are aware of the value of the paper and the ink.
M: Yeah, they do waste a lot of paper, and charging some money may help them realize the problem.
W. Also, the printer needs to be checked regularly, and if necessary, it should be replaced by a new printer after some serious breakdowns. The students should not be the ones to wait for several days of repair work. The copy fee can cover this part and the money can be spent on more new equipment, such as a fax machine and a copier etc.
M: I totally agree with what you have said. Let’s start to save resources from one piece of paper.


第四章 托福口语练习题

M: In order to help you understand the concept presented in the book, I’m going to give you two examples to illustrate this term. It is an increasing problem both in people’s work place and in their daily life. Those that learn to deal with it effectively will have a major advantage in the upcoming era. If we cannot handle the information well, our work efficiency will be greatly reduced.
One example happened in a workplace. A company was hiring some secretaries.
After the recruitment advertisements were released on the Internet, nearly
300 applicants piled in and the interviews had to be shortened to 5 minutes. The interviews were conducted both individually and collectively. Some applicants complained that the interview was already over before they got fully ready. To make the situation worse, hundreds of resumes were sent to the human resource department monthly via the Internet and the staff had to randomly choose some of them to read. In this way, many excellent applicants just slipped through their fingers. Another example happened in the Chemistry Department. A famous chemistry professor had a habit of reading references sent by a journal on a weekly basis.
Later, the journal made some adjustments and sent the references everyday.
However, the professor still read only once a week, because the articles are too much to read everyday.



M: Hi, Jane. Haven’t seen you recently. Where’ve you been?
W: I am planning on how to spend the summer vacation.
M: Do you have a plan?
W: Yeah, I’ve found a summer job in the town and rented a house near my workplace. Congratulations! But you look a bit concerned. Any inconvenience caused by your new job?
W: Indeed. I am wondering how to deal with my dormitory. It will be a waste of money if I don’t live in the dorm for nearly two months.
M: Let me see. You can rent your dorm to someone else who might have to work near our campus, you know, to rob Peter to pay Paul.
W: It sounds reasonable except one thing: I have the habit of cleaning up the room every day and I cannot stand it if I see my things are not in their right places, let alone to see the room being dirty and untidy.
M: Then, how about paying the rent for both two houses, keeping your old room and new one simultaneously?
W: I wish I could afford both. However, I am planning to buy a new computer with the salary I will earn in the summer, If I paid the rent, I would not have enough money to buy the computer, which is really useful for my study in the next semester. 106

第四章 托福口语练习题

M: Alpine plants can strongly adapt to the extreme climates found at high altitude. They often grow in barren soil or shattered rocks, under great changes in temperature from searing heat to extreme cold. They are often lashed by gales of forceful winds. However, these plants can still tenaciously grow, thanks to two important adaptation abilities.
The low-growing feature of alpine plants has obvious advantages in defending wind resistance and repetitive snow falls. Most alpine plants have a height of no more than 10 centimeters and most of their biomass is concentrated in the roots, so these features can help prevent themselves from being destroyed by the wind. Water and available nutrients often lie far below the surface in mountain habitats. Plants with deep root systems are more capable to exploit available nutrients resources.
Another important feature is that a waxy coating can be found on some plants’ leaves and stems in deserts and the Alps. The wax prevents moisture from evaporating and helps store water inside. Thick, waxy succulent leaves are another adaptation to help prevent water loss. It’s interesting that alpine plants have many characteristics same with those in the deserts. The plants growing in these different habitats have to cope with similar harsh conditions and find ways to prevent water loss.



1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Describe one thing that you really hope to do this year. Explain the reasons why you want to do that. Use details and examples in your response.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
It is a good idea for the students to take a gap year before they go to college.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds


第四章 托福口语练习题

3. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Writing Course Cancellation
Writing is important everywhere, all the time. Being able to communicate in writing is essential for being successful in both college and job environment in future. So writing courses are highly required to all majors in every university.
However, a student has proposed that the university should cancel the writing course offered to science majors and balance the course to students with other majors instead. The reason is that science students do not need to develop their writing skills since their major tasks are experiments. Also, students majored in science are always busy with their experiments in lab, leaving little time to take writing course.
Now listen to a conversation between two students.



The man expresses his opinion of the student’s proposal about writing course cancellation. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

4. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Prenatal Learning
Prenatal learning is the education of the young before birth. Many observations have been made of animals in the wild which prepare their young for the difficulties that they may face once they have reached adulthood. However, there are certain instances where mothers of young animals begin this education even before their young have even been born. This is called prenatal learning, and for some species of animals, it is a way for them to get a head start on their young’s survival education, in order to increase the young’s chance of survival.
Now listen to a lecture on this subject.


第四章 托福口语练习题

The professor gives an example to explain how prenatal learning helps promote the chance of survival for murre birds. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

5. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds



6. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the two sources of selfefficacy help people realize their capabilities to achieve certain outcomes.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Listening Script:

M: Have you read about the new proposal on the bulletin board? A student is asking to cancel the writing course offered to science students.
W: What comes to his mind? I don’t understand it.
M: Me neither. It is true that science majors are in the lab all the time, but it

第四章 托福口语练习题

doesn’t mean they could take courses without any writing. Quite the contrary, acquiring proficiency in writing is very essential to all students, including those with a science major. My father is a scientist. He told me finishing a good research paper requires effective writing skills; otherwise, new ideas or results from experiments cannot be expressed or conveyed to others. So I believe students of all majors should take writing courses. They will all be expected to do a great deal of writing in most of the classes they take and it will definitely benefit their jobs in the future.
W: That’s a good point. I was about to say that.
M: And also, the reason that science majors are too busy to take writing courses shouldn’t be accepted. You know, majors of other areas such as history and English are equally busy. They need to attend classes, prepare for all the quizzes and tests, do research in the library and write papers etc. So conducting experiments in lab shouldn’t be any excuse for canceling the writing class.
M: The murre bird is a prime example of this concept.
When a female murre bird has young, her baby chicks’ educations begin a few weeks after the eggs have been laid. The mom murre bird creates a unique sound over her eggs; this sound is repeated constantly until her eggs have hatched.
After hatching, the small birds are able to identify the same sound that their mother made to them when they were in the eggs. Then they repeat the sound and begin to follow the mother bird around. Since each sound is unique, the mom murre bird can recognize each baby bird as one of her own, feeding, caring for and protecting in case of a predator. All in all, this unique teaching method helps improve the baby murre bird’s chance of survival.



M: Amber, are you coming to the party at Sarah’s place tonight? It should be a lot of fun.
W: No, I am afraid not. I am moving into a new apartment tomorrow. So I need to pack everything up and do the cleaning.
M: Really? Just let me know if you need any help.
W: I think I do need your advice.
M: Oh...yeah? Tell me about it.
W: Well, I used to hang a lot of pictures or decorations on the wall in my old apartment. You know, some nail holes were left and caused damage to the wall. I don’t think the owner will be happy about the holes.
M: Have you thought about just asking your owner to hire some technical or professional service to fix it up? That would be an easy way to solve your problem.
W: Yeah, but the cost of the maintenance service and extra charges for the damages would be very costly. I am able to afford the maintenance bill but I don’t really want it to cost me my arms and legs to move this time.
M: Ah, I see. You could buy some stuff and fix the nail holes on your own tonight.
Don’t you think it would be cheaper than being charged for the damages and the maintenance service?
W: But the problem is that I am moving tomorrow and time is so tight, and I would be very exhausted if I did so.


第四章 托福口语练习题

W: Who’s heard of the phenomenon called self-efficacy? This is the word psychologists use when people believe they are capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals. Self-efficacy plays an important role helping us complete difficult tasks and succeed in our daily lives. According to prominent psychologists, there are two sources from which we draw strength for selfefficacy.

The first source is past experience. Our successes in the past have a direct psychological impact on our self-efficacy in future situations. For example, if you repetitively do well in your math exam, then you will certainly have the inner strength to continue to do well in your next exam.

The second source is seeing people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort, raising observers’ beliefs that they too possess the capabilities of mastering the comparable activities to succeed. This source is sort of a social model that others can follow. For example, your older sister plays the guitar masterfully, and this can encourage you to also study hard in order to play the piano just as well as she can. 115


1. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. What do you think you will be doing ten years from now? Explain why you think you will be doing that, using details and examples in your answer.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
2. You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak. When having a lot of work, some people prefer to burn the midnight oil, working until late at night. Others prefer to get up early and work. Which do you think is better? Explain why, using details and examples in your answer.

Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
3. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


第四章 托福口语练习题

Reading Time: 45 Seconds
A Proposal for Writing Center
Writing Center at Campion College provides all students with trained peer consultants to help them brainstorm, draft, or edit their writing. It has always been a sounding board for ideas and provides one-on-one service for students’ paper writing. However, a letter from a student has currently criticized that the service is too crowded and no longer satisfies all the students’ requirements.
Therefore, the student has suggested that the writing service should hire more tutors as well as be open to students over weekends since the current opening hours scheduled from Monday to Friday is not enough to meet students’ increasing demands for writing tutoring.
Now listen to a conversation between two students.



The woman expresses her opinion of the student’s proposal about hiring more tutors in the writing center. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

4. You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Reading Time: 45 Seconds
Generation Effect
The generation effect refers to the finding that information will be better remembered if it is generated rather than simply read, or we can say it is a way of committing information actively to memory. How well we retain new information depends on how actively we process it during learning. To simply read something several times committing it to memory is not as effective as generating an answer to a question. In business, companies have found customers would remember the name of their products quickly if they generate themselves in the new information. 118

第四章 托福口语练习题

Now listen to a lecture on this subject.

The professor gives an example to explain how generation effect helps customers remember the name of products. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

5. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.



The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.
Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

6. You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it.
After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


第四章 托福口语练习题

Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the two types of ecotourism are helpful to our environment in the professor’s lecture.

Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Response Time: 60 Seconds

Listening Script:

W: Oh, that’s great!
M: What?
W: Look, a student is proposing a change to the writing center. I think most students will be happy if the school follows that proposal.
M: Yeah, I’ll probably end up doing that too. You know, I am always on the waiting list whenever I need tutors to proofread my papers or help me with some brainstorming. W: Yeah, I hate waiting too. And I am sure that I am not the only one who comments on the need for more tutors. Students wishing to work with a writing tutor usually need to make appointment days in advance, which makes it difficult for students to polish their work on time. But if the proposal is issued, I mean with more tutors, many students wouldn’t need to wait for a long time to get their papers done.
M: That’s true, I guess.



W: And the other thing is it’s nice to offer the service over weekends when most students are not busy with their classes. Then there will be fewer students going to tutors during weekdays since some of them have made their appointments with tutors over the weekends.
M: The interesting thing is that this concept is not only used in school for teaching, but it seems corporations have also caught on to the idea and are using it so that the consumers can remember their products quickly.

A case study was done by a soft drink to test this theory. There were two commercials played for a group of customers. The first commercial repeated the name and characteristics of the drink several times; the customers were asked about the name of the soft drink afterwards, but mostly all of them forget the name. The second commercial did the same but ended the commercial with a simple direct question: what was the name of the soft drink? Astoundingly, nearly all of the customers asked could recall the name of the soft drink. It appears that committing information actively to memory has more of an effect than just reading something over a few times.


第四章 托福口语练习题

M: Hey, how’s your guitar class going on so far?
W: It’s been good. But I’m worried I might not have the class any more.
M: Really? What do you mean?
W: The guitar class is about to be canceled, because too few students have been attending. I liked the way the class was structured with group. I really like the group activities we do and enjoy the opportunities to participate and practice. I don’t want the class to be canceled!
M: Oh, I see. Why don’t you hire a private teacher to teach you once a week?
There must be someone who has time and be willing to teach you.
W. I guess I wouldn’t have that much trouble finding a tutor, and I’d believe the fee would be too expensive. I need to save money for my tuition.
M: Ah, okay. Then have you considered buying a book for beginners with a CD?
That way you can study guitar step by step at your own pace. Plus, it is cheaper than hiring a private teacher.
W: Yeah, but I am not sure if I could follow the book and play well.



M: The world we live in is vast and beautiful. Million of us travel the globe each year to see the places that are often talked about in nature magazines, television or on the internet. But the damage done to our planet by the sheer number of tourists is on the rise and undeniable.
Ecotourism, however, is a kind of tourism beneficial to the environment by alleviating the pollution while reversing some of the damage already done, and thus healing our planet. Let’s talk about a couple of ecotourism ideas.
Firstly, ecotourism helps lower vehicle pollution. In order to travel to some places, tourists sometimes use buses which are noisy and fuel consuming, thus emitting a lot of environmental pollutants. To counter this act, tourists can hike into the sites instead of taking buses or other means of transportation. If you think about the number of tourists visiting a popular tourist area every year, and eliminate the need for buses, there is no doubt that the idea of ecotourism could make a big difference.
Another way that could help cut down on pollution at tourist sites is to raise environmentally friendly awareness. By teaching tourists the impact that they are causing before hand, it can possibly persuade some of them to change their plans to a more environmentally friendly alternative. For example, having a kind of tour which makes the tourists replant trees in deforested areas can help repair the damaged forests.


第五章 托福口语练习题参考答案

第五章 托福口语练习题参考答案

Q1 Sample Response:
To be honest, I’ve had lots of impressive birthdays. But if I had to label one of them as the “most memoriable”, I would have to say it’s my 19th birthday. It was the first birthday I had away from home, from my parents. After I graduated from high school, I went to the US for my college education, which was the first long trip in my life. Though my family’s not around, but they sent me great birthday presents from China. Also my classmates in college planned a fantastic party for me, where we had a lot of fun. I have to say that at first I was a little frustrated because my parents could not be there with me, but my new friends made that birthday not only wonderful, but also memoriable.
Q2 Sample Response:
Working for big-size companies has myriads of benefits. For example they have more mature training system that can help newly recruited people learn faster.
But personally I think a job in a small company is more attractive for me because
I will be able to get access to different types of jobs, which I believe is of great importance to my growth. When I was in high school, I interned at a retail-store for a summer. It’s really small, and we have like only 4 people. There’re so many things we need to do, so the manager had to assign us multiple tasks. I have to say it was exhausting, but I did get the chance to see many parts of the business, and hence have a whole picture of it.



Q3 Sample Response:
The school is planning to organize a ride-sharing program for its students. Because they believe that carpooling will be good for students to save money and also it serves as a good way to protect the environment by reducing pollution. The woman thinks it’s a great plan because she believes it’s a very cost-effective alternative for students’ transport because people can share the cost. Means like taking taxi are just too expensive. It just helps students save money because fewer cars need to be used. You don’t have to pay a lot for stuff like gas and operation.
Moreover it helps to protect the environment because if there’re fewer cars used by students on the road, there will be less car exhaust coming out, I mean, the carbon emission that causes climate change.
Q4 Sample Response:
Signaling is an approach where companies use third parties to credibly convey positive information about their products to consumers who may not be sensitive to the difference between good and bad. The professor gives us an example of a friend of his. His friend has a jewelry store. But he had a huge problem. A lot of customers came in, but did not make any purchase, which is understandable because it’s a really big investment and they had no idea if the jewelry was real.
In order to solve this problem, his friend found a jewery expert, a third-party signaler, to do some experienments for him, like put the jewelry in fire, to try to prove it’s indeed real. Of course, the jewelry turned out to be 100% real, and those customers changed their conservative mind, and start to buy the jewelry.
Q5 Sample Response:
Mark is frustrated because his audition time for Hamlet, the play, was changed from next week to tomrrow, but he already promised his roommate he would tutor him for the physics test tonight. So he just doesn’t have time for both.
The woman thinks he can try finding someone else to replace him for the tutoring job. But Mark doesn’t want to renege on his promise, and he’s afraid that his

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roommate won’t be happy. The woman thinks he can also help tutor his roommate first, and then prepare for the audition. Mark does not think there will be enough time. If I were Mark, I guess finding someone to replace me is what I will do, because the audition is just too important to fail. I’m sure if I can explain well to my roommate, he will understand. And if I can find someone to help him, then he has nothing to lose, right?
Q6 Sample Response:
The professor is discussing special features that help some species of animals live on harsh mountain environment over thousands of years. The first feature they have is a strong muscle structure. For example, the mountain goats developed a very strong muscular system that help them adapt to the severe mountain environment. This system enables them to climb at seemingly impossible angles and jump nimbly from ledge to ledge when they are foraging food in mountain areas. Another feature animals have that help them survive in harsh mountain environment is special feet. Mountain roads or rocks are steep and slippery, especially with snow. The Bighorn sheep have become well adapted to this type of environment because their hoofs or feet have special pads that provide them with extra traction. And it prevents them from skidding on the rocks.



Q1 Sample Response:
I’ve read a huge number of books, in which there are a huge number of impressive charactors. Speaking of the most influential one to me, I guess it’s Steve Jobs, in the book Steve Jobs. He strikes me as such a detail-oriented perfectionist, which is always the type of person I want to be. Steve Jobs is known to have a super creative mind, but it’s his attention to details that gives me a bigger influence.
In the book, I read the story about him being so picky on the inner part of the computer shells, even though the fact is that people cannot even see that. People may think he is a weird guy and it’s not necessary to be so picky, but I think it is just this type of perfectionist character that made him one of the most outstanding business visionaries the world has ever had.
Q2 Sample Response:
In the current society, people are so busy working, and they even don’t have time for a family dinner. But in my opinion, it is definitely crucial for us to sit together once in a while, because I think we do need to pay more attention to the lives of those beloved. My family members are working in different places, or even different cities. So it’s really not easy for us to gather together and have dinner, but we managed to do it because we deem this family dinner thing as important.
Pretty much every month, we will get together in my grandpa’s home and have dinner together, during which we share with one another the recent experiences in our work and our life. It just really feels good to know what everybody is doing.


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Q3 Sample Response:
A student in the school proposes that the volume of books students can check out each time should not be more than ten. This policy will help students focus better on the materials and acquire more information while doing research, and it also reduces the possibility of the volumes lost after being checked out and kept in students’ hands for too long. The woman thinks this is a terrible idea, probably the worst she has seen. She thinks that it is inevitable for those people who are wriing research papers to be in need of tons of books for reference. They’ll need at least 20 books, or even more when writing multiple papers from different courses at a time. As for the concern that the books may be lost, the woman thinks it’s completely unnecessary because the books in the library have never even been lost before.
Q4 Sample Response:
The professor is talking about vertical migration, which is a pattern of movement that some aquatic species vertically travel through water areas.
He gives us an example of the squids. It’s easy for the squids to find food such as small fishes and tiny creatures on water surface in the daytime, because the sunlight can help them. But the sunlight also exposes them to their predators.
Therefore, squids usually swim to the bottom of the oceans or lakes during the day, and come up in the evening— a type of vertical migration. Squids can spend all night hunting for food with little distractions from their predators because their enemies with poor eyesight cannot see them clearly at night. But they have to return to the bottom of the water when the night is over.



Q5 Sample Response:
Susan is having a hard time registering for Professor Millar’s writing class because the course is so hot that there is not enough space. One way she can get in is to write a short sample story required for every student who wants to enroll in the class. Then he will select the good ones. But the woman is not confident she’ll be picked because she hasn’t had any idea yet, and is busy preparing for the biology test. Or, she can try to submit a poem she has published before in the school newspaper, which will save her a lot of time and trouble. Personally, I think the woman should just go with the second solution. Since the poem was published in the school newspaper, it must be an extremely good one. So there is a good chance that the professor will be impressed. And also, she just cannot afford to fail in the biology test, which is not at all less important than the course.
Q6 Sample Response:
The professor is talking about the two stages that ancient human went through when they were trying to keep the fire burning. At first, ancient human started learning to keep fire with technical knowledge. When a forest fire happened, ancient human realized that fire could be spreading along with forest trees.
Therefore, before the fire died out, the ancient human started to apply wood as a kind of fuel to keep the fire on as long as necessary. Later, they found that technical knowledge was not enough. Fire could still burn out over night if no one watched over it. Therefore, social skill was introduced by ancient people to prevent the fire from going out. When people slept at night. A guard would be there in charge of looking over the fire and keeping adding wood, and then they took turns through the night. Because this type of teamwork, the ancient people were able to keep themselves warm and safe in cold evenings.


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Q1 Sample Response:
I’m a typical Virgo, so I often feel pretty melancholy. In order to feel better, I do a lot of things, one of them being going for a getaway. The current society is sort of like an arena where lots of cutthroat competitions are going on every day.
It’s inevitable to feel frustrated sometimes, so it’s important to take a break from time to time. I used to screw up a very important task assigned to me by my boss, and found it so hard for me to recover. Then I took my friend’s advice of going for a trip to Europe. I traveled there for a whole week, experiencing many interesting things, and totally forgot about those unhappy things that haunted me for so long. When I came back from the trip, to my great surprise, I was able to focus on my work again.
Q2 Sample Response:
To be frank, I do not think this statement is 100% right, though under some specific circumstances, watching television could be bad for kids. I think whether parents should encourage or discourage their kids from watching TV to a great extent depends on what exactly the programs they watch are. If they are watching those meaningless, and time-consuming shows, of course parents should discourage, if not forbid them. However, there are TV programs that are actually pretty beneficial to the kids’ growth, like those shows that teach kids to sing and draw. I can’t see the point why parents don’t let their kids watch.



Q3 Sample Response:
The college computer lab decided to charge students for printing fee when they print ten or more than ten copies at one time. The reason is that the college believes that charges can raise the students’ awareness of saving paper. Also, the printing fee can be used to purchase a new printer, the paper and the ink.
The woman thinks this is a pretty good idea. Because first, people tend to print as many things as they want if it’s free. For example, some students often print out the whole article before they really read it, causing a lot of waste. Also, the printer sometimes needs to be checked or even replaced by a new one. The copy fee can cover this part and the money can be spent on new equipment.
Q4 Sample Response:
Information overload refers to the difficulty a person has in understanding an issue or making decisions when there is too much information present. The professor gives us two example of it. In the first example, a company was hiring secretaries. After the recruitment advertisements were put on the Internet, nearly 300 applicants came to the interviews, which had to be shortened to 5 minutes. The result is that the applicants did not have enough time to present themselves. Also, the HR people were overwhelmed since too many resumes were sent in. They had no choice but to randomly choose some of them to read, resulting in the fact that they missed some excellent candidates. In the second example, a famous chemistry professor used to read references sent by a journal on a weekly basis. But later, they sent the references every day. Therefore, the articles became too many to read. In both examples, information overload brings negative influence to people’s work.


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Q5 Sample Response:
The woman got a summer job in the town and rented a house nearby, so she won’t live in her dorm for two months. She doesn’t know what to do about it. The man thinks that she can rent the dorm to someone else who might need to work near the campus, but the woman cannot stand it if others do not put her things in the right places and make the room a mess. The man thinks she can also simply rent both places, but the woman wants to buy a new computer with the salary, if she needs to rent both places, the money won’t be enough. I actually think the woman should just rent her dorm to someone else. If she can tell the tenant to keep it clean in advance, I’m sure it won’t be so bad as she thinks it will be. Also, if she really wants the new computer, she just has to make sacrifices, right?
Q6 Sample Response:
The professor is discussing two important adaptation abilities Alpine plants have that help them survive extreme climates. The first adaptation is Alpine’s lowgrowing feature, which help them resist strong wind and repetitive snowfalls.
Most alpine plants are shorter than 10 centimeters and most of their biomass is concentrated in the roots, which can help prevent themselves from being destroyed by the wind. Water and available nutrients often lie far below the surface. Plants with deep root systems are more capable to exploit available nutrients resources. The second adaptation is that Alpines have thick, waxy succulent leaves that help them prevent water loss. A waxy coating can be found on some plants’ leaves and stems. The wax prevents moisture from evaporating and helps store water.



Q1 Sample Response:
I got a lot of wishes, I mean, a lot of dreams for this year. But the one thing I want to do most is taking my parents for a trip to the US. The reason for doing this is that I want to let my parents know what the campus life in the US is like.
I am going to the US for my college education for the next four years, which means that I will be away from home for that long. I have never really left home for that long before, therefore my parents will definitely be very worried about my well being there. If I can take them to the US, and let them experience the life there, for example, what the food is like, what the transportation is like, etc.
They will be better able to understand that there really isn’t that much to worry about. Q2 Sample Response:
Believe it or not, I actually agree with this statement. I do believe a gap year can be of great value for high school graduates, for two reasons. First, we can take a break after 10 years of hard work. Most of us have to study for at least 10 years before we get into college, and those years could be pretty tough because there’s huge competition throughout the process. If we can take a break, we will be more energetic when going to college. Besides, we can spend this gap year experiencing things that cannot be learned in school. My sister is a great example. She loves traveling a lot, and she spent a whole year traveling around the whole Europe, during which she got to know lots of interesting things and people she could never have seen and met in school.


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Q3 Sample Response:
A student has proposed that the university should cancel the writing course offered to science majors and balance the course to students with other majors because science students do not really need high writing skills and also they are always too busy with their experiments in lab to take writing course. The man doesn’t think it’s a legitimate idea. He believes that science students do need great writing skills because his father told him scientists need to effectively convey their ideas and experiment results to others through their research papers. What’s more, while admitting science students are busy with their work, students from other majors such as history and English are just equally busy. So cancelling the course simply because they think science students are busy should not be acceptble.
Q4 Sample Response:
Prenatal learning is the education of the young before its birth in order to increase the young’s chance of survival. The professor gives us an example of this concept in the animal species — the murre bird. A murre bird makes unique sounds to their eggs constantly before they are hatched. And those baby morre birds can recognize and repeat the sound to their mother after they are hatched. Because of the uniqueness of the sounds, the mom morre birds can recognize each baby bird as one of their own. This way, they can feed and care for, and protect the baby birds from being hurt by the predators. As a result of this type of prenatal learning, those baby morre birds have a better chance of surviving.



Q5 Sample Response:
The woman has a big problem. She is moving to a new place, but she is worried that the owner will be mad at those holes she left on the wall when she hung those pictures and decorations of hers. The man thinks she can just ask the owner to hire some people to fix it up, but the woman is worried about the high cost. The man thinks she can also buy some stuff and fix the holes on her own, but the woman has a very tight schedule because she is moving out tomorrow. If I were the woman, I’ll just choose to hire people to do this for me. Although it could be very costly, it really saves her a lot of time and trouble. Also, she cannot be sure that she is able to fix the holes herself, right? What if more damage is made?
Q6 Sample Response:
The professor is giving a lecture about the two sources from which we draw strength for self-efficacy. The first source is past experience, which has a direct psychological impact on our self-efficacy in future situations. For example, if you can always excel in your math exam, you will definitely have the confidence, or the inner strength to do well in the next exam. The second source is seeing people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort, which gives the observers a feeling that they have the ability to do it as well. For example, your older sister plays the guitar very well, and you will probably believe that if you study hard, you can play the guitar well too.


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Q1 Sample Response:
Well, it’s a really tough question because there are various things I want to do. But ten years from now, I think there is a very good chance that I will be a teacher, because education is always the field I want commit myself to. There are thousands of jobs in the world, but the school is a place where you get to nurture the future of the world. Take our generation for example, had it not been for the great help of our teachers throughout our school years, we could not have made such huge progress and be whom we want to be. Therefore, I think education is a great cause, and I would very much like to be part of it.
Q2 Sample Response:
I’m kind of a lazy bone, according to my mom, so getting up early in the morning is quite difficult for me. However, I do think that if you really want to work, work in the morning is much better than burning the mid-night oil, because in this way, you can work more efficiently. Once I was preparing for my mid-term exams, in the first few days, I tried to stay up until late to study, but I just cannot concentrate on the materials because I was so tired after the whole day’s hard work. Then I started to sleep earlier and get up early in the morning to study, I was so energetic that I could focus much better. Finally, I did pretty well in my mid-term exams.



Q3 Sample Response:
A student has currently criticized that the writing center is too crowded and no longer satisfies all the students’ requirements. And the student has suggested that the writing center hire more tutors to help the students, and also be open to students during the weekends. The woman is in strong support of the student’s proposal. She mentioned that students often have to wait for a long time before they can meet the tutor, but if there are more tutors, they can get the help such as brainstorming and essay polishing on time. This way, they can get their essays done much faster. Also, during weekdays, most students are busy with their classes. If the writing center is open in the weekends, the students can be better helped. Q4 Sample Response:
The professor is talking about generation effect, which refers to the finding that information will be better remembered if it is generated rather than simply read. He gives us an example of a soft drink. There were two commercials played for the same group of customers. In the first commercial, the name and characteristics of the soft drink were repeated a couple of times. Later the customers were asked about the name of the soft drink, and most of them forgot it. The second commercial was different; it ended with a direct question: what was the name of the soft drink? So the customers got involved. Surprisingly, almost all the customers could remember the name. You see? This example perfectly demonstrates to us what generation effect can do.


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Q5 Sample Response:
The woman enjoyed her guitar class, but it is about to be canceled because too few students have been attending. So she doesn’t know what to do. The man suggests her find a private tutor, but the woman thinks it’s too expensive, and she needs to save money for the tuition. The man also suggests her buy a book for beginners and study playing guitar by her own, but the woman is not sure if she is capable of learning it herself. I think the woman can just buy a book. A private tutor can be extremely pricey, so it’s not wise for someone who needs to save for tuition to hire one. Also, since the woman is still a beginner, she should be able to learn it herself. She can always get a tutor later when she already becomes pretty good at playing the guitar.
Q6 Sample Response:
The professor is giving a talk on two ecotourism ideas, which are beneficial to the environment by alleviating the pollution while reversing some of the damage already done. Firstly, ecotourism helps lower vehicle pollution. Tourists often take buses from place to place when traveling, which is quite noisy and fuel consuming.
What’s worse, it does a lot of harm to the environment. In order to counter this act, tourists can choose to hike into some places instead of taking buses and something like that. Considering the huge number of tourists, this idea can contribute a lot to the environmental protection. Another way that could help reduce the pollution is to instill in the tourists environmentally friendly awareness.
For example, we can organize a type of trip during which the tourists need to replant trees in deforested areas. This is helpful to the environmental protection too. 141


note signals

附录 1: 托福考试实用笔记符号
笔者始终认为 , 最好的笔记符号 , 一定是自己可以熟练运用的笔记符号 . 对于某些学生 ,
甚至根本不需要记笔记 . 下面的符号是笔者给出的参考 , 请同学们酌情使用 .
→ : go on, continue, last, lead to, cause, result in, make, produce, stretch, develop, to the right
← : come from, result from, go back, withdraw, to the left
↑ : go up, increase, rise, raise, get up, arise, evaporate, fly
↓ : go down, decrease, lower, reduce, decline, fall
∵ or b/c: because
∴ : so, therefore, thus
< : smaller than, less than, worse than
> : larger than, bigger than, greater than, more than, better than
= : equal, equal to, is
≠ : not equal, not equal to, is not
/ : or, per
? : question
+ : plus, and also, in addition, moreover
- : minus
×: times
~ : about, approximately, probably, more or less
﹩ : dollar, money, cost, price
﹠ : and
﹪ : percent


﹫ : at
p.: page/paragraph ft.: foot/feet ht.: height wt.: weight w/: with (something) w/o: without w/i: within
i.e.: that is
e.g.: for example, for instance, like, such as etc.: so on, so forth esp.: especially min.: minimum max.: maximum govt.: government asap: as soon as possible yrs: years vs.: versus ans: answer diff: different, difference
℃ : Centigrade
℉ : Fahrenheit
№ : number



附录 2: 托福考试实用逻辑词
以下逻辑词在托福的写作考试和口语考试中均可使用 .
1、并列 / 递进 and, plus, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more
2、转折 / 让步 although,however,on the contrary,in contrast, but,despite, in spite of, nevertheless,nonetheless, notwithstanding, yet,still, otherwise, admittedly, undoubtedly, while, whereas
first,second,third,and so on,and so forth, then, after,before,next, first of all, in the first place, at last, finally
as a result, for, thus, because, so, therefore, as, since, consequently, account for, because of, owing to, due to, thank to
as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion,so,in brief,in a word, in summary, to sum up, in a nutshell
for example, for instance, such as, like, take …for example, take …as an example, namely
absolutely, definitely, adequately, partly, extremely, perfectly, soundly, fairly, poorly, strongly, almost, sufficiently, amazingly, fully, awfully, pretty, very, quite, rather, completely, totally, tremendously, considerably, hugely, incredibly, radically, truly, drastically, intensely, unbelievably,utterly, largely, moderately,


enormously, remarkably, virtually, significantly, nearly, exceedingly, simply, extensively 8、比较 / 对比 on the contrary, conversely, in contrast, likewise, unlike, on the one hand/on the other hand, instead, rather than, while, whereas, nevertheless
as far as I am concerned, personally, for me, in my opinion, from my perspective, from my angle, as for me, to my knowledge, in my mind
All I’m trying to say is…
To put it another way…
It would be more accurate if I say it like this…
So in a word…
Anyway, it’s actually…



附录 3: 英语学习材料推荐
以下是一些在笔者自己学习英语过程中所使用到的非常有价值的材料 , 在此提供给同学们
参考 .

阅读写作 :
The Economist
NY Times
China Daily
Beijing Review
The New Yorker
Miller Center

听力口语 :
VOA Special
VOA Standard
Six Seconds Science cfm?id=60-second-science CNN
Academic Earth
American Rhetoric



美剧电影 :
Boston Legal
The West Wing
Desperate Housewives
Grey’s Anatomy
How I Met You Mother
Criminal Minds
The Apprentice
American Idol
Super Size Me
An Inconvenient Truth
Forrest Gump
The Shawshank Redemption



从美国回到中国之后我便加入了啄木鸟教育 , 除了日常的教学 , 教研 , 以及管理工作 ,
我也有幸参与到了一系列的招聘工作中 . 每次有机会跟职场新人们分享自己的求职路时 , 我
都不知该从何说起 . 作为一个没有太多国内求职经历的人 , 也许我没有资格去告诉大家如何
选择自己的工作 , 如何选择自己今后的生活 . 但我往往会告诉他们 , 无论你们处在人生中的
哪一个阶段 , 无论你们的能力有多强多弱 , 也无论你们的经验是否丰富 , 你们都应该将一个
巨大的标准放在自己的心中 , 你必须努力让自己过一个幸福的人生 . You gotta live happily.
如何才能过上一个幸福的人生呢 , 我认为有三个简单的标准 :
第一 , 你必须做你热爱的事 . You gotta do what you love. 苹果的创始人乔布斯说过 ,
一定要追随你的心 . 人的一生非常短暂 , 不要浪费时间去做一些你不喜欢的事情 . 在生活中 ,
我看到了太多太多的人 , 为了经济上的利益 , 放弃了自己的梦想 . 很多很多的学生 , 为了能
够在毕业之后找到一个高薪的工作 , 选择去念自己根本没有兴趣的专业 . 我曾经有一个学生 ,
从小酷爱绘画 , 而且极具天赋 . 在她小学毕业的时候 , 已经拿了不少的大奖 . 她的作品 , 是那
种能够触及人心灵最深处的作品 . 然而 , 在她申请去美国大学念书的时候 , 她的家人却希望
她念金融专业 , 因为金融专业的毕业生能够有更大的机会在毕业后进入像投资银行和管理咨
询这样的高薪职业 . 但是他的爸爸妈妈可曾想过 , 也许金钱并不是对自己女儿最重要的东西 .
一个人可以为自己热爱的事业奋斗一生 , 是一种巨大的幸福 . 让我庆幸的是 , 女孩儿的父母
最终同意她申请艺术类院校 . 现在孩子已经大学三年级 , 即将毕业 . 我坚信她会有一个美好
的未来 .
第二 , 你必须做你擅长的事 . You gotta do what you are good at. 我的好友猴哥曾经
说过 , 一个人的幸福感来源于他能经过自己的努力 , 做成一件他原本做不到的事情 . 记得以
前看到过一句美特斯邦威的广告词 : 每个人都有自己的舞台 . 一个人如果想要有所成 , 最终
得到幸福 , 就必须找到属于自己的舞台 . 并不是每一个人都适合做每一种事 , 也不是每一个
学生 , 都适合每一个专业 . 只有当你在做一件你擅长的事情的时候 , 你才有最大的机会把它
做好 . 我经常跟我的朋友和学生开玩笑 , 说我是一个从小数理化都很糟糕的学生 . 也正因为
这样 , 我并不是一个在中国教育体制下的”好学生”. 但当我到了美国 , 能够学习语言 , 文化 ,


交流 , 意识形态等相关领域的知识时 , 我突然发现自己如鱼得水 . 也正因为这样 , 我才能让
自己的人生 , 有了现在的一丁点精彩 .
第三 , 你必须为社会创造价值 . You gotta create value for the society. 我们生活在
这个社会 , 这个国家里 , 就有义务为他们创造价值 . 如果一个人做的事情本身是没有为社会
创造价值的 , 那就算他能挣到再多的钱 , 他也不能让自己真正的幸福 . 我的父母 , 朋友 , 甚至
我的学生 , 都经常问我 : 你为什么要进入教育行业 , 为什么要做一个老师呢 ? 我往往会告诉
他们 , 首先我喜欢教育 , 其次我擅长教育(正好印证了上面我提到的两点), 最重要的是 , 我
在为这个社会的未来服务 , 我能通过自己现在的努力 , 让这个世界在不久的将来变成一个更
好的地方 . 教育是一个伟大的行业 , 不 , 应该说是一个伟大的事业 . 能够为这样一个伟大的
事业工作 , 是我的巨大荣幸 . 每当我看到学生拿到优秀的分数 , 进入优秀的美国大学继续他
们的教育之旅时 , 心中产生的那种巨大的幸福感 , 是其他任何事情都没有办法提供给我的 .
也正是因为这个原因 , 我进入了教育行业 , 并已经准备好 , 为它奉献自己的一生 . 我也希望
我的学生们 , 能够找到一个充满意义的事业 , 并为之付出自己的一生 .
做你所爱 , 做你所长 , 为社会创造价值 – 过一个幸福的人生 , 就这么简单 .



Stay True to Yourself & Learn to Let Go of Things
我在宾大念书的时候上过一门政府学院的课 , 叫做 Public Speaking. 基本上这是一门
教你怎样做公众演讲的课 , 因为觉得自己以后的工作会有很多地方需要这些技巧 , 我便注
册了这门课程 . 一个学期下来 , 发现这是一门非常有意思的课 , 教授没有给我们布置任何的 written assignment, 但是每周会给我们一个不同的主题或者情景 , 让我们做一个演讲 . 下面
这篇是在那门课上我的最后一个演讲的演讲稿 , 题目类型是 inspirational speech. 我的题目
是 Stay True to Yourself & Learn to Let Go of Things, 这也是我在过去几年中学到的很
多重要的事情中的两件 , 在这里与大家分享 (因为文章是演讲稿 , 所以并没有使用书面语言 ,
因此词汇和句型的使用会稍显随便 .)
Good evening guys.
My life here in the US has left me with some amazing memories. I really wanted to share all of them with you. But I knew that I wasn’t gonna have enough time to do that. So I’ve been struggling with what I wanted to say. Myriads of topics popped up in my mind, like my study here at Penn, the friends I made here in Philly, my internship experience at ETS, and my current job in the PCCW program. These are all great experiences, but none of these topics really stands out as a satisfactory choice for me at this particular moment. Fortunately, I got the answer when I was waiting for my lunch in front of a food truck. Instead of talking about my actual life here at Penn, maybe it’s better for me to share with you some extremely valuable lessons that I have learned in the past few years, both at Penn and in China. So here, I’m just gonna talk about two crucially important lessons that I believe would benefit me tremendously in my future life: First, stay true to yourself. Second, learn to let go of things.
Stay true to yourself. When I was back in China, I wasn’t really a so-called good student. In high school, I was terrible at Mathematics and Physics, which


later resulted in the fact that I didn’t get the opportunity to study in those great universities in China like Tsinghua or Peking University. Thanks to my Mom, who literally forced me to study English when I was very young, my English was a little better than most of my peers in China. And it won me a lot of stuff like a job in New Oriental School – the best private language training institution in China, an exchange program in Hong Kong University, and a pretty decent score in TOEFL.
Then I came to Penn. I did struggle a little bit when I was trying to pick a program for myself. Some of my friends were going to engineering programs because it’s very easy for them to get a job after graduation. Some of them were going to study finance or management because they knew that investment bankers and consultants were making a lot of money. But not many people chose education. Come on, let’s face it, educators just don’t make much money. Of course I know that, and I know it probably better than many people since I have worked in the education industry before. I finally made this decision not because I was determined to be some kind of reformer who’s gonna be dedicated to saving the education in China, not because education master program has a relatively higher acceptance rate than many other programs do, not because I could get more access to gorgeous girls because education schools are full of them. I made this decision because I knew I was good at it, I was comfortable with it, and most importantly, I enjoyed doing what I do. The program is about to end. I got a nice job here at Penn, and later a nice job in Beijing.
I know I did the right thing. What’s the trick here? Stay true to yourself.
I’ll be working in the education consulting business after I graduate. More specifically, I’ll be offering advice to students who are interested in pursuing an education abroad. Actually I have already started doing things like that since I got the offer from Penn. Whenever I was talking with my students, or clients, I would try to find out what are the things that they really like, what are the things that they are passionate about, and what are the things that they believe they are intoxicated in, and can really delve themselves into. Unfortunately, a majority of them, both those high school kids who were hoping to go to colleges abroad and those undergrads who wanna get a master’s degree or a PhD, had no idea what the heck they wanted. Many of them made their choices under the influence from others, such as their parents and peers. “My dad is lawyer, so he wants me to go to law school.” “My friend told


me it’s easy to find a job if I study computer science, so I guess I should do that.”
“You see those investment bankers? Their salaries are crazy, I’m just gonna study finance.” These are the things that I often hear. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. You are living for yourself, not for others. You gotta make your own decision, and go for it. The best way, and probably the only way to be phenomenal in what you do, is to do things that you really love doing. All the other things are secondary. Like
I said, stay true to yourself.
Learn to let go of things. Believe it or not, I am an extremely typical Virgo person. I mean, I’m one of those, like some people put, incredibly detail-oriented pessimistic perfectionists. Since I was a little kid, I’ve always been trying to make everything right. For example, I’ve always tried to live up to my parents’ expectations. When my mom wanted me to study singing, I did it. When she wanted me to study playing soccer, I did it. When she wanted me to study English, I did it again. I tried really hard to do everything well. But I just couldn’t, because I just didn’t have enough time and energy to handle everything. I’ve always tried to be a good student. In high school, when I was studying mathematics, I couldn’t help thinking about the assignments from my physics teacher. When I was in physics class,
I couldn’t help starting to memorize English vocabularies. Even when I was taking the mathematics exam in Gaokao, the college entrance examination in China, I was worried about the English exam later. You could imagine the result – yep, I totally screwed it up. After I got into college, I kept my tradition. But it started to help me.
Simply because I was a perfectionist, I couldn’t allow myself to make any mistake in every single one of my assignments. I was always meticulous in the tasks assigned by my professors. And because of that, they all liked me a lot. Nevertheless, I wasn’t happy. In order to make everything right, I had to invest a huge amount of time in it. Consequently, I lost an enormous amount of time that could otherwise be spent with my families and friends. I still remember the time when I locked myself in my bedroom, preparing for those stupid tests. If I could do it all over again, I would just get the heck out of there, and enjoy the precious time with my parents and friends.
I wish I could have that back.
After I came to Penn, I finally started to give up things that are of minor


importance. For instance, I skipped classes to attend some wonderful lectures. I didn’t do my homework because I was enjoying the magnificent beauty of cherry blossom in Washington D.C. I missed the annual career fair because I was eager to see my girlfriend and our little puppy. I have to admit that I was a little frustrated sometimes because I couldn’t get the most out of everything. But I gradually started to realize that as people, we just couldn’t be perfect. We just have to make choices throughout our entire lives. There are things that we need to hold on to really tightly no matter what happens, but there are also things that we should just let go of. So, whenever you’re facing a dilemma, tell yourself that you can’t have all, just go ahead and pick the ones that you think are more important to you, never look back. British social reformer Havelock Ellis once said, all the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. So, just give yourself a break, learn to let go of things. And that’s the key to the happiness of life.
I guess that’s pretty much everything I wanna say. Thank you very much for your time.


感谢我的父亲母亲 . 是你们为我提供了衣食无忧的生活 , 为我提供了赴美留学的机会 . 你
们永远都是我最爱的人 .
感谢啄木鸟教育的总裁陈起永老师 , 副总裁程来川(猴哥)老师 . 是你们为我提供如此
广阔的平台 , 从而让我能够把知识传播给更多的学生 .
感谢一直陪伴在我身边的朋友们 . 没有你们的支持和影响 , 我不会成为今天的我 .
感谢宾夕法尼亚大学的老师们 . 是你们为我提供了最好的教育 .
感谢我在 ETS 托福项目口语组的导师和同事们 : David Rosenfeld, Emily Pooler, Kirk
Schillinger, Jennifer Manokian, Catherine O’Hallaron, Gabrielle Gianelli, Margaret
Cantrell, Sasha Sharif. It’s such an honor working with you guys.






























University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)(ED)

该生最初的选择为 Yale University,经过详细的了解,啄木鸟顾问认为以他的个人条件更适合冲击沃顿商
学生在校内学业上并不属优秀范畴,啄木鸟在包装时,尽量让学校了解学生独特的内力,而忽略在校 GPA








Top 10﹪ ,年级456人

















University of California-Berkeley


University of California-Los Angeles


University of California-San Diego


University of Washington


University of Wisconsin Madison


University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

申请人就读于偏远省份的重点高中,留学准备较晚,托福和 SAT 都只有一次考试机会。学生和家长最初找
到我们的时候把目标仅定在 50-60 名的学校。在鼓励学生鼓足信心迎战托福、SAT 考试的同时,我们开始认真

























University of Chicago (EA)


Carnegie Mellon University

社会公益活动,让学生看上去更全面。 这一系列活动在学生优秀的学业的基础上,得到了完美的效果!



























Cornell University


University of Southern California


University of Virginia


University of California-Los Angeles


New York University



参加了很多环保活动,而经过我们挖掘,决定将活动重点放在其中的一项大型活动 - 百万植树项目。将学生在














M2: 800
C: 800
P: 800

















Middlebury College


University of Virginia

国国粹 - 京剧,据此,我们建议学生参加京剧社,并参加一系列活动。学生成功获得排名前 10 文理学院的录取。














M2: 800
C: 770




GPA 不错

TOEFL 分数对于申请TOP 20 名校,竞争力


SATI 分数较有竞争力





Emory University


University of California-Berkeley


University of California-Los Angeles


University of California-San Diego


University of California-Davis


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign











P: 780






曾在国际知名投资银行做实习生,参与投资项目 高中知名度一般










Duke University


Brown University


Cornell University























Bates College (ED2)


University of Washington


Penn State University-University Park


Dickinson College


Wabash College


托福 98 分单刀成功闯进前 20 的名校,实属一个天大的惊喜!学生来啄木鸟的时候已经是 9 月下旬,各项
考试准备毫无头绪,申请材料和活动也是杂乱无章。之所以能脱颖而出,在于三方面:1. 直面无 SAT 软肋,
选校得当。对于一个来不及准备 SAT 的学生来说,细致筛选对 SAT 没有明确要求的学校是必做功课。尽管
部分名校对托福要求远高出学生分数,但啄木鸟在选校上给客户拉开了高中低的距离;2. 申请时间的精准把
握。啄木鸟建议学生申请了 Dickinson 的提前批,为将来的冲刺铺好了后路,并在 ED2 的时候就锁定了 Bates
College,虽然 ED2 的结果是 defer,但积极对学校作出了回应最终 RD 获得了录取;3. 文书与活动的深度挖掘。












C: 800
P: 800











Columbia University


优秀青年。不出预料,哥伦比亚大学的 FU FOUNDATION 工程学院向申请人展露了微笑。














M2: 800
C: 750
P: 800













Duke University


University of California-Berkeley


Carnegie Mellon University


New York University


University of Rochester, 每年9000美金奖学金









Top 5﹪






Math2: 800













University of Pennsylvania



Duke University



Rice University



University of California, Berkeley



Carnegie Mellon University



University of Southern California






University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


的模联活动的级别不高,我们又推荐其参加在美国举办的国际级别的全球青少年领袖峰会 GYLC 活动;最后,
我们预测学生会得到前 10 名最低前 15 名的录取,但在提前申请斯坦福大学失利后,学生开始怀疑自己,








Top 10﹪




















University of Southern California



University of Washington-Seattle



University of Wisconsin-Madison



Penn State University








90/ 100


Top 10﹪






Chemistry: 770









托福成绩优秀,SAT 1的成绩也不低






Stanford University



Duke University



Cornell University



Carleton College



Vassar College



University of California-Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校


Boston College



University of California-Davis



Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


给出建议,幸运的是最终听了啄木鸟 VIP 升学顾问的建议后顿然醒悟。
申请临近截止之时,该学生面临二选一的抉择:是参加最后一次 SAT1 考试去提高分数,还是放弃 SAT1
考试去参加一个同期举行的由啄木鸟策划的有关少数民族文化的活动 ? 该学生又一次听取了啄木鸟 VIP 升学顾
问的建议,放弃最后一次 SAT1 考试而参加了该项活动。在斯坦福大学和杜克大学的录取信中,录取官手写了
















Math2: 770
US History: 630














Wellesley College


学生写作能力强,获得过奖项,但是最吸引我们的还是冰心文学奖。冰心是学生的偶像,而 Wellesley
College 这个冰心的母校,也是学生梦想的大学。
offer 或是拿到不如人意的 offer,大家在质问为什么的同时是否曾想过“你是否真的展现了你的特质?你是否真
正了解美国名校到底需要什么?你的文书包装,选校是否合理?” 这都是可能导致“牛人”瞬间滑落的原因。














Math2: 800













Grinnell College



University of California-Santa Barbara



University of California-Davis



University of Washington



Purdue University-West Lafayette



University of Georgia


学生和很多中国学生相反,是一个很典型的课外强但分数不高的同学。刚接触学生时,学生的托福只有 40
多分,赛达更是 1500 左右。经过几次考试成绩不理想的打击,学生越来越焦虑,家长越来越焦急。
我凭着长期的经验和些许灵感,坚定地告诉学生“你一定能进前 20 名的大学”。






90/ 100


Top 20﹪






Physics: 800
















Stanford University



Duke University



University of California-Los Angeles



University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


十五名左右的美国大学,即使如此啄木鸟的 VIP 升学顾问也告诉学生,这样的目标也是不容易实现的,因此还要“补课”。
除了学生本身在 TOEFL 和 SAT 方面的能力之外,还要进行课外活动的“补课”。在初次咨询以后,家长立即飞赴几千
公里之外进行实力考察,我们为其在 5 个项目中挑选了 2 个项目,让学生参加。在第三次沟通后,最终方案才敲定,此时,
不论是啄木鸟的 VIP 升学顾问,还是家长和学生,都激动不已。此时,我们认为学生若能顺利完成这 2 个项目,完全拥有冲
击名校的砝码。此时,啄木鸟 VIP 升学顾问建议学生“你可以冲刺前十的大学了,比如斯坦福大学”,学生和家长几乎是大
你的申请,我深深地被你为 XX 地区做出的贡献所感动。你的能力真的让我惊讶,让我迫不及待的想见到你的本人。”
此案例中,家长的参与程度不多不少,堪称楷模 ; 全盘插手和不闻不问都不是正确的家长参与态度。学生原本没有机会
后面的时间花在提高 TOEFL 和 SAT 方面,即使 TOEFL 达到 115,SAT 达到 2300,也无法取得这样的申请结果,因为具有
这样高分的七八位同校同学,在提前录取中都被斯坦福拒了。因此,当我看到某位 SAT I 已经取得 2300 的同学于 2010 年 5
月再次飞临香港,“争取考到 2350”的时候,我不禁哑然失笑了。














Math2: 800

















Carleton College




Tulane University



第一次接触学生和家长时,顾问就发现了他们都具有典型的“GAP YEAR”综合症。学生 09 年选择另一
家留学机构帮她申请但是全部失败,所以心理状态不稳。在美国对于“GAP YEAR”的学生来说是很常见的,
快离开这个家,她不想每天面对叹气,烦躁和争吵。 这个案例的成功,不仅仅做到的是帮助学生申请到更好的
当接到前 10 名的大学录取信和奖学金时,家长第一时间并没有打电话给孩子,而是打电话给我和其他顾问老师。














Math2: 800















Brown University


客户刚咨询啄木鸟的顾问时,赛达只有 1820。为了达到客户能进前 20 的目标,我们一步步帮她规划学习和
修改作文,指出语法问题。一个月的时间,学生成绩提高近 200 分。














Math2: 790
















Wesleyan University



University of California-Los Angeles



University of California-San Diego



University of California-Santa Barbara



University of California-Davis



Case Western Reserve University



University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign


当拿到 Wesleyan University 大学录取时,孩子的母亲在电话那边泣不成声。孩子母亲不断地说谢谢,谢
帮我们进入前 50 吧,这是我们全家人的梦想。”
那么好的学校怎么会要我呢?” 耐心地为客户讲解去年的成功案例,不间断地为客户鼓舞后,我相信客户得到








Top 10﹪






Math 2: 800
Physics: 800
Spanish: 500












Brown University

布朗大学 (ED)




SAT 书籍
登录满分网, 首页, “免费赠送” 留下邮寄地址,








沈阳市沈河区北京街51号 银河国际大厦A座1206室


















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...คู่มือเรียนต่อ สหรักฐยอเมริกา สำ�หรับนั เรี นไทย คู่มือเรียนต่อสหรัฐอเมริกา 1 WWW.HOTCOURSES.IN.TH TABLE OF CONTENTS า มค รเ ือกเรียน อเมริกา 4 ร การ ก าอเมริกา 6 การสมัครมหา ิ ยา ัย 8 การยืน อ ี ่านัก ก า 11 ักสาหรั นัก ก า นอเมริกา 15 า นการเ ิน การ 13 17 ิต นอเมริกา 19 ก่อนออกเ น า ริการอืน ากเรา 21 คู่มือเรียนต่อสหรัฐอเมริกา 2 ทำ�ไมควรเลือกเรียนที่ อเมริก�? คู่มือเรียนต่อสหรัฐอเมริกา 3 WWW.HOTCOURSES.IN.TH ทั่วทุกมุมโลกต่างมีสถาบันการศึกษาจำานวนมหาศาล ทำาไมนักศึกษามากมายจึงเลือกมา เรียนต่อสหรัฐอเมริกา? ลองมาดูกันว่าหากเลือกเรียนต่อที่นี่ คุณจะได้รับประสบการณ์ ชีวิตและทักษะด้านวิชาการที่ดีอย่างไรบ้าง สัมผัสความหลากหลายทางเชื้อชาติ สหรัฐอเมริกาได้ชื่อว่าเป็นดินแดนที่มีความหลากหลายทางเชื้อชาติ และวัฒนธรรมมากที่สุดประเทศหนึ่งของโลก เพราะเป็นประเทศที่เกิด ขึ้นจากการเข้ามาตั้งรกรากของเหล่าผู้อพยพ ทำาให้สหรัฐอเมริกา มีโครงสร้างทางสังคมที่ซับซ้อน รวมถึงมีสภาพภูมิอากาศและ ภูมิประเทศที่แตกต่างกันออกไปในแต่ละพื้นที่ สหรัฐอเมริกาจึงเหมาะ อย่างยิ่งสำาหรับนักศึกษาที่ต้องการซึมซับประสบการณ์ชีวิตในหลายๆ รูปแบบ Sharpen Your English Skills สหรัฐอเมริกาเป็นหนึ่งในประเทศที่ดีที่สุดสำาหรับผู้ที่ต้องการพัฒนา ทักษะภาษาอังกฤษในทุกๆ ด้าน ไม่ว่าจะเป็นฟัง พูด อ่าน เขียน นอกจากนักศึกษาจะได้ใช้ภาษาอังกฤษในชีวิตประจำาวันอย่างสม่ำาเสมอ แล้ว มหาวิทยาลัยหลายแห่งยังมีคอร์สซัมเมอร์ก่อนเปิดเทอม เพื่อ เตรียมความพร้อมด้านภาษาอังกฤษให้กับนักศึกษาต่างชาติโดยเฉพาะ อีกด้วย American Dream จริงๆแล้วคำานี้เป็น...

Words: 1182 - Pages: 5

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...能力却总让我自愧不如。在经会认识这两位学长,我深感幸运。还有帮我修改文书的同学和老师。 还有一起申请的同学。魏冬我想不用多说了,不管是去berkeley还是stern相信以后一定都各种牛逼。还要太感谢伍良杰,一起在拿到Chicago后像小学生一样天天上课复习准备托福,没有互相支持我想我估计挺不过这个难关;马上就要开始长达五年的repeated games,希望在Chicago大家都好!UBC的Z同学我是交换的时候认识的, 他是那边统计系的第一名,和经济系的double major;交换的时候就对我各种帮助,让我感觉还不太无助,申请前后我们几乎天天交流,互相看过SOP,分享各种信息,让我了解国外的本科申请econ phd是什么样的情况;神奇地拿了top 10的3个wl还有一个1st year funding wl,希望他至少能有一个转正啊! 按道理还是要感谢父母。但是我想这是言语无法表达的,父母从我大二的时候就坚定支持我申请,尤其我爸还各种了解信息,在申请上有时候比我知道的还要多一些;最纠结的感受只能向父母表达,靠他们开导;我还能心理正常地度过整个大学和申请的过程,他们起到了最重要的作用。 还有我的室友和同学们。李昱松刘运操经常听我在宿舍吐槽,忍受我的噪音,太不容易;小贺和孙健总是各种开导我,我心情不好的时候也经常找他们发泄,但他们同时也有很多的事情和压力。还有上学期经原小课的同学们,在我最无聊最郁闷的时候想到要给你们上课,就不得不振作起来;课上各种有趣也让我轻松许多;如果以后觉得我有什么能帮到你们的地方,一定不要犹豫。 背景和申请结果 背景 GPA:总7/152,必修+限选5/152; G/T:GRE 166/169/4.0, TOEFL 30+30+23(害我不浅)+29;都是一次 交换:UBC 研究:一直和Z老师的助研,大三Z老师指导做的writing sample; 推荐信:如上 关于各种课大家可以移步urch上Profiles and Results,第二页上有我的thread。 结果: Acceptances: Chicago($$), UCLA($$), UCSD($$), Wisconsin($), PSU($$), UBC($$), USC($$) Rejections: Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Northwestern, Columbia, NYU, Caltech Waitlists...

Words: 681 - Pages: 3

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...Skills Chairperson: Mr. Fadi EL-Hakim Textbook * Public Speaking An Audience-Centered Approach By Steven A. Beebe –Susan J. Beebe, 8th edition * Writing Research Papers By James Lester, 11th edition Course Description Most careers require some level of public speaking ability, whether it involves making a proposal to your group or management at work, making a sales presentation, teaching people how to use a product or system, or making a presentation to your employees as a manager. Sometimes we face other public speaking situations; including teaching young people how to do something, making our opinion known at a public meeting, or commemorating special events. Course Objective: The aim of this course is to help students become a more effective and responsible speaker and listener. It will encourage them to communicate more openly in different settings (speeches, group discussion, interviews, etc.). This course will also enhance effective public speaking skills, and research methodology techniques. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: * differentiate between the basic forms of speeches: informative and persuasive. * become articulate in speech making * increase your confidence in your public speaking ability. * learn principles of effective public speaking. * demonstrate effective aspects of speech preparation. * apply public speaking skills to a variety of speech contexts. * apply effective...

Words: 2104 - Pages: 9

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...Coletha Mack CST 100-040W 3/5/12 Self-Analysis #2 My overall feeling about my persuasive speech is not a great one. I felt like I could have been more prepared and organized. While I was delivering the speech, it seemed as if I wasn’t holding the audience attention. I must say out of all of the speeches I was more afraid to perform. It could have been because it wasn’t a topic I was really comfortable with. During the speech I keep it upbeat. I brought in positive energy, while keeping everyone laughing. I projected my voice rather nicely. I used my hands to show emphasis on the subject. If I had to do the speech all over again, I would use notes cards. Doing it at the minute would not have been an option, regardless of what was going on with my personal life. Next time, I will stick with one subject and build from there. In comparison to my other speeches I think this one was the worst. I set goals for myself and I think I only deliver on keeping the energy up. For this speech I decided to use a cause and effect. To me cause and effect speeches are easier to write because it shows how something you do can cause you something bad to happen or good. You really don’t have to try to persuade too much because the truth is in the pudding so to speak as long as you have creditable sources. I wanted to come across nonchalant but seriously about the subject. The reason I said nonchalant because people would be more receptacle of what I have to say, the subject of cosmetic...

Words: 577 - Pages: 3

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Com114 Business Outline

...COM 114 WRITTEN EXAM AND SPEECH REQUIREMENTS Part 1: Written Exam The written exam, 50 multiple choice questions, is based on the COM 114 text, Effective Presentations, 1st or 2nd edition (2011, 2012), by Dr. Melanie Morgan and Jane Natt. Copies of the text are available in campus bookstores, from online sources, and from previous COM 114 students. Students must score 70% (35 out of 50 correct) or more to pass. One hour is allotted for the exam. Students will be informed of the results of the written exam via email within 24 hours, and then assigned a speech date and time if applicable. STAR students will have their results at the end of the exam session they attend, and will be assigned their speaking date and time before leaving the location. At the beginning of each chapter in the text is a list of “Chapter Objectives”. Every question on the exam is based on one of those objectives. To be successful on the exam, a student will need to be able to recognize, define and apply the text material in many different situations. Part 2: Persuasive Speech The persuasive speech is discussed in some length in the text in Chapters 9 through 12. Evaluators will expect students to be acquainted with the format of this type of speech. A persuasive speech urges some specific course of action. As a persuasive speech, the presentation should (1) show that a problem exists and that it is significant to the audience, (2) show how the consequences of the problem are significant to the audience,...

Words: 675 - Pages: 3

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Informative Speech

...Informative Speech Assignment Information Speeches: 4 - 5 minutes Speech Day: Come to class early on speech days Do not disrupt other speeches by arriving late! Turn in your speech outline with a references page Purpose of Speech: To support a clear, one-sentence thesis To use at least three different kinds of supporting material To organize the speech with an appropriate and discernible structure To experiment with creative vocal delivery and presentation To demonstrate principles of effective audience-centered public speaking Please choose one of the following formats for your informative speech: • Present an activity, routine, or practice in a “how-to” instructional teaching lesson • Pick an everyday item and teach your audience “how-to” use it for a purpose it was not intended for Your informative speech should focus on the following: • Constructing creative ways to share information and communicate your credibility as a knowledgable speaker • Employing narrative (stories) and sensorial or image-rich language (metaphors etc.) • Presenting with enthusiasm and sharing your interest in this topic/process with us Your informative speech will be graded on the following criteria: • Practiced and improved delivery • Creative use of stories, vocals, images, gestures, body movement, props, and/or space • Turned in and typed speech outline (must be turned in on the day you speak) • Your ability to manage your time When planning your speech: • Tell a...

Words: 377 - Pages: 2

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Presentations and Public Speaking

...A special skill that I have is presentations and public speaking. My presentations and public speaking skills can be utilized for business, sales, and training. Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Within my adult years I have acquired the skills and overcome the natural fears of presentations and public speaking. Developing the confidence and capability to give good presentations and public speaking, are extremely helpful competencies for self development. Presentations and public speaking skills are limited to certain special people. Not just anyone can give a good presentation, or perform public speaking to a professional and impressive standard. Like many other things in life, it is simply an acquired skill. The formats and purposes of presentations and public speaking can be very different. There is oral, multimedia, power point, short impromptu presentations. Educational training sessions, lectures, or simply giving a talk on a subject to a group requires presentation skills as well. Even speeches at weddings and eulogies at funerals are types of presentations that require skill. All of them are certainly a type of public speaking, and are extremely stressful to most people. Every successful presentation needs the essential technique and structure...

Words: 326 - Pages: 2

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Speech Reflection

...I find giving speeches is not my strong point, but that’s why I decided to take this time to clarify my strong and weak areas in my presentation. My presentation was to the benefits of buying and receiving produce and livestock from an organic farmer, my specific purpose was to persuade and inform my audience what is really in the food they were buying that they thought was safe. My audience got to learn how the industrial food industry is generally modifying our produce and meat and the many benefits of supporting an organic farmer. As I analyze myself on my speech performance, I believe the body of my speech was the most effective material for my presentation. I had a lot of good information to back my topic up of why Organic farming is the best possible way to eat. The people that eat Organic don’t have to worry about consuming chemicals, pesticides and unnatural material that our bodies shouldn’t be consuming. For the content of my Introduction, I think it needed more work and practice. At first I tried to write down and memorize the script, but I got nervous and started to read parts of my presentation to the audience. Therefore, I sounded like I didn’t practice a lot and had umms interrupting and having an effect on my overall voice, tone and eye contact. My introduction also lacked a strong attention-getter in the beginning. I would have changed the attention-getting to something more interesting that shocked my audience and made them think. I see that my biggest weaknesses...

Words: 390 - Pages: 2

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...communication skills will help anybody out with getting a good job and help them move up the ladder. Speeches are a very good way to improve your communication skills; it forces you to face your fears of speaking and ultimately improves your speaking. Speeches have never been my favorite assignment do to in class. I am a shy person and talking in front a group of people is a little nerve-racking. I am a great communicator when I am talking to my friends or family, but talking in front of a group of people is much harder. My parents say I mumble and I believe I mumble to. That is an issue I need to work on, and will only be fixed if I talk more. I also do not like reading work that I have done. I will gladly give a speech that was not written by me. I believe other people would describe me a good communicator even though I have never asked somebody if I am a good communicator. People get what I have to say so that is why I think I am a good communicator. I have never done public speaking only a few speeches in high school. I did not get good grades on those speeches in high school because I did not do enough research and did not pick topics that I knew. I hope I can improve my speeches a lot this semester. The biggest goal I would like to accomplish this semester is public speaking apprehension. I would like to eliminate or greatly reduce my apprehension. I will do this by the ideas listed in the book. The way that I think will help me the most is skills training. I believe...

Words: 807 - Pages: 4

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Oral Presentation Tips

...Your question concerning strategies for dealing with fear and nervousness when giving an oral presentation is a common one. It’s actually okay to be a little nervous in a situation such as this—a little adrenalin actually helps your overall performance. Fortunately, though, there are many things you can do to overcome this uncomfortable feeling. Here are a few: * Smile! When you appear relaxed, comfortable, and friendly, your audience will respond in kind. * Confess that you are a little nervous. This vulnerability helps your audience be sympathetic to you (and your presentation). * Remember to breathe, slowly and deeply. This will help control any trembling that you may notice in your hands and voice. * Be prepared. This will give you more confidence, and take away any nervousness associated with that aspect of your presentation, at least. Practice your speech in front of a mirror, as cheesy as that sounds. * Speak slowly and make use of natural pauses. There is a natural tendency to panic and rush through in a situation such as this—try to overcome that and pace yourself. For organizing the content of your speech, keep the following in mind: * Begin with an introduction (which, just as with a paper, you may actually wish to write last) * Capture the audience’s attention with a funny story, a question, or a startling statistic. * State your purpose—for example: “I’m going to talk about…” * Give a brief outline of your talk—for...

Words: 496 - Pages: 2

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...INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION POSC 330, Winter 2013 GCB 188, 3:40 – 4:40 PM Professor: Jennifer Kajiyama Office: SSC, Room 120A Telephone: 808-293-8002 Email address: Office Hours: Appointments available upon request. I. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Public administration involves the "core activities" of government that are performed, for the most part, by highly trained experts and specialized organizations; its purpose is the development and implementation of public policy. This broad definition encompasses a large dynamic portion of government at all three levels of the federal system, engaging even nonprofit and private enterprise. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the environment of public administration: the structural environment, the political environment, and the social environment. The structural environment consists of the different sectors that create both synergistic and antagonistic relationships. The political environment consists of the government and legislative processes that both delimit and enable action in public organizations. Finally, the social environment consists of broader forces that are at work that are often ignored or misunderstood. This course will help students become aware of how others impact them and how they impact others. II. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students completing this course will be able to understand the power and discretion you will have while working in the field of public administration...

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