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Torture Definition

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Torture is defined in various ways, but it all leads up to the same concept of inflicting pain. According to the United States Department of Justice, the United States Code Section 2340A of Title 18: prohibits torture committed by public officials under color of law against persons within the public official's custody or control. Torture is defined to include acts specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering. (It does not include such pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions.) The statute applies only to acts of torture committed outside the United States. There is Federal extraterritorial jurisdiction over such acts whenever the perpetrator is a national of the United States …show more content…
Torture is used in a ticking bomb scenario and to prevent threats and murdering a great amount of innocent lives. There are several interrogation methods that are used by the Central Intelligence Agency. There is the stomach and facial slaps used to slap the detainee’s stomach or face. The attention grasp is when the detainee is grabbed by the collar and pulled in closer to the interrogator. The cramped confinement is when the detainee is placed inside a box for several hours. The dietary confinement is the detainee’s food being switched from solid to liquid. The facial hold is placing the detainee’s hand on its cheek while keeping their fingertips away from their eyes.The nudity is forcing the detainee to strip naked and stand for several hours. The stress position is the use of the detainee’s extended muscle for pain. The sleep deprivation is depriving the detainee from sleeping, usually up to 180 hours (in stress position or standing sometimes). The wall standing is when the detainee have to touch the opposite wall four feet away. The walling is used to slam the detainees against a [concrete] wall. The waterboarding is similar to drowning, but it traps the detainee to a bench/board while being poured by water. Lastly, the water dousing is detainees in their naked forms being held down on a tarp floor while pouring cold water on them (Associated Press, …show more content…
They oppose to war and violence, which are labelled unacceptable and unjustified to them. They focus on living without harming and loving thy enemy. They refuse to solve the situation through any type of violence, and this includes torturing individuals in spite of the given circumstances. In a standpoint of a modern day pacifist, torture and war are insisted to be considered evil and should be resisted. Torture is both immoral and unethical when creating peace within countries and states. Pacifist would oppose to torture despite how many innocent lives it will cost. They want to respect the opinions and rights of the detainee. Pacifist believes that punishing people through torture will not change their views and it will escalate violence. They usually tend to determine and address the problems that causes main situation. Pacifist believes in not judging individuals through the bad things they have done, but to understand and love others with different opinions (Schirch,

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