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Personal Narrative: What I Believe

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Society is full of different religions such as Jehová Witnesses, Islam, Buddhism, Spiritism, and Christianity. Know in this days society accept a religion based on their own beliefs and might not be sensitive to others religion. Within the same name of religion, there are different denominations like Baptist, Evangelical, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, etc… Yet, certain religions should be accepted because after practicing for a while becomes more of a need, part of our life and who we are than an option to choose from. In my case, I choose to be a Pentecostal, however, I now see as a need in my life and has become part of who I am.
I was born in Mexico and was raised in the United States and I am labeled as Hispanic. Hispanic culture is really …show more content…
There is a quite large group of people that behave differently because of their religion. I am one of them. Society tent to ask or object when they see me praying for my food such as why do you pray? Why are am I thankful for something I earn by working. I have situation where someone needs to talk to me and I’m praying and called them back when I am done praying and they object by saying how about if it was an emergency. I listen to praise or songs of what I believe and people think is boring to listen to this kind of songs only, sometimes object to turn it off or change it. In the same way, they do not agree when I tell them that I give my tithes to the church that I assist, people comment like your enriching the …show more content…
However, in many situations, it is impossible for others to understand and make a compromise and for others is quite essay to compromise and respect on what I believe/behavior. I can compromise by respecting when others don’t want to listen to what I believe (talking to them about Jesus). I can also listen to other music that I typically don’t listen to like at parties or carpooling. If I don’t compromise to what I believe it will conflict with what I believe and I can have a Spiritual sickness. When people don’t compromise they tent to make jokes, not tolerance my behavior or laugh about my believes. Even though they know my believes they tent to pressure me by offering the opposite of what I believe or my behavior. On the other hand when people compromise to what I believe they tend to respect my believes and behavior and not question everything I do. For example, at times they do not listen to music to respect my beliefs, they do not insist for me to drink, dance, smoke, or do something that does not go with my beliefs. It is important for both sides to find a middle and compromise without going too far by being tolerant and

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