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Towels Vs Air Dryers

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Paper Towels vs Air Dryers

Washing your hands has been important for many ages. But, as technology advances we want alternatives, first we used either a towel or paper towels. Then we came up with air dryers, that we thought they were revolutionary. But after many studies they have been found that paper towels are better than air dryers, because they remove more bacteria, air dryers waste energy and water, and finally air dryers spread bacteria. Most people are blinded by the new tech that they don’t realize these things. Over all after many studies have shown that paper towels remove a lot more bacteria than air dryers. Some people think that air dryers blow off most of the bacteria, but that is unbelievably untrue! “A 2012 study in the …show more content…
First they waste a lot of water, more than it takes to wash your hands! Studies show that “it turns out that drying your hands uses a lot more water than washing them--anywhere from 18 to 70 liters (4.8 to 18.5 gallons) per hand-washing session, depending on the drying method. That's according to a life-cycle assessment (LCA) commissioned by Dyson, maker of Airblade high-speed hand dryers.” (“Paper Towels vs. Efficient Hand Dryers: New Study Makes”).’ This is crazy compared to the small amount of water most people use to wash their hands. Some people I know barely even rinse their hands who would have guessed people waste more water drying your hands less alone washing them! Second, they waste a lot of energy, mostly in schools though. This is kind of personal experience but, at my school, some kids turn them on and just keep turning them on and off. And the ones that can be turned off some kids think they are automatic and leave them on for a long time. Also, to most public places I go, they have those same air dryers that are hard to turn off, and yet again people leave them on because they think they are automatic. These are all examples of people that are fooled by our new technology and end up wasting a lot of money! After reading this, when you are in a public bathroom see if they have air dryers and think about all these bad things and see if one of them

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