...Throughout the duration of the past semester our class has been doing a series of cultural presentations featuring contemporary culture: technology, social and educational standards, and language. After compiling and comprehending the data I came to a clear conclusion. American culture is diffusing into various cultures, creating similarities between countries. The patterns and evidence are there: North American globalization is real. First, apps and technology. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Google are popular all around the world; significant sources for communication, advertising, Clearly, these sites are unified by a central place of origin: the United States of America. From the one could deduce that the U.S is the leading social media...
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...participative management, consensus problem solving, and decision making with a patient, long term perspective. Open expression and conflict are discouraged and it is of paramount importance to avoid the shame of not fulfilling ones duty. These elements of work culture result in a devotion to work , collective responsibility and high degree of employee productivity. If we extend this cultural profile to its implications for specific behaviors in he workplace, we can draw a comparison with common American behaviors. Most of those behaviors seem to be opposite to those of their counterparts: its no wonder that many misunderstanding and conflicts in the workplace arise between Americans and Japanese. For example a majority of the attitudes and behaviors of many Japanese stems from a high level of collectivism, compared with a high level of individualism common to Americans. In addition, the often blunt, outspoken American businessperson offends the indirectness and sensitivity of the Japanese for whom the virtue of patience is paramount, causing the silence and avoidance that so frustrates Americans. As a result japans businesspeople think of American organizations as having no spiritual quality and little employee loyalty and of Americans...
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...Since 2008, American Forces have suffered a drastic increase in the number of insider (Green on Blue) attacks in the Afghanistan Area of Responsibility (AOR). Although the Taliban typically claims responsibility for these attacks, an estimated 90% are due to cultural differences.1 As America increases its role in advisement, the need for a complete cultural understanding is essential to ensure the survival of our troops. Using aspects of the Afghan culture as an example, we can see how the most basic awareness, if taught prior or during deployment, could potentially prevent the needless loss of life. The Pashtun code of conduct is based off of eight guiding principles: Seyali (competition), Ezzat (honor), Gundi (rivalry), Qawm (tribe),...
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...As the first-born child to the stereotypical Indian parents, I surprisingly have not turned out like the stereotypical Indian child. From a young age, I have witnessing both Indian and American culture and watching it mesh together in my family. In elementary school, I grew up knowing more about global news and I could see how one event in America impacted the rest of the world much quicker compared to my classmates. However, when it came to the classic American traditions, I was clueless. Initially, I had not heard of Santa Claus or Thanksgiving. As the only Indian kid in my grade and in the school, it was strange to see the differences between the two cultures. For instance, Indian culture has placed an importance on respecting elders and...
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...9 years ago, during my first year in the United States, I experienced firsthand one of the many minute differences between German and American culture. It was the summer after my second year in elementary school. After moving schools three times within that same school year, I looked forward to spending the hot summer months at the beach. “Are you ready?” My mom hollered up the stairs. “Ready!” I replied. Hurriedly, I stuffed my swimwear, beach towel, and goggles into the bag. I covered my face with a thick layer of sunscreen, until my face resembled that of a ghost. I raced out the door, hopped into the car, and waited for my mom; I was ready to go to the beach. We arrived at the parking lot. The sun beat down upon the black pavement, filling...
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...A ten-item questionnaire containing various descriptions of school-related characteristic which have been found to adversely affect pupils academic performance was administered on 809 teachers and 1012 students of secondary schools from ten randomly selected states in Nigeria. The respondents ranked the characteristics in terms of their degree of effect on pupil academic performance. The result showed that lack of resource materials for teaching, instructional strategies, teacher shortages and teachers’ attitude to work were rated more highly than other characteristics. The result further showed that while the teachers considered lack of resource materials for teaching as having the greatest degree of effect on pupils academic performance, the students on the other hand considered poor instructional strategies as having the greatest degree of effect on pupil academic performance. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND LITERATURE On attaining Independence status as a nation in 1960 what seemed a major concern to most Nigerian leaders then was how education would be accessible to all citizens of the newly created nation. Education was seen as the necessary instrument immediately and essentially for the consolidation of the independence, for securing the new nation against neocolonianism and for making workable the newly established self government in a multi-ethnic society. Mass education, at least to the level of literacy, was also seen by the Nigerian leaders to be necessary to create...
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...The Differences of Family Values in Chinese and American Cultures ABSTRACT This paper aims to make a contrastive study on family values in Chinese and American cultures from the three parts: the attitude to the family members and their relationships, marriage and family education. As the pace of the global economy integration accelerates, cross-cultural communication between China and America is becoming more and more frequent and important,and the research can undoubtedly help Chinese people and American people to further understand with each other and their family values and to avoid the unnecessary conflict caused by the misunderstanding and mistakes in cross-cultural communication. Key words: the differences of family values, filial piety, marriage, family education Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Literature Review 2 3 The Definitions of Family, Values and Family Values 3 3.1 The Definition of Family 3 3.2 The Definition of Values 3 3.2.1 The Decisive Values in Chinese Culture: Collectivism 3 3.2.2 The Decisive Values in American Culture: Individualism 4 3.3 The Definition of Family Values 4 3.4 The Meaning of Family to Chinese and Americans 5 4 Differences Between Chinese and Americans Family Values 5 4.1 The Attitude to the Family Members and Their Relationships 6 4.1.1 The Attitude to the Family Members and...
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...The artifact I will be dealing with are Middle Eastern born students and how well they assimilate to American culture. The culture of the Middle East is very different from American customs to say the least, many countries follow a political system of Islamic fundamentalism and some go far enough to be described as a theocracy(Giger, 2002). Here the pillars of Islam and Islamic conservative values reign supreme, this includes patriarchy style government and social customs, limited and diminished role of women, and of course low to no tolerance of competing ideologies and religions, with most families adhering to the the muslim idea of a traditional family. Islamic law in middle eastern countries touched on almost every aspect of life here,...
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...Traditional and Nontraditional Culture Paper Culture is a daily influence and important to values, beliefs, and behaviors. There are two types of cultural influences. Those cultural influences are labeled as a traditional culture or nontraditional. A traditional culture is influenced by traditions, rules, symbols, and principles. Such influences in a traditional culture are rooted in past influences. Nontraditional cultures are often referred to as modern and are often influential through principles, ideas, and practices (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). To understand the difference between a traditional and nontraditional this paper examines a culture in each classification. The Amish culture consists of values, beliefs, and behaviors that are traditional whereas the American culture is influenced by values, beliefs, and behaviors that are nontraditional. Cultural influences are important to perception and actions taken on a daily basis. Differences Between Values of the Amish and American Culture The main difference between the Amish culture and American culture is individualism. America is steeped in an individualist society. Americans take pride in our churches, our children, and our jobs. Whenever there is an achievement, we are taught to seek pride in that achievement. The Amish work together as a community, and are mainly agricultural. Even in dress the Amish are communal. The status is shown through dress, such as marital status and church commitment (O’Neil, 1997). While American’s...
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...Question 1 Post your response to the following: What are the fundamental differences between Western philosophies and Eastern ways of knowing? (Generally, how does each culture view the world and education?) How can you incorporate seemingly different ways of knowing in your curriculum? When responding to your classmates’ posts, take the role of a student of an Eastern culture and ask a ‘what if’ question. 3. Discussion Question 2 Post your response to the following: What are the fundamental differences between Western philosophies and Native North American ways of knowing? (Generally, how does each culture view the world and education?) How can you incorporate seemingly different ways of knowing in your curriculum? When responding to your classmates’ posts, take the role of a student of a Native North American culture and ask a ‘what if’ question. AED 200 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/aed-200-week-5-dq-1-dq-2/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Discussion Question 1 Post your response to the following: What are the fundamental differences between Western philosophies and Eastern ways of knowing? (Generally, how does each culture view the world and education?) How can you incorporate seemingly different...
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...No two cultures are the same. The American and Indian cultures have very vast differentiation between them..While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Indian culture is unique and has its own values. One of the major differences that can be seen between American and Indian culture is in family relations. While the Indians are very much family oriented, the Americans are individual oriented. In Indian culture, the family values are given more prominence than the individual values. Indians respect family values. On the other hand, in American culture the individual values gets prominence than the family values. Indians are more committed to their family where as the Americans are more committed to themselves only. In another sense, it can be said that the American culture is more goal oriented and the Indian culture is more people or family oriented. Indians may even forsake their individual wishes and also happiness for the sake of families. But in American culture, this trend cannot be seen. Unlike the Indians, the Americans plan things ahead. The Americans believe in dominating nature and controlling the enviorment around them. On the contrary, Indians believe in the harmony with nature. Another difference that can be seen between Indian culture and American culture is that the Indians love stability where as the Americans love mobility. In American culture, one can see that the individuals think of self-reliance and independent. On the...
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...American and Japanese Cultures Culture plays a vital role in defining a group of people, helping to shape the way they live, the traditions they carry out, and how they’re viewed by others. That being said, cultures vary greatly worldwide; some customs that are normal to Americans may seem strange to those living in Japan such as entertainment in America and Japan, Respect for Women in American and Japanese Cultures, and The Individual in America and Japan. To begin with, American and Japanese cultures both place an emphasis on film and video as a form of entertainment. In America, it’s not unusual for the media to pay a great deal of attention to new film releases and upcoming television premiers. Similarly Japanese culture focuses on motion pictures for entertainment, mainly through the promotion of “anime,” the Japanese contribution to the animation industry. Much like animated Disney movies are prominent in American culture, anime films are a common appearance in Japanese culture. Anime films are so popular, in fact, that they’re even viewed in the United States, creating a link between American and Japanese culture. America and Japan may share similar interests regarding entertainment, but one must remember that the two countries are at opposite ends of the world, creating differences in the way people live in the two areas. Perhaps the greatest difference between Japanese and American culture is the fact that Americans seem to have more respect for women...
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...lose some of the culture of their country. They have also taken some of their culture and integrated it into the American Culture. As the years have come and gone, there have been many different things happen to many different cultures. The cultures that started out dominating the world now are found to be one of the smallest cultures left in the world. They have been shut out by the rest of the world. How do you describe decentering of culture? Decenter is defined as: to cause to lose or shift from an established center or focus [ (Decenter, 2012) ]. I would take this meaning as the focus of an established culture is shifted due to different influences of globalization. There are so many changes that a culture goes through, and with all these changes the things that were important in the beginning tend to fade out of focus as other things become important. There are many things that can be an influence to the decentering of a culture. The practices, traditions, beliefs, and history of a certain culture can become disconnected in the present day from what was originally practiced in history by an individual or group. Immigrant children that come from a second generation are an example of this. They are a great example because the children and the parents may still practice the culture, but they may live in another country and have the influence of the culture of the country they are living in weigh down on them. This influence causes the culture being practiced to...
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...Journal of Comparative International Management 2009, Vol. 12, no.2, 73-89 ©2009 Management futures Printed in canada Cross-cultural Communication and Multicultural Team Performance: A German and American Comparison by Steven W. Congden University of Hartford, U.S.A. Alexei V. Matveev College of Staten Island – CUNY, U.S.A David E. Desplaces College of Charleston, U.S.A. This study builds on work by Matveev & Nelson (2004) which investigated the relationship between cross-cultural communication competence and multicultural team performance using American and Russian managers. This study examines the impact of national culture on German and American subjects. While a relationship between cross-cultural communication competence and multicultural team performance was found, it did not differ by overall national culture. Of the four dimensions of cross-cultural communication competence, only Cultural Empathy was found to be significantly different between Germans and Americans. No differences were found for the dimensions of Interpersonal Skills, Team Effectiveness, and Cultural Uncertainty. 1. Introduction Worldwide intercultural cooperation drives corporate growth and development across the globe resulting in a heightened demand for a qualified but diverse workforce. researchers have documented that the successful performance of multicultural teams is a vital and contributing factor to organizational success (Jackson, may, & Whitney, 1995; Snow, Snell, davison, & hambrick...
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...Cultural differences in Daily communication between China and America 1. Introtion People have different lifestyle, thinking patterns, behaviors and values, which all inflect one another. In many cross-cultural conversations, misunderstanding can be caused by distinction in the understanding of a same word in the culture difference. A serious question may therefore bring great laghter, while an innocuous statement horrible anger,which caused by culture difference. Experts in sociology claimed that every single culture is distinctive. The word 'culture' is defined as follow in Oxford Advanced Learner's English Chinese Dictionary: customs,arts, social institutions, etc of a particular group or people. Among all distinctions, difference in daily life plays a special role. More details of lifes oversees are shown with the rapid development of communication and media. Facing that very difference between the Chinese and the American however, seems to have led to confusion and even further, false and unscientific evaluation, thus the eventual cultural conflict and descrimination. This paper will therefore focus on the distinction of the Chinese and American culture from the aspect of daily communication . 2.The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication Because of various reasons, there are a lot of cultural differences between China and the U.S. This creates a barrier for cross-cultural communications. Due to globalization and social development...
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