...Companies Awarded by Philippine Quality Awards San Miguel Yamamura Asia Corporation (SMYAC) - a joint venture company of San Miguel Corporation (SMC) and Nihon Yamamura Glass Co., Ltd. (NYG) - is the country's major manufacturer of glass bottles. Inaugurated in July 1991, it started commercial operations in July 1992. SMYAC designs and produces glass bottles for the food, beverage, spirit, and pharmaceutical industries - both for domestic and export consumption. Products are exported to the U.S.A., Southeast Asia, Australia, and Africa. The facility has the capability to produce glass bottles of different shapes, sizes, and colors. It is also capable of producing ultra-lightweight bottles called Glasslite and bottles with Applied Color Label (ACL) using heavy metal-free (HMF) paints. SMYAC's equipment are the most advanced in the Philippines as they are equipped with fully automated dust-free batch plant, an enclosed clean room, and state-of-the-art production and inspection machines from Europe, America, and Japan. In addition to this, SMYAC is equipped with an Electrostatic Precipitator (EP), an air pollution abatement system that performs the collection of combustion particles, which is recycled into minor raw materials used in glass production. For total quality and productivity management, SMYAC is one of the first companies in the Philippines to be certified in ISO 9000 by the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) through its accreditation in December of 1992 - merely six...
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...SUVs, the Environment, Safety, and Stakeholders The Evolution and Devolution of the SUV Market In 1990, the SUV/Light truck market consisted of approximately 4 million units sold out of 14 million total vehicle sales in the United States. By 1999, the percentage of the total market had increased and total sales were higher. SUVs/light truck sales were 8.2 million of 16.4 million units sold.21 47.6 percent of Ford Motor Company's sales are of SUVs, primarily its Ford Explorer and larger Expedition, but also of its even larger Excursion. These vehicles took the place of the truck-like Bronco and smaller Bronco II. The largest players in the SUV market (with the number of units sold in 2000) are as follows: 22 [pic] In 1997, most auto manufacturers expanded their SUV offerings and entered the luxury SUV market. These SUVs, with prices around $50,000, featured in-vehicle televisions and VCRs, leather interiors, and all the amenities of luxury cars. The new market entrants are listed below: [pic] By 2000, the U.S. segment of the luxury SUV market was 80.5 percent.23 At that time, SUV purchases constituted one of every five auto sales in the United States and were the highest-margin products in all the automakers' lineups .24 Profits per SUV averaged $ 10,000 per unit. Profits on the Ford Excursion were at the top of the field at $18,000 per unit. At that time, SUVs comprised 20 percent of all of Ford's vehicle sales and accounted for the majority of Ford's...
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...An NHS Confederation leading edge report Lean thinking for the NHS Daniel Jones and Alan Mitchell, Lean Enterprise Academy UK A report commissioned by the NHS Confederation The voice of NHS leadership The NHS Confederation brings together the organisations that make up the modern NHS across the UK. We help our members deliver better health and healthcare by: • influencing policy and the wider public debate on the full range of health and health service issues • supporting health leaders through information sharing and networking • working for employers to improve the working lives of staff and, through them, to provide better care for patients. For more information on our work, please contact: NHS Confederation 29 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DD Tel 020 7074 3200 Fax 020 7074 3201 Email enquiries@nhsconfed.org www.nhsconfed.org Disclaimer All views and opinions in this publication are those of the author and are not the authorised views or opinions of the NHS Confederation. The NHS Confederation shall not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages or defamation arising from any views, opinions or information contained within this publication. Registered Charity no. 1090329 Published by the NHS Confederation © NHS Confederation 2006 ISBN 1 85947 127 7 Ref: BOK 56701 Acknowledgements This report was written by: Daniel Jones and Alan Mitchell, Lean Enterprise Academy UK with David Ben-Tovim, Flinders Medical Centre, Australia David...
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...“HOME READING SUPPORT AND READING COMPREHENSION PERFORMANCE AMONG GRADE 6 PUPILS OF TUGAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT KAUSWAGAN LANAO DEL NORTE” An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty Mindanao State University Maigo School of Arts and Trades Maigo, Lanao del Norte In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course ED 198 (Methods of Research) by Marjune C. Carballo Cristel B. Roa Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM Background of the Study It was said that homes serve as learning foundation before attending to formal schooling, it is where child first acquires knowledge, skills and moral values. The interaction between parents and child at home can have a significant impact on a child’s literacy development. By engaging with books, songs and rhymes at home, parents and carers can support their child’s learning. Parents’ involvement greater accompanied impact on with child’s learning learning materials development. has One specific area that parents are expected to support for their children’s education is on reading. According to Santiago (2003) reading is the mother of all skills. Reading is one important aspect because competence in reading can open the door to a world-wide store of knowledge. Reading is a continuously developing ability which emerges from a child experience with oral language and print (Hirsch, 2006). It was described by Judith and Roberts (2008) that reading is meaning-giving ...
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...CASE STUDY Brand Kingfisher : Creating a Lifestyle Brand -- Lekha Ravi Team Leader, The Icfai Research Center, Chennai. The author can be reached at lkhravi@yahoo.co.in The United Breweries (UB) group today (2008) boasts a diverse portfolio of businesses - alcoholic beverages, life-sciences, engineering, aviation, agriculture, chemicals, information technology and leisure. The man behind this potent diversity is none other than India's flamboyant tycoon Vijay Mallya (Mallya). Mallya's association with the rich, trendy and the luxurious seems to have rubbed off on his brands. All through his glitzy forays into various fields, Mallya has fastidiously endorsed Brand `Kingfisher'. His entry into aviation with the glamorous launch of Kingfisher Airlines drew a lot of its brand equity from Mallya himself. Media reports often analyze how Mallya promotes the `Kingfisher' brand by associating it with lifestyle events like horse-racing, Formula 1 racing and prestigious launches. Reflecting on how he contributes enormously to it through his own flamboyant lifestyle, it is pertinent to probe into the prospects of Kingfisher's brand extension. The Kingfisher brand has come to epitomize a lifestyle that encompasses some of the finest things in life and is today synonymous with delivering a premium experience. - Vijay Mallya Brand Kingfisher I am the brand ambassador; I am the `King of Good Times',said Mallya, the brainchild of Kingfisher brand launched in the year 1980. Reports say...
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...Business Quiz DHL Baseline/Tagline/AdLineof Company/Brands WE make importing Smooth Doordarshan Satyam Sivam Sundaram Electrolux India Makes life a little easier Energizer Keep going ESSAR Steel 24 carat steel Fed-Ex The World On Time Ford Mondeo Redefined Aggression Ford Motors Built for the road ahead Godrej locks PEACE OF MIND.GUARANTEED Graviera Suitings THE MAN OF SUBSTANCE Gucci Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Haier Inspired living Harley-Davidson If you don't have to answer to anyone, what would you do Harrod's retailer, ENTER A DIFFERENT London WORLD Hero Honda CBZ Motorcycling Unplugged Hero Honda Born in a studio, not in a Passion factory Hindustan Times Let there be light Hitachi Inspire the Next Honda The power of dreams Honda DIO FROM INDIA TO THE WORLD.AND TO YOU HSBC World's local bank Hughes Software Think skywards HYUNDAI Play a bigger game ELANTRA Hyundai's new ad Drive your way Jobsahead.com FILL IN YOUR AMBITION Johnnie Walker Keep Walking whiskey Kingfisher airlines Fly the good times Kodak You press the button and we do the rest Lacoste Because what you are LG EXPAND YOUR LIFE LG AC BREATHE HEALTHY Lufthansa There is no better way to 1 Created By: S.Sriram MBA-HR, TAMILNADU srirams@gmx.com Company Accenture Air Deccan Air India Air Sahara Airtel AKAI Allen Solly Allianz Insurance Apple Computers Bajaj Auto Bajaj Pulsar Bajaj spirit Blue Star BluestarAC Bournvita Brooke Bond BSNL BUSINESS STANDARD BUSINESSWORL Magazine of the...
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...Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Kenneth Fee The University of Sunderland © 2013 The University of Sunderland First published September 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of the copyright owner. While every effort has been made to ensure that references to websites are correct at time of going to press, the world wide web is a constantly changing environment and the University of Sunderland cannot accept any responsibility for any changes to addresses. The University of Sunderland acknowledges product, service and company names referred to in this publication, many of which are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks. All materials internally quality assessed by the University of Sunderland and reviewed by academics external to the University. Instructional design and publishing project management by Wordhouse Ltd, Reading, UK. Contents Introduction vii Unit 1 The contemporary world of business and management Introduction 1.1 1.2 The global business environment The importance of developments in the global environment Case Study 1.3 Organisational decision making and performance vii 1 3 10 14 17 19 19 20 Self-assessment questions Feedback on self-assessment questions Summary Unit 2 Globalisation Introduction 2...
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...Principles of Management Control Systems 20 Fo rI B ICFAI UNIVERSITY S U se O nl y C la s s of 09 Principles of Management Control Systems 20 Fo rI B ICFAI Center for Management Research Road # 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034 S U se O nl y C la s s of 09 The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, January 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India. Fo ISBN 81-7881-995-3 Ref. No. PMCS/A 01 2K6 31 For any clarification regarding this book, the students may please write to ICFAI giving the above reference number, and page number. While every possible care has been taken in preparing this book, ICFAI welcomes suggestions from students for improvement in future editions. rI B S U se O nl y C la s s of 20 09 Contents PART I: AN OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Introduction to Management Control Systems Approaches to Management Control Systems Designing Management Control Systems Key Success Variables as Control Indicators Organizing for Adaptive Control Autonomy and Responsibility Transfer Pricing 3 15 28 42 57...
Words: 114680 - Pages: 459
...Principles of Management Control Systems 20 Fo rI B ICFAI UNIVERSITY S U se O nl y C la s s of 09 Principles of Management Control Systems 20 Fo rI B ICFAI Center for Management Research Road # 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 034 S U se O nl y C la s s of 09 The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, January 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India. Fo ISBN 81-7881-995-3 Ref. No. PMCS/A 01 2K6 31 For any clarification regarding this book, the students may please write to ICFAI giving the above reference number, and page number. While every possible care has been taken in preparing this book, ICFAI welcomes suggestions from students for improvement in future editions. rI B S U se O nl y C la s s of 20 09 Contents PART I: AN OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Introduction to Management Control Systems Approaches to Management Control Systems Designing Management Control Systems Key Success Variables as Control Indicators Organizing for Adaptive Control Autonomy and Responsibility Transfer Pricing 3 15 28 42 57...
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...the thousand hiding voices, the cry of the Need inside, the entity, the silent watcher, the cold quiet thing, the one that laughs, the Moondancer. The me that was not-me, the thing that mocked and laughed and came calling with its hunger. With the Need. And the Need was very strong now, very careful cold coiled creeping crackly cocked and ready, very strong, very much ready now—and still it waited and watched, and it made me wait and watch. I had been waiting and watching the priest for five weeks now. The Need had been prickling and teasing and prodding at me to find one, find the next, find this priest. For three weeks I had known he was it, he was next, we belonged to the Dark Passenger, he and I together. And that three weeks I had spent fighting the pressure, the growing Need, rising in me like a great wave that roars up and over the beach and does not recede, only swells more with every tick of the bright night's clock. But it was careful time, too, time spent making sure. Not making sure of the priest, no, I was long sure of him. Time spent to be certain that it could be done right, made neat, all the corners folded, all squared away. I could not be caught, not now. I had worked too hard, too long, to make this work for me, to protect my happy little life. And I was having too much fun to stop now. And so I was always careful. Always tidy. Always prepared ahead of time so it would be right. And when it was right, take extra time to be...
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...YE AR S CE L EB RA TIN G6 HISTORY HISTORY A World Transformed II: World in Flux E D I TOR PW AA -TA ST IC Y EA R S! RESOURCE Tania Asnes A L PACA-IN-CHIEF 2 0 1 2 Daniel Berdichevsky the World Scholar’s Cup® ® HISTORY | 1 History Resource 2012: A World in Flux Table of Contents Preface: A Swiftly Texting Planet ................................................................. 2 I. The Determinators....................................................................................... 4 Toward a model for technological change............................................. 5 I’m on Team IDUAR ................................................................................ 6 Disruptive technologies..............................................................................8 Classic Technologies ...................................................................................9 The time of wheels ..................................................................................9 How the stirrup stirred things up ......................................................10 Print all about it: the printing press ................................................... 11 II. Transformations in Everyday Life .......................................................... 13 Turning on the lights ................................................................................. 13 Picking up the telephone .......................................
Words: 22263 - Pages: 90
...Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment This page intentionally left blank Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment Avoiding Simplicity, Embracing Complexity Stephen D. Cohen 1 2007 1 Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright # 2007 by Oxford University Press Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 www.oup.com Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cohen, Stephen D. Multinational corporations and foreign direct investment: avoiding simplicity, embracing complexity / Stephen D. Cohen. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN-13 978-0-19-517935-4; 978-0-19-517936-1 (pbk.) ISBN 0-19-517935-8; 0-19-517936-6 (pbk.) 1. International...
Words: 160016 - Pages: 641
...The Essential Drucker BOOKS BY PETER F. DRUCKER MANAGEMENT The Essential Drucker Management Challenges for the 21st Century Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management Managing in a Time of Great Change Managing for the Future Managing the Non-Profit Organization The Frontiers of Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Changing World of the Executive Managing in Turbulent Times Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices Technology, Management and Society The Effective Executive Managing for Results The Practice of Management Concept of the Corporation ECONOMICS, POLITICS, SOCIETY Post-Capitalist Society Drucker on Asia The Ecological Revolution The New Realities Toward the Next Economics The Pension Fund Revolution Men, Ideas, and Politics The Age of Discontinuity Landmarks of Tomorrow America’s Next Twenty Years The New Society The Future of Industrial Man The End of Economic Man AUTOGRAPHY Adventures of a Bystander FICTION The Temptation to Do Good The Last of all Possible Worlds --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A DF Books NERDs Release THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER. Copyright © 2001 Peter F. Drucker. All rights reserved under international and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse...
Words: 109564 - Pages: 439
...Engineering and Technology Management Tools and Applications For a listing of recent titles in the Artech House Technology Management and Professional Development Library, turn to the back of this book. Engineering and Technology Management Tools and Applications B. S. Dhillon Artech House Boston • London www.artechhouse.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dhillon, B. S. Engineering and technology management tools and applications/B.S. Dhillon. p. cm. — (Artech House technology management and professional development library) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-58053-265-9 (alk. paper) 1. Engineering—Management. 2. Technology—Management. I. Title. II. Series. TA190 .D47 2002 620’.0068—dc21 2002074491 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Dhillon, B. S. Engineering and technology management tools and applications. (Artech House technology management and professional development library) 1. Engineering—Management 2. Technology—Management I. Title 620’ . 0068 ISBN 1-58053-265-9 Cover design by Igor Valdman © 2002 ARTECH HOUSE, INC. 685 Canton Street Norwood, MA 02062 All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. All terms mentioned in this book that...
Words: 97747 - Pages: 391
...Títol: Benetton and Zara information systems:a comparative analysis Volum:I de I Alumne: Chiara Pirone Director/Ponent:Jose M.Cabré Garcia Departament:Organización de Empresas Data: 28 Junio 2010 DADES DEL PROJECTE Títol del Projecte:Benetton and Zara information systems:a comparative analysis Nom de l'estudiant:Chiara Pirone Titulació:Ingenieria superior Informatica Crèdits: 37.5 Director/Ponent:Jose M.Cabré Garcia Departament:Organización de Empresas MEMBRES DEL TRIBUNAL President:Ferran Sabate Carriga Toma de decisiones y gestión de proyectos empresariales(PDGPE) Vocal:Francesc Tiñena Salvañà Compresion de datos e imagen (CDI) Secretari:Jose M. Cabré Garcia Empresa y entorno economico(EEE) QUALIFICACIÓ Qualificació numèrica: Qualificació descriptiva: Data: INDEX CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: VERTICAL INTEGRATION 2.1. VERTICAL INTEGRATION 2.2: THE THREE A’S OF A SUPPLY CHAIN EXCELLENCE 2.2.1: AGILITY 2.2.2: ADAPTABILITY 2.2.3: ALIGNMENT 2.3: PORTER’S ANALYSIS 2.4: EXAMPLES: WAL-MART AND DELL CHAPTER 3: THE SYSTEM LOCK-IN 3.1 THE DELTA MODEL 3.2: THE SYSTEM LOCK-IN 3.3: EXAMPLE: FORD MOTOR CO 3.3.1: FORD MOTOR CO LOCK-IN CHAPTER 4 : ZARA 4.1 ZARA’S HISTORY 4.2 BUSINESS MODEL 4.2.1: PORTER’S ANALYSIS ON ZARA 4.2.2 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE CURVE 7 9 9 13 15 16 17 19 30 36 36 39 41 42 45 45 47 47 49 1 4.2.3: KEY FACTORS OF SUCCESS 4.2.4: STRATEGIC DRAWBACKS 4.2.5: LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN 4.2.6: STRATEGY 4.2.7: OPPORTUNITIES 4.3 THE MATHEMATICAL...
Words: 43564 - Pages: 175