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Train the Trainer


Submitted By Amy99
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Table of Contents

| Page Number | Introduction | 3 | Training Needs Analysis | 3-4 | Programme Design | 4 | Programme Delivery * Content Management * Self Management * Room Management * Relationship Management | 4-71089 | Programme Evaluation | 10-11 | Programme Improvement | 11 | Conclusions and Recommendations | 11 | Bibliography | 12 | Appendices * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * | 13-141516 |

In this assignment one will indicate how a training session should be planned, following the stages of the learning cycle.

Training Needs Analysis:
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a systematic gathering of data to find out the training needs of participants. There are many benefits to carrying out a TNA prior to the training programme design stage. One such benefit is to assess the existing knowledge, skills and attitudes of participants, as well as identifying the gaps that need to be filled in order for them to reach their desired knowledge, skills and attitudes. Another benefit is that this information will inform the trainer of the Aim & Objectives of the training programme. And finally, in doing a TNA ensures that the Trainer and the trainee are more likely to achieve positive results from carrying out the training. However, one must bare in mind that there are some challenges to carrying out a TNA. For instance, employees might be concerned that their supervisor might have access to what they write on their forms, so it is important to clarify on the TNA questionnaire that information obtained is private and confidential. Additionally, it can be difficult to ensure that the participant fill out the TNA honestly, as well as it being difficult to get the TNA’s back. Upon analysing the information collected on the TNA one may come up with various findings. For example, one might find that there are several areas that trainee need different training in, in order for them to do their job effectively. Additionally, it might indicate what training is need as a priority, as well as allowing one to see where resources can be best placed.
For the proposes of the training one intends on delivering, one will use a survey that will be emailed to all participants to complete and be returned 1 week prior to the delivery of training. Please see appendices 1 for TNA Questionnaire.

Programme Design:
The design stage of the programme is important, as it determines the success of the training. It is at this stage that the TNA analysis will define the aim and objectives of the training programme. The aim of the training is the overall goal that the trainer wishes to achieve at the end of the training. The objectives will show step by step how the aim will be achieved. In order to make measuring results easier, objectives should be clear cut and to the point. It is important that the objectives are attainable to ensure success, so the trainer needs be realistic when setting them out.

Time Plan:
Please see appendices no. 2 which shows the Time Plan for the purposed training, as well as the Aim & Objectives.

Programme Delivery:
Content Management:
The content of the training needs to be clear, concise and relevant. The trainer needs to also consider what training methods or techniques they will use to deliver the content, as well as the training aids they will use to support their delivery. Intersperse activities which require students to sit quietly with activities that allow them to move around and be active. One training method is a lecture which is a verbal presentation given to an audience with the main aim being to transfer knowledge. It is very much a “jug & mug”, in that the trainer is pouring information into the trainee, which they are expected to absorb and retain. With this technique of delivery the trainer needs to know their subject, be able to hold an audience. Brainstorming allows for the whole group to participate in finding solutions to well defined problems. It is a very good method to use when planning or helping to solve a problem and one idea can spark of other ideas and can make participant more creative and productive.

Group discussions are where the trainer and the trainees co-operatively talk over a problem or a subject matter. It is a good way of getting everyone involved and allows the working out of or analysing of problems, as it allows for different solutions or ideas. Case studies involves the trainer giving the trainees scenarios, which maybe real or not and ask them to analyse and/or solve. This interactive method allows trainees to analyse situations, as well as learning how to handle similar situations in real life. The trainer requires good facilitation skills to ensure that certain participants do not take over. Role-plays are unrehearsed, informal dramatization in which people can work out how to handle various situations, using the new knowledge, skills and attitudes that they have now acquired. Role plays are very good for allowing people to walk in someone else’s shoes and experiment with new ways of behaving. Demonstrations are an excellent way to teach trainees how you use the new knowledge, still or attitude that they are acquiring on the training. Demonstrations are good on their own, but are a lot more effective if followed by a practice session, as it allows for the trainer to correct mistakes etc.

Training aids should be used to support & enhance your delivery, as well as the learning process. When factoring on training aids, one need to ensure that they are relevant, professional, clear, and visible, have an impact, as well as being imaginative. Power point is a very valuable tool in delivering training; it can be used to clarify important points, to summarise, to display graphs, diagrams & pictures. Flipchart can be used to write any feedback from group work or brainstorms, illustrate points or draw diagrams. Hand-outs can be used to in addition to your delivery, emphasising points, allows participants to be involved in the training and not needing to take a lot of notes, as well as having something to refer to in the future. Using video clips offer a break in the training and can bring reality into the training. Please refer to Appendices 3 to see Training Methods/Technology & Training Aids that will be used for proposed training.

It is important to make sure that your choice of training methods/ techniques & training aids are varied, in order to consider the different learning styles of trainees. This will help them to engage with the training and get the most out of their experience. For instance, the visual learners tend to learn through seeing and can be sub divided into two types, been Linguists and Spatial Visual learners. The Linguistic Visual Learners tend to learn through written word, such as reading or writing. The Visual Spatial learner does not tend to like the written word; they prefer graphs, charts, demonstrations, videos and other visual materials. The trainer should include power point, giving hand outs, as well as using wall displays, posters, graphic, charts. An Auditory Learner learns through listening to the information that is imparted through lecturers, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. For auditory Learners the best way to learn is to hear something over and over again, so allow time for repeating and recapping. The Kinaesthetic learner will retain information when a hand on approach is used like practical hands on & physical experiences. For the kinaesthetic learner it is important to include physical activities, role plays and demonstrations. The Activist learner tends to be in the 'here and now', often gregarious; seek challenges and open-minded. When designing a training programme it is important to include activities such as, brainstorming, problem solving, group discussion, puzzles, competitions and role-play.

The Reflector tends to prefer to 'stand back', gather data, ponder and analyse, delay in reaching conclusions and speaking. Allow for time for them to pounder and reflect on what they are learning. The Theorists are logical, rational and objective, thus they like to understand the theory behind the actions. As they are systematic and analytical they need models, concepts and facts in order to engage in the learning process. When designing a programme it is important to include models, statistics, stories, quotes, background information, as well as allowing opportunity to apply new theories in the training. The Pragmatists seeks and tries out new ideas, tend to be practical, down-to-earth and enjoy solving problems and making decisions quickly. Pragmatists need to be able to see how to put the learning into practice outside of the training, so include activities such as, case studies, problem solving and discussion.

Room Management:
The environment where the training is delivered needs to be suitable and arranged correctly to ensure the comfort of the trainees, bearing in mind Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The first level of need Maslow refers to is Physiological Needs, which the trainer can meet by ensuring that break times & structure of training are clarified, additionally, with this need as safe comfortable environment is needed, so trainers should think of FREEDOM. Is the room freezing or roasting, and is there any eye strain or ear strain in the way room is set up, are there any distractions, and are they overworked or is there any messiness. Maslow second level need is safety, so ensure that health and safety is followed when picking and setting up a training environment. The third level need, is Social need, so it is important the trainer makes an introduction & allows all trainees to introduce themselves. Maslow’s fourth need is Esteem, which a trainer can address by making sure they connect with their audience, as well as ensuring the trainees contact with each other. This could be achieved by arranging the sits in a way that all trainees can see each other and can interact easily. For example, a U shape, semi-circle, a complete circle, a Shaped sitting arrangement. Finally, Maslow’s fifth needs, is self-actualisation which can mean the trainer maximise the interaction the individual has with them and other trainees. Like the pervious one sitting arrangements, can address this, as well as including group work in the theory delivery.

Relationship Management:
In all groups, a group dynamic is present regardless of size or length of time together, so it is important to be aware of this process in order to facilitate a group effectively. The group dynamic is “the combined configuration of mental, emotional and physical energy in the group at any given time; and the way this configuration undergoes change “(Heron, 1999, p51). Heron labelled the four obvious phases, as the four season of the year. Wintertime, he described as the stage of defensiveness, which usually occurs at the start of a group when trust is low and anxiety is high. As trust builds and the group works through defensiveness, a fresh culture develops, thus he liked this to springtime. Summertime is seen as the stage of authentic behaviour, when trust is high and group process and task work together to produce good growth. And finally is the closure stage, autumn time, where the end of the group is near and participants prepare to return to their perspective roles.

Additional to the four seasons the trainer needs to be aware the different types of people that could possibly in the room. For instance, the Talking Terror, The Moaner, Doubting Thomas, The whispers, The Arguer, The Quite One. Whatever might arise the trainer needs to be in tune and aware of what is happening, as well as addressing the problem immediately, as well as tactfully, professionally and respectfully. For Example, when might with a Talking Terror, the trainer could say “So X, you think XY&Z, how about anyone else, what do ye think”.

Self Management is vitally important to the success of the training, as training is 20% material/training tools and 80% showmanship and delivery. A trainer needs to know their audience, their subject and know themselves. The trainer needs to be practice excellent communication skills, such as speaking with clarify and even tone, listening to trainees, good eye contact, appropriate use of hand gestures, positive body language. As well as this a trainer should bear in mind the 6 E’s. Enthusiasm Energy, Expressiveness, Eagerness, Engage and Encouragement, in order to ensure quality of delivery. Make sure that you rehearse teaching the material several times before presenting it live. Know how to use all of the technology and have a backup plan in case any fail.

Programme Evaluation:
Evaluating the training is vitally important to ensure that the training is effective, efficient and useful. In evaluating you will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the training programme and it will give suggestions for improvements. In order to carry out a good evaluation questionnaire one should use Kirkpatrick Model of 4 levels. Level 1 is the Reaction to the training. To what degree participants react favourably to the training. Level 2 is the Learning level, to what degree participants acquire the intended knowledge, skills, attitudes, confidence and commitment based on their participation in a training event. Level 3 is the Behaviour level, to what degree participants apply what they learned during training when they are back on the job. And finally, Level 4, the Results level, to what degree targeted outcomes occurs as a result of the training event and subsequent reinforcement. Please see Appendices 4.

Programme Improvement:
Based on the evaluations feedback, one should adjust the training programme to encompass areas highlighted as needing improvement, and take into consideration suggested improvements. Additionally, a good quality trainer should reflect and positively critic the training themselves.

Conclusions & Recommendations:
In conclusion it is clear the importance of getting a TNA from all trainees who are attending the training. This information will be vital at the design stage of the training, as well as been vital to ensure that the training is successful. Be sure to include a variety of training methods/techniques and training aids to ensure that you can maximise the participation of all trainees, as well as enhance their learning. It too is very important to carry out an evaluation and to adjust the training to reflect the feedback given in the evaluation.

Bibliography: 1. Heron, J. (1999). The complete facilitator's handbook. London, UK: Kogan

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