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Training Log Research Paper

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You’ve likely seen people in the gym with a pen and notebook, writing things down after sets.
You may think it’s a bit weird and wonder why they are doing that.
Well they are recording their workout in their workout log or training log.
Continue reading to learn the importance of keeping records by starting your training log.
Why keep a Workout Log
In your workout log you should record every rep, set, and exercise of every session.
Here are 6 reasons to keep a training log:
1= Reliable Records - One of the worst things that can happen to you at the gym, other than forgetting your protein shake, is not knowing what exercises and weight you worked with in the previous session.
Also, it is difficult to remember your various PR’s for different reps, for example on bench press what is your 3, and 5 rep max? …show more content…
2= Road Map – By using a training log you can better see what is working for you and what’s not.
Let’s say last year you made tremendous progress on a certain routine and your current routine isn’t giving you the same results.
By looking at your training log you can simply look at last year’s routine and bring it back or analyze the differences between last year’s routine and the current one to see what could be the cause of the lag.
This doesn’t guarantee you’re going to get the same exact results, but it’s a better starting place.
3= Motivation – A huge advantage of keeping a workout log is that it can provide great motivation as you see progress throughout the weeks.
In your workout log you’ll be able to see how the weight is progressively increasing and/or the number you could do increases.
Just having a workout log acts as a reminder to workout as well. For example if you’re lying down on the couch, binging on Netflix and chips, and see your workout log on the table you’ll be reminded to go

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