...I.Executive Summary Easy Trash is basically a waste basket, but with the technology it has at the bottom, and the eco-friendly row material it is made of makes it an innovative and a totally new essential house equipment. This report is prepared to develop an appropriate marketing plan for Easy Trash and to provide a comprehensive marketing analysis. What makes it this much innovative is the extra part at the downside of it with a roll of waste bag inside it. The basket has a hole below and the bags are coming up from that hole. Think the system as wet wipes. You pull one, and the other one pops out without an effort. The other part that differentiates Easy Trash from the other waste baskets is the socially responsible side of it which comes from the row material it is made of: light steel and zinc galvanization. Easy Trash eases life and provides a better environment at the same time. Easy Trash is produced according the trends, demography, economy and nature. According to the secondary research we have done for macro environmental factors, and micro environmental factors such as customer and competitor analysis, Easy Trash fills in a blank and comes up to the market by differentiating itself from all other products that serve in the way Easy Trash does. Other than the secondary research, the primary research we did by survey questions, helped us more in determining the special features of Easy Trash, and preparing an appropriate marketing mix containing decisions about product...
Words: 8395 - Pages: 34
...Gasification machine and all the waste is turned into energy; the stuff that we can break down we vermicompost. Using recycling we can save more energy and companies won’t have to buy new items. Recycling 1 tin can saves enough energy to run the TV for three hours which is equivalent to half a gallon of gas. That’s a lot of energy we save. Recycling saves energy and money and we use mostly recyclable material in our city we can save money, keep our city clean, have lots of clean energy, and so much more. If everybody has public transportation, we use less energy and save money too. So that is what we did with the Maglev Monorail! It hovers above the track and is fast and smooth, the Maglev is also cheap to run so it is a win win. The Maglev Monorail, which flies through the city faster than any car, is a perfect innovation. Our Plasma Gasification machine destroys trash and recycles most things; as well as our city is in a spectacular place where there are no natural disasters and good weather. These improve the city by making it clean, with fast transportation and simply just a nice place to be. Our city is very clean and innovative, using new forms of technology to recycle, transport, help and much more. In our new city, Edgewood, we have created the first functional Plasma Gasification machine. With this machine all of our waste can be turned into energy or composted or baled and sold. This is an important thing because Edgewood produces a lot of municipal waste. So with a large city...
Words: 1969 - Pages: 8
...Parktopia’s First Recycling Program Supply Chain Department Parktopia Executive Summary Situation In recent years, St. George has been plagued with a landfill scarcity crisis. Growing environmental negligence has caused this scarcity. Parktopia produces 15% of all total waste in St. George, making us the largest waste producer in the area. We need to take responsibility and help solve our city’s landfill scarcity problem. Methodology We used a framework called MECE (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive). MECE allows us to find problems that are relevant towards our situation. The methodology allowed us to identify three areas of research that influence the solution that solves our problem; these three spheres of research are cost, community, and competition. Research The first sphere of research is about cost. We identified that the largest increasing cost in Parktopia is the trash disposal cost. The second sphere of research, which dealt with community, identified that our community is burdened by the increasing trash disposal cost and landfill scarcity. The last sphere of research identified that recycling programs are helping our competition reduce costs. Solution The solution that solves all three spheres of research is a recycling program. Our recycling program includes 100 plastic and 100 paper containers, along with formal employee training. The proposed start date is January 1, 2015. Introduction Since 1954, Parktopia...
Words: 1917 - Pages: 8
...WADING THROUGH THE WASTE: A LOOK INTO THE FAILURE Wading Through the Waste: A look into the failure of American landfills and how plasma gasification can fix it Joshua A. Valdez ITT-Tech Jacksonville, Fl GE117 Chambers Abstract America, a “throw away” society, is facing a tragic consequence of its lifestyle. Even with increased recycling efforts Americans are running out of space to put their trash. With stricter regulations and public policies, the number of landfills has significantly dropped; replaced by what are called “megafills.” Although safer, since the EPA’s introduction of strict regulations in 1988, environmental dangers still exist. That danger, amplified with the high operation costs of landfills, an alternative disposal method is needed. Plasma Gasification provides a cleaner and more efficient way of disposing waste while having the added benefit of producing energy. Wading Through the Waste: A look into the failure of American landfills and how plasma gasification can fix it “Did you know that the average person produces three pounds of trash a day? I would really like to know where it all goes,” a woman asks her therapist in the 1989 movie Sex, Lies, and Videotapes. Since 1989 our trash production has increased to 4.6 pounds per individual, based on a 2007 EPA study. (EPA, 2012) America, a “throw away” society, is facing a tragic consequence of its lifestyle. Even with increased recycling efforts, Americans are running out of space...
Words: 1972 - Pages: 8
...Developing an appropriate solid waste disposal solution for Manila Bay “MANILA, Philippines – Plastic bags are the most common type of garbage found in Manila Bay, according to a waste audit conducted by environmental groups on Thursday, July 3, International Plastic Bag-Free Day.” (Rappler.Com – Pia Ranada – July 05, 2014) An article by Pia Ranada said that Plastic bags are the most common type of garbage found in Manila Bay and it is said in the article that garbage found in Manila bay are classified into 12 namely; Plastic bags, Composites or plastic wrappers, Polystyrenes (like Styrofoam, print cartridges, coat hangers, DVD cases), Plastic Bottles, Hard Plastics, Rubbers, Metals and cans, Glass, Hazardous waste, Diapers and napkins, Biodegradables and other discards. Probably, those trash where thrown by those people going in the bay or it came from other places and just flow in the Manila Bay. It was a bit disappointing because during one typhoon, barriers of Manila bay was broken and after the flood was gone, it left so many trash that lots of trucks are coming back to get the trash. It was said in the news that there tons of garbage/trash found in the Manila Bay, and base on the videos in the news, plastics really are the most common type of garbage found in the bay. People living near the bay or those who are going in the bay, not all but maybe most of them don’t have discipline in throwing their own trashes. Like they are throwing trashes everywhere, or even at the...
Words: 690 - Pages: 3
...Waste Management What is waste management? “Waste management is an industry which revolves collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials.” The materials that are produced by human activity and the process are generally to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. “Waste management is the practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. The management of all wastes materials, whether solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, and tried to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of each through different methods.” “Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers. Management for non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator.” What is a landfill? “A land fill is the disposing of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste, and which remains a common practice in most countries. Landfills were often established in abandoned or unused quarries, mining voids or borrow pits. A properly designed and well-managed landfill can be a hygienic and relatively inexpensive method of disposing of waste materials. Older, poorly designed or poorly managed landfills...
Words: 1308 - Pages: 6
...May 30, 2012 Trash Why are there so many landfills in America? It is because the amount of trash that the people put out is too high. All of this trash that we put out is adding up into our landfills, end up being burned, or even flow out into our oceans. Since most things that you put out into our trash are not biodegradable, these landfills will continue to grow and grow over time. Such things will have a negative impact on the environment. Though you can’t see the impact of it now, it’s going to hit us like a ton of bricks in the future. We can help avoid this fate by simply eating less food, recycling more and to use more biodegradable packaging. There are many ways that we can reduce the amount of trash we produce as people. One main way is to eat less food. In this day and age not much food is sold without some sort of paper or plastic packaging covering the item. If you just lower the amount of food we eat we can drastically lower the amount of trash produced as a whole and lower our weight leading to healthier life styles. Based on values in 2001 the USA produced 409,029,000 tons of trash. In the same year there was a population of 286,345,000. This equates to roughly 1.43 tons per person, that’s 2860 pounds of trash per person. Now how to distinguish between trash from people vs. the trash produced by factories and other large companies is hard. Of these 409,029,000 tons of trash only 32 percent was recycled, leaving behind 278,139,720 tons of trash. In one year if...
Words: 1383 - Pages: 6
...Growing up everyone is taught that recycling is essential to the environment. Many companies today have recycling programs to emphasize that. New York City has the biggest recycling program because they are the “capital of trash”. With that being said, New York faces problems on where to dump their trash. The recycling program began to sell their trash to firms, to make other products, in hope of making a profit. Unfortunately, they had more expenses than revenues. The supply for trash is higher than its demand. Meaning most of the trash people recycle is piling up somewhere. There are two solutions to this problem, closed-loop recycling or getting the government involved. Closed-loop recycling requires companies to create their own markets...
Words: 1010 - Pages: 5
...caused by waste in the form of liquid or solid. Introduction to Land Pollution The presence of chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment Results in a change of the soil quality Affects the normal use of the soil Endangering public health and the living environment Causes of LAND POLLUTION 1. By poor agricultural practices * Excessive use of fertilizers & pesticides. Farmers use fertilizers and pesticides in order to kill pests and have an abundant harvest, but some people use excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticide, which causes pollution * Excessive farming, construction, overgrazing, burning of grass cover and deforestation 2. By mineral exploitation * This includes piles of coal refuse and heaps of slag and underground debris. Mining and forestry activities that clear the land surfaces (clear cutting) and use 'skid trails' often leave the land not restored. The surface is exposed to erosion which destroys the quality of the land. Additionally, iron and other chemicals such as copper, mercury and lead from mining practices leach into the soil, polluting it and leaving it exposed to water bodies as well. 3. By indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes. * The waste materials that cause land pollution are broadly classified as municipal solid waste (MSW, also called municipal refuse), construction and demolition (C&D) waste or debris, and hazardous waste. MSW includes...
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...municipal solid waste. They have transformed from simple piles of hazardous, unsanitary trash into reliable, engineered foundations. Even as the annual rate of trash landfilled per capita rises, the amount of landfills has decreased dramatically from twenty thousand in the 1970’s to the remaining two thousand eight hundred today. This is due to the benefit of the interstate shipment of trash in environmental, ethical and economic perspectives. Subtitle D of the Resource and Conservation and Recovery Act requires strict environmental protections. These strict laws lead to the replacement of small landfills with expensive, regional mega landfills that can generate enough trash to afford the technology required to conform to the law. The new privately owned landfills therefore, lead to the interstate shipment of trash since landfills across state borders are more accessible for a city than an inner state landfill. This increase of mega landfills is environmentally beneficial since there are fewer landfills, making it easier to regulate under the more strict laws. New landfills also benefit the environment by converting emitted methane to electricity, compressing more trash into the same volume as old landfills, decreasing ocean dumping and reducing urban areas use of incineration. These engineered landfills also provide sloped cells that allow for a controlled collection of leachate, which prevents it from contaminating water sources. There are debates that waste to energy facilities...
Words: 531 - Pages: 3
...Well if you have, you most likely would have observed the absurd amount of wasted food spilling out of trash cans and scattered around the concrete floors. It makes you realize how much food we waste daily, and how preventable that is. The waste we see has so much potential to be dispersed and organized into composting and recycling bins. With that in mind, it is mandatory that Mills High School should be required to have composting and more recycling bins around campus, this would be beneficial to our planet, as well as the upcoming generations. The benefits range from most importantly controlling climate change to reducing the amount of waste around campus...
Words: 1075 - Pages: 5
...In this paper I will describe what constitutes improper trash disposal practices. I will also discuss the health issues that these improper practices could pose to the people of my community in Allenhurst, Georgia. Finally, I will discuss the possible effects that a natural disaster would have to our waste management services and health. Improper trash disposal practices include, but are not limited to, placing household hazardous waste in unapproved containers or areas, littering or illegal dumping, and illegal burning. Household hazardous wastes (HHW) are things that may be toxic, corrosive, highly flammable, or reactive to other materials. An example is pouring antifreeze into the ground or throwing car batteries into your household trash can. According to the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), “The average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of HHW in the basement and garage and in storage closets.” Abandoned durables, such as refrigerators, dish washers and other appliances can also be considered HHW. Littering is carelessly discarding trash and may also be caused by animals digging through trash searching for food. This can happen by trash bags not being in appropriate trash containers. Illegal dumping is intentionally discarding trash in unapproved areas, such as privately owned land, vacant lots or even bodies of water such as creeks, ponds, lakes, etc. Illegal dumping was a growing problem in our community a couple of years ago. The tiny dump that was...
Words: 765 - Pages: 4
...urban community is overwhelmed by trash that is poorly managed and has become a source of many hazards to the public. As a Health Educator working for an international health organization you have been asked to assist to address the management of trash (solid wastes) in this community. Your tasks in this assignment are to: 1. Describe how you would address proper trash management in the community of a developing country and how services may be improved. 2. Discuss the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in the management of trash. X Management of municipal solid waste (MSW) or otherwise known as trash or garbage is an ongoing environmental and economic issue not only in the Unites States but also around the world especially in a developing country like the Philippines. The need for a community assessment that aims at assessing the current problems related to the way trash is managed in Pateros, the smallest district in Metro Manila, has been identified. A community assessment is a systemic process of understanding a health problem for the purpose of priority setting or developing an action plan (Escoffery et al, 2004). Before I initiate a community assessment in the area of Pateros, I would have to follow a guide to effectively accomplish the assessment. The matter of solid waste and its management in Metro Manila had catapulted itself into the limelight in 2000, during which a number of issues plagued the solid waste management sector (Navarro, 2003)...
Words: 1395 - Pages: 6
...As a part of our everyday life, everyone produces a little bit of trash with minimal thought as to where it's going. Most people assume that the trash they are producing will end up in the local landfill or recycling plant, where it will stay until it composts and returns back to the earth as rich nutrients or is reborn as an environmentally friendly product. Unfortunately, this is not the case, each year between 4.8 - 12.7 million tons of trash and chemical waste will make its way from our local landfills to the depths of the ocean floors. Once in the ocean, the naturally occurring currents will collect the trash and form massive garbage patches that are now found around the world. The chemicals that are dumped in the ocean cause eutrophication,...
Words: 1961 - Pages: 8
..."DID YOU TAKE OUT THE TRASH?" How many times have our parents asked us that question? Probably more than most of us care to remember. Well, one day many of you will have children and most of the basics of parenting will remain the same. However, one may be changing. Instead of asking if your "little angel" took out the trash, you will probably be asking if he or she sorted the trash. If you are wondering what I mean by sort the trash, listen to these staggering environmental statistics: In one year, the United States produces 200 million tons of garbage, and that only includes what is legally dumped. Really, how much in 200M tons? It's enough metal to build four million automobiles, enough wood to construct 2 million homes, enough paper to publish all the daily newspapers in the country, enough aluminum to rebuild the entire American air fleet 100 times, and would fill 15 million garbage trucks. Trash. We're drowning in it. Unless Americans take a more responsible role in recycling today, we are going to all be dead tomorrow! So, sort your trash. It is easy to recycle most household products and it will only take a little of your time. What’s the deal with recycling? It is such an important environmental issue, and yet it seems as though there isn’t much done about it as a community. If you ask a random person on the street what they think about recycling, nine times out of ten they’ll smirk and tell you “It’s good for the environment.” But, really, they don’t understand the...
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