...Organizational Trends MGT/307 Abstract This paper will first attempt to describe what a high-performance workplace and organization is all about and what characteristics such workplaces have. Second, the paper will provide information on how high-performance workplaces are different from the traditional workplaces, including operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. Next, the paper will list strategies used in the management of stress in the workplace. Last, the authors will provide an evaluation of the trends in organizational behavior correlating to high-performance workplaces and the techniques used to manage stress. Organizational Trends In a high-performance workplace and within organizations there are many characteristics. Their characteristics are what make an organization different from their competitor. Because of different factors in an organization their operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics will encounter different challenges. The strategies that organizations use to manage their employee’s stress are what will help employees not to become burned out or look for another job. The organizations that can evaluate emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high-performance workplaces and stress management technique will be the organizations that will be successful during change. Characteristics of High-Performance Organizations HPO is another way of saying high-performance...
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...Organizational Trends Organizational Trends The team discussion this week was about organizational trends and stress in the workplace. Team A commented on characteristics of high-performance workplaces. They also examined how the high-performance workplaces differ from the more traditional organizations. Team members discussed the effects of stress and what they believe are the best stress management strategies. Each member also evaluated the emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high-performance organizations and stress management techniques to best deal with everyday stress. High-performance Workplace Characteristics Team A came up with many characteristics of a high-performance workplace and commented on whether they think their employers fit into this category or not. Some of these characteristics include strong leadership, a team environment, focus on customers and current marketplace, and a strong continual training program. Corry, Carrie, and Jeremy believe their workplaces to be high-performance, but Jessica believes that hers is a more traditional workplace. The reason that Jessica views her organization as traditional is that it has a clear and defined hierarchy. It does not utilize teams, but instead uses an individual approach to reach organizational success. Corry and Carrie view their companies as high-performance as they have strong leadership that make performance expectations clear and are knowledgeable about the current environment, which...
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...Knoll Workplace Research Five Trends that Are Dramatically Changing Work and the Workplace By Joe Aki Ouye, Ph.D. Co-Founder and Partner New Ways of Working, LLC The Changing Nature of Work My wife, a manager at Hewlett-Packard, usually has a two minute commute—a thirty foot walk from the kitchen up to her office. She goes “to the central office” about once every other week, more to keep in touch socially rather than to formally collaborate. Although she only meets face-to-face with her globally-based team members about once per year, she has an audio conference with them weekly. As HP’s work force grows and becomes more global, she is a highly sought after manager. She has learned how to work with her distributed team, setting clear directions, communicating often and clearly, and, most importantly, creating activities to engender team trust and cohesion. Most workers today do not work like my wife; most still commute to and from traditional, centralized offices and work with teams in close proximity. Nevertheless, more and more of us are—or will be—working in both non-traditional ways and places, ranging from relying on adaptable furniture and hoteling desks at the central office, to satellite offices, offshore offices, and telework from home. According to a recent benchmarking study by our research consortium, The New Ways of Working, many organizations are formalizing “Alternative Workplace” programs that combine nontraditional work practices, settings...
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...Business Communications Trend Tiffany Binford, Com 285 University of Phoenix Cassandra Molavrh November 19, 2009 Business Communications Trend New trends in technology are reinventing the business of communications. Businesses owners no longer have to wait until the next business day to communicate with employees to have an unplanned meeting. Technology has enabled many businesses to operate from remote locations near and far. Several new ways of communicating have become available to businesses and corporations to make the business more functional. The roles that business communications play in each day activities and how it helps manage daily work activities will be discussed as well as the trends in the current and previous workplace, and the message types that resulted from those trends. Business communications play an important role in every day activities by keeping communication available at all times. Being able to communicate effectively in a work environment is essential to the employees as well as the customer. An employee or manager should be able to get his or her point across as in person the same way in a meeting face-to-face. With the new technology such as Internet, PDAs, E-mail, and cellular phones communications as become less stressful. In a workplace e-mails are often used as a way of communicating to a number of people without requiring a face-to-face meeting. With...
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...Knoll Workplace Research Five Trends that Are Dramatically Changing Work and the Workplace By Joe Aki Ouye, Ph.D. Co-Founder and Partner New Ways of Working, LLC The Changing Nature of Work My wife, a manager at Hewlett-Packard, usually has a two minute commute—a thirty foot walk from the kitchen up to her office. She goes “to the central office” about once every other week, more to keep in touch socially rather than to formally collaborate. Although she only meets face-to-face with her globally-based team members about once per year, she has an audio conference with them weekly. As HP’s work force grows and becomes more global, she is a highly sought after manager. She has learned how to work with her distributed team, setting clear directions, communicating often and clearly, and, most importantly, creating activities to engender team trust and cohesion. Most workers today do not work like my wife; most still commute to and from traditional, centralized offices and work with teams in close proximity. Nevertheless, more and more of us are—or will be—working in both non-traditional ways and places, ranging from relying on adaptable furniture and hoteling desks at the central office, to satellite offices, offshore offices, and telework from home. According to a recent benchmarking study by our research consortium, The New Ways of Working, many organizations are formalizing “Alternative Workplace” programs that combine nontraditional work practices, settings and locations.1...
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...Organizational Trends Learning Team A MGT 307 November 5, 2012 Keith Wade Organizational Trends A CEO of a large corporation provides himself with yearly bonuses and takes credit for the staffs hard work and dedication. After reading that statement does it provide you with motivation to want to work for an organization who employee CEO’s such as that? Many individuals are beginning to turn down successful job opportunities to work with smaller net worth organizations because the smaller organizations have present a set of values as well as live by the values they present. These values are not just personal but also professional. High-Performance Workplaces Self-managed work teams, quality programs, and job rotation typically characterize high-performance workplaces and organizations. High-performance organizational structures exhibit a wider variety of flexibility. The structure can be flat, network, matrix or virtual (Locke, 2009). Managers and directors select structures that work best for them and the environment in which their business operates. In contrast to the traditional workplace and business, the high-performance organization work groups freely communicate with peers and associates throughout the company. Many high-performance workplaces encourage employees to express ideas, suggestions, or concerns with upper management, modern organizations tend to control costs, by using flatter, a horizontal organizational structure (Thornbory, 1987)...
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...February 08, 2010 The size of a workplace or organization is irrelevant went it comes to the need to survive. High-performance workplaces and organizations have abandoned the traditional organizational structure, and have adopted innovative techniques to improve operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. These high-performance workplaces and organizations encompass characteristics that keep them profitable and ahead of the competition. The emerging trends in organizational behavior introduced into the business world strongly relate to high-performance workplaces and the stress management techniques that have been implemented. Differences exist in the methods used by high-performance workplaces and organizations and the traditional organizational structure when it concerns how they manage and improve their operational effectiveness, stress, and organizational dynamics. A high-performance workplace or organization has a stronger approach to maintaining an effective workforce. The workforce remains effective by sustaining an appropriate balance between new technology and the workload for individual employees. The traditional organizational structure is content accomplishing tasks from a recognized and established method. The use of technology is an effective method of performance for employees, but accommodating this effective method is more stress. The methods used to manage stress in high-performance workplaces or organizations differ from the...
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...• Business Communication Trends Paper Ann Coward University of Phoenix COM/285 – Business Communications Professor: Daniel Cleary September 1, 2010 • Business Communication Trends Paper Business practices, communication and technology is changing at a rapid pace. Successful businesses rely on effective communication to sustain itself. Gone are the days of writing business letter, sending memos, and mailing correspondences. With offices going green and paperless new technological trends include e-mail, interactive video and teleconferencing, and social electronic networking. It becomes essential to know how to communicate using these trends and still maintain basic corporate etiquette and decorum such as tone, wording, organizing information, spelling, and grammar. In this paper I will outline the role business communication play in my day-to-day activities at work, how it helps to manage daily activities, visible trends in the workplace, and the message types that are a results of these trends. Business communication play the most important role in day-to-day activities at work by cohensively linking coworkers, managers, and executives. The moment one enters the office, the tone of greeting sets the temperature for the day’s activity. A vibrant and positive greeting is more inviting than a faint mumbling acknowledgement. Working in a multicultural organization, requires employee to be mindful and respectful in communicating across...
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...WORKPLACE VIOLENCE: Criminology-CJ102-D04 December 3, 2003 THESIS: WORKPLACE AS IT RELATES TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE I INTRODUCTION: • Crime and violence • Workplace violence a major concern • The three entities involved II STATISTICS • The Bureau of Justice Statistics • Statistics from 1992 to 1996 • National Crime Victimization Survey and The Bureau of Labor Statistic III WORKPLACE VIOLENCE A LAW ENFORCEMENT ISSUE • Responsibility of Law Enforcement • The impact and ramification • The direction of Law Enforcement IV WORKPLACE VIOLENCE A CORRECTIONAL ISSUE • Correctional facilities a breathing ground for violence • Domestic violence to workplace violence • Introduction of a new program V WORKPLACE VIOLENCE A PRIVATE SECURITY ISSUE • The direction of Professional security • The scope of Professional security • The challenge of Professional security INTRODUCTION Initially, when we consider crime and violence the average American may envision or think of the inner city streets, area populated by “lower class status”, and poor neighborhoods. They may even think of sub cultural conflict, or conflict overseas. Then when asked what causes violence, the average American may consider poverty, racial disparity, ineffective families, substance abuse, and the list goes on. In most cases the average American maybe right, in their estimate of crime and violence. However, we tend to avoid or exclude the issue of crime and violence in the workplace...
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...MS Office Class Proposal Table of Contents Summary 3 Description 3 Course Objectives 3 Course Curriculum 3 Course Standards 3 Course Outline 4 Equipment Needed 5 Financial 5 Assumptions 5 Documentation 6 Summary This proposal is written to communicate the objectives, curriculum, standards and potential revenue in regards to an MS Office class. Description This class will be held 2 days a week for a semester in length. The location and times will be determined as the class is developed. The class will be designed for 12 (twelve) students, but will adaptable due to space. It will be taught in various formats, but not limited to lecture, textbook, and hands-on training. Student will also earn up to 2 (two) High School technology credits. The course will be offered in three sections. The sections must build upon each other. Course Objectives The objective of this course is to provide the background for the students to become knowledgeable in the components of Microsoft Office. It will also provide them with the knowledge and expertise to fulfill many roles in today’s society, be preparing them in the field of office systems. Course Curriculum Textbook - Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Windows Vista Edition, 1st Edition ISBN-10: 1423927133 Course Standards This course will be taught to Sunshine State Standards (See Documentation). Course Outline Essential Introduction to Computers Microsoft Windows Vista 1. Introduction...
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...Violence in the Workplace: Getting in Front of the Causes In Order to Create a Safer Workplace By Ryan D. Howell MNGT 5000 – Management Webster University Dr. James W. Chester October 10, 2014 Executive Summary Violence in the workplace is a growing trend affecting safety, which managers at all levels are dealing with. Several factors are associated with the causes of violence in the workplace to include: individual, organizational, and social factors. Violence in the workplace affects not just the employees but also the customers and the productivity of the business. Legislation against violence in the workplace assists the victims and provides resources to managers which allow action. However, in order to get in front of the causes a business strategy must be formed through a SWOT analysis. Once a business strategy is formed then managers will be able to take action and prevent violence in the workplace. Introduction The general concept of safety in the workplace can be assumed to be important to most people. When Goodman (1968) analyzed the use of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, he concluded that while the hierarchy was not as important, the factors of workplace safety were of vital importance (p. 55). There exist several types of workplace violence, and solutions for counteracting each type. The first area to concentrate on is the culture of violence which has led to an increase in workplace violence; not just for employees but also customers (Hoobler...
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...INTRODUCTION: The workplace is viewed by most as a safe environment to engage with colleagues but too often is that view destroyed with the actions of violence. Reports of violence at the workplace are often throw to the side as if it had never even happened. These violent acts can range from something minute as bullying to physical / mental abuse and in some rare cases homicide. According to the National Safety Management Society and the National Safe Workplace Institution workplace violence can be defined as “as verbal or physical threatening or harming of an employee or client/customer of an organization by another employee, client/ customer or member of the general public” (Bruce, Nowlin, 2011). These acts of violence include physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse. Violence is a field that has been well established over time compared to its counterpart. Workplace violence has just made it to the big stage within the past fifteen years. Still being in its infancy, it is sometimes mistaken as aggression. Yes, violence can be a form as aggression but not all aggression takes the form of physical violence. Based on two variables, gender and field of employment (service related industry vs non – service...
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...Organizational Trends Nathaniel Benson, Felton Wells, Kevin Harring, William Kindred MGT/307 February 17, 2011 Charles Parnell Organizational Trends Team B entered discussion concerning organizational trends. Within the discussion the team came to a consensus about its thoughts toward organizational trends. In this paper we will describe the characteristics of high performance workplaces and organizations, discuss how high performance workplaces and organizations differ from traditional organizations in terms of operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. We will then compile strategies for managing workplace stress, and evaluate emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high performance workplaces and stress management techniques. Although each organization has its own way of doing things, trends in high performance workplaces and organizations differ from traditional organizations in terms of operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. High Performance Workplace and Organization Characteristics Organizations consist of many characteristics of high performance. A few of these characteristics consist of work clarity, and a capability assessment. Work clarity consists of making sure every employee understands why the organization exists and what is important. The process makes it clear to all employees in the organization, what business the larger or parent organizations are in and...
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...RESEARCH PAPER FOR TEAM B COLLABORATION IN THE WORKPLACE: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX COM/526, SPRING 2010 DR. LA TRIC CAMPFIELD, FACILITATOR ABSTRACT The term collaboration and its concept has become a keyword in the infrastructure of corporate businesses, small businesses, higher education, and workplaces. "In today's process-driven workplace", as authored by Evan Rosen (2008), "collaboration is king". As the remnants of the in-the-box and old-school traditions are becoming more and more obselete, the out-of-the-box culture of collaboration is being born across the globe. Introduction and History of Collaboration in the Workplace An Overall View The term collaboration and its concept has become a keyword in the infrastructure of corporate businesses, small businesses, higher education, and workplaces. "In today's process-driven workplace", as authored by Evan Rosen (2008), "collaboration is king". While remaining in-the-box and old-school traditions are becoming more and more obselete, the out-of-the-box culture of collaboration is being born across the globe. According to Webster’s New Dictionary (2001), the definition of collaboration is the gathering of resources, data, and information, especially in literature. This combined collection of information and workplace activity constructs a general, specific plan or purpose which is to be executed or produced within the workplace while working with others as a team. The history...
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...be successful, it should perform a SWOTT analysis which refers to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends. SWOTT analysis is the process of management identifying the internal and external factors that will affect the company’s future performance. It is a planning process in which financial and operational goals are set for the upcoming year and creating strategies to accomplish these goals. The following are the internal and external factors that affect McCain’s Fabulously Tasting Gourmet Food Truck. External forces Legal and Regulatory Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Trends The food truck follows all sanitary practices in compliance with food handling. And is consistently examined for cleanliness and clearly posted. There are always new laws and regulations in regard to food handling. The business must continue to stay abreast of new regulations. The Food Truck has an excellent reputation due to cleanliness and adhering to legal and regulatory requirements, thereby allowing growth If the Food Truck should not comply with a new regulatory requirement, the fine could be stiff and decrease profit and stakeholder’s investments. Trending will involve keeping abreast of legal and regulatory requirements and ensure the Food Truck is up to date with these trends. Economic Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Trends The food truck has a large collegiate customer base and therefore can develop economically Costs rising due to increase...
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