...Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, also acknowledged as TTP, is a rare and serious blood disorder represented by hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia coinciding with renal failure and neurological dysfunction (Onundarson, Heal, Rowe, Apr. 1992). The exact reasoning for hemolytic anemia is vague but it may be a consequence of the motorized disintegration of erythrocytes as they pour through partially occluded micro vessels (Onundarson, Heal, Rowe, 1992). TTP is known to cause red blood cells to break apart faster than the body can replace them, conducting hemolytic anemia which is a rare form of anemia. In TTP, small blood vessels begin to clot throughout the body. “These clots can obstruct the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the body’s...
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...Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research and Development Office of Technology Transfer Response to Presidential Memorandum: Accelerating Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Federal Research in Support of High-Growth Businesses 1. Executive Summary. Every year, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) researchers develop dozens of new health care-related technologies and other inventions that benefit VA’s patients, other Veterans, and all Americans. VA’s Technology Transfer Program (TTP) translates the results of VA employees’ discoveries into practice. The program educates VA inventors on their rights and obligations; evaluates inventions; obtains patents; and helps commercialize new products. VA’s program is different from other Federal technology transfer programs, because it is highly decentralized. More than 100 VA medical centers (VAMC) conduct research, and all are Federal Laboratories. In addition, 124 VAMCs have formal affiliations with academic institutions and hospitals, and many full- and part-time VA employees also have academic appointments or are employed at an affiliated academic institution or hospital. Because of these arrangements, most VA inventions are jointly owned by VA and its academic affiliates, making technology transfer a collaborative effort. In order to fulfill the goals of the President’s Memorandum dated October 28, 2011, requiring all Federal departments and agencies to accelerate technology transfer and support private sector...
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...THE VIEWS OF THE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO POLICE SERVICE (TTPS) VERSUS THE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCIES (PSA) WORKING TOGETHER TOWARDS CRIME PREVENTION, IN THE MARABELLA POLICE DIVISION. A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice of College of Science, Technology & Applied Arts of Trinidad & Tobago Troy Donawa 2015 Department of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies School of Liberal Arts and Human Services. Abstract The employment of private security officers has increased considerably internationally and especially throughout developing countries of the world. Trinidad and Tobago are no exceptions. While the private security sector has increased, concerns are raised on how the public police see these new agents of private policing and their role and ability towards crime prevention. This research will examine the views of officers of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) and Private Security Agencies (PSA) working together towards crime prevention. The study will examine the legislation, responsibilities, attitudes towards each other and whether cooperation exist between both sectors. The research conducted in the Marabella Police Division and there were ninety-one (91) participants. The discussion examined the literature review, Routine Activity Theory and the findings of the participants. The findings suggest that there is a need for improved...
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...the ADAMTS-13. These autoantibodies inhibit ADAMTS-13 activity, hence non-cleaved ULvW gather in the plasma – one of the main causes of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TECHNOZYM® ADAMTS-13 INH test allows us to differentiate between autoantibodies (acquired) and congenital (gene polymorphisms) TTP when paired to an activity assay. It is also used to control efficacy of plasma exchange therapy. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) is an uncommon blood disorder which is defined as clotting in the small blood vessels of the body which causes low platelet count (thromboses). The disease can also cause some of the following when TTP progresses: hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, neurologic abnormalities, fever, and acute renal damage/failure....
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...Los emisarios del Gobierno de Pakistán y del principal grupo talibán de Pakistán, el Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), se han reunido este jueves en Islamabad para un primer contacto en el que la insurgencia expondrá sus exigencias, según medios locales. El encuentro se produce dos días después de que se suspendiera por dudas sobre el papel de la delegación del TTP. Uno de los miembros del TTP, el clérigo Abdul Aziz, expuso una lista de demandas que su contraparte, el Gobierno, se mostró dispuesto a estudiar, según Irfán Sidiqui, portavoz del gobierno. en las negociaciones. El emplazamiento de las conversaciones, según varias televisiones locales, se produjo hacia las 14.30 hora local (9.30 hora peninsular española)en un lugar no desvelado de la caipal, Islamabad. El trío de emisarios del TTP está integrado por Abdul Aziz, Saiul Haq e Ibrahim Khan, perteneciente al partido religioso Jamaat-e Islami. El comité gubernamental está formado por Sidiqui, el exmiembro del aparato de inteligencia Mohamed Amir, el exdiplomático cercano a la oposición, Rustam Sha, y el periodista Rahimulá Yusufzai. El anuncio de un nuevo intento del Gobierno por dialogar con el TTP, iniciativa con varios precedentes pero sin ningún resultado tangible, fue bien recibido por la oposición, pero es visto con escepticismo por algunos analistas locales. Según diversos expertos, las demandas de los talibanes incluyen la suspensión de toda actividad militar en las áreas tribales (incluidos los drones...
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...Abstract E-commerce has presented a new way of doing business all over the world using internet. Organizations have changed their way of doing business from a traditional approach to embrace ecommerce processes. As individuals and businesses increase information sharing, a concern regarding the exchange of money securely and conveniently over the internet increases. Therefore, security is a necessity in an e-commerce transaction. The purpose of this paper is to present a token based Secure E-commerce Protocol. The purpose of this paper is to present a paradigm that is capable of satisfying security objectives by using token based secure Keywords: Trusted Third Party (TTP), Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), Secure Socket layer (SSL), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). 1. INTRODUCTION E-commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services. Security is the basic need to secure information on internet. It also pertains to any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact. A security objective is the contribution to security that a system or a product is intended to achieve. E-commerce has become a dynamic force, changing all kinds of business operations world-wide. E-commerce is conducted on global network i.e. Internet which is un-trusted. So confidentiality is required during transmission and it must be kept secure against all type of threats The related...
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...Title of article: The Power of the Playground by David Bornstein Project Task : (2) Conflict Source of article: The New York Times, The Opinion Pages Website: http://opinionator.nlogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/07/the-power-of-the-playground/?ref=bullies My article is useful for my project on bullying as we seek effective measures to manage bullying in schools. The article expounds on the concept of “play” that is pivotal in either managing or aggravating the bullying situation during the playtime. We have adopted the ideas of recess monitoring and authority intervention as it is crucial in bullying management. Author Bornstein, specialist in social innovation writings, is the author of “How to change the world”-published in 20 languages, and the co-author of “Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone needs to know”. Having been described as “a bible in the field” of social entrepreneurship by the New York Times, his profession and credentials also makes his article a reliable source of information for my project. The article states that given the troubled state of playgrounds, adults adopting no-interference policies would result in detrimental effects, thus, monitoring and authority intervention should be applied. I agree with this policy to a certain extent as I believe that children are less likely to misbehave when they are being monitored and authorities can intervene when problem arises. This is corroborated by the Olweus Bullying Prevention...
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...7/13/12 IBS Case Studies IBS Mumbai Date: 12/07/2012 Time: 23:47:12 ME0006 IBS Case Developm ent Center Do Soaring Price and Mounting Demand in Indian Gold Market Speak of a Paradox? This case study was written by Hepsi S warna under the direction of Akshaya Kumar Jena, IBS CDC. It is intended to be used as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was written from published sources. License to use for IB S M umbai S em-I, C lass of 2014 Ó 2009, IB S C ase Dev elopment C enter. A ll rights reserv ed. To order copies, call +91-08417-236667 or w rite to IB S C ase Dev elopment C enter (IB S C DC ), IFH E C ampus, Donthanapally , S ankarapally Road, H y derabad 501 504, A ndhra P radesh, India or email: info@ibscdc.org www.ibscdc.org Do Soaring Price and Mounting Demand in Indian Gold Market Speak of a Paradox? Demand for gold is a w ides pread obs ervable fac t ac ros s the w orld. How ever, the major demand for 1/4 7/13/12 IBS Case Studies Demand for gold is a w ides pread obs ervable fac t ac ros s the w orld. How ever, the major demand for gold c omes from five c ountries , namely India, Italy, T urkey, US and China. Among thes e c ountries , w hic h ac c ount for 55% of the total gold demand, India’s s hare alone c omes to around 25%. Cultural and religious traditions involving...
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...Economic and Trade Relations of China and Japan China contains more than 5,000 years of history. This remarkably long past earns china the title of the oldest civilization in the world. The country possesses the largest population of 1.344 billion and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $7.318 trillion in U.S. dollars ("World bank, china," 2011). Although China has an extremely high GDP, the extremely large population is a problem since they cannot provide enough resources for the entire population. This makes it imperative for China to trade and have relations with the world around them and participate in the global economy. That being said, with there incredibly dense population, they have a labor force of 795.5 million which allow them to be very large competition for the rest of the world. Since the 1970s, China has evolved from a closed, central system to a market-orientated system that makes China the world's largest exporter. This was accomplished by the gradual liberalization of prices, fiscal decentralization, creation of a diversified banking system, the growth of stock markets, the opening to foreign trade and investment, rapid growth of private sectors, and the decrease in collective agriculture ("Index mundi: China," 2012). In the more recent years, China has once again brought back their support for state-owned enterprises (SOE) for the purposes of economic security. The restructuring of the economy and resulting in efficiency gains have brought China to be...
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...PEMERIKSAAN PERSEDIAAN Sifat dan contoh Persediaan 2. Tujuan Pemeriksaan (Audit Objective) Persediaan 3. Prosedur Pemeriksaan Persediaan 1. 1 Sifat dan contoh Persediaan Menurut SAK: persediaan adalah aktiva: a. yang tersedia untuk dijual b. dalam proses produksi dan atau dlm perjalanan c. dalam bentuk perlengkapan [supplies] untuk digunakan dlm proses produksi atau pemberian jasa Sifat Persediaan: - biasanya mrpkan aktiva lancar [perputaran < 1 thn] - mrpkn jml yg besar - mempunyai pengaruh yg besar thd Neraca dan Lap. Laba rugi. 2 Sifat dan contoh Persediaan Contoh Persediaan: - Bahan baku - Bahan dalam proses - Barang jadi - Suku cadang [spare parts] - Bahan pembantu - Barang dalam perjalanan [sudah dikirim supplier ttp belum sampai ke gudang] - Barang konsinyasi [consignment out]: barang perush yg dititip jual kpd perush lain. Sedang consignment in [barang perush lain yg dititip di perush] tidak boleh dicatat sbg persediaan perusahaan. 3 Tujuan Pemeriksaan (Audit Objective) Persediaan 1. Utk memeriksa apakah terdpt internal control yg baik atas persediaan 2. Utk memeriksa apakah persediaan yg tercantum di neraca betul-betul ada dan dimiliki perush. 3. Utk memeriksa apakah metode penilaian persediaan sesuai dg SAK. 4. Utk memeriksa apakah apakah sistem pencatatan persediaan sesuai dg PABU. 5. Utk memeriksa apakah terhadap barang-barang yg rusak [defective], bergerak lambat [slow moving], dan ketinggalan mode [absolescence] sudah dibuatkan allowance yg...
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...Software Requirements Specification For Anonymous User Communication For Privacy Protection in Wireless Metropolitan Mesh Networks Prepared by Under the Guidance of Table of Contents Revision History 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Project Scope 1.3 References 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Features 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 2.4 Operating Environment 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 3. System Features 3.1 System Feature 1 3.2 System Feature 2 (and so on) 4. External Interface Requirements 4.1 User Interfaces 4.2 Hardware Interfaces 4.3 Software Interfaces 4.4 Communications Interfaces 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 5.1 Performance Requirements 5.2 Safety Requirements 5.3 Security Requirements 5.4 Software Quality Attributes 6. Other Requirements Appendix A: Glossary Appendix B: Analysis Models 1. Introduction 1. Purpose The project is to make available security and privacy protection to the user credentials in wireless mesh networks (WMN) using group signature and pair wise secrets terms. 2. Project Scope In wireless mesh network, there is no restriction for public to access the internet or mobile services. So that the large numbers of attacks are might be happened like eavesdrop, inject or impersonate in WMN.All these attacks are great...
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...What are the causes of normochromic, normocytic anemia? How can chronic inflammation cause anemia? (4 pts) Normochromic, normocytic anemia is caused by a hemorrhage or hemolysis. The hemorrhage can be caused by the GI or GU tract secondary to diseases that are affecting these systems. Also congenital bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or von Willebrand disease. The underlying cause of the anemia must be treated and not just the anemia. Chronic inflammation can cause anemia because the inflammation interferes with bodies ability to use stored iron and absorb the iron from the body, thus causing anemia. Which kind of anemia is associated with a beefy red tongue? Why does the beefy red tongue develop? What approach should be taken in treating this type of anemia? (4 pts) Pernicious anemia is associated with a beefy red tongue. Vitamin B12 is deficient and this causes the beefy red tongue. The intrinsic factors in the stomach do not work to absorb the vitamin B12, it causes the papillae on the tongue to loose the smooth appearance. Pernicious anemia can be treated with Vitamin B12 pills or sometimes injections. Why is classification of leukemia important? How does knowing the specific type of leukemia or lymphoma a patient has affect the treatment plan? (3 pts) Classification of leukemia is important to know because it tells you how fast it progresses, when you know the classification. Acute leukemia is fast and can overrun the body in a few weeks to...
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...Hardware, software and the data that resides in and among computer systems must be protected against security threats that exploit vulnerabilities. Organizations must therefore impose appropriate controls to monitor for, deter and prevent security breaches. Three areas have been considered, in a typical sense, as the basic critical security requirements for data protection: confidentiality is used to assure privacy; principles of integrity assure systems are changed in accordance with authorized practices; and, availability is applied to maintain proper system functions to sustain service delivery (Dhillon, 2007, p. 19). These security requirements are represented in Figure 1, Classic Critical Security Requirements. This figure depicts the cross-domain solutions of informal controls, also known as human relationships, and formal and technical controls, which provide for organizational and physical information security controls, respectively. Two additional security requirements have recently been added that are of particular importance to networked environments because attacks now extend far beyond traditional firewall perimeters. These are authentication, which is used to assure a message actually comes from the source it claims to have originated; and, nonrepudiation, which can be applied to prevent an entity from denying performance of a particular action related to handling data, thereby assuring validity of content and origin. Figure 2, Core Data Security Set, depicts...
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... TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Advance Equipment 3. Personalised weapons 4. Continuous Training 5. Remuneration Package 6. Medical and Welfare Facilities 7. Re-training and Foreign Training 8. Lectures on Anger management and Conflict Resolution 9. Deployment of Injured Officers 10. Additional Benefits 11. Understanding Human Behavior You have been placed as the head of department branch or section and ask to submit ten recommendations to the upcoming budget 2012-2013 to the Minister of Finance. The recommendations should be detailed showing the benefits to Trinidad and Tobago. The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) have several divisions and sections throughout the country. This writer has the responsibility as head of the Guard and...
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...Malala Yousufzai, 14, is recovering after being attacked yesterday on her way home from school in Mingora, Pakistan. She was shot by a group of fighters called the Taliban. The group’s members follow a strict version of Islam. They believe girls should not go to school. Yousufzai was targeted because she writes about girls’ rights and children’s education in Swat Valley, Pakistan. Mustafa Qadri, a researcher for Amnesty International in Pakistan, said that the attack shows the dangers of speaking up for human rights in northwestern Pakistan. “Female activists live under constant threats from the Taliban and other militant groups,” he said in a statement. Speaking Up [pic] AAMIR QURESHI—AFP/GETTY IMAGES Activists carry posters for victim Malala Yousafzai at an anti-Taliban protest in Islamabad, Pakistan. Yousufzai has been an Internet blogger, or writer, since age 11. She writes about girls’ education in Pakistan. In December she was awarded Pakistan’s National Peace Award for her bravery in writing about the difficulties of living in the shadow of the Taliban. She has spoken publicly about children’s rights in Swat and had been nominated for an international children’s peace prize. In an interview last year she said told al-Jazeera news, “If this new generation is not given pens, they will be given guns by terrorists.” Yousafzai’s blog entries offered a rare window into the lives of an 11-year-old and her friends in one of the most dangerous and remote places...
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