...Running head: EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND TURNOVER ANALYSIS Employee Retention and Turnover Analysis Sonja Mason-Vidal Southern New Hampshire University QSO-510 X 3154 March 28th 2015 Prof. Ware 1 EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND TURNOVER ANALYSIS 2 Abstract One of the most valuable assets of a company are the employees. In order for the company to do well and maximize its performance, it needs to recruit and retain good employees. In other words, having an appropriate employee retention program will be essential for the success and sustainability of the company. This is why the National American Society of Animal Safety (NASAS) has decided to conduct a study to address the issue of employee retention. The goal of this study is to find a way to attract and retain good employees. Some key factors that will be investigated will be stress management, employee training, mentoring, supervisor support, recognition and reward, performance appraisals with feedback, work-life balance, career development, job security and sense of belonging. The study will seek to determine the relationship of the various interrelated employee retention variables by analyzing the factors as a main method of research. A sample size of 60 respondents from 200 employee was used for the study. The data was collected mainly from a survey and exit interviews, then the results were compiled using excel. The results show that overall job security, employee empowerment, worklife balance and training...
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...Literature Review (8-10 pages 12 sources) The Importance of Retention Systems in Human Resource Management Abstract Retention systems is one of the most important components of a staffing system within an organization. Human Resources is responsible for obtaining human capital in order for an organization to obtain and maintain productivity and profits. Human capital is a major expense and investment within organizations. If the organization is unable to retain its workers, the organization nets substantial losses on each employee it is not able to retain. Losses presents themselves not only in production costs, but training and development dollars invested in the employees as well, in addition to recruitment and hiring costs. My literature review will introduce and evaluate common types of retention systems used by staffing systems and their effectiveness in the workplace. Author of “An Analysis of Human Resource Information Systems impact on Employees”, Kelly O. Weeks describes the overall basic benefits of Human Resource Information Systems. She states in her article “systems give the organization the ability to consistently develop and manage employees based on the value of an individual's contribution”. The article also describes the various ways in which HR systems can improve job productivity by cutting repetitive work, and increasing the speed in which manual processes are managed. This article provides a basic general educational foundation and working knowledge...
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...SHRM Foundation’S EFFEctivE PRacticE GuidElinES SERiES Retaining A Guide to AnAlyzinG And MAnAGinG eMployee turnover Talent SHRM Foundation’S EFFEctivE PRacticE GuidElinES SERiES REtaininG talent A GuiDe to AnAlyzinG AnD MAnAGinG eMPloyee tuRnoveR by David G. Allen, Ph.D., SPHR i REtaininG talent This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. Neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent, licensed professional should be sought. Any federal and state laws discussed in this book are subject to frequent revision and interpretation by amendments or judicial revisions that may significantly affect employer or employee rights and obligations. Readers are encouraged to seek legal counsel regarding specific policies and practices in their organizations. This book is published by the SHRM Foundation, an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM©). The interpretations, conclusions and recommendations in this book are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the SHRM Foundation. ©2008 SHRM Foundation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical...
Words: 22063 - Pages: 89
...10. If you became the new manager at restaurant with high employee turnover, what actions would you take to increase retention of employees? As the new manager of a restaurant with high employee turnover, I would approach this issue by determining the underlying problem(s). Knowing that restaurants tend to have high turnover work environments, as the new manager, it’s my job to make the retention of employees a top priority. Basic procedures to maximize employee retention and reduce turnover drives the cost down and efficiency up. For the existing staff and incoming employee, I would create clear expectations to avoid sending mixed signals as to what the employees should and should not do. Employees enjoy working in an environment that sends a positive vibe; it’s my job to give everyone a detailed feedback regarding their performance and are encouraged to return the favor. This is to create an open communication between me and subordinates that values mutual support and constructive criticism. Another approach is to consult each employee in regards to finding out how we can better improve their working conditions. Perhaps a raise in salary scale, better benefits and vacation incentives can allure employees to stay, which in return alleviate turnover issues. As the new manager, I would also make sure that my team is going to feel like they are essential to the new transition and their opinions/concerns are highly valued. A happy employee produces high quality output therefore...
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...15 Chapter - I Introduction and Research design Introduction Employee retention refers to policies and practices companies use to prevent valuable employees from leaving their jobs. How to retain valuable employees is one of the biggest problems that plague companies in the competitive marketplace .Replacement costs usually are 2.5 times the salary of the individual. The costs associated with turnover may include lost customers and business and damaged morale. In addition there are the hard costs of time spent in screening, verifying credentials, references, interviewing, hiring and training the new employees. (Workforce Planning for Wisconsin State Government, 2005).” “Cost control is the top benefit objective for employers in the...
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...Identifying and Reducing High Staff Turnover Introduction The Information Technology Department (IT) at ABC Hospital is comprised of the following Teams: Radiology IT, Radiation Oncology IT, Lab IT, Cardiology IT & Peri-operative IT Teams. The focus of the IT Department is to provide IT Support for the clinical applications utilized by the respective departments that they support. The IT department focuses on application support, incident management, project management, and a strong focus on customer service. Customers include Physicians, Radiologists, Technicians, Nurses, Clerical Staff, Billing staff, and Administrative Staff. The IT Staff is customer facing, they are required to interact with stakeholders on a daily basis. IT also serves as a liaison between the clinical departments and the technical IT Departments within ABC Hospital. IT focuses on understanding the IT needs of each department and verbalizes this in technical terms to the technical IT Department. IT department is staffed with eleven staff members and is managed by one Manager. Each IT sub department has a Team Lead who is directly responsible for each team meeting all IT & Clinical Department goals & objectives. Brady Consulting Services has been hired by ABC Hospital to provide an analysis and recommendations on the cause for high staff turnover within the IT Department. Over the past 2 years the IT Team has seen a high volume of staff turnover within the Lab IT, Radiation Oncology...
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...Employee retention has always been an important focus for human resource managers. Once a company has invested time and money to recruit and train a good employee, it is in their own best interest to retain that employee and to further develop and motivate them so that they continue to provide value to the organization. However, employers must also recognize and tend to what is in the best interest of their employees, if they intend to keep them. When a company overlooks the needs of its employees and focuses only on the needs of the organization, turnover often results. Excessive turnover in an organization is a prime indicator that something is not right in the employee environment. For this reason, I chose to research and address this topic. In the near future I plan working my way through different management positions in the organization I establish myself with and ultimately reach corporate level. When this comes to fruition, I will need to know my employees, how to retain the most productive ones, and how to keep them satisfied. With this in mind, the topics covered in this report will look at the differences between retention and turnover, why employees stay, reasons why they leave, and what can be done to save them. Employees leave organizations for all sorts of reasons. Some find a different job, some go back to school, and some follow a spouse who has been transferred out of town. Others retire, get angry about something and quit on impulse, or never intended to...
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...Company Case Analysis 1 Paul, the Director of Human Resources, devoted lots of time to Roy and John, Bumpbie’s management team, to identify the root cause of their high turnover rate and identified other issues that must be addressed in order to help keep the company staffed up and out of court for violation of laws or regulations. Paul identified the first issue that needed to be addressed with both Roy and John and enrolled them in the diversity and respect training to help with the violations of discrimination and harassment in the workplace that created a hostile work environment. This training should help both managers with proper ways to address the inappropriate comments and jokes in the workplace that made several of the women...
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...The ongoing nursing crisis presents a significant threat to the U.S. healthcare system, impacting the quality of patient care and the effectiveness of its operations. Previous studies have highlighted the impact of workplace culture and pay disparities in influencing nurse retention and burnout. Studies show that up to 57 percent of recently employed nurses leave their positions within two years, and at least 17.5% leave within the first year. This paper outlines some key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the efficacy of interventions to enhance workplace culture and augment financial incentives for nurses. This analysis outlines proposed solutions that can help alleviate the current nursing crisis. The selected KPIs will reflect the...
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...CASE STUDY OF VODAFONE 1 Role of Training and Development in Employee Retention Case Study of Vodafone 2 ABSTRACT Employees are the strategic asset of any organization; this talent has to be managed and preserved. This project presents a descriptive study, which mainly investigates on the functioning and role of training and development in employee retention, a case study of VODAFONE, a leading telecommunication company of UK, has been presented in this research. This study also investigate on the significance of training and development in managing of employees, different types of training methods in use, and its effects on retention of employees and about benefits which company gains as well. The study mainly helps in finding about the benefits of training and development in retention of employees as well as about the retention of companies information as well. This study emphasizes the role of training and development plays a very crucial role in retaining the capable employees, which are the precious assets treasured by all organizations. Keywords: retention, T&D (Training and Development), Vodafone Contents 3 Abstract ......................................................................................................................................3 Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................................8 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .........................
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...Exercise 2 : Management Tools Case Study March 8, 2015 Table of Contents Root Cause Analysis | | Executive Summary | 3 | Body of Report | | Problem | 3 | Cause | 3 | Analysis | 4 | Solution | 4 | Conclusion | 4 | Activity Based Accounting | | Executive Summary | 5 | Body of Report | | Problem | 6 | Cause | 6 | Analysis | 6 | Solution | 7 | Conclusion | 7 | Process Mapping | 7 | Executive Summary | 7 | Body of Report | 8 | Problem | 8 | Cause | 8 | Analysis | 8 | Solution | 9 | Conclusion | 9 | Balanced Scorecard | | Executive Summary | 9 | Body of Report | 9 | Problem | 10 | Cause | 10 | Analysis | 10 | Solution | 11 | Conclusion | 11 | References | 12 | Exhibits | 13 | Appendices | 14 | Root Cause Analysis Executive Summary Our company in Texas that does retrofits of grocery store lighting, freezers and ceilings is not performing well. We are aware that there is a recession that has impacted business. However, similar companies in other states are profitable and minimally impacted by the recession. The problem was analyzed using a fish diagram for cause and effect. Six areas of equipment, process, people, materials, environment and management were considered. Twelve causes were identified. The equipment quality must be...
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...Analysis of Measurement to Improve Quality Care NUR 716 September 12, 2015 Analysis of Measurement to Improve Quality Care In today’s dynamic health care environment, it is essential to recruit nurses to organizations that provide them with adequate resources and support, in order to retain them in the organization (vanWyngeeren & Stuart, n.d.). A hospital-wide problem at the facility in which I am employed is the ability to retain nurses. According to our human resources department, our facility had a 30% turnover rate, for fiscal year 2014. Five percent of this has been involuntary, with the remaining 25% being voluntary. In order to calculate the turnover rate, which is done on a yearly basis, we take the number of employees who have left the facility voluntarily or involuntary and divide this number by the total number of employees. A turnover rate of 30% reflects negatively on our organization and our ability to provide competent and safe nursing care. The impact of a high turnover rate is revealed in workflow inefficiencies such as delays in delivering patient care, unhappy staff, and unhappy patients. All of these things lead to a decrease in quality of care, a decrease in our ability to keep our patients safe, and, ultimately, a decrease in patient satisfaction scores. When patient satisfaction scores are affected, the hospital is at risk of being unable to receive reimbursement from the United States government. A high turnover rate is also a financial burden...
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...Retention: Deciding to Act In the application study at the end of chapter fourteen, Heneman and Judge (2009) speak of a case pertaining to acting on a plan of retention. Wally Wheelspoke is the owner of a full-service and high-tech car wash company named Wally’s Wonder Wash (WWW), which is located in a Midwestern city populated by approximately 200,000 people with four facilities within the city. His plans are to add more facilities within the next two years. Wally’s major competitors are two other full-service car washes owned by different owners and three automatic facilities owned by the same owners. Wally’s strategy is to supply high-quality car washes and car detailing through competitive prices with a focus on the customers. To stand out from the competition, the attendants are required to ask customers to personally inspect the vehicle to ensure that it was satisfactorily cleaned. WWW’s operates seven days a week from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Wally has no HR training, but is aware that he needs to hire and retain the best for this job and his future plans. Full-time employees are the primary focus, but part-time employees will be helpful during peak hours and the summer season. These employees will be filling the positions of washer and detailer. Currently, WWW has 70 attendants and 20 customer service specialists; along with a manager at each facility. Each position has been filled by using the promotion-from-within method. However, Wally is unsure if this method...
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...Employee retention Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its employees. Employee retention can be represented by a simple statistic (for example, a retention rate of 80% usually indicates that an organisation kept 80% of its employees in a given period). However, many consider employee retention as relating to the efforts by which employers attempt to retain employees in their workforce. In this sense, retention becomes the strategies rather than the outcome. In a Business setting, the goal of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training costs, recruitment costs and loss of talent and organisational knowledge. By implementing lessons learned from key organizational behavior concepts employers can improve retention rates and decrease the associated costs of high turnover. However, this isn't always the case. Employers can seek "positive turnover" whereby they aim to maintain only those employees who they consider to be high performers. Retention Strategies In order to retain employees and reduce turnover managers must meet the goals of employees without losing sight of the organization's goals, thereby creating a "win-win" situation. Valance and expectancy theories provided some of the earlier guidance for retaining employees. Valence is the degree to which the rewards offered by an organization align with the needs employees seek to fulfill. High valence indicates that the needs of employees are aligned well...
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...MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA IMPACT OF HIGH STAFF TURNOVER ON DIVISIONAL PERFORMANCE AT LIMPOPO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CHAVANI FRITZ-DONALD KHOSA MBA 2015 IMPACT OF HIGH STAFF TURNOVER ON DIVISIONAL PERFORMANCE AT LIMPOPO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BY CHAVANI FRITZ-DONALD KHOSA DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS STUDIES MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (MANCOSA) SUPERVISOR: PAUL SINGH OCTOBER 2015 DECLARATION I, Chavani Fritz-donald Khosa declare that this dissertation is the result of my investigation and research and that this has not been submitted in part or full for the degree or for any other degree to any other University. ____________________________ __________________________ C.F. Khosa Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank The Almighty God for the wisdom and strength to embark on this academic research. Sincere thanks goes to my wife Elizabeth Khosa and children (Jamela, Vutomi, Tshulani and Andzani) for their patience, support, courage and inspiration throughout the studies. I am indebted to my parents, Dr J.H.M Khosa and Mrs RM Khosa for moral and financial support during my undergraduates and postgraduate studies and their encouragement to pursue this study. I dedicate this research study to my late brother Mr TH Khosa (Masters in Social...
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