...come to understand the twentieth century’s unique lessons about the capacity of ordinary citizens to do evil” (Franklin). “The Lottery is definitely compared to the twentieth century due to the fact that they have a tradition to play a tragic game every year. Also their is no upper hand to stop this game everyone plays it and feels no remorse. “Trifles” is a play about a woman who gets accused of murdering her husband. “Though the play is celebrated as an early feminist drama, it stands on its own as an engrossing story. In the tale, two women, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, gradually uncover the motive for a murder, while their male counterparts are blinded by ignorance and insensitivity” (Jaworowski). The Attorney, Sheriff, a neighbor, and two of the men’s wives accompanied them to searched Mrs. Wrights house to see if they can find clues on why she would have murdered John Wright. The men enter the house with eyes of legal investigators while the two women enter the house with trying to understand why Mrs. Wright would do this to her husband. In “The Lottery” and “Trifles” both women in the text get punished for committing no crime. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is a story about a town who has a ritual to play a game every year. Every year they gather around for a couple of hours and finish in time for noon dinner. The village people begin to gather in the square between the...
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...amazing offensive duo looking to see that Yang bow is one of the changes. Shoot children are pushed in this spirit array, the power is very strong, and I'm afraid that will not be weaker than before the mu long, "Kingland split spiritual matrix", even God soul strong throughout the early finish the long march, and that's certain death. In previous times, mu long is a left eye, so shoot children quietly lurking in the side, secretly preparing spiritual matrix, once met the case, it is arranged spiritual matrix shot. mu long, clearly shoots children battle experience very weak, so I did not let her appearance and people front...
Words: 1996 - Pages: 8
...work that catches one's eye the most it the “Sunken Relief Depicting Horus” from Egypt, this stone slab has a carving of the god Horus along with inscribed hieroglyphics. To look at “Sunken Relief Depicting Horus” is a unique and interesting experience. To understand this work one must first learn the history behind...
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...Overlooking Canada. The ones I am going to look at are: The setting of the short-story, a characterization of the two characters in the story, the theme(s), and the ending of the story. The story takes place on a high promontory, the two brothers Gary and Bud are fishing in the lake, but the fish don’t seem to bite. The promontory overlooks Canada on one side and the United States of America on the other. The scenery is peaceful and almost perfect, though in a realistic way. Bud is the younger of the two, being only 15 years old and seemingly an average active teenager. He seems carefree and happy. We are told that he likes baseball and that he likes throwing stones and that while doing so he imagines himself a hunter. Gary on the other hand is quite a bit older, I’d guess about 20-25, as he’s just returned from the war in Vietnam. Gary appreciates the peace around him and notices the beauty in the small things, unlike Bud who is more interested in throwing stones for fun. It’s not because Bud is evil, but simply because Gary has been changed by what he’s experienced in Vietnam. He carries a heavy burden around because of the war, but he doesn’t want to talk about it and when Bud asks him. He simply says to him that he wouldn’t want to know. It also seems like it’s hard for him to admit that he killed people in Vietnam when Bud asks, though I think that he has already indirectly told Bud that he did. When Bud had hit that bird with the stone Gary became quite upset...
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...Rasel Choudhury Jon dean ENG091 Date; 11/27/15 Help Save Two Birds with One Stone We’ve all heard the phrase, “Kill Two Birds with One Stone,” which refers to the concept of efficient multitasking, that is, being able to use one approach to accomplish multiple objectives. The same concept can be given to that of volunteering. Instead of trying to kill two birds with one stone, we should focus on trying to save two birds (or people) with one stone. One of the most effective ways to do this is by volunteering. In a world filled with competition, we find those unfortunate or too weak to compete with their surroundings. Those with resources find their social, economic and housing status in a much better position. One study (2013) says “27.4% of those aged 16-19 were volunteering, compared to only 18.9% of 20-24 year olds” (USBL). That means college student likely less volunteering in the community compare to school student, but these number should be increase not decries because college student are smarter and understand better then school students therefore, college student should be more responsible than school student. We should keep that in our mind volunteering allows us to use multiple means, whether monetary or physical contribution to provide facilities for people and animals. The main purpose of going to college is learning and get able to find a path for your life. By going to college your education will be limited in books. You will not get chance to learn about...
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...Latin American Literature * Pre-Columbian cultures were primarily oral, though the Aztecs and Mayans produced written codices. * Oral accounts of mythological and religious beliefs were recorded after the arrival of European colonizers, like Christopher Columbus. * During the colonial period, written culture was often in the hands of the church, producing poetry and philosophical essays. * The 19th century was a period of “foundational fictions”; novels in the Romantic or Naturalist traditions attempted to establish a sense of national identity. * At the turn of the 20th century, modernism emerged, which is the first truly Latin American literature to influence culture outside of the region. * The Latin American Boom (Boom Latino-Americano) of the 1960s put the continent’s literature on the global map; Spanish novels were quickly translated into English and circulated throughout Europe and the world. * Contemporary literature in the region became vibrant and varied, from the best-selling authors Paulo Coelho and Isabel Allende to the genre of testimonio—first person accounts of human rights abuses, violence and war, and living under conditions of social oppression. * Industrialization/economic progress of Latin American is hampered by both internal and external factors. External factors are those powerful First World countries, such as Britain and the United States, whose leaders see the region as a source of cheap raw materials and labor. It is...
Words: 1882 - Pages: 8
...Entering into Cal State Channel Islands was a winning victory. I was aware of the fact I was going to improve my writing skills abandoned the old skills I was previously been taught in high school. It was like “killing two birds with one stone.” The stone was abolishing the five sentence per paragraph policy. The two birds represented writing techniques and understanding how to express myself into a paper. Unfortunately, the only English classes I have ever taken in my higher education were English 102 and English 103. From what I can recall, I was intellectually thinking and writing constantly about my opinions on certain topics. The implementation of doing self-evaluations through writing assignments help me drastically. I was conscious about making sense instead of writing remarkably. Is the...
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...Paleolithic art which was in the Late Upper Paleolithic period. Art was originated along with other inventions such as tools and weapons in this period. The Art of the Upper Paleolithic is among the oldest art known (Wikipedia, 2015). It is understood that art during this period has certain characteristics in which the art itself greatly involved things such as food, fertility, ritual, or even abstract thinking. There were mainly two kinds of art for the Art of the Upper Paleolithic, which are portable and stationary. Portable art from this period was small and mobile, consisting of figurines and decorated objects. Great examples of...
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...The Stoney Tribe or called by its speakers as Nakoda or Nakota, which means “The Friendly People”, is one of the many Plains Indian Tribes . The Stoney Tribe might be known by their name because they used hot/broiled stones to boil their food. The Stoney Tribe is also known as the Assiniboines. This name comes from the Ojibwe language. In Ojibwe, Assiniboines mean “Stone Sioux.” The Tribe comes from Multiple different places but some notable places of living are Montana, North Dakota and Canada. These are places where some descendants still live till this day. In the U.S., the Native Assiniboine tribe, has two reservations known as Fort Belknap and Fort Peck. In Canada, the tribe has eight different groupings of Stonies, that each...
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...still exist today, mostly living in Oklahoma and North Carolina. Most Cherokee do speak English but there are still 20,000 that also speak their native Cherokee Indian language. The Cherokees were peaceful allies of the Americans and the white settlers called the Cherokee, as well as, the Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole “The Five Civilized Tribes”, probably because these tribes were early converts to Christianity. The five tribes never considered themselves part of an alliance and did not call themselves the Civilized Tribes in their own languages. The Cherokee Indians adopted the customs, laws and religion of the white settlers and many became prosperous merchants, traders, teachers, writers and tribal statesmen. The Cherokees were one of the largest Native American tribes who settled in the American Southeast portion of the country. The Cherokee Tribe “The Principal People” "The Principle People", as they were sometimes called, originated with seven brothers in eastern Asia, from which came the seven original clans. They migrated eastward toward the sun and incorporated other customs and means of survival. Long before De Soto, or Columbus, these clans moved to North America carrying with them the sacred fire and knowledge of the spirits of good and evil. They were highly skilled in crafting pottery, sculptures, and metalwork, though they were primarily hunter-gatherers. They farmed...
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...of Scilly are a cluster of 150 islands which together make up one of the world’s biggest archipelagos, they are located off the coast of Cornwall; English Channel. There are 5 islands which approximately 2,200 people which are inhabited these include St Mary’s, Tresco, St Martin’s, Bryher and St Agnes. With the biggest being St Mary’s, this is the largest of the lot and is renowned for its variety of landscapes ranging from wet lands, woodlands, heaths to rocky headlands and sand dunes due to Scilly’s landscape and humid climate it is perfect for the rare plants and flowers which are grown on the islands that are not seen on any of the UK mainland. St Marys has a concentration of holiday accommodation and other amenities, however Tresco is also run as a timeshare resort and is the most tourist orientated, however the other islands such as Bryher and St Martins are more untouched however the two still each have a hotel and other accommodation whereas finally St Agnes has no hotel and is the least developed of each other inhabited islands. The isles of Scilly has been inhabited since the stone age and up until the 20th century its values remain the same, Fishing and Farming still continue however the main industry now is Tourism. The isles of Scilly have great history and remains of a prehistoric farm have been found on Nornour, and ancient field walls are visible below the high tide line off some of the islands one most popular being Samson. Tourism plays a main part in the...
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...The Mediterranean diet: Kill two birds with one stone Oscar Ivan Olivas Castro City University of Seattle The Mediterranean diet: Kill two birds with one stone Introduction The management of resources of our planet is vital for the conservation of our environment and is strictly correlated to our life style eating habits. For example, 40% of the worlds land is used for the purposes of keeping 7 billion people fed, that 40% of space include the production of meat, milk, eggs and support cattle and the maintenance of that cattle amount to the use of one third of the worlds fresh water. This fact tells us that there is no other single human activity that has a bigger impact on the planet then our unhealthy way of eating. But the Mediterranean...
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...How would you discuss the worldviews and value systems of Indigenous peoples prior to European contact/invasion? How did these worldviews impact all aspects of life (science, agriculture, language, spirituality, etc.) for indigenous peoples? The worldviews and value system of the indigenous people was highly based on religion and community centrism(Cruz 2012). Religion influenced the Indigenous peoples' entire lives, particularly their daily activities, sacrifices, geographic location and their calendars. Community centrism impacted major aspects of their lives such as their form of rule, and whether or not they became educated. Unlike the western european custom of going to church and worshiping on sundays, their religious values were reflected in daily activities through religious reminders and spiritual thought. (Cruz 9/10/2012). Religion and worshiping was a huge and important aspect of their lives. For example, their means of obtaining food did not just consist of growing the food, but it also included the blessing of their soil and praying. Indigenous people made observations about growing food,which their lives depended on; and Shaman priests would bless the soil their food grows on(Covarrubias 8/27/1012). During ceremonies, time was taken out to pray and give thanks for corn, water etc (cruz 9/5/2012). Another crucial part of their worship was sacrifice. The Mechica made sacrifices or offerings to the gods which was usually in the form of a ceremony. These rituals...
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...If you were one of Ulysses’ men what creature would Circe have turned you into? After the Trojan War Ulysses’ men opened a bag in which the god of wind had stored the four winds. The winds created a hurricane which caused them to shipwreck. The island they wreaked on had a beautiful castle but Ulysses’ was not eager to reveal their presence due to past experience. Everyone agrees that Ulysses’ men did in fact enter the castle. The argument lays in whether or not Ulysses’ men made the right decision in entering the palace. Ulysses men should not have entered the place for three reasons: They had past experience with evil creatures, Circe was acting suspicious, and the bird was trying to warn them. The first reason Ulysses men should not have entered the palace was because they had past experience with evil creatures. The cyclops eats two of the men every night while they were trapped in the cave. Giants sank ever ship except the one with massive stones. Monstrous cannibals devoured a half his men at a great feast. They should not enter the castle because they don’t know what to expect....
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...If nothing else, L is the form the tombstone makes with its shadow. Already the approaching evening brings a thin fog to the edge of the cemetery. Already the leaves of grass shiver in the cool air that forms the breeze, rolling down the rows of stones. Nothing else comes to this place, full of dates and names, except the lone man with a book and flowers. He sits and leans against the front of one marker, and without knowing it he forms the L similar to the one that the tombstone makes. Opening the book, he reads, and after turning one page, he rubs the grass as if he was reading in bed with his hand on the hip of his lover. Simply, he could be waiting for nighttime to rise around him like a shroud. Nothing else happens. He reads and strokes...
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