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Two Divergent Ways To Make Exceptional Grades

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Do you just wake up in the mornings with straight A's? No, you have to master a lot of accomplishments to get good grades. There are abounding causes of high academic performance. In this article I am going to grant two divergent ways to preserve good grades and also dialect why you need to make exceptional grades. There are lots of people that can not afford failing grades. It also will not look good on you in the future when you are trying to find a high paying job or trying to get in a good college one day. This is why many inexperienced kids and older kids try to to make good, acceding grades. In this article I am going to grant two divergent ways to preserve good grades and also dialect why you need to make exceptional grades. …show more content…
The reason for that is because if you do not attend your classes you will miss work and most teachers will not let you make it up. That means you would fail your work. I know everyone does not attend their all of their classes but it would really help if you did. It would also help your schools attendance rate by all of the students being there. That would make your principal or whoever is over your school extremely happy. Also when you are in class and the teacher is reading and you are not following along that could also be counted as not attending class. Lots of young kids or even older kids miss out because they do not like school. They will also play possum and act like they are sick but they really are feeling great. I have to admit I was having a bad day at school once and I told my mama that my stomach was hurting when it was really not so that she could come get me. It is very synthetic to do miss school because of that reason. For all the people that do that needs to think also about the negatives because once the get back to school they will have a lot of work to make up that they shouldn't have missed.That is another major tip that can help you receive good

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