...Professor: Hans Hahn Summer Semester 2014 Cultural Dimensions of Geert Hofstede: Analysis of Colombia 10.06.2014 Soraya A. Suarez I. Register Number: 969800 Darmstädter Landstr. 64 60598 Frankfurt Tel: 0176- 708 59654 E-mail: sorayasuarez@gmail.com Cultural Dimensions of Geert Hofstede: Analysis of Colombia 2 Content 1. Introduction............................................2 2. Culture.................................................3 3. Colombia................................................5 4. Cultural Models and Cultural Dimensions.................9 4.1 Geert Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions.................9 4.1.1. Power Distance Index...........................10 4.1.2. Uncertainty Avoidance..........................12 4.1.3. Individualism vs. Collectivism.................13 4.1.4. Masculinity vs. Femininity.....................15 4.1.5. Long vs. Short-term Orientation................16 4.1.6. Indulgence vs. Restraint.......................17 5. Conclusion.............................................20 6. References.............................................21 Table of Figures Colombia Facts & Figures...................................6 Colombia Location, Flag and Coat of Arms...................8 Colombian Population According to Ethnocultural Identity..11 Colombian Culture through the 6-D Model...................13 Cultural Dimensions of Geert Hofstede: Analysis of Colombia 3 1. Introduction With the arise of globalization, the issues about...
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...Court Issues Analysis Introduction Some courthouse issues that are taking place in this day and may be around in the future are due process and the crime control model, violence in the courthouse, language interpretation, and the dilemma of delay. Some other courthouse issues include should the exclusionary rule be banned, and does plea bargaining belong. Courts and their Administrators’ Current and Future Issues Due process is a citizen’s right to justice same as when a person is presumed innocent, which protects the accused rights. With due process, each court case must involve formal fact finding(s) to uncover mistakes that were made by police and/or prosecutors. The crime control model is a breakdown of a person responsibility and defendants are presumed guilty. There are two types of courthouse violence. One of them is non-targeted violence, which involves an individual who does not have any intention that he/she will act out and become violent. When this person act is this type of manner it is most likely because the outcome of the court case, that is when anger take over. The most violent incidents came from this type of courthouse violence. Targeted violence involves someone who intend on causing harm or starting something in the courthouse. This type of violence is obviously premeditated and the attacker normally tries to avoid any other confrontations because they want everything to go as planned and unnoticed. In order to make security better in courthouses...
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...Market Potential Analysis – A study of the Cosmetics Industry in the ABC Islands Master Thesis within Business Administration Author: Danny Reijntjes Ryan Wagijo Tutor: Jönköping Desalegn Abraha May 2012 Master Thesis within Business Administration Title: Market Potential Analysis – A study of the Cosmetics Industry in the ABC Islands Authors: Danny Reijntjes & Ryan Wagijo Tutor: Desalegn Abraha Date: 2012-05-14 Subject terms: Market potential, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Cosmetics. Abstract Background: The main aim of the research is to focus on the market potential of the cosmetic brands in the market of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao (ABC islands). These islands are located in the Caribbean Sea in front of the coast of South-America. Before starting to expand, international companies first search for potential suitable markets to invest in. This thesis attempts to find out if there is a potential market for the cosmetic products of the companies on the ABCislands. The purpose of the Master thesis is to find out if there is a potential market for new cosmetic products on the ABC islands. To achieve the purpose, the research addresses the market potential analysis. The market of Aruba and Curacao offer a great number of potential clients and a good future prospect. These findings are also supported by research that was conducted in 2007 by the Icongrouponline. Majority of the consumers on the islands are willing to try new professional cosmetics products. Additionally, the...
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...on a spiritual quest back and forth in the lands of America. A relatively small movement in terms of published literature, the Beatnik generation's literary sphere was dominated by three leading figures: Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William Burroughs. The writings of these figures generally focused on the major themes of the generation itself, advocating a modern bohemian hedonism far exceeding that of any other movement of the 20th century.The most prominent and famous writer of this Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac, portrays his journeys through America in his autobiographical novel On the Road. In the book, Sal Paradise, the literary equivalent of Jack Kerouac, is a writer outsider in the search of a place under the sun. He is bored, disillusioned, and unhappy. Upon meeting his hero, Dean Moriarty, Paradise goes on a journey through the lands of America and Mexico, experimenting with drugs, sex, and alcohol, hitchhiking, stealing, sleeping under the sun, starving, yet engaging in exuberant and memorable experiences. Both friends rebel against the conformist American dream and go on the road to break with conventions and rules, with heightened expectations of what life should be and what life could actually offer. As they follow through their travels, the way they interact or exist in the different places or towns they visit changes, as their choices affects them as positively as negatively. In this book analysis, after defining the meaning of the Beatnik Generation...
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...Communication UNYT Fall 2011 Instructor’s name: Ermal Hasimja Student’s name : Viola Kora Assignment : Analysis of a Good Speech Date : 24/11/2011 Analysis of a Good Speech This is the analysis of President Ronald Reagan’s speech which addresses people on the Challenger Disaster. This analysis is divided on five categories: analysis of the thesis=attention catcher, of the Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Non-verbal language. Thesis- Attention Catcher “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss”. Ronald Reagan addresses the American people in a very delicate moment. The seven members of the Challenger space shuttle have lost their lives after a few moments from taking-off. Understanding the delicate situation he starts directly with the thesis leading his way into the tragic incident that has affected all of the people around the country. He also has mentioned his wife by giving the tragedy a very personal tone in order to show that it is a painful...
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...Immersion Program: Case Analysis (Winter 2011) Luna Pen Key issues The most important issues are that the Luna pen contributes the major sales of Global that reached to one fourth of total sales and Global is ready for a major expansion. It showed that there is already a good base of customers in Asia for the Luna pen, and it would be detrimental if Global were to lose the product. Whereas Luna pen produced a lot of profit to Global, DGG doesn’t want to be in the fountain pen business which weakens their lawsuit. Also, the company doesn’t have any real damages. The lawsuit would be expensive, there is not enough corporate support to pursue a lawsuit, and there is no guarantee that they will not be responsible for the costs of both parties in the lawsuit. A cooperative strategy is the only way DGG and Global can productively do business together. Global cannot do business in the American or Europe without an agreement with DGG. DGG cannot realize a benefit from Luna without an agreement with Global. The negotiation should be agreed on collecting past revenue, collecting future revenue, and selling or licensing the Luna name. An agreement for a percentage of profit will directly influence the compensation DGG receives. However, Mr. Feng will probably not be interested in a relationship unless a mutually beneficial agreement can be arranged. Alternative Strategies There’s a conflict situation showed here, for Erika, she doesn’t have much time to play...
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...MBA 812 Marketing Management Case Analysis Rosewood Hotels and Resorts Summary This paper is expended according to the Rosewood Hotels & Restores Company, which established in 1979. This company promoted the Individual Brand Strategy when it was established. In early 2004, the new present and CEO, John Scott, and the vice president of sales and marketing, Robert Boulogne were considering to apply one new brand strategy named Corporate Brand Strategy in order to boost the company’s growth. In the first part of this paper, it gives the reasons why John Scott and Robert Boulogne wanted to promote the Corporate Brand Strategy. In the second part, it describes the advantages and disadvantages of the two brand strategies. And, the last part which is the most important part, there is a spreadsheet with lots of data, and from these data, John Scott and Robert Boulogne confirmed that the Corporate Brand Strategy is more effective for the Rosewood Hotels & Restores Company’s growth. Body of the Paper In this case, the protagonist is Rosewood Hotels & Restores, which is a hotel management company. In this company, there are 12 individual branded hotels and restores in different countries. In other words, Rosewood Hotels &Restores’ development strategy is individual/collection brand strategy. In early 2004, the top managers of Rosewood Hotels & Restores want to promote the company’s growth. Generally speaking, there are several popular growth strategies...
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...all over the world including China, Mexico, and Britain. Many people migrate to America due to its vast amount of opportunities and to live out the “American dream.” This term depicts Americas freedom and independence that its people demand and worked hard to attain. America is also considered the “melting pot” because these immigrants make up the country and have helped redefine and cultivate the land. My ancestors once migrated to this land of opportunities in this very same pursuit of a successful, accepting lifestyle for their children. My family and I’s history represents American history because I come from a line of immigrants that redefined what love looks...
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...most predominant issue of the modern society. In my opinion the combination of these two issues (fear and ignorance) has created what is a scourge called racism. James Baldwin was a wise and prominent writer who fought against these issues through communication by either writing books or speaking at memorable events. Born in 1924 in New York and died in France in 1987, James Baldwin occupies a unique place in American letters. He is the epitome of the writer that links art to commitment, and can be found alongside Martin Luther King, Marlon Brando, Harry Belafonte and Charlton Heston at the civil rights march in 1963 at Washington. The analysis of James Baldwin was somewhat aporetic, because on one hand we could quote him saying “Every white person in this country-and I do not care what he or she says-knows one thing. They may not know, as they put, "what I want”, but they know they would not like to be black here. If they know that, then they know everything they need to know, and whatever else they say is a lie.” , which is categorical and brutal in tone. Yet on the other hand, Baldwin always tried to put himself in the place of others by attempting to understand their behavior and their motivation. In the end, we can say that he has virtually written more about the moods of whites than those of blacks. This is obviously the faith that animates Baldwin. First of all, he has faith in America, because according to him, only Western nations with both power and experience will...
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...therein, is given to men for the support and comfort of their being. And tho’ all the fruits it naturally produces, and beasts it feeds, belong to mankind in common, as they are produced by the spontaneous hand of nature.”(18 stog). That the world and all that has been given to mankind stems from the creator, thus each individual in society has an equal share of the goods the earth provides. Under the law of subsistence; supporting oneself at a minimum level, humankind has the licence to take what is needed for survival, removing the need for general consent and protection of one’s goods. For Locke each individual is perfectly equal with one another, and as long as greed does not come into play society holds no need government for governmental control. “The same law of nature, that does by this means give us property, does also bound that property.... As much as anyone can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils, so much he may by his labour fix a property in: whatever is beyond this is more than his share, and belongs to others. Nothing was made by God for man to spoil or destroy” (31 stog). For Karl...
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...Analysis of Amending Gun Laws in America Written By: Merri C. Eder Intro to American Government Instructor: Curtis Ankeny April 26, 2013 Analysis of Amending Gun Laws in America Amending gun laws, more specifically background checks and gun registration laws, is perhaps one of the most widespread debates currently occurring in America. The United States experiences tragic levels of gun violence, claiming over 30,000 lives annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC, 2013). For every one person who dies from a gunshot wound, two others are wounded. Every year, approximately 100,000 people are victims of gun violence in America( CDC, 2013). In addition to those who are killed or injured, there are countless others whose lives are forever changed by the deaths of and injuries to their loved ones. Gun violence touches every branch of our society in which we live. Gun violence increases the probability of deaths in incidents of domestic violence, raises the chances of fatalities by those who intend to injure others and also among those who attempt suicide, places children and young people at risk, and disproportionately affects communities of color. Mass shooting tragedies like the school shootings at Sandy Hook, at Virginia Tech in April 2007 and Northern Illinois University in February 2008 – or the 1993 office shooting in San Francisco that led to the formation of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence – receive strong...
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...history, about 150 years. Animal husbandry is highly depending on climate and relevant conditions, while in Australia almost all of these conditions can be satisfied which can give NAPCO a good foundation to development. Asian market is firm’s focus not only because Australia is close to it but also associated with other business issues. External environment Demographic Asia and America is two major export destinations of NAPCO’s high quality beef. These area own over one forth of earth population which means they can provide giant market and requirement to company. Although these countries like China Japan and America are more likely have aging population structure, it may hardly influence the beef market due to beef is suit for everyone. Australia is surround by sea and close to Asia which means it’s easy for company to export by ship or plane. According to the income level of the target market like Japan, US, Koear and china, there are stable requirement of high quality beef and no ethic issue can impact people choose beef. Economy After the global economic crisis in 2008, Asian and America has get rid of the negative impact of it step by step, especially Asia. In that case, economical situation is stabilized and these countries’ citizens are able to chase high standard life which can result in they purchase better food and daily use to improve their life quality such as beef as food. Thus, it is a nice opportunity of rising of beef industry. Although, recently, the European...
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...Multiculturalism is a public policy approach for managing cultural diversity in a multi ethnic society, officially stressing mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences within a country's borders. As a policy, multiculturalism emphasizes the unique characteristics of different cultures, especially as they relate to one another in receiving nations. The word was first used in 1957 to describe Switzerland, but came into common currency in Canada in the late 1960s. It quickly spread to other English-speaking countries. Looking at the term broadly, it is often used to describe societies, especially nations which have many distinct cultural groups, usually as a result of immigration. Citrin,J., Sears,D., Muste,C and Wong,C. (2001 p.249) describe multiculturalism as “the presence of people of diverse racial or ethnic backgrounds within a single polity.” This paper will look at the impact that multiculturalism has had on western societies and the different changes that have occurred in societies as a result of multiculturalism. It is very important to think about what we mean by ‘culture’ because it is the main part of ‘multiculturalism’. So, multiculturalism means that there are many different kinds of cultures in one society. This can lead to anxiety about the stability of national identity, yet it can also lead to cultural exchanges that benefit the cultural groups. Such exchanges range from major accomplishments in literature, art and philosophy to relatively token...
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...stories that are about and how her American identity and the American culture had influenced most of it. And the way she has grown. Cisneros wrote this story, “Mericans,” which main theme focuses on American identity and how is been influenced by its other side which is the Mexican identity. It uses a lot of details so as readers we could visualize the cultural environment that is presented throughout the story. Sandra Cisneros is trying to influence us and make us see the sense of the traditional culture in Mexico instead of drawing assumptions based on physical characters presented in the story. That could confused our idea of what exactly the story is about and how is been affected by this outsiders who are bringing liberalism ideas that confront its traditional culture in this small town in Mexico. She uses different spanish words in the story that begin to focus on what the story idea is about such as, “La Virgen de Guadalupe,” and...
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...Cultural Differences: A Lesson in Tolerance Approximately Two - Three Weeks of Instruction Stage 1 – Desired Results Quarter 4 Rhetorical Approach Standards – Grade 7: V1.1 (identify figurative language), RC 2.4 (compare original text to summary), RC 2.6 (relate author’s evidence to claim), LRA 3.5 (identify recurring themes), WA 2.2 (response to literature) Big Ideas & Understanding(s): Essential Question(s): We are authors of own identity. 1. How would I describe the people in my community? Students will understand that… Stereotypes change over time; individuals must resist stereotyping. Individuals should consider themselves members of fluid or changeable groups. An extended metaphor can be a powerful way to structure an argument. 2. What are some different ways that I define my own identity? 3. How can a metaphor be extended to tell an entire narrative? 4. How can cultural differences within the United States strengthen us as a country? Student will know… Students will be able to… Comparisons (extended metaphors) are powerful ways to structure an argument 1.Trace the author’s argument in an article How different figures of speech can function in an argument or narrative: alliteration, onomatopoeia, simile, metaphor, personification, and imagery Background information on Ellis Island, and/or immigration, depending on visual texts chosen How to write a different type of Response to Literature…one modeled after the...
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