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Cosmetic Industry


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Pages 149
Market Potential Analysis – A study of the Cosmetics Industry in the ABC Islands

Master Thesis within Business Administration Author: Danny Reijntjes Ryan Wagijo Tutor: Jönköping Desalegn Abraha May 2012

Master Thesis within Business Administration
Title: Market Potential Analysis – A study of the Cosmetics Industry in the ABC Islands Authors: Danny Reijntjes & Ryan Wagijo Tutor: Desalegn Abraha Date: 2012-05-14 Subject terms: Market potential, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Cosmetics.

Background: The main aim of the research is to focus on the market potential of the cosmetic brands in the market of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao (ABC islands). These islands are located in the Caribbean Sea in front of the coast of South-America. Before starting to expand, international companies first search for potential suitable markets to invest in. This thesis attempts to find out if there is a potential market for the cosmetic products of the companies on the ABCislands. The purpose of the Master thesis is to find out if there is a potential market for new cosmetic products on the ABC islands. To achieve the purpose, the research addresses the market potential analysis. The market of Aruba and Curacao offer a great number of potential clients and a good future prospect. These findings are also supported by research that was conducted in 2007 by the Icongrouponline. Majority of the consumers on the islands are willing to try new professional cosmetics products. Additionally, the tourism industry plays an important role when assessing the market potential on these islands for professional cosmetics products. Internationalization, market selection, market potential and development, entry mode, cosmetics products, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao



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Table of Contents
1 Introduction

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