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Tyler Joseph Research Paper

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The ideal hero is a person who personifies specific qualities that are exceedingly beneficial to the community as a whole, preserve their character and repute, and give others a reason to hold them in high esteem. A hero is someone who genuinely has concern for other people, who does not focus on outside appearances, and takes others words and values to heart at the same time being able to supply consideration to others without knowing everything about them. Society as a whole does not value these things. Society values superficial things such as outermost beauty, the color of someone’s skin, or the number of possessions one would acquire throughout life. When I seriously consider who my personal role model is, the first person to come to mind for me is Tyler Joseph, a schizoid pop artist …show more content…
I specifically chose Tyler Joseph because he is the designated writer of the lyrics.
There are many accounts on which Tyler Joseph has proven himself to be a truly exceptional human being, all of which contribute to his general character. However, one of the most meaningful things is that he has said, “There are so many layers- both literally and in the meaning of the album cover - that are so important to Josh & I. We've worked very hard on it. We can't wait for you guys to discover it once you get your hands on it. But every element was very thought-through, and very intentional….There are artists that I am fans of that have helped me through a lot. And because I know what that feels like, to be on the receiving end of something that someone

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