...Type 1 Diabetes, once known as insulin-dependent diabetes, is an unending condition in which the pancreas delivers practically some or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to permit sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy. It is also sometimes known as juvenile diabetes, because it usually developed in children and teenagers, but now found to be developed at any age. ORGAN SYSTEMS/ORGANS AFFECTED The organ systems/organs affected are: • The cardiovascular system: Organs: The heart and Blood vessels • Nervous system: Nerve damage (neuropathy) • Urinary system: Kidney damage (nephropathy) • Eye damage CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM In the cardiovascular system, the organs affected are, the heart and blood vessels. Those diagnosed with type...
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...Diabetes is a chronic disorder that is followed by devastating, yet preventable consequences. The United States has been a country with the greatest numbers in the amount of people who suffer from Diabetes, with more than twenty million people affected by it. Although it is very common to hear about the disorder, not many know what it actually means. Diabetes is the decrease in the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, this means that cells will no longer be able to use glucose as they are supposed to. The signs and symptoms that are seen in people with Diabetes depends on which type of the disorder is being addressed. Type 1 Diabetes shows an increase of urination, excessive thirst, an immoderate amount of hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, and possible diabetic coma. Since there are two types of the disorder, type 2 has some different symptoms, these are the feeling of exhaustion, or illness, frequent infections and slow healing of sores, and like type 1, frequent urination and thirst. The two different types are distinguished by who they each are most commonly seen in. Type 1 Diabetes is frequently seen in younger children around the age of 14, this type is caused...
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...Symptoms of Diabetes Type1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which blood glucose levels are rising up because the body cannot release or use insulin properly. Blood sugar levels throughout the day in human body are varied. Blood sugar levels are rising up immediately after having meal and returning to normal within 2 hours later. They are not symptoms of diabetes since the cycles is normal. For healthy people, normal blood sugar levels in the morning after the night before fasting is 70-110 mg/dL. Blood sugar levels are usually less than 120-140 mg/dL at 2 hours after eating or drinking liquids containing sugar or other carbohydrates. Many old or inactive people experience symptoms of diabetes. Insulin, which is a hormone produced by pancreas is the main hormone responsible in maintaining proper blood sugar levels. Insulin moves causes sugar into cells to produce energy or stored as energy reserves. Increasing blood sugar levels after eating or drinking stimulates pancreas to release insulin. Thus, it prevents the increasing in blood sugar levels and lower blood sugar levels slowly....
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...currently suffering from Diabetes. Diabetes is described as a condition in which the body does not properly process food for energy (Center for Disease Control). It is explained that, “The pancreas makes a hormone called insulin to help glucose get into the cells of our bodies. When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should. This causes sugars to build up in your blood” (Center for Disease Control). This is a serious issue, given that glucose is vital to our health because it is used for energy. People suffering from diabetes have too much glucose in their blood, which leads to serious, detrimental health issues. There are three...
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...beverages you have daily. Imagine being my father and the other 29 million people in the United States to be diagnosed with diabetes. I have a long history of diabetes in my family, not only is my father diagnosed but my two uncles, and aunt (all from my father side of the family) are diagnosed. My father has been diagnosed for over 20 years,imagine all the hundreds of dollars that went towards diabetes medication. An average American diagnosed with diabetes spend $13,740 a year towards their diabetes medication. There are two types of diabetes, type one and type two. The cause of type one diabetes is unknown...
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...Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition associated with abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood resulting from the body's inability to produce insulin or resistance to insulin action, or both.[1] Out of all cases of diabetes, Type 1 diabetes represents 5% to 10%. Its risk factors include autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors. To be honest, there are no known approaches to prevent type 1 diabetes. The other 90% to 95% of all diagnosed diabetes cases is represented by Type 2 diabetes. This form of diabetes usually happens when the body is unable to produce enough insulin to address the resistance. The pancreas may reduce the production of insulin or eventually stop producing it.[2] In spite of the fact that the pathogenesis...
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...has type 2 diabetes, lost her first born to Type 1 diabetes. Today the memory of her son inspires her everyday to continue her treatment. She says she will always stay strong no matter what. “Managing your diabetes is not science, It is an art.” Many people believe they know everything about diabetes but, many haven't hear a majority of the facts. An analysis of diabetic studies show how “diabetes is a metabolic disorder that prevents your body from using food for energy properly.” “In which the body is unable to produce any or enough insulin which causes high levels of glucose in the blood” (Canadian Diabetes Association). “Diabetes can be effectively managed, but potential complications include heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.” There are many ways you can stay healthy and keep other healthy as well. When it comes to diabetes many people come upon many symptoms that are most common. The most common diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, unusual weight loss, numbness and tingling in hands and feet....
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...Diabetes Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors and Treatments Diabetes is a disease in which the patient suffers from high level of sugar in the blood. It is a chronic disease which can be a lifelong disease. Diabetes is of two types viz. Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. People from any age can get affected with type 1 diabetes. It is more diagnosed in children, teenagers and young adults. Cause of type 1 diabetes is not known yet. In type 1 diabetes, body makes no or little insulin. In this medical condition, daily injections of insulin are required by the patients. It occurs for a shorter period of time. In contrast to type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes mostly occurs in adulthood. In this condition, patients are not aware that they are affected...
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...symptoms of diabetes and what is diabetes are the two most frequently asked questions especially by the people who are at an increased risk of suffering from diabetes. Most of us already know that consumed food is converted to the glucose. In the body, this glucose is utilized for the production of energy. The pancreas is a vital body organ. It lies near the stomach. It produces a hormone that is termed insulin for helping the glucose get into the cells of the body. When a person is suffering from diabetes, either the body does not make insulin or is unable to utilize the provided insulin. The result is the piling up of sugar in the bloodstream. Diabetes results in serious health related complications. These complications...
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...Abstract Diabetes is a word that is used for a group of metabolic diseases, where a person has high blood glucose (less formally known as blood sugar), either because the body doesn't make enough insulin or the body doesn't act properly around insulin or both. "People that have high blood sugar will usually experience polyuria (frequent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia)" (Medical News Today). There are three different types of diabetes; type-1, type-2, and gestational. Each of the three types of diabetes has different causes, symptoms, and treatments. Gestational Diabetes This type of diabetes only affects females during pregnancy. So needless to say gestational diabetes is only diagnosed...
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...“Living with diabetes is like living with a tiger. If you feed it, groom it, never turn your back on it; you can live with a tiger. If you abuse it; it'll pounce on you and rip you into shreds.” Diabetes, also known as Diabetes mellitus, is characterized by abnormally high levels of glucose (Sugar) in the blood. This is a complex group of diseases caused by a number of different reasons. When the amount of glucose in the blood increases, after a meal, it triggers the release of the hormone insulin from the pancreas. Insulin stimulates muscle and fat cells to remove glucose from the blood and stimulates the liver to metabolize glucose, causing the blood sugar to decrease to normal levels. In people with diabetes, blood sugar levels remain...
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...Diabetes is a medical disease that occurs when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to counteract a person’s sugar intake. It’s an issue that has played a significant role in my life and my family’s life. There has not been one specific experience that caused me to realize that diabetes is something I should pay attention to, I’ve just known. Some of my aunts and uncles (mainly my dad’s side) have had diabetes for as long as I can remember. It has been prevalent in my family for many generations, which puts me and my siblings at risk to develop the disease in the future. Even today, I’m working against diabetes. My family recently began altering our diet to include less sugary and fatty food, and more healthy food and proteins. If I were to get diabetes later in the future, I would probably have to adhere to a stricter diet. I possibly would have to take some medications as well. Diabetes affects the pancreas, a gland located near the stomach. The main job of the pancreas is to produce a hormone called insulin. When insulin enters the bloodstream, it causes glucose to enter the cells, and results in less sugar in the bloodstream, which is a good thing. Type 1 diabetes is caused when the body’s immune system...
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...When diabetes is diagnosed, more is needed than just the knowledge that blood sugar is abnormally high, which is the basic definition of diabetes. If you asked the average man on the street: 'What is diabetes?', the most common answer would be: 'A lack of insulin.' In fact, less than 10% of diabetics are what is known as insulin dependent, and this is usually diabetes of childhood, what is referred to these days as Type 1 diabetes. The most common form of diabetes, however, which is becoming a world-wide epidemic, is Type 2 diabetes which is caused by an entirely different underlying pathology. Usually, insulin is not given on a regular basis to treat this type of diabetes. As you can see, it is important to know which type of diabetes it is to know which treatment is...
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...Type 1 Diabetes has many negative effects some of the major ones include pregnancy complications, nephropathy, heart and blood vessel diseases, and neuropathy. All of these complications can be prevented and most cured or treated. Pregnancy complications are one of the negative effects of Type 1 Diabetes. Maternal death is recorded as such if it happens during the pregnancy or up to forty two days after delivery. In 1980, of all the diabetic pregnant women one half a percent of them died from maternal death. Although since 1980 there have been developments in treatment and obstetric management; this meaning that the percentage has decreased. Between 1975 and 1997 at the University Central Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, 972 women mean to deliver but they all died. All these deaths were caused by something. Hypoglycemia is an abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood which can and has caused the death of many diabetic women. Ketoacidosis is another disease that causes death. ketoacidosis is when...
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...INTRODUCTION Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of different organs, especially the eyes,kidneys,nerves,heart, and blood vessels. (ref ) Several pathogenic processes are involved in the development of diabetes. These range from autoimmune destruction of the B-cells of the pancreas with consequent insulin deficiency to abnormalities that result in resistance to insulin action. ( Harrison 1992 ) . Whereas type 2 DM is the most common of diabetes , its specific etiology is not yet known . Its frequency varies in different racial and ethnic subgroups and is often associated with a strong familial , likely genetic predisposition more than autoimmune type 1 DM ( Alberti & Zimmet 1998 )....
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