...the employer in respect of Health and Safety matters. Attend training provided by the employer 1.2 Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control infection Provide a safe workplace make sdout risk assessments to assess the dangers of certain work activities Provide training to staff Provide PPE 2.1 Outline current legislation and regulatory...
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...What specific type(s) of PPE are employees required to wear within this work environment? None. We are not required to wear any PPE when delivering the mail. Nor do any of the clerks who handle, sort and distribute the packages to the designated routes. Generally speaking, most hazardous materials cannot be shipped using the USPS, because of strict shipping and handling policies. (Especially, post 9/2011) What type of a PPE usage enforcement policy is currently in place? There are only the Distributing Current Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail specific enforcement policy. Which, states who and what facilities can and who are capable of handling hazardous materials. They would receive the appropriate training and equipment for dealing with hazardous...
Words: 647 - Pages: 3
...those implemented by localised procedures. This means any communicable diseases which are notifiable, must be brought to the attention of the appropriate authority. If I have any concerns whatsoever regarding the management of infectious diseases in the workplace, I should contact line / project manager, whom will then seek professional advice. All employees must also observe general precautions, other rules specific to a particular work activity must also be observe red. Roles and responsibilities of personnel in relation to infection control. 1.2 It is the responsibility of the employer to provide employees with information on such policies, as well as ensure all employees receive sufficient training where necessary. Also to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) to all members of staff. 2.1 The Health and Social Care Act 2008; Code of Practice for health and adult social care on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. To help providers of healthcare, adult social care, (and others) plan and implement how they prevent and control infections. It includes criteria for CQC to take into account when assessing compliance with the registration requirement on cleanliness and infection control. Legislation, regulations and guidance that govern infection prevention and control. * Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety at Work Act (amended 1994), * The Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984, * Food Safety...
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...BAO3309 Individual Research Assignment 2015 1. The measurement concepts in relation to historical cost and fair value accounting. IASB framework defines that measurement is the process to determine the monetary amount of the financial statements’ elements are to be recognized and carried on the balance sheet and income statements ( IASB Framework 2010). 1.1 Historical cost Historical cost is an accounting method about the original nominal monetary value of an economic item at the time of transaction (IFRS). Under this method, assets and liabilities listed on the balance sheet with the value at their purchase or acquisition, rather than the current market value. According to the historical cost principle, most assets or liabilities are recorded at historical cost on the balance sheet even if there is a significantly change in the value over a period. Hence the balance sheet value of the items may differ from the real value and this value is never adjusted by the changing of market and economy. For example, 10units of one item were purchased for $10 each. The price of this item today is $11 per unit. Therefore the inventory should appear on the balance sheet at $100 and not at $110. 1.2 Fair Value According to IFRS13, fair value is regarded as a scientifically true measurement concept. To be more specific, fair value is a market-based measurement; it is not an entity specific measurement. In other words, fair value is the price that the company will be received...
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...Strategies………………..19-20 3.7 Marketing Attack Strategies…………..20-22 3.8 Marketing Research…………………22-24 | 4.0 Controls Overview………..24 4.1 Marketing Organization…………….26-27 4.3 Contingency Planning………………..27-28 | 5.0 Conclusion………………………….28 | References…………………………….29 | 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Party Planners Express (PPE) is a party planning company specializing in satisfying customers. PPE will offer exceptional services to children from ages 2-16. The mission of the Party Planner is to provide customers with the highest level of party planning. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers. The corporate market for event planning is steady and profitable, but in the Houston area there just aren’t many that provide quality services. For some large companies, economic downturns means cuts. This is only the case for shortsighted companies however. The benchmark companies may trim down the work force during a downturn, but they do not cut funds. They recognize that investments in human resources are always a good investment. PPE intends to profit nicely from this intelligent business strategy. In short, the need for party planning/ hosting...
Words: 4346 - Pages: 18
...companies listed above with the firms listed in the exhibit. 1. Commonwealth Edison as stated generates and sells electricity of businesses and households. I would link this company with the second balance sheet and I have several clues that support this: first the level of inventories is very low, 2.0 % of total assets, which is usual for a company with this type of operations. Second, the level of PPE is very high, 74, 3 % of total assets, which includes all the heavily equipment used to generate and distribute electricity. The long term debt is high, 47, 7 % of total assets, which can be explained with the huge long term investments that need to be done in this industry. 2. Hewlett-Packard or HP can be linked with the fifth balance sheet and I base this conclusion on several clues. First it has a level of inventory, 23, and 6 % of total assets, which can be linked with this type of company. This number could be even higher because manufacturing companies have material inventory, work in process inventory and finish goods inventory but as stated HP outsources many of its components. A second clue is the PPE, a relatively high number which represents...
Words: 613 - Pages: 3
...In healthcare, especially, it is very important to read and follow the proper PPE. It usually involves wherein gloves, a gown, or eye masks. The purpose of PPE is to prevent exposure to hazardous chemicals or items during your job to ensure your safety. PPE is very much ensured in the medical field, where you are constantly being exposed to different bacteria's, sick patients, or chemicals. If you don't follow the correct PPE in your workplace and get sick or injured it is not the place of work's...
Words: 429 - Pages: 2
...Electrical Hazards Analysis Dennis K. Neitzel, CPE Senior Member, IEEE AVO Training Institute, Inc. 4271 Bronze Way Dallas, Texas 75237 Notice: This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of AVO Training Institute's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to pubs-permissions@ieee.org. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it. Abstract The subject of electrical hazards analysis has been recognized by a small segment of the electrical industry for many years. The petrochemical industry and many government institutions have performed research on this subject for over twenty years. For the most part however, the electrical industry, at least at the user level, has largely ignored the subject, essentially reacting to catastrophic accidents, rather than proactively trying to predict and prevent them. Recent changes in consensus standards, along with a better general understanding of the seriousness of electrical hazards have resulted in a renewal of interest in the subject. As the awareness of electrical hazards increase many are puzzled by phrases like; “Limited”, “Restricted”, and “Prohibited Approach...
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...assets does Westjet report on December 31, 2013? What is the change over the prior year? On December 31, 2013 WestJet reported an amount of $58,691 for the Intangible assets. Has changed to an increase of $7,883 (58691-50,808 = 7883) from the prior year. 2. Types of intangibles-What is the composition of intangible assets? Prepare a table that details the categories and percentage/weightings of each type of intangible asset. For December 31, 2013 Types of Intangible assets | Details of categories | Percentage/weightings | Software | $25,833 | 44.02% | Landing Rights | $16,372 | 27.90% | Other | $5,785 | 9.86% | Assets under development | $10,701 | 18.23% | 3. What are WestJet’s 2 most significant components of Intangible assets? WestJet’s 2 most significant components of Intangible assets are * Software * Landing rights As both these assets weigh the most from the total Intangible assets and are 71.92% from the total weight of assets 4. Which of these intangible assets are amortized? On what basis? All of them are Amortized except for the ‘’assets under development’’. 5. What characteristics distinguish intangible assets from PPE? * PPE: Value is depreciated over the estimated life of the asset, becomes obsolete or useless after a period of time. * Intangible asset: can be classified as definite or indefinite, stays with the company as long as the company continues operations. Sometimes have a limited...
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...3. Know how to interpret medical engineering data and documentation. 3.1. Explain the basic drawing conventions used and why there needs to be different types of drawing. 3.1 Drawings are an extremely useful tool to use when explaining instructions or communicating knowledge, but it is important to that the right type of drawing is used. Drawings can become cluttered and hard to decipher, so a set of conventions and standards are used to ensure legibility and consistency between those drawing them, the manufacturers, and those who have to understand them, the engineers and technicians. Pictorial drawings offer three dimensional views, such as an isometric drawing. 1 Isometric drawings are dimensionally proportional but show both true lengths and...
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...OSHA 10 Safety Training OSHA SAFETY TRAINING FACT SHEETS -1- OSHA 10 Safety Training TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Electrical Fall Protection Struck-By Accidents Caught-Between Accidents PPE Scaffolds Cranes Power Tools Excavations Materials Handling Demolition Hazards Communication 3 6 10 12 14 15 18 21 24 26 28 32 36 -2- OSHA 10 Safety Training FACT SHEET: INTRODUCTION The mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is to send every worker home whole and healthy every day. Since the agency was established in 1971, workplace fatalities have been cut by 62 percent and occupational injury and illness rates have declined 40 percent. At the same time, U.S. employment has nearly doubled from 56 million workers at 3.5 million worksites to 115 million workers at nearly 7 million sites. OSHA can be reached by accessing www.osha.gov or calling 1-800-321-OSHA. OSHA encourages employers and employees to work together to: Reduce workplace hazards and implement or improve safety and health programs Develop and enforce mandatory job standards in the areas of occupational safety and health Maintain a reporting and recordkeeping system to monitor job-related illnesses and injuries Provide assistance, training and other support programs to help employees and workers. Since its implementation in 1971, OSHA has: Helped cut work-related fatalities nearly in half Helped reduce workplace injuries and illnesses by 40 percent Almost eliminated the...
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...Fire fighter personnel protective equipment has evolved greatly over a short period of time. The advancement of personnel protective equipment has greatly improved the effectiveness of firefighting. It has helped ensure the safety of firefighters and made interior attacks possible. The evolution of PPE has also caused problems for firefighters. With this advance equipment firefighters feel safer and in turn go deeper and deeper into fires, taking unnecessary risks. The invention of SCBA has greatly changed the fire service. Before the SCBA was invented interior operations at a fire were virtually impossible. SCBA has become a necessary tool in firefighting. It enables firefighters to breath clean air in an otherwise contaminated environment. The SCBA has been improved since its invention. The SCBA harness has been fitted with a PASS device that detects movement and will signal other firefighters if no movement is detected. The SCBA is an essential tool that helps enable firefighters to find other fallen firefighters and allows successful interior attacks. Another improvement on the SCBA is the bottle. The first SCBA units used a steel bottle that was heavy and normally held enough air for thirty minutes. The common bottle now is constructed of carbon fiber which is a lot lighter than the steel bottle. Now bottles are being used that hold more air; this enables firefighters to work longer without having to leave the fire to get another bottle. These improvements on the already...
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... 26 | |Sale of property and equipment | | | |Purchase of property and equipment | 2,005 | 1,144 | |Capitalized cost of property and equipment | | | |1. Purchase cost | | | |2. Delivery cost | | | |3. Costs to make PPE ready for its intended use | | |4. Interest expense related to debts specifically secured to build such PPE | Question 2 |Components of PPE |2010 |2009 | |Land and buildings | 1,471 |955 |...
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...the commercial sector and facilitating the process of financial inclusion. In the era of global competition, performance is the key factor for any subject, especially in banking. The Indian banking industry is made up of the Indian public sector banks and private sector banks. In this project an effort has been made to evaluate the financial performance of commercial banks by using key performance indicators as a benchmark, generally the financial performance of bank is evaluated by working out a number of ratios depending upon the data. This study has made use of five financial parameters ,i.e. ,Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio( CRAR) ,Return on Assets ( ROA), Non Performing Asset (NPA),Net interest Margin (NIM), Profit Per Employee( PPE), as these are generally accepted ratios to evaluate the performance of banks ,in order of their performance. Research plan includes decision on data sources, research approaches, research instrument, sampling plan and contact method. The present study is based on secondary data. The data is collected through various journals, studies, websites and publications of banks. The collected data is analyzed to reach at conclusions regarding the various issues related to performance of commercial banks. In this study the 10 commercial banks are selected for design the sample and evaluate their performance. . INTRODUCTION In this era of global competition, ‘performance’ is the catchword for any subject to remain viable in the business arena...
Words: 4494 - Pages: 18
...Mid semester Exam notes Topic 1 Function of accounting Decision Making * Investment – buy/sell shares, buy new shares offered by company * Lending – lend money to company in the form of bonds, loan conditions such as interest rates, security, other conditions Contracting – legally binding obligation that gives party the right to demand the performance of whatever promised * management (agency problem) – information asymmetry, act in self interest * debt Stewardship – compliance with delegated authority Agency Cost of equity Perquisite consumption – Manager give themselves more luxury than would seem reasonably from the principals point of view. E.g. corporate jets and huge officers with expensive art Risk aversion – managers and shareholders may prefer different levels of risk when it comes to project selection. Shareholders would generally prefer more risky investment because they are well diversified and know that any loss will be offset by another investment. Managers however are generally not as diverse, if the firm suffers a substantial loss, their salaries may be at risk, or it would be extremely difficult to find another job. Hence managers are usually more reluctant to take risk than the shareholders. Agency cost of debt Claim dilution – The value of existing debtholders’ claims can be diluted by the issue of additional debt of the same or higher priority. Asset substitution – If a firm sells debt for the stated purpose of investing in a low...
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