...awareness, and a willingness to create change. For the purpose of this paper, we will consider the United States a representative democracy. The United States functions as a representative democracy because it is a form of government where its citizens elect and hold their representatives accountable to its people. Across the country, the principle method of holding government accountable is voting for elected representatives. Voting to pass local legislation in their hometown or voting for the next President of the United States, voting for...
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...inches x 0.34 inches. This incredibly thin and light iPad design, 10-hour battery life, and convenient wireless connectivity make iPad your mobile office on the go. Attend or host online meetings with clients, share agendas, and make video calls with colleagues. Whether you use the built-in Wi-Fi or choose a model with 3G connectivity, iPad gives you immediate access to all your important files. And with easy-to-use business apps on iPad, you can access Microsoft Office and iWork files, organize and manage documents, and annotate PDFs on the fly. Satisfying your everyday business needs. Another need the iPad 2 fulfills is the need of college students, during and in between classes. Not everyone wants to carry a heavy laptop and charger around with them all day during classes. The iPad fulfills this need, not only by being portable and lightweight but with apps specifically for education. Apple’s iTunes U is home to more than 350,000 free lectures, videos, books, and podcasts from learning institutions all over the world. Universities such as Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Beijing Open University, and the University of Tokyo, as well as broadcasters such as PBS, offer free content on iTunes U. Content ranges from lectures and presentations to syllabi and campus maps. For students, with its expansive display and large, onscreen keyboard, iPad is perfect for...
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........................................................................................................................................................ 3 IT Organization Purchase Drivers ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Business Organization Purchase Drivers.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 A Model of the UC Purchase Process............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 The Organizational Impact of UC in Large Organizations...
Words: 6159 - Pages: 25
...applications that I started using more frequently now are Around Me and Breathometer. Around Me is an application that quickly finds nearby Point Of Interests such as restaurants, hotels, theaters, hospitals and much more. I like using this application when I go to areas that I am not familiar with and need to find a place to eat or stop. Breathometer is a device that lets users measure their blood alcohol content using their iOS and Android smartphones. It plugs into your phone’s audio jack and turns your smartphone into a portable breathalyzer. It obtains your current blood alcohol level by simply blowing into the device, it then learns how long before you are “back to zero,” and also allows you to call a local cab directly from the app. This app gives you the power to make smarter decisions when drinking and being responsible. 2) I know that Privacy Policies are put in place to protect the consumer, but are they really? I attempted to read the terms for a recent application a few weeks ago and about half way through the terms, I stopped reading. The amount of words and language they use causes any reader to lose interest half way and just accept the terms and think, “ohh what could possibly happen? What are they really going to do with my information?” I too used to be a thinker in that bandwagon and recently started to notice the Critics also question if consumers even read privacy policies or can understand...
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...1. Studying, Money, Jobs, Homesickness, Depression, Sickness/Health Conditions, Friends/Roommates, Partying, Relationships & Choosing majors are considered to be the top ten common problems students face during college. (Garfieldgatehubpages.com, 2012) A. What are some of the experiences you face? Have you ever found a solution to your problem? How do you overcome these things? B. You meet up with your friends or your partner and you go out and party, drink, do drugs but have you ever consider the consequences you will face later an in life? C. Then, today we are going to talk about Friends/ relationships, partying , health & sickness and some ideas you might gain from this information might be useful in the future for you or a friend that’s in College. (Transition: What I’m going to talk to you about now is about our Friends and Relationships) 2. Did you know friends and personal relationships affect you decisions. A. All our decisions in school are being affected by our relationships, that includes friends, family, boyfriend’s, girlfriend's, all of the people we decide to surround our self's with (yourlife.usatoday.com, 2011). B. According to USATODAY.com "The relationship game among college-age adults today is a muddle of seemingly contradictory trends. Recent studies indicate that traditional dating on campuses has taken a back seat to no-strings relationships in which bonds between young men and women are increasingly brief and sexual”...
Words: 1018 - Pages: 5
...Study smarter with the Course Hero app.Get the App Course Hero logo Study Resources By School By Subject By Standardized Tests By Book Tutors Get Homework Help My Questions About Tutors Become a Tutor Flashcards My Flashcards Find Flashcards Create Flashcards About Flashcards Sharing Upload Documents Create Q&As Balthesar My Dashboard My Account Invite & Earn Logout Sibille_W2.docx - Running Head: FREE SPEECH 1 Free Speech... Home Ashford University POL POL 303 Sibille_W2.docx Download Document1 - 3 of 7 This preview has blurred sections. Upgrade to View Full Document Running Head: FREE SPEECH 1 Free Speech Name: Allana Sibille POL303: The American Constitution Professor: Erin Olsen Telles September 18 th , 2015 Background image of page 1 FREE SPEECH 2 Free Speech According to the United States Bill of Rights, under the First Amendment, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances (ACLU, 2015). This is the American idea of what free speech is but it is entirely different. A modern misconception of free speech is that it’s not entirely free; state rulings on free speech issues whether stemming from the federal or state constitutions, are not included and they may come out differently (Winkler, 2009). According to Mahaffey...
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...ITIL® Foundation Sample Papers Terms of Use – English Please note that by downloading and/or using this document, you have agreed to comply with the terms of use outlined below: 1. All sample (electronic or paper based) papers are for personal use only. 2. The sample papers are intended for the following use only: For use as study aid/s for candidates who wish to sit an ITIL Foundation examination, or for reference purposes. 3. By downloading a complimentary digital copy of any of the ITIL Foundation sample papers, you agree not to: Reproduce or copy; forward or share; sell the document with/to any third party. 4. If you wish to use the whole or part, of any of this sample paper, for any purpose other than self study or reference, please contact AXELOS Accreditation Team (examinations@axelos.com). The ITIL® Foundation Examination Sample Paper A, version 5.1 Multiple Choice ANSWERS AND RATIONALE © AXELOS Limited 2012 All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited. The swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited ITIL Foundation Examination SampleA ANSWERSandRATIONALES v5.1. This document must not be reproduced without express permission from The Accreditor. Page 1 of 4 Version 5.1 (Live) Owner – The Official ITIL Accreditor Answer Key and Rationale: Q A Syllabus Ref Book Ref 1 B 05-51 ...
Words: 1830 - Pages: 8
...Ahad Rauf Tara Forbes English 1020 9/12/15 Is Txting Good 4 U? With technology getting better and better throughout the years, society’s chosen form of communication changes. From writing letters, to making phone calls and emails, Texting is today’s number one way of communication between young adults. 97 percent of young adults send text messages every day (Knight 1). Texting became popular when these young adults were teenagers, in 2000. It is also the best way to communicate with today’s teenagers, with 63 percent of teens sending messages every day (Ngak 1). While this form of communication may be relatively new, it is here to stay. The question is, what is the affect of texting on teens? Although people may believe that texting is detrimental to teenagers’ literacy rates in terms of spelling abilities due to the use of “textisms” or texting abbreviations, it actually has a positive effect. Texting is beneficial to teenagers because it affects teen literacy in a constructive way, by improving spelling and reading skills and giving teachers a tool to use in the classroom, while also evolving the English language. The first text message was sent in 1992. The next year, in 1993, Nokia created the first phone with texting capabilities. It only worked if the recipient of the text had the same cellular plan as the sender. Finally, in 1999, texting people on other networks was finally allowed and it began to take off. The standard texting plan at the time was 35 texts...
Words: 2998 - Pages: 12
...INDP Final Kudler Fine Foods Network Design Project NTC 362 March 17, 2014 Introduction This paper will present the Final Integrative Network Design outlining the cumulative plan that Kudler Fine Foods has accepted and agreed on for implementation of the following: Final Network Design The integrative network design project for Kudler Fine Foods will include Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) will be used as a means of communication within a private network or the internet for Kudler Fine Foods network devices. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used for transfer of multimedia files, video, sound, and text over the internet. Kudler Fine Foods will implement File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to download files, transfer files, delete files, copy and rename files from the internet as needed. Mesh Protocol will be used to connect all devices such as printers, computers, and scanners on the network. In a true mesh topology every node has a connection to every other node in the network ("Common Physical Network Topologies ", 2014). The network will consist of a hardware firewall blocking unwanted access from outside of the location. The next step is to set up a hub or switch that will connect all of the stores terminals. All of these terminals such as registers and remote locations such as warehouse will be hardwired with twisted pair CAT 5 Ethernet cable. The server will be located in a room in each store with the hub or switch. A wireless...
Words: 4817 - Pages: 20
...Project in Data Communication Helen Grace A. Fernandez 201011542 February 9, 2011 Contents 1 Reaction to the Game 2 Description of Hardware 2.1 First Generation . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 1G Base Station . . . . . 2.1.2 Copper Node . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Coax Node . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Optical Node . . . . . . . 2.1.5 20 RAS 5850s . . . . . . . 2.1.6 WAN Switch IGX MGX 2.1.7 WAN Switch BPX . . . . 2.1.8 Router 7200 . . . . . . . . 2.1.9 Router 7500 . . . . . . . . 2.1.10 ONS 15454 . . . . . . . . 2.1.11 Mobile Switch MSC . . . 2.1.12 Cable Headend Analog . 2.1.13 Cable Headend Digital . 2.1.14 Telephone Switch . . . . 2.1.15 Second Generation . . . . 2.1.16 50 WiFi Base Stations . 2.1.17 25 MSPPs . . . . . . . . . 2.1.18 10 CMTS UBRs . . . . . 2.1.19 50 DSLAMs . . . . . . . . 2.1.20 25 MWRs . . . . . . . . . 2.1.21 20 Cat2000 Switches . . 2.1.22 Router 7600 . . . . . . . . 2.1.23 Router 10000 . . . . . . . 2.1.24 Router 12000 . . . . . . . 1 8 10 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Words: 35981 - Pages: 144
...Leadership Development Program 2001/2002 Student Portal Project May 22, 2002 Cecille Cabacungan, Goldman School of Public Policy Lesley Clark, Center for Organizational Effectiveness Rachelle Feldman, Financial Aid Office Paula Flamm, University Health Services Gail Ford, The Library Kati Markowitz, Neuroscience Institute Stacey Shulman, Department of Chemical Engineering Dan Sullivan, Haas School of Business Imagine a single Website personalized to meet all your cyberneeds – one that would keep you up-to-date on campus events and academic information and would be accessible from any computer. -- The Daily Californian, April 15, 2002 Table of Contents Executive Summary Main Report I. Charge and Methodology II. Findings III. Portal Development, Current Practices IV. Costs and Phased Implementation V. Conclusions and Recommendations; Criteria for Measuring Portal Success VI. Three Portal Interface Options for Look and Feel; Criteria for Evaluating Options VII. Portal Names Appendices Introduction, Charge, and Methodology Appendix I – Definitions Appendix II – Respondents Appendix III – Student Survey Instrument Appendix IV – Staff, Faculty, Administrator One-on-One Interview Questions Appendix V – Staff Focus Group Questions Appendix VI – Staff, Faculty, and Administrator Survey Instrument Appendix VII – Portal Developer Questionnaire UCB Student Response Appendix VIII – Undergraduate Affairs Focus Groups, Raw Data, 2001 Appendix...
Words: 38028 - Pages: 153
...Mobile Payments: Problem or Solution? Implications for financial inclusion Mike George, Linda Lennard and Kate Scribbins Foundation Further information This report and a summary version are available as a pdf from www.friendsprovidentfoundation.org. The summary is also available in print from Friends Provident Foundation, Pixham End, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1QA (foundation.enquiries@friendsprovident.co.uk and www.friendsprovidentfoundation.org). Published 2013 by Friends Provident Foundation Pixham End Dorking Surrey RH4 1QA © AnKa 2013 ISBN 978-1-908769-08-4 (pdf ) All rights reserved. Reproduction of this report by photocopying or electronic means for non-commercial purposes is permitted. Otherwise, no part of this report may be reproduced, adapted, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Friends Provident Foundation. Friends Provident Foundation Friends Provident Foundation is a grant-making charity working to create the conditions throughout the UK for improved access to appropriate financial services for those who are currently excluded, particularly those on low incomes or otherwise vulnerable to market failure. It particularly wants to encourage thinking that deals with the causes of the problem. Established as part of the demutualisation of Friends Provident Life Office in 2001 and the flotation of Friends Provident plc, it is independent and has its own board...
Words: 22333 - Pages: 90
...TAKING LEADERSHIP IN A DIGITAL ECONOMY BY TELSTRA CORPORATION LIMITED AND DELOITTE DIGITAL November 2012 deloittedigital.com.au telstra.com A NOTE FROM DAVID Consumers and businesses are rapidly embracing digital technology and this is redefining the traditional transaction model. We now have a new generation of globally connected consumers and businesses who behave very differently – and we must all adapt to these changes and take advantage of the new opportunities. By the end of the decade we will have connected just about every device to next generation networks, from smartphones and offices of the future, to educational resources and digital home appliances. The changes we are talking about are transformational. Everything, everyone and every place will be connected. This will make us more innovative and more competitive – and change the way we live and work for the better. The challenge ahead is how to best use the tremendous creativity, innovation and capability of Australians to participate in these new opportunities – whether it be m-commerce, Big Data, robotics or social media. Every part of our economy can benefit from this new era of connectivity. Our role, as Australian business leaders, is to help build a 21st century economy that is locally accessible and globally competitive. As a nation, we can lead the world and create positive change. David Thodey Chief Executive Officer Telstra 1 A NOTE FROM GIAM The world is changing. The internet has...
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...have taken stock of their faculty and class offerings by means of paper evaluations, typically administered during class towards the end of the term. This practice began in the 1920s and has been the standard since (Mau & Opengart 2012). However, during the last fifteen years universities have increasingly abandoned paper forms in favor of an online system, in which students complete course and faculty evaluations through a website, out of class and usually on their own time. The adoption rate among schools rose from 2% in 2000 to 33% in 2005, with the most common reasons cited being the cost and time savings (Guder & Malliaris 2013). Despite these potential benefits, many professors fear repercussions in the form of lowered response rates and biased scores. This paper aims to examine these concerns and also propose how a small school such as Fitchburg State University can implement online evaluations. First, I would like to briefly discuss why a school would want to switch to online evaluations. There are three primary reasons: online evaluations reduce paper costs (and postage for distance learning courses), which in turn is a way to “go green,” or be more environmentally friendly; online evaluations also saves many hundreds of hours across the various staff that have to prepare, print, scan, and analyze paper-based evaluations; and lastly, online evaluations do not take up valuable class time. As one UC Davis student complained, “Professors sometimes skip over material...
Words: 3644 - Pages: 15
...usually priced on a pay-per-use basis. Saas providers generally price applications using a subscription fee. Proponents claim that the SaaS allows a business the potential to reduce IT operational costs by outsourcing hardware and software maintenance and support to the cloud provider. This will enable a business to reallocate IT operations to focus on other IT goals. In addition, the application is hosted centrally, so updates can be released without users having to reinstall new software. The drawback of SaaS is that the user stores their data on the cloud provider’s server. As a result, there could be unauthorized access to the data. End users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile app while the business software and user's data are stored on servers at a remote location. Proponents claim...
Words: 5808 - Pages: 24