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Understanding The Rebound Effect Of Thought Aggression

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Have you ever wondered why after being told “don’t think about it”, all you seem to do is think about that particular situation, person, place, or thing? This is what psychologists call the “rebound effect of thought suppression.” The rebound effect is “the tendency of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following suppression” (p.189). In other words, trying to avoid a thought may, in fact, cause you to have even more thoughts about that subject. This effect begins to explain the process by which the conscious mind tells itself not to think about something, but the unconscious mind overpowers the conscious brain and causes it to solely focus on that one particular idea. Much like how Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Daniel Wegner found in their studies on thought suppression, I personally believe that thought suppression is simply the mind hiding its true emotions. …show more content…
For example, you wake up one Sunday knowing you have four papers and a problem set due on Monday, but you tell yourself “all I want to do today is lay in bed and watch movies, so don’t think about the homework until tonight.” You initially suppress the thought of the homework into the back of your mind. However, as you keep trying to avoid thinking about the homework you have due the next day, you experience thoughts about the endless amounts of homework you have to complete. This is what is called the rebound effect, which takes place day after day in the minds of

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