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Atlas (C1)

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Atlas (C1)

The atlas is ring-shaped and does not have a body, unlike the rest of the vertebrae. Fused remnants of the atlas body have become part of C2, where they are called the odontoid process, or dens. The odontoid process is held in tight proximity to the posterior aspect of the anterior arch of the atlas by the transverse ligament, which stabilizes the atlantoaxial joint. The apical, alar, and transverse ligaments, by allowing spinal column rotation, provide further stabilization and prevent posterior displacement of the dens in relation to the atlas.

The atlas is made up of a thick anterior arch, a thin posterior arch, 2 prominent lateral masses, and 2 transverse processes. The transverse foramen, through which the vertebral artery …show more content…
The superior articular facets are kidney-shaped, concave, and face upward and inward. These superior facets articulate with the occipital condyles, which face downward and outward. The relatively flat inferior articular facets face downward and inward to articulate with the superior facets of the axis.

According to Steele's rule of thirds, at the level of the atlas, the odontoid process, the subarachnoid space, and spinal cord each occupy one third of the area of the spinal canal.

Axis (C2)

The axis has a large vertebral body, which contains the odontoid process (dens). The odontoid process articulates with the anterior arch of the atlas via its anterior articular facet and is held in place by the transverse ligament. The axis is composed of a vertebral body, heavy pedicles, laminae, and transverse processes, which serve as attachment points for muscles. The axis articulates with the atlas via its superior articular facets, which are convex and face upward and outward.


C2 has a complex embryologic development. It is derived from 4 ossification centers: 1 for the body, 1 for the odontoid process, and 2 for the neural arches. The odontoid process fuses by the seventh gestational

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