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Unit 1 P2p Research Papers

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The concept of Peer-Peer networking is the process of computer networks in which each computer can act as a server for the other computers. This allows shared access to files and peripherals without the need for an central server.The first thought of development of P2P(Peer to Peer) was established in 1969. It was the first RFC(Request for Comments). However, the first implementation of a P2P network was Usenet. This implementation was in the year,1979. The next fifthteen plus years, which followed the first implementation of P2P were uneventful. This would continue until the late 1990’s, when a surge in popularity centered around P2P’s capabilities came about.
The way the security of P2P works is by “encrypting P2P traffic, the hope is that not only will the data be safely encrypted, but more importantly, the P2P data stream is encrypted and not easily detectable. With the actual connection stream completely encrypted, it becomes much harder for the P2P traffic to be detected, and, thus, attacked, blocked, or throttled.”(1). The other aspect of how P2P security works would be “anonymizing peers, the P2P network can protect the identity of nodes and users on the network, something that encryption only cannot ensure.”(1). They both work together, well in conjunction, making P2P rather useful in the security field at times. An …show more content…
All of the nodes, such as the switches and routers are between these two points. The physical connection in Peer to peer in consistent and is one of the foundations of the P2P model. The way it has been implemented seemed to have not changed, because of the same procedure being used on current protocols and methodologies. The way, it is different from client server is from it being with computer to computer layout, rather computer to server layout like client server is. It seems to be a simple connection rather a complicated

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