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Around The Way Girl Analysis

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This book about how to spent her life when her father died and her mother was saying she act like her father just as a girl. Her father fifty-eight year of age, His name was Borris Henson he was raised in DC, he was homeless and broke. He was an alcoholic and physically and mentally abused her mother during the five years they were together. She kidnapped by her father when she about four years old, shortly after he dragged her mother by her hair into the while threatening to kill her. Around The Way Girl is a book on how Taraji reflects on the world class instruction she received at Howard University and the pitfalls and downfalls that come with being a black actress. With laugh-out-loud humor and candor, she shares the challenges and disappointments of the actors journey and shows us that behind the red carpet moments, she is ever authentic. She is at heart just a girl in pursuit of her dreams. …show more content…
She was afraid to of relationships because of her past relationships didn't go well with the men she was with didn't treat her like her worth so she gave up but she got that from her dad because of the problems her father and mother was having in their household, her ,her mother and her mother was out one day for food and they got robbed for the first time and they didn't know what to do because there wasn't any men around at the time. She had been thru alot in her life between her father being in and out her life , to her and her mother getting robbed, to not trusting men or

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