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Unit 1 Research Paper 1


Submitted By cooke2011
Words 402
Pages 2
Friday class 6-10 pm
Unit 1 research paper 1
Computers are an amazing tool that we as a people have developed. Computers help people in so many ways it almost seems like life would be impossible without them. Computers are used in pretty much every aspect of life in today’s world. The technology of computers is amazing and it just continues to get more powerful every day. Computers have had an impact in just about every industry in the world.
Computers made medical procedures so much easier. Now doctors can do surgery using cameras and computers. This makes it easier for the doctor and results in less mistakes and better recovery. The patients receive smaller openings when receiving computer integrated surgery. The doctor can move a lot more accurately and cut more accurately with this technology.
Another way that computers have impacted the world is by harnessing the power of the internet. The internet is a great tool for everybody. It makes studying and researching a lot easier for students. It also helps people communicate. Communication has never been easier. People in the United States can talk to somebody across the world with a click of a button. This also means people are more aware of what goes on throughout the world.
Computers are also in cars. Google has developed a car that can drive itself. This is huge because the computer can actually drive your car for you. According to Technology “Google’s cars have successfully driven more than 700,000 miles.” Although the technology still has a lot of work, I believe this is part of the computing future technology. This could significantly reduce the number of automobile accidents throughout the world. People don’t have to worry about being distracted at the wheel because the car is doing the work for them. Of course the car can only drive where the maps have been preloaded into the cars computer

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