...HOLTE VISUAL and PERFORMING ARTS COLLEGE Centre 20131 BTEC -- BTEC Level 3 National: Health & Social Care | | | |Unit 2: |Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care | | | | |Learner Name: | | |Issue Date: |Completion Date: | |6TH September 2012 |18TH October 2012 | |Checklist: | |Task: | |Task 1: P1 | |Task 2: P2 | |Task 3: P3 ...
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...Unit Aims This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding of the purpose of research in the health and social care sectors. Learners will be able to explore different research methodologies, enable them to plan and conduct their own research relating to a health or social care issue and evaluate the success of the outcomes. Unit Objectives 1 Understand the function of research in health and social care 2 Understand ethical issues relating to research in health and social care 3 Understand research methodologies relevant to health and social care 4 Be able to plan for a research project 5 Be able to conduct research relevant to a health and social care context 6 Be able to interpret research findings WHAT IS RESEARCH? Research is a planned process in which information is collected systematically for a specific purpose, analysed and reported. Research can have many different functions in health and social care. Functions of Research In pairs read through the following study and discuss the function(s) that the research can be used for. Aim: Hofling (1966) aimed to discover whether nurses would comply with an instruction which would involve them having to infringe both hospital regulations & medical ethics. The intention was to test the strength of the doctor-nurse relationship, regarding how far a nurse would go to comply with doctor’s orders against their own code of professional conduct. Procedure: ...
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...Course Title | BTEC National Health & Social Care | Unit Title | Anatomy and Physiology for health & social care | Level | 3 | Unit Number | 5 | Unit Credit | 10 | Assignment Title | Anatomy and Physiology for health & social care | Part Unit | | Whole Unit | Yes | Assessor | Shanroy Dehaney | Start Date | 20/05/15 | Submission Date | 10/06/15 | Feedback Date | 17/05/15 | Vocational Context | Task 1 - 3 (P1,P2,P3)You are working in a health clinic and have been asked to produce a poster to explain the functions of the main cell, tissue and body components to display in the clinic. Task 4 (P4,M1,D1)You are an advisor in your local sports centre and you have been asked to design and produce an information booklet to explain to clients how the body requires and utilises energy. This should include:Produce a written report on the body’s response to exercise. The report will be based on primary and secondary research. The report will include:Task 5 (P5,M2,D2) 1. An explanation of the concept of homeostasis and its role in exercise and healthy functioning of the body. 2. Measurements collected from practical work involving physical activity and your interpretation of them together with comments on the validity of the data collected.Task 6 (P6)Complete exercise programme and complete data form and graphs sheets | The Brief | Task 1 (P1)Using a large piece of paper, produce an annotated poster of a cell as it is seen under the microscope. You...
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...Unit 1 Government Policies and the Public Services [pic] Assessment Book (Credits 10) | |Eddie Maylor | |Student Name | | |Start of Unit Date |24 September 2012 | |Completion of Unit Date | | | |Unit Tutor: James McQueen | |Group / Course |Diploma in public services | Learning Outcomes • Know the different levels of government I the UK • Understand the democratic election process for each level of government in the UK • Understand the impact of UK government policies on the public services • Be able to demonstrate how government policies are developed Unit Criteria Passed |Pass |1 |2 |3 | | | | ...
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...Unit 12: Public Health Contents No. | Title | Page no. | 1 | P1: Describe key aspects of public health | 3 | 2 | P2: Describe the origins of public health policy in the UK from the 19th century to the present day | 4-5 | 3 | P3: Describe current patterns of ill health and how they are monitored | 6 | 4 | P4: Explain the main factors affecting current patterns of health in the UK | 7-8 | 5 | P5: Explain health promotion and protection | 9 | 6 | P6: Explain appropriate methods of prevention/control for a named communicable and a named non-communicable disease | 10 | | Bibliography | 11 | P1: Describe key aspects of public health These are the key aspects of public health: 1) Monitoring health status – They do this by tracking changes in the health of the population and alerting people to potential problems, like the rising levels of obesity within the population....
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...BTEC Level 3 National Health and Social Care Unit 1 Developing effective communication in health and social care This mandatory unit enables learners to understand effective communication within health or social care settings, some of the many barriers to effective communication and ways to overcome them. Learners will gain the necessary interpersonal skills to communicate with a range of people within the sector and will have the opportunity to identify and analyse the effectiveness of their own communication skills. This is a 10-credit unit and can be taught in 60 guided learning hours, with learners also expected to complete non-supervised individual study time. This is a mandatory unit for all qualifications. On completion of this unit, learners should: LO1 Understand effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care LO2 Understand factors that influence communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care environments LO3 Understand ways to overcome barriers in a health and social care environment LO4 Be able to communicate and interact effectively in a health or social care environment Unit contents The scheme of work for this unit (page 13) links to the following resources to help you deliver Unit 1. LO1 Lesson plan LO2 LO3 LO4 AS10, AS11, AS12 LP Activity sheet AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 AS5, AS6, AS7, AS8, AS9 Stretch and support AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4 AS6, AS8, AS9 ...
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...BTEC Level 3 National Health and Social Care uncorrected first proofs issued by marketing 2010. This material is © Hodder Education 2013 and should not be redistributed. Contents Walkthrough About the authors and Photo credits Core units vii ix Unit 1 Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care Understand effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care Understand factors that influence communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care environments Understand ways to overcome barriers in a health and social care environment Be able to communicate and interact effectively in a health and social care environment 1 2 13 15 18 Unit 2 Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Understand concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care Know discriminatory practices in health and social care Understand how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice Know how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings 21 21 30 34 39 Unit 3 Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care Understand potential hazards in health and social care Know how legislation, policies and procedures promote health, safety and security in health and social care settings Be able to implement a risk assessment Understand priorities and responses in dealing with incidents and emergencies 44 45...
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...count: 3093) Social Sciences for Social Work (SWK 2012) : Examine the meaning of the concept of social exclusion and discuss how social work may respond to the reality of social exclusion. The paper will look at ‘what is social exclusion’ and demonstrate how various groups and individuals are affected by it. It will further examine ‘what is social work’, its tasks and how these address social exclusion. This paper cannot examine all aspects of social exclusion, but will use examples of where social work is relevant in dealing with the issue. This paper looks at social work practice in particular in addressing issues arising from; poverty, unemployment, social policy and social work practice in relation to the social exclusion of people with a mental illness and or learning disability and the conflicting demands for preventative work with statutory responsibilities. Ruth Levitas (2010) quoting Duffy (1995) and the Social Exclusion Unit (1997) argues that the definition of social exclusion is vague but refers to possible definitions as the 'inability to participate effectively in economic, social, political and cultural life, alienation and distance from the mainstream society'. and as 'a shorthand label for what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environments, bad health and family breakdown'. Banks (1995) states that social work is a difficult...
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...CLINICAL ISSUES Acute care management of older people with dementia: a qualitative perspective Wendy Moyle, Sally Borbasi, Marianne Wallis, Rachel Olorenshaw and Natalie Gracia Aim and objectives. This Australian study explored management for older people with dementia in an acute hospital setting. Background. As the population ages, increasing numbers of older people with dementia are placed into an acute care hospital to manage a condition other than dementia. These people require special care that takes into account the unique needs of confused older people. Current nursing and medical literature provides some direction in relation to best practice management; however, few studies have examined this management from the perspective of hospital staff. Design. A descriptive qualitative approach was used. Method. Data were collected using semi-structured audio-taped interviews with a cross section of thirteen staff that worked in acute medical or surgical wards in a large South East Queensland, Australia Hospital. Results. Analysis of data revealed five subthemes with the overarching theme being paradoxical care, in that an inconsistent approach to care emphasised safety at the expense of well-being and dignity. A risk management approach was used rather than one that incorporated injury prevention as one facet of an overall strategy. Conclusion. Using untrained staff to sit and observe people with dementia as a risk management strategy does not encourage an evidence-based approach...
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... Public Health Strategies in the UK and their origins. In this article I am going to describe the key features of public health strategies as they relate to current times in the UK. -Monitoring the health status of the population. This strategy involves keeping track of people’s health/keeping an eye on everyone though statics. By tracking changes in the health of the population health professionals are able to alert people to potential problems, for example regular check-ups, at doctors for asthma or Dentist to check up on teeth and make sure they are in good condition plus Orthodontic. Also the NHS provide a free midlife MOT to check people aged between 40-74, to make sure they are in good health and to help reduce the number of elderly who suffer with high blood pressure. Also for HIV, they monitor the health of the population with HIV tracking the number of people with HIV within the population. This helps the NHS find out the population of people with HIV in order for them to take further actions. -Identifying the health needs of the population. This strategy involves identifying health needs, including those that are common problems/ illness that are considered a major problem. For example identifying the illness and providing support through services or medicine, advert are a great way that can get you aware, and provide you with health awareness that is common in the population. Doctors for example monitor the health status of the population...
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...QUALIFICATION HANDBOOK Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (England) (3978-51/52/53/54/55/56) December 2011 Version 3.1 (February 2012) Qualification at a glance Subject area City & Guilds number Age group approved Entry requirements Assessment Fast track Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (England) 3978 19+ There are no entry requirements Portfolio of Evidence, Practical Demonstration/Assignment. Automatic approval is available for centres offering the 3172 Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care – Adults 100/4794/3 and the 3078 Level 4 NVQ in Leadership and Management for Care Services 500/4105/8 Learner logbook and Smartscreen Consult the Walled Garden/Online Catalogue for last dates City & Guilds number 3978-51 Accreditation number 600/0573/7 Support materials Registration and certification Title and level Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Residential Management) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Management) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Advanced Practice) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Adults’ Residential...
Words: 65883 - Pages: 264
...COVER SHEET Vee, C. and Skitmore, R.M. (2003) Professional ethics in the construction industry. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 10(2):pp. 117-127. Copyright 2003 Emerald. Accessed from: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00004119 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Charles Vee and Martin Skitmore School of Construction Management and Property Queensland University of Technology Gardens Point Brisbane Q4001 Australia For Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Corresponding Author: Professor Martin Skitmore School of Construction Management and Property Queensland University of Technology Gardens Point Brisbane Q4001 Australia 14 June 2002 (version 2) PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ABSTRACT The results are provided of a small, but reprersentative, questionnaire survey of typical project managers, architects and building contractors concerning their views and experiences on a range of ethical issues surrounding construction industry activities. Most (90%) subscribed to a professional Code of Ethics and many (45%) had an Ethical Code of Conduct in their employing organisations, with the majority (84%) considering good ethical practice to be an important organisational goal. 93% of the respondents agreed that “Business Ethics” should be driven or governed by “Personal Ethics”, with 84% of respondents stating that a balance of both the requirements of the client and the impact on the public should...
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...161 Jeni Didham Westpac, Sydney, Australia, and Paul Theivananthampillai University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to explore the complex relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, pay satisfaction and job satisfaction at the retailer that uses a pay-for-performance plan for front-line employees. Design/methodology/approach – This paper draws on a single organization case study across seven stores, and uses a survey, archival documents, open-ended questions and researcher interaction with employees and managers. Findings – The results provide some support for the complementary nature of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation was positively associated with pay and job satisfactions, whereas extrinsic motivation was negatively associated with job satisfaction, and not associated with pay satisfaction. The qualitative insights indicate that pay fairness is important, and those who perceived pay was not fair generally made comparisons with others or felt that pay did not reflect their effort. It is also found that the majority of employees perceived that goals were clear. Research limitations/implications – The dominance of extrinsic motivation without including behavioural, social, and psychological factors in agency theory research is questioned. The research finds no support for “crowding out”, but rather finds some evidence of “crowding in” where intrinsic motivation is enhanced, to the detriment of extrinsic...
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...This assessment requires that you consider and provide evidence of your learning and personal development as well as the application of this in practice. The following document provides you with a clear structure by which to achieve this. 1. Outline the implementation of your personal action plan for improving your leadership capabilities I currently work as the Clinical Team Lead in a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit for an NHS Foundation Trust. Working in restrictive, structured, secure environment can be daunting and frustrating for patients who are admitted, due to a combination of the intensity of their mental illness, behaviours derived from this level of intensity and the constraints caused by the environment. This frustration can at times be displayed in a violent manner and directed towards nursing staff and their peers. It was identified through various discussions with the patients, staff and the Manager that both patients and staff were frustrated and both parties had different views towards reasons of violent and aggressive behaviour (appendix 1 and 2). Staff believed it was the patient’s internal views and presentation that led to an aggressive outburst, while the patient reported environmental and poor communication to be the contributing factor. Whittington and Duxbury (2005, p 469) identified environmental conditions and poor communication to be at the forefront of patient aggression and violence incidents and that there is a need to explore the view of...
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...BTEC Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Certificate and Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Diplomas in Sport For first teaching from September 2006 Issue 2 March 2007 Specification Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Certificate and Edexcel Level 2 BTEC First Diplomas in Sport Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to more than 25,000 schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning here and in over 100 countries worldwide. We deliver 9.4 million exam scripts each year, with 3 million marked onscreen in 2005. Our qualifications include GCSE, AS and A Level, GNVQ, NVQ and the BTEC suite of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas and Foundation Degrees. We also manage the data collection, marking and distribution of the National Curriculum Tests at Key Stages 2 and 3, and the Year 7 Progress Tests. References to third party material made in this specification are made in good faith. Edexcel does not endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may be subject to change, or any opinions expressed therein. (Material may include textbooks, journals, magazines and other publications and websites.) Authorised by Jim Dobson Prepared by Dominic Sutton Publications Code BF017349 All the material in this publication is copyright © Edexcel Limited 2007 Essential principles for delivering a BTEC This specification contains the rules...
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