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Unit 3 Assessment


Submitted By lorayee53
Words 1137
Pages 5
kermit and the keyboard

Kermit and the Keyboard
Lora Norris
American InterContinental University
May 4, 2014

This story of “Kermit and the Keyboard” will take us through many different theories to unravel the elements of why each viewpoint is important as the other. We will look at 3 different cognitive theories in this situation with some comparing and contrasting to see what elements are in the same manner and the others differently. Grasping the understanding of which theory that works the best and how the others play a role in the development of Kermit’s behavior.

This scenario of “Kermit and the Keyboard” has many illustration of the constructivist learning environment. His learning was to skillfully play the keyboard by using a variety of different background voices to help him achieve the desired sound by thinking critically and how to apply them.
Three Different Cognitivist Theories of this Situation First we will look at Kermit through the Cognitive Information Processing (CIP). The cognitive information processing theory is one where learning is based upon the ideas that learning is an internal process. The scenario of Kermit learning to play the keyboard and attempting to try other avenues may or may not be feasible. Each theory has some insight into his learning and development that is useful for him to learn how to play the keyboard. Kermit has already achieved limited learning in this outcome from the studies and on his own. Kermit has the skills and definitely the knowledge of playing a few songs on the keyboard along with some pieces of music before he quite his studies and started practicing only. Kermit has developed the basic skills of keyboarding. Kermit did not fulfill the learner’s role, because Kermit was making too many mistakes and stopped practicing and his studies. Cognitive information process

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