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Unit 3 Political Science Homework

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Marsha McMillen
Unit 3 Political Science Homework

What Public Opinion is and is not? Public opinion is how a group of people looks at a certain public matter, such as politics. Public opinion is not the opinion of everyone it is just a select amount of people that feel a certain way about political matters. One example of personal opinion would be that I would like the schools, to have more teachers in a single classroom. Public opinion would be directed at putting pray and the pledge of allegiance back in the schools.

Several factors shape public opinion. Some are, social class, education, region, religion, these are just a few of the factors. Social class and Education are related, because the more education you have the more money you can make to spend on technology and finance. The wealthier you are will grant you a higher place in society, than the less wealthy. In the United States when you are college educated, you are more tolerant, favor civil rights, and you understand different viewpoints. “But on economic issues, many of them are skeptical of efforts to redistribute income by higher taxes on the upper brackets. …show more content…
S. South was known as the solid South, which they were known for being Democratic, but now they are leaning more to Republican. When a region gets set in its politics, they have a tendency to stay that way for a very long time. Region has a lot to do with the politics in Britain, France, Germany and the United States. The Sunbelt states, which is the U.S. South and the Rocky Mountain state tend to be conservative on noneconomic and economic issues. The Northern and Eastern states seem to be more liberal, especially when it comes to government

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