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United States Emergency Management System

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The United States Emergency Management System is a structured tool that is utilized during a wide variety of disasters. It was originally developed to provide a set of guidelines to local, state, and federal organizations for responding to any type of disaster. These guidelines have been adopted by each level and modified to fit their needs. It is an extremely useful tool because it flexible and adaptable. It can be scaled up or down and be used for man-made or natural disasters. Probably the most important aspect of the United States Emergency management System has bee the development and requirement of the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) (United States: Department of Homeland Security, 2008).
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Mitigation efforts must also be implemented to help lessen the blow of an emergency. The maintaining and reevaluating the Emergency Management System and COOP is included in the development stages. Reevaluation of plans compensates for the changing environment. If this is done on a regular basis it will make it much easier to implement throughout the response and recovery operations (Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans, 2010). There are always new systems and technologies being developed. This also includes updated training and tactics for first responder personnel. It can also lead to improved communication, which is the backbone of coordinating a successful response effort.
Training considerations also need to be evaluated and developed in COOP. All first responders should, at a minimum, have basic training. This basic training can include first aid, crime scene preservation, evidence collection, and hazard recognition. To help accomplish this, scenario-based drills can be held quarterly or more often as needed. This will help maintain a level of proficiency among first responders (Newman & Clarke,

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