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United States Flag Report

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The United States Flag Report

Have you ever wondered the mysterious and interesting things behind the history of the United States Flag?Well,in this report I will be exploring and explaining all the interesting facts about the flag.There are many topics about the flag that I will be explaining.Such as the history of the United States Flag and many more.Therefore,the three most important topics that I will be explaining and exploring in this report are the meanings on the flag such as the thirteen stripes and the 50 stars on the flag and other interesting facts about the flag.Another topic that is important is, who was behind the designing of the mysterious flag,who designed it and why did they choose those colors.Overall, another topic …show more content…
According to Smith Whitney that wrote a book called Book of Knowledge,she mentions that the United States got the colors for the flag from the British.The United States also has many other symbols that represent the nation.Such as their national bird, which is the bald eagle.The nation also their own national flower, which is a …show more content…
According to the book Holt United States History they mentioned that once the Pledge of Allegiance was written congress decided to put the words “Under God” .Which was changed in 1954.Once you say the words of Pledge of Allegiance according to the same book they mention, you must put your right hand over your heart.The Pledge of Allegiance also gives a salute to the people in the army forces,according to the same book.The Pledge of Allegiance was created in a magazine in Massachusetts.The quote salutes the flag and shows honor to the

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