...Unknown compound number one is a ionic compound. For the solubility test, compound number one quickly dissolved in water. Both molecular and ionic compounds are dissolvable but ionic compounds are usually more soluble. For the conductivity test the electrical conductivity was at a rating of 5, meaning that it is a good conductor of electricity. Good conductors of electricity are usually ionic compounds. The next test was the melting point of the compound. This compound did not melt and it started burning after 30 seconds. Ionic compounds have a very high melting point like this compound does. The Last test was hardness, the hardness of unknown number one was easy to crush and it just turned into smaller, finer crystals. From these four test I conclude that unknown compound number one is ionic. Unknown compound number two is a ionic compound. For the solubility test compound number two fully dissolved in water. For the conductivity test the electrical conductivity was at a rating of 3, which could mean that this compound is polar covalent because the rating is between a poor and good electrical conductivity. The next test was the melting point of the compound. This compound did not melt...
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...“The Project” An Unknown Ionic Compound in the Landfill Introduction Upon discovery of an unknown solid ionic compound in a landfill by the Chemistry 1146 laboratory group, precautions were immediately taken and rigorous experimentations were begun to determine the identity of the compound. Determining the identity of this compound was very crucial for the safety of the community. The chemical and physical properties of the compound could then be identified and environmental hazards addressed. Questions that needed to be answered in relation to this unknown compound included: Is it a risk to people living nearby? What if it gets in the water supply? Does it contaminate the air? Is it reactive? Over a three week time-span the chemists experimented with the unknown compound to report the findings back to the community. After the unknown compound was identified, the chemists studied its properties and confirmed the identity by synthesizing the compound in the lab and comparing it to the unknown. Experimental Week 1 After a sample of the unknown compound (#21) was retrieved, various experiments were carried out to determine the chemical formula. An anion analysis was first performed on the unknown compound. A solution of the unknown compound was prepared by taking a small amount of the solid on the end of a scoopula and dissolving it in 2 mL of distilled water (DI water) in a test tube. The compound was then tested for the sulfate ion by placing 1 mL of the solution in a test...
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...CH 220C ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY Spring, 2015 Section Page 1. General Information 2 2. Safety Information 2 3. Attendance 3 Make-Up Policy 3 4. Laboratory Protocol 3 Assigned Reading 3 Pre-Lab Quizzes 3 Lab Notebook 5 Chemicals 5 Due Dates for Reports 5 5. Orientation 5 In-Lab Information 5 Library Information 5 6. Check-In 6 7. Grading Procedure 6 8. Policy on Cheating 7 9. TA Office Hours 8 10. Faculty Course CoordinatorS 8 11. Course Web Page 8 12. Hints to Minimize Frustration IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 8 13. Work Schedule 10 Lab Report Due Date Schedule 10 Experiments 10 14. Supplements 17 A. Extraction of Unknown 17 B. Recrystallization of Unknown Products 18 C. Methyl Benzoate 19 D. Synthesis of Luminol 20 E. Azo Violet 23 1. GENERAL INFORMATION PRE- and CO-REQUISITES Pre- and co-requisites for CH 220C listed in the Course Schedule. Important: Because the lecture and laboratory courses are co-requisites of each other, dropping one of them requires that you drop the other as well, unless the drop occurs during ...
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...The Determination of Boiling Points and Melting Points of Organic Compounds During this laboratory session, we will practice determining the boiling point of a liquid organic compound and the melting point (or we could call it the freezing point) of a solid organic compound. The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which the pressure of the vapor above a liquid equals the existing pressure. As we heat a liquid, the pressure of the vapor above the liquid slowly increases. When this pressure equals the pressure existing in the container, the liquid begins to boil– the liquid turns to vapor. If not contained, the vapor will “escape” into the atmosphere. In other words, the liquid evaporates. If the vapor is contained, and then passed through an area where the temperature is lower, the vapor will “condense” and enter the liquid state again. This would be a distillation. Atmospheric pressure is approximately 760 mm Hg; i.e., the weight of a column of mercury measuring 1 mm2 and 760 mm tall. This equates to about 29.7 inches of mercury. If we reduce the pressure above the sample that we are heating, we can reduce the boiling point of the liquid. This is referred to as a vacuum distillation or carrying out a distillation in vacuo. For example, while water boils at 100oC (or 212° F) at 760 mm Hg, it boils around 22oC at 20 mm Hg. The boiling point of a liquid is a physical characteristic of a compound. Many factors go into the estimation of the boiling point of a liquid such...
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...The Determination of Boiling Points and Melting Points of Organic Compounds During this laboratory session, we will practice determining the boiling point of a liquid organic compound and the melting point (or we could call it the freezing point) of a solid organic compound. The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which the pressure of the vapor above a liquid equals the existing pressure. As we heat a liquid, the pressure of the vapor above the liquid slowly increases. When this pressure equals the pressure existing in the container, the liquid begins to boil– the liquid turns to vapor. If not contained, the vapor will “escape” into the atmosphere. In other words, the liquid evaporates. If the vapor is contained, and then passed through an area where the temperature is lower, the vapor will “condense” and enter the liquid state again. This would be a distillation. Atmospheric pressure is approximately 760 mm Hg; i.e., the weight of a column of mercury measuring 1 mm2 and 760 mm tall. This equates to about 29.7 inches of mercury. If we reduce the pressure above the sample that we are heating, we can reduce the boiling point of the liquid. This is referred to as a vacuum distillation or carrying out a distillation in vacuo. For example, while water boils at 100oC (or 212° F) at 760 mm Hg, it boils around 22oC at 20 mm Hg. The boiling point of a liquid is a physical characteristic of a compound. Many factors go into the estimation of the boiling point of a liquid such...
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...CLC204 – Analytic Chemistry Experiment Quantitative Analysis of an Unknown Liquid Sample Objective: To be familiar with Ultra Violet Spectrophotometer (UV) and Gas Chromatography (GC) used in chemical analysis UV Abstract In this report, people who consumed tom yum soup suffered from nausea and vomiting due to copper poisoning which was found to leach from a pot into the soup under high heat and acidic condition. It was also suspected that an organic compound was present in the soup which enhanced the absorption of copper in consumer. Hence, as an analytical chemist, we have to use UV to determine the actual concentration of copper standards and blank using external calibration standards. The result of the test solution was measured by comparing it with the calibration of copper. Introduction The goal of this experiment is to obtain the concentration of copper in a known solution. Therefore, in this experiment, we will be using UV to measure the absorbance of the solution. A spectrophotometer is used to measure the amount of light that a sample absorbs. Ultraviolet (UV) light is an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10nm to 400nm and energy from 3eV to 124Ev. With a shorter wavelength as compared to visible light, UV light is able to penetrate more readily through obstacles. Its name came from a spectrum which humans identify as the colour violet. UV light is invisible, but it can be seen indirectly when it makes other substances...
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...4/15/2015 BIO156 Lab 2 Print Lab 2 Biological Molecules and pH Introduction: Connecting Your Learning Biological organisms, like all things, are made up of elements. These elements combine to form organic molecules that create the basis for life. The main elements found in biological organisms include carbon (C), hydrogen (H), phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O). This lab describes how these elements form some of the most important molecules in life: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Resources and Assignments Multimedia Resources Required Assignments None Lesson 2 Lab 2 From the Lab Kit 7 test tubes Benedict's solution Biuret solution 15 micropipettes 10 pipettes Forceps pH test strips 4 unknown samples https://www.riolearn.org/content/bio/BIO156/BIO156_INTER_0000_v9/labs/lab02.shtml?print 1/21 4/15/2015 BIO156 Lab 2 Measuring spoons (teaspoon and tablespoon) 50 mL beaker Mortar and pestle Glass stirring rod 100 mL graduated cylinder Microscope slide Plastic funnel Test tube tongs Test tube rack 5 plastic cups Goggles Plastic gloves 1 tablespoon baking soda 1 tablespoon chicken soup 4 tablespoons sugar Required Materials 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin Student Provided Small saucepan Paper towel Oven glove or mitt Baking tray or aluminum foil (about an 18-inch sheet) Scissors Pencil Dime Microwave (optional) or Stove Permanent marker https://www.riolearn...
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...Materials: Iodine 0.1 M hydrochloric acid Sudan III Starch solution Corn oil Egg albumin 1% copper sulphate solution 1% sucrose solution 0.1 M Sodium hydroxide 1% glucose/fructose/lactose solution Absolute ethanol DCPIP (dichlorophenolindophenol) solution Ascorbic acid Introduction The nutrients in the food you eat supply your body with energy for growth and repair. These principle substances include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. We can test for the presence of these important compounds in food by using chemical reagents that react in predictable ways in the presence of these nutrients. Please refer to the notes given above on: How to record qualitative data. (Marks will be awarded based on proper recording.) What to do if you don’t obtain the desired results. Flowchart Students will be allowed to proceed with the experiment only if they have come into the laboratory with a flowchart of the day’s experiment. Lab manual version 6_201505 FHSB1214 Biology I & FHSC1214 Fundamentals of Cell Biology 14 Procedures: Part 1: Identification of Carbohydrates (A) Test for reducing sugars The reducing sugars include all monosaccharide, such as glucose and fructose, and some disaccharides, such as maltose and lactose, using 0.1 – 1% sugar solutions. Common tests for reducing sugars include Benedict’s test (described below) and Fehling’s test (not described here). See ‘basis of test’ below for explanation of the following reaction: ...
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...Unknown Lab Report Emma Upchurch Department of Science, Hill College BIOL 2120 01BH Professor Aaron Warren November 21, 2024. Introduction: When entering the lab, the class was instructed to pick an unknown test tube with broth. Inside the test tube was a bacterial specimen which I had to run biochemical and culture techniques on to correctly identify the bacteria I had randomly selected. With eleven bacteria I could have picked, it was important that each test was done correctly and that we recorded the results from each test accurately. I ran a total of five tests to be able to correctly identify the bacterial specimen I had chosen, since the four tests required did not give me enough data to identify my exact bacteria. Materials...
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...liquid hypochlorite household bleach. There are two oxidation-reduction reactions for determining the oxidizing capacity of bleach. Initially an excess of iodide ions are added to a bleach solution. The iodide ions are oxidized to iodine after the solution has been acidified. Starch is added to the resulting iodine solution as an indicator. The solution is then titrated with sodium thiosulfate until the color of the solution changes indicating the endpoint of the reaction. Data collected from the titrations will be used to calculate the mass of the sodium hypochlorite in an unknown solution of bleach. Given the original mass of the unknown solution and the calculated mass of the sodium hypochlorite in the unknown solution, the percent by mass of the sodium hypochlorite can be determined. The oxidizing capacity of the unknown bleach is effectively the percent by mass of the sodium hypochlorite in the unknown bleach sample. OJECTIVES 1) Titration of a sample of bleach with thiosulfate. 2) Determining the end point of the titration with starch indicator. 3) To determine oxidizing capacity of bleach by determining the percentage by mass of the bleach that is sodium hypochlorite. 4) Balance and summarize the two redox reactions to determine the overall chemical reaction that occurs during the titration. PRINCIPLES Oxidizing Capacity of Bleach The effectiveness of a bleach to whiten and remove stains in white clothing is related to the oxidizing (bleaching) strength of an oxidizing...
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...DETERMINATION OF CONCENTRATION OF MONOSACCHARIDES BY POLARIMETRY Background Polarimetry is is a very useful method to analyze chiral substances. The magnitude and direction of rotation of the plane of lineraly polarized light by a chiral compound is a specific physical property of the compound that can be used to characterize it. Most biomolecules are chiral and hence rotate polarized light. In this experiment you will study the optical rotation of a series of mixed monosaccharide solutions and determine the relative concentrations of them. The instrument used to study optical rotation in chiral molecules is called a polarimeter. A polarimeter takes light vibrating in all planes, isolates the light vibrating in a single plane, projects the light through a tube filled with a solution of chiral compound, and measures the amount of rotation. The observed angle of rotation of the plane of polarization by an optically active liquid, solution, or (more rarely) gas or solid is usually denoted by the symbol α. The angle may be either positive (+) or negative (-) depending on whether the rotation is clockwise, that is, to the right (dextro) or counterclockwise, that is, to the left (levo) as seen by an observer towards whom the beam of polarized light travels (this is opposite from the direction of rotation viewed along the light beam). Biot discovered that the observed rotation is proportional to the length l of the cell or tube containing the optically active liquid or solution...
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...In the 4th quarter of 9th grade science we continued our study of chemistry with a focus on chemical formulas, chemical reactions, and stoichiometry. Formative assessments included practice questions on how to write proper names and formulas for chemical compounds, balancing equations, converting between chemical units, and titration problems. The lab experiments for the quarter consisted of a freezing point experiment, chemical flame test comparison, the activity series of four metals, production of hydrogen, and the titration of an unknown concentration of acid. Summative assessments for the quarter were an evaluation of the freezing point experiment, written exploration of the flame test experiment, and two unit exams on chemistry topics. In 10th grade students will study science topics related to biology, environmental science, and some...
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...and Name:1316740 Katerina Koupa | Name of Lab Instructor: Dr. J. Walton | Date of the experiment:06/02/2014 | Date of Report Submission:20/02/2014 | (Fig.1) Biuret Reagent Structure ABSTRACT: This report describes the use of the Biuret and Folin methods of protein assay, to verify the protein concentrations of two unknown solutions. To calculate the protein concentrations of the unknowns, nineteen samples were passed through a spectrophotometer which twelve of them had a known protein concentration and there absorbance levels were found. Then a calibration graph was plot that determines the concentration levels of the unknown samples. INTRODUCTION: One of the most typical procedures applied by lab scientist is the protein quantification. Finding protein concentrations in solutions is important in many ways. First of all detecting the levels of a protein in body fluids can result in identifying various diseases. Also protein verification is required for characterization and purification of enzymes. Because of the significance of protein assays laboratories perform this techniques on almost a daily basis. For this experimental procedure, the Biuret and Folin methods were used to determine the protein concentrations of two unknown samples. First the Biuret method (Fig.1) is based on the appearance of peptides bonds in proteins. When cupric ions (Cu2+) come in contact with a compound of proteins in a quite alkaline environment a...
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...Attendance, P4 Lab Schedule, P4 Lab Replacement, P5 Lab Regulation 6.1 General Rules, P5 6.2 Safety Rules, P6 Lab Rules & Regulations on Computer Usage 7.1 ICT Computer Lab, P7 7.2 ICT Internet Lab, P8 Appendix 1 (Lab Replacement Flow Chart), P10 Appendix 2 (Lab Session Replacement Form), P11 Policy for Laboratory Usage after Office Hours, 10.1 Operating Procedure, P12 10.2 Warnings on liability, P12 10.3 Rules and Regulations, P12 Use of Laboratory After Office Hours 11.1 Appendix 3 (Application Form), P14 11.2 Appendix 4 (Student’s Declaration Form), P15 Ambulance Services, P16 Lab Safety Handbook on Chemical Hazards, Physical Hazards and Biological hazards, P17-P64 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman 2 Definitions • • • • • Lab Session: Time duration allocated for student to do lab experiment. Lab Sheet: A printed material usually contains a series of instructions and information given to the student on how to conduct lab experiment. Lab Report: A written report prepared by student based on individual observation and data analysis after the lab experiment. The format and requirements are usually stated in the lab sheet. Lab Coordinator: A person in charge of coordinating all the lab sessions of the semester and administrating lab matters. Lab Instructor: An academic staff (lecturer or tutor) in charge of the lab session. The lab instructor will give briefing and instructions to students during the lab session. 1. Introduction Practical lab is one...
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...Formal Lab Report Title: The Densities of Liquids and Solids compound. Abstract: In this experiment we will determine the density of liquid and a solid by two quantities of mass and the volume of a given quantity of matter.To properly measure density,we need container whose volume is known to a high degree of accuracy. This container is known as a flask and stopper. Introduction: Density is the ratio of the mass of a substance or object to its volume. At any given temperature, the ratio of mass to volume is characteristic for a given substance.Common liquids and solids of various densities are layered in a beaker. The liquids form different layers and the solids float at the interfaces between them. This demonstrates that a solid's ability to float or sink depends on its density relative to the liquid it is in.The physical properties of a pure substance are those that can be measured without changing the composition of the substance. The density of a substance is an intensive property of the substance. The property is independent of the mass of the substance ( intensive ). The density of a substance is a measure of the mass of the substance per volume occupied by the substance. The density of solids and liquids are generally given in units of grams per milliliter, while for gases the units are grams per liter. We will be determining the density of water, the density of an unknown liquid, the density of a regular solid and the density of an...
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