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Upper Gastrointestinal Series Analysis

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How to prepare for an upper Gastrointestinal Series test?

Upper gastrointestinal series test - that is quite a mouthful, isn't it? Hearing about such a long and complicated test is quite frightening. But, don't worry - it is not all that terrible. In this article we will create some awareness about this test and relieve you of any apprehensions that you may have.
What is an upper gastrointestinal series test?
An upper gastrointestinal (GI) series test is a radiological test that is done to envisage the structure of the upper digestive system. The test involves filling the upper digestive system with a white liquid called barium.
The upper digestive system consists of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Should your doctor like to see the …show more content…
The patient is asked to fast on the previous day - avoiding all solid food prior to 8 hours before the test. He or she should not drink even water 3 hours prior to the test. The evening prior to the test the patient may be given a laxative to help clean out the intestines.

This is a non-invasive test in which the patient is X-rayed. The patient is made to drink a couple of medications that will enhance the quality of the X-rays. The patient is asked to drink a thick chalky liquid that contains barium salt. The other one is a carbonated drink that expands the stomach due to formation of gas. The barium outlines the stomach in the X-rays and helps the doctor detect tumors or other abnormalities.
The doctor may suggest a number of pictures in different positions to capture various views of the digestive system. The patient is advised to hold his or her breath to preventing blurring of pictures.
After-effects of the test
Most of the patients do feel the after-effects of the test. This is a common feature and may last up to 72 hours after the test. It is important to drink a lot of water after the test to flush out the barium from the body. While some people may suffer constipation, others suffer diarrhea.
Risks of the upper gastrointestinal series

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