...The Smart Grid is a decentralized and interactive system. The interactive nature will involve two-way communication between the utility companies and the consumer. Through Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) consumers are able to make better energy use decisions, defer usage to off-peak periods, and contribute power to peak period usage. Utilities will be better able to detect problems within their own systems and react quickly to replace power sources from multiple possible sources. The “Prices to Devices” concept, based on the premise that energy is priced in real time, allows for ongoing transmission of power availability and pricing to “smart” home controllers and devices. The devices can interpret this information to alter energy usage accordingly – to defer usage to more amenable and less expensive times. The current U.S. power grid is no doubt an amazing machine, but it has many limitations and poses many challenges. One main drawback of the current system is that it was built to move power in one direction – from the plant to the consumer. Years ago this made sense, but today it limits the ability to handle power generated from wind turbines and solar panels. The smart grid uses two-way communication, which handles excess distributed power as well as detects and avoids potential power outages. Currently, power companies rely on customers to tell them if there is an outage or problem. The smart grid automatically detects the problem and instantly reroutes...
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...Course Project Proposal The Implementation of Cloud computing and existing Database System in Conventional Power plants Rahul Shah (rahul09oct@gmail.com) MIS-535 Prof. Nichelle Manuel Table of Contents Abstract 3 Company Background 3 Business Problems 3 High-Level Solution 4 Smart grid and Cloud computing 5 SCADA and Cloud computing 6 Benefits of solving the problem 7 Business/ Technical Approach 9 Cloud computing Infrastructure 10 Integration of all plant and customer activities in one database 10 Provision of Internet Protocol Security 11 Moving Smart grids and SCADA to cloud 11 High-level Implementation Plan 11 Set up a program architecture that considers risk and industry maturity 12 Usage of technology for a long term 12 Maintain significant focus on IT integration activities ...
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...The following is a SWOT analysis of the Palm Inc. company based on From handhelds to smart phones – the pioneers of Palm Inc. (2011), Richard Ivey School of Business foundation. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that this company is facing will be outlined to identify the positive and negative factors influencing the inside and the outside of the company. This analysis will help to develop an awareness of the factors that may affect strategic planning and decision making of Palm Inc. Strengths 1. Years of experience For Palm, years of experience at software development, marketing and device development are really a great strength. Palm start in 1992, 18 years let Palm experienced a lot of technological change, also made Palm earn a lot of experience. They know many marketing skills, they can avoid mistakes from previous products. So experience is one of the most important strength a company should have. 2. Loyal customers Customer is God. Everyone knows this truth. If you grasp customers’ hearts, you win. Palm is a company of 18 years history, so Palm has many loyal customers. Like Apple, if you get used to the IOS system, you can not get out of it, so the same as Palm OS system. Palm still have this part of people. 3. Value A company’s value comes from two parts, one is intangible value, another is tangible value. After those years, Palm already had its value. Intangible value such as reputation can make public believe in Palm. 4. Controlled...
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...How should Singapore and other smart cities deal with the increasing risk of cyber threats? Fifty years after its establishment, Singapore is a smart city-state success story at the forefront of a third industrial revolution. Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) increasingly interconnects Singapore’s cyber and physical systems, sensors and smart technology into the digital fabric that links society and critical infrastructures such as transportation, health, finance and defense. Infrastructure investment is expected to grow by 50% to about $30 billion by the end of the decade. But as Singapore and other smart cities become increasingly connected to cyberspace, so too does their risk of cyber threats. For the next 50 years to be as prosperous as the last, Singapore and other smart cities and nations need to develop a cyber-smart workforce, technology, policies and new risk management solutions. Cyber Smart City: Opportunity and Challenge The Cyber Smart City Opportunity of new IoT-inspired products, services and markets could boost the gross domestic product (GDP) of the world’s 20 largest economies by $14.2 trillion in 2030, according to a recent study by Accenture. This trend can be seen in Singapore’s smart buildings, where converged information and operational technologies infrastructures, control systems and sensors integrate multiple electronic systems to support building management and business functions. Smart building technology is increasing energy efficiency...
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...1. - Smart Labels Make Sense for You The UPS Smart Label is a computer-generated shipping label that you can create using your personal computer. One of the key elements of the smart label is the barcode. The information contained in a smart-label barcode can benefit you significantly. Among these, a UPS Smart Label provides you with the following: Increased reliability, since the barcode contains data imported directly from your system Improved transit time, because smart-label packages pass through UPS systems at top speed Access to value-added services reserved for packages with UPS Smart Labels UPS offers you three different ways to create UPS Smart Labels, depending on your shipping situation. You can: Log on to your UPS website and ship using UPS Internet Shipping Ship with our free shipping software, UPS World Ship Download and integrate an XML-based UPS Developer Kit Application Programming Interface (API) -- Shipping API – to ship from your company's website. To ship these packages via UPS, you can do one of two things: Go to the UPS Web site, enter all the necessary information about your packages, print out smart labels and schedule a pickup. Take your packages to the UPS store, where you or a UPS employee will enter the same information into a computer and print the necessary labels either way, your packages will wind up bearing labels that have conventional bar codes and UPS maxi codes. Throughout the shipping process, machines and UPS employees can use bar-code...
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...Project MGMT305-1204B-06 Management Information Systems Sunday, October 07, 2012 Abstract The following paper takes in a count for how companies use information systems for help managing internal operations by way of good decisions. Furthermore, how companies apply working knowledge of computers and ancillaries to evaluate how business problems can be solved. Moreover, how businesses use the aforementioned tools to facilitate ecommerce through the use of business to business and business to customer technology. INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS What's the Buzz on Smart Grids? Case study 1. How smart grids differ from the current electricity infrastructure in the United States The current electricity infrastructure within the U.S. provides power to shoppers with the smart grid providing info of how shoppers use energy. This makes it exhausting to be able to develop varied methods and approaches to finding ways of optimally distributing power. This infrastructure conjointly doesn't effectively handle power that's generated from energy sources. On the opposite hand smart girds digitally deliver electricity from suppliers to shoppers in a vary means that enables back and forth communication between suppliers and shoppers thereby enhancing selections created on energy production and consumption. This helps in saving energy, reducing prices and pollution and increasing transparency and re-liableness since the smart grid system is able to apportion involuntary changes to the...
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...A Study on the Smart Home Technologies and their Applications for the Disabled and Ageing Swati Khuraniya Student, Manipal University Dubai swati.khuraniya@gmail.com M.I. Jawid Nazir Manipal University Dubai jawid_nazir@manipaldubai.com Abstract In an ageing world, maintaining good health and independence for as long as possible is essential especially for the elderly and the disabled who need to rely on others to take care of them. Now, due to advances in technology, inhabitants of these smart homes do not have to depend on anybody but with the help of these smart homes, these individuals can manage their daily lives specific to their own needs. Thus, the “Home of the Future” is now not only a possibility but also a reality. Smart home technology is a collective term for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as used in houses. The technology can be used to monitor, warn and carry out functions according to selected criteria by the disabled people. Smart home technology makes the automatic communication, via the Internet, fixed telephones lines and mobile phones. The purpose of this paper is to examine the technologies used to help people to overcome their dependence and health problems. Keywords: Assistive technology, Disabilities, Ethical issues, Smart homes, Technology acceptance 1. Introduction As we outgrow each phase of human life not only do our needs and requirements change but so do our views and beliefs on life. One integral part of our existence...
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...What’s the Buzz on Smart Grids? The smart grid is a new infrastructure proposal to substitute the current outdated and inefficient electric infrastructure that supplies electricity to companies and consumers in the U.S. The new grid is expected to offer great advantages nationwide. The smart grid offers new ways to handle power by using alternative energy sources whish enable us to go green. Smart grid uses digital technology to deliver electricity saving energy, reducing cost, and increasing reliability and transparency. The new infrastructure allows information to flow back and forward from energy plants to consumer’s households and companies enabling them to make more rational decision of consumption and production. In addition this offer consumer the possibility to regulate their electronic appliances such as heating and air conditioner system for a responsible consumption while meeting the maximum need of usage lowering cost and pollution. All this advantages are not just advantages but also a clear difference that sets the economy to propel at lees in this single sector. Furthermore the smart grid is capable of detecting power outages more precisely and quickly at the individual household levels. Smart grids are expected to reduce the energy consumption from a 5 to 15 percent nationwide if implemented across the nation. Not only will this new infrastructure enable consumers to visualize through a home display devise the consumption and cost of the energy used to...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
...Keywords: smart card, transportation, payment system, technology diffusion, Octopus, Hong Kong A b s t r a c t Although debit/cash cards based on smart card technology promised to bring forth the end of loose change, very few managed to gain critical mass or come close to totally eliminating coins including those supported by major credit card operators (e.g., Visa Cash and Mondex). In this paper, we discuss a specific system – Octopus – which not only gained momentum among the passenger transportation industry in Hong Kong, but also expanded into other payment channels such as fast food outlets and snack machines. We examine the factors why Octopus has been successful despite most micro-payment systems failing to gain critical mass let alone expand their customer base. Finally, we conclude that convenience factors, a specific set of societal factors and its management strategy to expand from a captive market towards a generic micro-payment system had been instrumental to the growth of this e-payment system. A Copyright © 2001 Electronic Markets Volume 11 (2): 97–106. www.electronicmarkets.org Downloaded By: [Schmelich, Volker] At: 12:59 16 March 2010 E-COMMERCE IN AUSTRAL-ASIA u t h o r s Simpson Poon (Spoon@hku.hk) is the Director of the Centre for E-Commerce and Internet Studies at Murdoch University in Australia and a Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Business, The University...
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...Essentials for Smart Cities A Whitepaper for Business Executive Summary More than half of the population of the Earth now live in urban areas (United Nations, 2012). Modern cities face many challenges and opportunities because of this. The challenges range from providing a good quality of life for citizens to ensuring appropriate socio-economic development year on year, while the opportunities can be seen in businesses becoming more efficient and innovative, to the reduction of crime through the use of ICTs in policing. The concept of making cities “smart” has grown out of the need for cities to meet these challenges and opportunities. Based on an analysis of the literature on Smart Cities1, Future Internet2 and Open Living Labs3, this paper examines, from the perspective of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage, what the essential components are for making a city “smart”. It outlines five essential ICT elements that cities need to acquire or develop on their path to becoming smarter. The paper then comments on the non-material essentials that also make up a good ICT strategy for smart cities. It argues that along with the five ICT essentials outlined in this paper, cities must develop sustainable partnerships and cooperation strategies among main stakeholders to ensure the effective sharing of common city resources among citizens and businesses. If this is achieved, urban and regional innovation ecosystems can develop, in turn, speeding up the process...
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...SMART METERING WHAT IS A SMART METER? A smart meter is usually an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. CloudIndustries.eu provides you several Smart Metering Solutions as per your needs and requirements. Smart meters are an important tool for helping people understand and quantify energy use. They differ from a traditional meter, by providing accurate energy use data in real-time. Our aim is to make energy consumption more visible and help people to understand how much they are actually using. WHY DO THEY MATTER? Pretty much everything we do. But when it comes to energy, we haven’t really seen the same technology transformations take place. Many of us have our meters hidden away in a cupboard under the stairs. Smart meters will change this, as they come with a smart energy monitor that shows you what you use, as you use it, and gives you new control over your energy consumption, along with the opportunity to save money. And you can say goodbye to estimated bills and meter readings – smart meters automatically send readings back to your supplier. So when you receive your bill, you’ll know you’re only paying for the gas and electricity you’ve used. WILL I NEED TO DO ANYTHING? Once your smart meter is up and running, your meter readings...
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...Ruth Rininger Professor Alma Scott CINT 106 7 May 2013 The Smart Home On your morning commute, have you ever thought, did I turn the hallway light off? What about the coffee maker? Did I set the security alarm? With a smart home, you wouldn’t worry about these things at all; you would just pull out your smart phone or your work computer, visit the Internet, and control your house. Have a hard day at work? When you walk in the door, you can have your favorite music playing and the lights dimmed. Worried about what your teenager is doing to your house while you’re away? Just watch him or her online from wherever you are. Do thoughts of the smart home bring to mind images of the Jetsons? The technology is not quite to that level, but give it time. What is a smart house? According to Craven, “a smart house is a house that has a highly advanced automatic systems for lighting, temperature control, multi-media, security, window and door operations, and many other functions” (1). Practically anything in your home can be networked, including drapes and shades, gates, garage doors, door locks, doorbells, lights, dishwasher, refrigerator, heaters, alarm clocks, washer/dryer, microwave, coffeemaker, hot water system, air conditioners, central vacuum system, water controls, pool cover, fireplaces, toys, e-books, lawnmower, cars and other vehicles, piano, weather station, and furniture. Also able to be networked are audio and video devices, such as receivers, amplifiers, speakers...
Words: 1324 - Pages: 6
...Enterprise 13 Marketing Design and Innovation Customer Name Contents Acknowledgement: 3 Reflective Essay 4 The Apple IPhone line 5 The Introduction of the IOS Operating System 6 The IPhone 1 matches up to expectations 7 The Marketing Genius of IPhone 1 7 The Benefits of the IPhone series and how the customers take advantage from them: 8 The Uniqueness of the Apple IPhone Line 10 The Brand Appeal of Apple IPhone Series 11 Conclusion: 13 Bibliography 14 Acknowledgement: I would like to start this document by thanking all my instructors who played a vital role in ensuring that I had the necessary knowledge to attempt this assignment successfully. I would also like to thank my fellow students who not only supported me morally throughout the course of this assignment but also took on the duty of completing the proof reading process of this assignment and pointing out small typing errors and general grammatical deficiencies. I would also like to thank my parents who supported me entirely in the course of this assignment. Reflective Essay The company that I have chosen for this assignment is Apple. Apple is one of the largest technological giants of the world with products ranging from LED televisions to Smart Phones. In this particular assignment, we will be focusing on the Smart Phone line of Apple. Apple is embroiled in a technological battle with Apple, Nokia, HTC, Sony and other famous Mobile Phone manufacturers for the dominance of the market....
Words: 3937 - Pages: 16
...Print this document Security Systems & Cameras By Llanor Alleyne February 2,2015 ShareThis rss Order a reprint This Integration Guide was sponsored by Honeywell, as a supplement to Residential Systems, February 2015 In a millennium, when students are studying our present as their past, much will be made of the role of the smart phone in fueling a technology revolution. Undoubtedly this small device, which has already reconfigured how everyday people engage with not only each other but also other devices around them, has given way to the Internet of Things concept, which gains tractions seemingly daily. Indeed, the idea of connecting all of the things we surround ourselves with through a central device has been the basis of custom home automation, but it is relatively recently that a universal device—the smart phone or smart device—has been recognized as the potential hub manager for this level of control. The impact has been visible and quantitative, especially in the security systems sector, which has experienced tremendous growth as a consequence. “Mobile smart phones have really been the catalyst for integrated security systems,” said Delia Hansen, Crestron’s residential marketing manager. “Prior to them becoming mainstream, it was perfectly acceptable to have a large, unattractive security panel at the front door. Now people are looking for more sophisticated options. The smartphone has been able to provide an answer ...
Words: 2594 - Pages: 11
...show how companies us information systems to help manage business operations, show knowledge about computer networks, hardware, software, and database technologies. It will also evaluate how businesses use the Internet to their advantage for communicating with employees, working with other businesses and working with ecommerce businesses. What Is The Buzz On Smart Grids? The Smart grid is a class of technology that people are using to bring electricity delivery systems to the 21st century using computer based remote control and automation. Two way communication technology and computer processing make it possible and has been used by other business for years. The “grid” is the network that carries the electricity from the plant to the consumer. The grid is made up of transformers, substations, wires, switches and more. The “smart” entity is pretty much the same as the new “smart phones” and it basically saying that the grid is computerized. It includes a 2-way digital communication technological device. (Energy.gov, n.d.) Smart grids differ from the current electricity infrastructure because of the way the electricity is delivered to the consumer. The current grid does not explain how the power is distributed or used. The smart grid was developed to digitally save the consumer money by increasing ways to save energy, reducing cost and increasing reliability. With these new smart grids the energy company will be...
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