...(2013). Trade partnership competition: TPP vs RCEP. The Strategist. http://www.aspistrategist.org.au/trade-partnership-competition-tpp-vs-rcep/ Yu, W. (2013). TPP Talks Show Promise for US Asia Strategy—With or Without China. The Diplomat. http://thediplomat.com/pacific-money/2013/08/02/ tpp-talks-show-promise-for-us-asia-strategy-with-or-without-china/ ANU, S. A. (2011). China’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership . East Asia Forum. http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2011/12/11/china-participation-in-the-trans- pacific-partnership/ UI, B. P. (2012). Will RCEP compete with the TPP?. East Asia Forum. http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2012/11/28/will-rcep-compete-with-the-tpp/ Ponnudurai, P. (2013). China vs. US in Proxy Trade Battle. Radio Free Asia. http://www.rfa.org/english/commentaries/east-asia-beat/tpp-02052013221256.html U.S. is becoming the global leader and is now dominating TPP. Nowadays, U.S. wants to combine with countries that involved TPP to put pressure on other agreements or on the other countries that are not involved, both strategic dimension and economic dimension. In this paper, I will briefly discuss with TPP versus RCEP and TPP versus China. the tpp is foucs on the preferential trade agreement with few exemptions and extensive regulatory alignment, in the area such as labor law, environmental protection and intellectual property rights. RCEP stands for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. This is a newly proposed free trade treaty...
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...1 of 17 Xianghui(Ray) Chen 2153583 China and Global Financial Crisis US-Led TPP VS China-Backed RCEP —Applying Main IR Theories To US Policy-Making Process And Relevant Developments The backdrop of the TPP and RCEP WTO and TPP TPP and TTIP are drawn from the two precedent successful free-trade experiments, the EU and NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement). EU originated from the European Coal and Steel Community, before developing into the Common Market and further into European Community, and finally, into the EU. 1The ‘living’, ‘evolving’ treaties and agreements of the EU very much guide the living agreement of TPP/TTIP. NAFTA originated from CUSFTA (Canada-US FTA), which was implemented in 1989, and followed by NAFTA, ratified in 1994. Both EU and NAFTA existed before the WTO finally replaced GATT at the beginning of 1995. The replacement not only greatly expanded sectoral coverage but also replaced the GATT’s quite weak dispute-settlement mechanism.2 The liberalization and integration of trade had mainly proceeded under the auspice of WTO prior to the year 2000. With the evolvement characterized by the widening of the trade agenda to include the movement of people and not just that of goods, services, investments and capital,3 international society called for an update of the WTO. Although the Doha round did inspire some discussion in 2001, developing states fundamentally refused to open their market to the services and goods of the developed ones...
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...spirits sales reached €1.742 million in 2011, an increase of 11% from 2010, with 6% of growth driven solely by Hennessy. Volume growth came from Hennessy's recovery in the US market, exceeding even its pre-recession levels, and the continuous trend of increased demand in China and in other emerging economies. The value growth can be attributed to up-trading in line with the move to the more premium Asia Pacific markets where the entry level is VSOP, unlike the VS-dominated traditional markets. Hennessy has a share of 43% of global cognac volume sales, with a 63% share of its major market the US, due to a successful repositioning of the brand from an elderly and affluent target to a young and urban one. The brand is in a very favourable position to capitalise on the global 5% CAGR expected for cognac over 2011-2016, as the growth will be driven predominantly by China, where the company has its own strong distribution network, further enhanced with capacity and market knowledge via the acquisition of the Wenjun distillery. Hennessy: Volume Sales by Geography Spirits: Cognac vs Total Spirits Market by Y-o- Growth 2011-2016 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2006/2011 Rest of the World Eastern Europe US 6 5 4 3 Western Europe 2 Other Asia Pacific China 1 2006 2011 0 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Global spirits volume growth Cognac volume growth © Euromonitor International SPIRITS: LVMH...
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...Macroeconomics 1/16/13 Key Balance of Payments ( BOP) Concepts * Flows of trade and investment transactions * Residents with * Double entry 1. Debit (-) increase in assets/claims or decrease liability 2. Credit (+) decrease in asset/claim or increase in liability * Trade balance 3. Almost always referring to merchandise, “tangible goods trade * Types of capital 4. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (LTC) 5. Portfolio * Stocks * Bonds 6. Other Capital * Bank loans * 3 types of FC Reserves 7. Gold 8. Freely convertible currency * 60% US * 25% euro * 10% Yen 9. SDRS (IMF $) – Paper money * Special drawing rights * Less than 1% in fed reserves * 3 Macro Options (J. F. Kennedy) 10. FX System to adopt 11. Convertibility and currency controls/transactions (US current policy is free/no control) * China restricts amount citizens can invest in foreign investments 12. Trade (protect home market or open export markets) 1/18/13 FX rate change depends on the strength of the currency Dealing with Euro and European debt crisis Diversification of portfolio Some of portfolio in Euro denominated bond. 1/23/13 * Decline of the dollar * Devaluation -> inflation * Expectations of devaluation * Purchasing Power Parity-Long Run * Increase imports price...
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...The International Trade of Solar Power International Business The United States is in the midst of a power crisis. Rolling blackouts in California, Mother Nature taking a toll on aged and outdated power infrastructure and Peoples dependence on power are a few contributing factor to this power crisis. The wind and solar alternative energy sources seem to be the way of the future. The only problem is they are not reliable 24/7. Just because the sun is going to shine, and the wind is going to blow tomorrow, does not mean we will have electricity in our homes tonight. Solar power is clean power, seems to be the new catch phrase. You can buy solar panels or lease the panels depending on your current financial situation. According to energysage.com, there are five things to consider. Cost, maintenance, terms, offsets and return on investment are items to consider. Something you may not have thought about is where the panels are made. There are approximately 28 companies that manufacture and sell solar panels. Of the 28, 12 are made in China, and only four are made in the United States. Two of the 28 total companies that manufacture and sell solar panels hold the market share at 17 percent. Both companies Triana Solar and Yingli Solar, headquartered out of China, produce solar panels there. How good are the panels, what is the life expectancy, and how are they being made all come into question. As the largest Photovoltaic (PV) market in the world, 57 percent demand...
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...Maria Tovar Trade Surplus and Trade Deficit China overtakes USA as worlds trading partner China´s Trade Surplus Vs. USA´s Trade Deficit Countries that have open economies are those who carry out economic activities with other countries and trade goods and services. Countries can export, which means selling domestic goods and services to another country or they can import, which means buying goods and services from another country. An economic surplus makes reference to having a positive balance of trade; when a country´s exports exceed its imports. On the other hand, a trade deficit is when a country´s imports exceed its exports and has a negative commercial balance. As the video: “China overtakes USA as a world´s trading partner,” suggests, China currently has a trade surplus. Between 2000-2008 China´s imports have grown 403% whilst its exports have grown 474%. China´s exports are currently higher than its exports due to its economic strategy, which will be explained below. The video explains why China has overtaken the US as world´s trading partner, and thus why China has a trade surplus and the US a trade deficit. American and many other companies are now producing and assembling their products in China due to the low manufacturing costs in this country. It is more profitable for American companies to produce and assemble their products in China not only for the low labor costs, but also for the low transport costs. Even though this harms the US´s economy, companies...
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...The economic environment impacts the Nike corporation in a variety of ways. During the 2008 recession many companies laid off employees, stopped hiring, and even shut down businesses entirely. Nike was a company that handled the recession relatively well because they offered a product people like and could trust. Though Nike products can be relatively expensive, they offer quality products, which is a reason why they are the most profitable company in terms of sports clothing and attire. The competitive environment Nike is in is an intense environment featuring Adidas, Under Armour, Reebok, and others. The key to succeeding in the competitive environment is customer satisfaction. Nike is great at getting customers to keep returning. Getting current customers to return is much less expensive than trying to convince “potential customers to try your product for the first time” (Kelly and Williams 9). For example, if someone’s Nike shoes rip or tear, they are allowed to call Nike and explain what happened. Nike then gives them a voucher to get anything off of their website as long as it does not exceed the price of the original shoes. The technological environment is very useful in Nike’s success. Nike has its own very appealing website. It also feeds its products to other companies such as Foot Locker, Finish Line, and Champs. These companies also have their own websites. Nike advertises through the internet as well as television commercials. Online sales are a huge component...
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...International Trade Jami Sieger July 11, 2016 5 Year Trade Balance Year | Exports | Imports | Trade Balance | 2011 | 104121.5 | 399371.2 | -295249.7 | 2012 | 110,516.6 | 425,619.1 | -315,102.5 | 2013 | 121,746.2 | 440,430 | -318,683.8 | 2014 | 123,620.7 | 468,483.9 | -344,863.2 | 2015 | 116,071.8 | 483,244.7 | -367,172.9 | | | | | | 5 Year Total - | -1641072.1 | Imports from China to the U.S. have outweighed the exports for a long time. The trade deficit continues to rise because the U.S. cannot compete with the low Chinese prices. With that being said, businesses are outsourcing a large number of jobs to China and India. The Chinese standard of living is lower and they make sure to keep their currency lower than the U.S. dollar and buys U.S. treasuries to support it (Amadeo, 2016). You would think that with the amount of exporting China does and being the world’s largest economy, that their economy would be better. Well if they did not have such a large population that would probably be the case, but with their population at nearly 1.4 billion residents the GDP per capita is around $ 14,300. Their leaders are trying to get their economy to grow faster (Amadeo, 2016). With the Chinese continually buying so many U.S Treasury notes it is the largest lender to the U.S. government. Also, with the buying of these Treasuries they have helped to keep the interest rates down. With the outsourcing of jobs to China and other lower wage countries our...
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...Group 2 Group Members Kouadio Dieudonne XPGDM-18 Rohit Khandelwal XPGDM-28 Shruti Tibrewal XPGDM-32 COUNTRY AT A GLANCE Population | 1.364 billion | 2014 | GDP | $10.35 trillion | 2014 | GDP growth | 7.3% | 2014 | Inflation | 2.0% | 2014 | CHINA Economic Overview The Chinese economy experienced astonishing growth in the last few decades that catapulted the country to become the world's second largest economy. In 1978—when China started the program of economic reforms—the country ranked ninth in nominal gross domestic product (GDP) with USD 214 billion; 35 years later it jumped up to second place with a nominal GDP of USD 9.2 trillion. Since the introduction of the economic reforms in 1978, China has become the world’s manufacturing hub, where the secondary sector (comprising industry and construction) represented the largest share of GDP. However, in recent years, China’s modernization propelled the tertiary sector and, in 2013, it became the largest category of GDP with a share of 46.1%, while the secondary sector still accounted for a sizeable 45.0% of the country’s total output. Meanwhile, the primary sector’s weight in GDP has shrunk dramatically since the country opened to the world. China weathered the global economic crisis better than most other countries. In November 2008, the State Council unveiled a CNY 4.0 trillion (USD 585 billion) stimulus package in an attempt to shield the country from the worst effects of the financial crisis. The...
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...assembly – House of Burgesses 1620: Plymouth Colony is founded. - Mayflower Compact signed – agreed rule by majority • 1624 – New York founded by Dutch 1629: Mass. Bay founded – “City Upon a Hill” - Gov. Winthrop - Bi-cameral legislature, schools 1630: The Puritan Migration 1632: Maryland – for profit – proprietorship 1634 – Roger Williams banished from Mass. Bay Colony 1635: Connecticut founded 1636: Rhode Island is founded – by Roger Williams 23. Harvard College is founded • 1638 – Delaware founded – 1st church, 1st school • 1649 – Maryland Toleration Act – for Christains – latter repealed 1650-1696: The Navigation Acts are enacted by Parliament. - limited trade, put tax on items 1660 – Half Way Covenant – get people back into...
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...Data 02/16/2014 The mechanism behind Japanese foreign trade VS China & South Korea. Background information: After World War 2 japan recovered very rapidly and had economic boom. Japans economic growth was very high. Here is a table showing Japan’s economic growth. Behind this scenario were couple essential factors: JETRO- japans external trade organization, MITI- ministry of international trade and Industry, after renamed to METI- Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, Sogo-Shosho independent trading houses, Japan bank for international corporation, Institute of developing economies under METI and Ministry of Finance. MITI: Combining to two different sectors under single ministry already emphasizes how long oriented and strategic meaning it carries. The main engine of Japanese economy was industry that includes- machinery, high-tech, etc… And coming to trade it is also main accumulator of Japans GPD. Japans economy relies on export mostly. Japan in early 80-90 had huge gap of budget surplus. It exported much more than it imported and that imbalance between export and imports directly influenced US economy. Japan had and still has very exclusive channel distribution. Foreign companies cannot directly sell to japan. There are many informal barriers for foreign companies. More than that Japanese companies used predatory pricing strategy wherever they go. They set aggressive pricing strategy against competitors that couldn’t survive in market. In addition to these...
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...* MNE- types of companies involved * Democratic politics, free market economies The World Is: * Prusak- distinguish information from knowledge (difference) * IMPORTANT- the issue of access to info- but no knowledge * Ghemawat- 10% presumption, factors of time zones, languages, proximity shows that distance does matter, the world isn’t flat Opportunities & Challenges of globalization for managers * Differences of managing international vs. domestic * Boeing: benefits of globalization maximize efficiency of production but actually caused problems; lack of planning, communication, not simple for this industry (knowledge intensive industry) better for in house Localization * Standardization is ending, consumers are diverse- customization for local * Data analysis & innovation * Centralized vs localized * SWOT analysis National Differences * Political economy- system of gov. Political, economic & legal influence each other. Collective vs individualism * Economic system- three types: market command, mixed * Legal system- rules that regulate behavior, three types - CAGE framework & implications to managers - The world is spiky * Culture- definition, implications of differences, social culture in work place * Values, norms * Determinants of culture (6) * Hofestede dimensions: power distance,...
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...Administrative, Geographic, Economic.1 To address these risks and costs, it is crucial to first assess the extent and type of differences between the USA market and the United Kingdom market. Amazon’s entry into United Kingdom (UK) can be attributed to minimal distance and various similarities, which allowed Amazon to significantly reduce risks and costs. Primarily, the UK market has a lot of similarities to the US market in terms of cultural, administrative and economic distance. UK has the second most number of native English speakers (60 million), after US (231 million), and is also the place where English was first spoken. Since books were the primary products sold by Amazon, the similarity in language made it extremely ideal for Amazon to target the UK market. Moreover, the GDP Per Capita of US and UK were not significantly different, with US having a GDP Per Capita of $32,949 and UK’s GDP Per Capita being $26,144 in 1998. Gini Index, unemployment rates and inflation rates of UK and US also showed minimal differences.2 These depicts the similarities between UK and US in...
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...Contents 1.0 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND OF GERMANY 1 1.1.0 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY OF GERMANY 1 1.2 INTERNATIONAL TRADE STATUS OF GERMANY 2 2.0 INTERNTIONAL TRADING WITH OTHER COUNTRIES 3 2.1.0 GERMANY’S INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH FRANCE 5 3.0 Data collection and Analysis 6 3.1 Data collection 6 3.2 Analysis 7 3.2.1 IMPORT 7 3.2.2 EXPORT 8 3.2.3 REAL GDP 8 3.2.4 INFLATION 9 3.2.5 UNEMPLOYMENT 10 3.2.6 INTEREST RATE 10 3.2.7 EXCHANGE RATE 11 3.2.8 BALANCE OF PAYMENT 11 4.0 IMPORT AGAINST REAL GDP 12 4.1 IMPORT AGAINST CPI 12 4.2 IMPORT AGAINST UNEMPLOYMENT 13 4.3 IMPORT AGAINST INTEREST RATE 13 4.4 IMPORT AGAINST EXCHANGE RATE 14 4.5 IMPORT AGAINST B.O.P 14 4.6 EXPORT VS REAL GDP 15 4.7 EXPORT VS CPI 15 4.8 EXPORT VS UNEMPLOYMENT 16 4.9 EXPORT VS INTEREST RATE 16 4.10 EXPORT VS EXCHANGE RATE 16 4.11 EXPORT VS B.O.P 17 4.12 IMPORT VS OTHER FACTORS 18 4.13 EXPORT VS OTHER FACTORS 18 5.0 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF GERMANY 19 5.1 Exporting German Troubles 19 5.2 Industrial Competitiveness 19 5.3 Paying for Europe 20 6.0 RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 21 6.1 RECOMMENDATION 21 6.2 CONCLUSION 21 References 22 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF GERMANY Germany which is otherwise called the federal republic of Germany which is additionally the parliamentary republic in the western-focal piece of Europe which comprises of 16 bodies electorate and which has held its predominance. Its capital is Berlin and its landmass covers a zone of 357...
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...India’s Economy Vs China’s Economy College of Business Administration Macroeconomics Table of content History of the Indian Economy 3 India GDP Growth Rate 3 History of the Chinese Economy 4 China GDP Growth Rate 4 Economy of India 5 GDP 5 Unemployment 6 Inflation 7 Economy of China 8 GDP 8 Unemployment 9 Inflation 10 India's Export and Import 11 China's Export and Import ...
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