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Use While Driving

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There are many ways drivers can endanger themselves and those around them, and the one topic that has surfaced most recently is the issue of cell phone use while driving. Yes, answering a text may seem like a simple feat, but in those few seconds when the drivers eyes leave the road, anything could happen. Some states have already made the risky behavior of using a cell phone while driving illegal, which sets the stage for the rest of the states to do the same, as they should. The unnecessary risks posed by cell phone use while driving should be enough evidence to prove that such actions should be illegal and should be reprimanded with a punishment fit for such risky behavior. The task of driving in and of itself is risky and tedious. By …show more content…
There are hundreds of cell phone use related car crash cases involving only one car where either the driver went off the road and lost control or slammed into an immovable object while distracted. Some of these accidents have very similar traits to those caused by drivers driving under the influence of alcohol. So why aren't authorities cracking down on cell phone use while driving in the same manner they do drunk driving? It may be because it is easier to spot a drunk driver, who, while under the influence, drives poorly and dangerously for an extended period of time, whereas a driver who uses a cell phone while driving has their driving skill inhibited for only a few seconds at a time. In those few seconds, so much can happen, the drivers life could be changed forever, or ended, in the blink of an eye. Not only is the driver putting themselves at risk by using a cell phone while driving, they carelessly put other drivers, as well as pedestrians and bikers, at risk. This carelessness for other peoples well being is absolutely unacceptable. If a driver actually thought about the hazard they would become while being distracted during the few seconds it takes to check their phone, it may be a little less

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