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V-J Kiss


Submitted By brittahhknee2012
Words 267
Pages 2

The “V-J day in Time Square” picture taken by Alfred Eisentaedit on August 14, 1945 the medium of this art work is poloraid the style is Iconic the technique Mr. Alfred used is photography. The picture has captured American sailor Glenn McDuffie kissing a woman in a white dress on Victory over Japan Day (V-J Day) in Times Square, New York City, on August 14, 1945. The photograph was published a week later in Life magazine among many photographs of celebrations around the country that were presented in a twelve-page section titled Victory. A two-page spread faces three other kissing poses among celebrators in Washington, D.C., Kansas City, and Miami opposite Eisenstaedt's, which was given a full-page display. Kissing was a favorite pose encouraged by media photographers of service personnel during the war, but Eisenstaedt was photographing a spontaneous event that occurred in Times Square as the announcement of the end of the war on Japan was made by U.S. President Harry S. Truman at seven o'clock. Similar jubilation spread quickly with the news. Because Eisenstaedt was photographing rapidly changing events during the celebrations he did not have an opportunity to get the names and details. The photograph does not clearly show the faces of either person involved in this embrace and several people have claimed to be the subjects. The photograph was shot just south of 45th Street looking north from a location where Broadway and Seventh Avenue converge. Soon afterward, throngs of people crowded into the square and it became a sea of people.

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