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VDH Epidemiologic Response Plan

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For additional information on the epidemiologic structure, organization and functions at VDH, please refer to the VDH Epidemiologic Response Plan.

5. Epidemiologic Response Plan to a Radiological or Nuclear Emergency Event by Emergency Phase

The epidemiologic response plan to a radiological or nuclear event includes actions to perform before an event occurs and those to perform during and following the event. Having a basic understanding of radiation and health effects associated with radiation, as well as understanding the roles and responsibilities of epidemiologists during an emergency are critical for preparing and responding to an event. This intent of this section is to provide a general overview as well as appropriate details …show more content…
o Identify risk factors for illness o During periods of high demand, prioritize persons requiring healthcare or countermeasure resources
• Conduct surveillance o Establish and maintain a registry of potentially exposed persons and assess persons for signs and symptoms, need for decontamination and medical treatment o Assess decontamination, treatment and response to treatment, if applicable o Assess short-term, mid-term and long-term health effects o Monitor the health of emergency responders and working conditions o Monitor the health of persons at shelters or mass care centers and prevent and control outbreaks in crowded settings o Ensure the safety of the food and water supply
• Assist with the collection of biological or environmental specimens for analysis at public health laboratories (e.g., DCLS, DRH, CDC or other federal agencies) o During periods of high demand, prioritize biological specimens for laboratory testing (e.g., urine bioassay) to determine order of processing o Collect, manage and analyze data
• Provide information o Advise emergency responders on how to protect themselves while responding o Advise the public on how to protect health themselves, their household members and other close contacts, their animals and food and water supplies from contamination by radioactive …show more content…
DRH, local health district epidemiologists or other public health staff, or regional and central office epidemiologists may receive the initial report of the event. Although DRH will be responsible for VDH’s overall assessment, other available staff will be assisting DRH with data collection. During the initial and intermediate phases, epidemiologic activities will be conducted for the purposes of identifying the agent, describing the size and characteristics of the affected population and the geographic extent of the problem, characterizing the exposure and contamination and describing the morbidity and

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