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Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA)

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The most common pitfalls I see my peers make, financially, is not taking advantage of the financial resources that are available to them. They believe the Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) is the only financial assistance that they have. That is not the case and it is not true. There are scholarships for honestly everything and students do not take advantage of that. Thousands of dollars are left unreceived because students do not look for the "free money." I am a person who likes to help people as much as I can without doing all the work. So with my peers and my friends, I help them look for scholarships that pertain to their field or intended major. After giving them a couple of potential scholarships, I tell them that there are scholarships for everything if one looks for it. The more one applies for scholarships the higher the chances are to receive a scholarship. That is another pitfall that students make; they only apply for one or two scholarships. …show more content…
My peers tend to apply to scholarships that are worth ten thousand plus dollars and they work extremely hard on it, but scholarships like that are highly competitive; chances of winning those scholarships are very unlikely that is why there are plenty of scholarships to apply for. I tell my peers that you can apply to those scholarships but that should not be the only scholarships to apply for. A scholarship is free money any amount that one receives is money that one does not have to repay and money that does not come from one's pocket. I tell them that the more scholarships that they apply to the higher chances that they will get more than one of those scholarships, scholarship money does add up if they search for it. Scholarship essays and application may take a while to complete but in the end it is worth it if they win that free

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