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Rough Draft Expository

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Rough Draft Expository Every year, students have to juggle homework and work in order to pay high tuition fees, along with housing. A study done by Ohio State University showed that nearly 60 percent of students worry about how they are going to afford having a higher education. College is meant to be one of the best times of an individual’s life, but that isn’t the case when one can’t afford it. While going to college can be beneficial to high school graduates by helping them obtain a career, it has a very expensive price tag. In order to pay for college, many students use grants, loans, scholarships, and FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to help pay college tuition. One of the most popular ways to pay for college is by taking …show more content…
Many organizations provide thousands of dollars to students who apply for their scholarships, if they are eligible. However, most scholarships require an essay answering a question that the sponsor is asking. Students can earn scholarships in a variety of ways which includes having above average grades, stellar athletic abilities, and having a high ACT score. By earning great academic grades, you can be awarded an academic scholarship that has potential to pay for the entire schooling. To be able to obtain academic scholarships a student will have to have a 3.5 GPA or higher, 1200 SAT score or higher, 25 ACT score or higher or be in the top 10 percent of their class. In addition to having solid grades, having strong athletic abilities could possibly pay for a good amount of fees. Athletes will have to complete a certain amount of core classes and hours to be placed into the NCAA and NAIA Eligibility Center. Possibly the most important test in high school, the ACT, is a test that will show where students are placed at the time in their high school career. Most college have a minimum benchmark ACT score that will grant students acceptance into the school. The ACT includes a timed test over 5 subjects; those include math, science, reading, english, and an optional writing section. Research conducted by Daniel Mayer, Paul Peterson, David Myers, Christina Tuttle and William …show more content…
FAFSA is available to fill out online and has landed students large sums of money to help pay for their college education. Free Application for Federal Student Aid covers room and board, tuition and fees, transportation and expenses, and books and supplies. The amount of money that can cover all those things rely on the student's expected family contribution. This measured how much a student will be able to pay knowing the families income along with their assets. Many people will assume that those families who are more well off will not be able to receive financial aid, however this is not the case. A study done by Sigal Alon, an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel-Aviv University, states, “ is only the persistence of students from the bottom half of the income distribution that is sensitive to aid amounts.” The is a larger amount of lower income families that apply for financial aid that the federal government has to go case by case to give the student the right amount of money depending on the families needs. Some students will receive more money than others and that is the way it

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