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Rush And Murray Analysis

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Rush and Murray held different opinions on the benefits of female education. As Rush believed that women should be taught “geography, bookkeeping, reading, and arithmetic” (146) although he excluded needlework. He however believed that women had no need to be taught natural philosophy, advanced math, or languages such as Latin or Greek subjects he considered were for the education of men. Rush held the beliefs that the benefits that female education would lead children and the public to “wisdom in every station of life.”(147) Murray, on the other hand believed that women needed further education in order to be “self-reliant and even self-supporting.” (148) She spoke of wanting her daughters to understand “industry and order” (148) Murray constantly spoke out about women being educated in order to strive for their own independence. However, she still held the assumption that women should marry and have children. She believed that by improve education for women would cause for “better wives and virtuous Republican Mothers.”(148) …show more content…
Most families of course could not afford to send their eight or more children to schools, so they would be taught what they could by their mothers, or tutors. “ However wealthier families were able to afford to get their daughters an education, either in schools or private tutors; where they would be taught the basics, such as reading, writing, and what was considered womanly chores such as sewing and knitting. Boys were fortunate to have the opportunity to further their education past the basics. Boys were usually tutored until they were ready for boarding school or

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