...AMITY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL ANALYSIS AND VALUATION OF EQUITY SECURITIES OF TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES , INFOSYS AND WIPRO LTD. SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY : Ms.Vibha Singh Atreya Vyas A1802011445 Section C MBA IB TABLE OF CONTENTS S.No | Topic | Page Number | 1 | Introduction | 3 | 2 | Research Methodolgy | 4 | 2.1 | Research Objectives | 5 | 2.2 | Proposed Literature Review and Tentative Hypothesis | 5 | 3 | Data Collection | 7 | 4 | About Companies and Research | 8 | 5 | Limitation of Study | 11 | 6 | References | 12 | 1) INTRODUCTION In today’s era every company needs cash or cash equivalents to run its day to day activities smoothly. The major sources through which companies can borrow money are: * Bank Loans * Debenture * Preference Share * Equity Share. Bank Loan is the amount which companies receive after fulfilling all the required information which is mandate according to the rules of banks. Companies need to mortgage its assets as guarantee for the future repayment of its loan amt. on the loan bank charge interest which company has to pay irrespective of the fact that company is in profit or loss. Debentures are the instruments which are used to acknowledge the receipt of the debt form the debenture holders. Debenture Holders are sought lenders for the company. They...
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...Self-Service 8 À la carte Menu 10 Catering services 11 Education industry analysis and its impact on canteen business 12 Conclusion 14 Production Process 15 A la carte menu 16 Self-Service 17 Customers analysis 18 Suppliers 19 Human resources 20 Description of facilities 21 Furniture and Fitting 23 Equipment and Machine 24 Financial Analysis 25 Asset Valuation: Book Value Method 25 Market valuation method: The going market rate method 26 Income-based business valuation: Return on investment (ROI) method 27 References 28 Executive Summary Mr. Bernard, owner of the ABC Food Outlet, is contemplating to sell the canteen at the ABC University. Our Boss approached Mr. Bernard, upon hearing about the upcoming sale of the canteen, with a possible offer to buy the canteen. Mr. Bernard offered to sell the canteen for the price of RM500, 000. However, since he is not sure about whether the canteen is a good buy at the price of RM500,000 , the boss asked out team to carry out valuation of business and to hand him and business valuation report for the canteen at ABC University. In this report, valuation of business for the ABC Food Outlet will be carried out. The ABC Food Outlet is located on the campus of ABC University and has been in business at the ABC University for the past 15 years. The aim of this report is to analyze the trends of Education Industry and its impact on the canteen business. This will provide clarity as to the future of ABC Food Outlet according...
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...Reading Material - AFM Project A Project is a set of inter related activities leading to a complete tangible or intangible product or service. e.g construction of a building / dam / ship, launching of a new product, conducting national elections, state level professional admission process, setting up a new plant A project in business refers to an organized program of activity carried out to meet a definite goal. In business it may be to launch a new product, set up a new plant, increase existing capacities etc. Projects may be ; New projects, Modernisation projects, Expansion projects, Diversification projects, Other miscellaneous projects. Project Appraisal: Project Appraisal is the process by which a financial institution makes an independent and objective assessment of the various aspects of the investment proposition for arriving at a financing decision. There are four broad aspects of appraisal: 1. Technical feasibility – Analysing the technical aspects of the projects like technical process. Design, size, technology used, availability of resources like labour, raw materials, packing materials etc.,availability of utilities like electricity, water, fuel etc, installed fixed assets and their capacities etc. 2. Financial feasibility – Analysing the financial aspects of the projects w.r.t cost of project, sources of finance, evaluation of revenues and returns on investments and their adequacy. 3. Economic feasibility – Analysing whether the resources commited...
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...Financial Management includes the following 5 functions * Financing function- raising capital to support firms operations and investment programs * Capital budget function- selecting the best projects in which to invest firm resources, based on a consideration of risks and return * Financial management function- managing firms interna; cash flows and its capital structure to minimize the financing costs and ensure that the firm can pay its obligations when due * Corporate goverance function- developing an ownership and corporate governance system for the firm that will ensure that managers act ethically and in the best interest of stakeholdes * Risk management function- managing the firms exposure to all types of risk Working capital management 1) Working capital management involves managing and financing the current assets and current liabilities of the firm. Primary focus of working capital management is managing inventories and receivables. a) Managing the firms cash conversion cycle- is the length of time between when the firm makes payments and when it receives cash inflows (1) Can be analyzed by using the flowing 3 periods (a) Inventory coversion period (b) Receivables collecton period (c) Payables deferral period i) Inventory coversion period- average time required to convert materials into finished goods and sell them. IVP= avg inventory/ COGS per day ii) Receivables...
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...Introduction Imagine that you have just received a degree from a college of engineering and you can choose between two interesting job offers as a result of your job search. The offers are comparable as to all essential characteristics, for example, promotion prospects, location of plants, working hours, and especially the wages. The only difference between the two job offers is that there are irritations of noise and an increased risk of work accidents in firm A while not in firm B. Which job do you choose? Definitely the job in firm B! The only thing firm A could do, is to compensate you for worse working conditions by paying an extra bonus. Compensating wage differentials are where people are paid more for dirty, dangerous or difficult work. This perspective on the functioning of labour markets originates from the writings of Adam Smith. The theory of compensating wage differentials stated that workers receive wage premium related to harms and hazards at their workplace. Utilities of workers are therefore equalised between industries and occupations by means of competition in the labour market. In particular, the theory implies that the marginal worker receives a compensated wage just enough to accept the work conditions, whereas those who are not risk averse or do not mind adverse conditions are paid more than is necessary to have them work in jobs that are risky or have bad working conditions. In an ideal market situation where each worker is well informed and everybody...
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...the biggest problem we face in valuing companies tied to either is that the earnings and cash flows reported in the most recent year are a function of where we are in the cycle, and extrapolating those numbers into the future can result in serious misvaluations. In this paper, we look at the consequences of this dependence on cycles and how best to value companies that are exposed to this problem. Uncertainty and volatility are endemic to valuation, but cyclical and commodity companies have volatility thrust upon them by external factors – the ups and downs of the economy with cyclical companies, and movements in commodity prices with commodity companies. As a consequence, even mature cyclical and commodity companies have volatile earnings and cash flows. When valuing these companies, the danger of focusing on the most recent fiscal year is that the resulting valuation will depend in great part on where in the cycle (economic or commodity price) that year fell. If the most recent year was a boom (down) year, the value will be high (low). In this paper, we look at how best to deal with the swings in earnings that characterize commodity and cyclical companies in both discounted cash flow and relative valuations. We...
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...Financial Statement Analysis: WOW, BHP and TSE compared Introduction Financial statements are often called “the language of business.” Thus, any leader in every area of business and non-profit management will need to know and understand how to read, analyse, and interpret the meaning and decision making implications of financial statements. Every accountant and financial analyst will need to be able to calculate financial ratios and analyse related non-financial data in order to see whether the company is successful or not and suggest what can be improved in the operations if needed. Therefore, there was thorough financial investigation of BHP Billiton, Transfield Services Limited and Woolworths Limited. In order to investigate these companies activity, the 2008 and 2009 annual reports were retrieved from official companies’ websites. Also general information on industry averages for various ratios was obtained from financial websites as well as ASX website. Specific events that could have impacted a company’s operations were followed on the related web-links. In order to make a financial decision, financial analysis of financial ratios was conducted. In order to have the most necessary information following ratios were considered to be most important in making investment decision - profitability ratios that measure a company’s earning ability, in the broad categories of margins and returns. The major margins in our case were gross profit and net profit margin...
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...Valuation of Metals and Mining Companies Author: Svetlana Baurens E-Mail: baurens@basinvest.ch Date: 7.11.2010 In collaboration with the University of Zürich, Swiss Banking Institute and Prof. Dr. T. Hens Contents 1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................7 1.1. Motivation .......................................................................................................7 1.2. Structure ..........................................................................................................7 1.3. Definition of terms .........................................................................................8 2. Valuation models in mining and metals industry ................................................12 2.1. Special features of metals and mining companies ........................................12 2.2. Classification of valuation models ................................................................15 2.3. Resource & Reserve .....................................................................................17 3. Valuation of Explorations properties ...................................................................20 3.1. Appraised Value Method (Cost Approach) ...................................................23 3.2. Comparable Transactions (Market Approach) ..............................................24 4. Cycle importance in valuation of metals and mining companies...
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...Inge G. Thulin Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer 9MAR200510093546 March 25, 2015 Dear Stockholder: We are pleased to invite you to attend 3M’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., Central Daylight Time at a new location at the Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas 78704. Our Electronics and Energy Business Group is headquartered in Austin, Texas and we are excited about having our Annual Meeting in Austin for the second time. We will also provide a live webcast of the meeting. Details regarding admission to the meeting and the business to be conducted are provided in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement. We will report on Company operations and discuss our future plans. There will also be time for your questions and comments. We sincerely hope you will be able to join us at the Annual Meeting. The fine attendance of our stockholders at annual meetings over the years has been very helpful in maintaining good communication. For information on how to attend the Annual Meeting, or listen to the live webcast, please read ‘‘Annual Meeting Admission’’ on page 1 of the accompanying Proxy Statement. Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, please vote as soon as possible. You may vote your proxy on the Internet, by telephone, or, if this Proxy Statement was mailed to you, by completing and mailing...
Words: 39073 - Pages: 157
...system of financial reporting the move from historical cost to fair value | |accounting has created numerous debates surrounding the trade-offs of the concepts of relevance and | |reliability. This article contributes to the debate by critically reviewing the current developments of | |these trade-offs to determine whether current financial reporting guidelines are appropriate to deal with | |the difficulties and uncertainties of financial reporting. The article found that the proposals of the joint| |framework discussion paper goes a long way in resolving the issues around the trade-offs of relevance and | |reliability. Changing the concept of reliability to faithful representation will not negatively impact on | |resolving the issues. Some recommendations are made to enhance the trade-off concepts. | Keywords: Faithful representation Financial reporting Framework Discussion Paper Qualitative characteristics Relevance Reliability 1. Introduction The current international move from historical cost to fair value accounting has...
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...“Caveats” en la valuación de empresas Guillermo López Dumrauf Doctor en ciencias económicas Consultor económico financiero En la práctica de la valuación de empresas se presentan en forma recurrente ciertas cuestiones particulares (“caveats”) que requieren su consideración antes y durante el proceso de valuación. Algunas de estas cuestiones hacen a la definición de las categorías utilizadas en el proceso de valuación y otras involucran la adopción de supuestos, varios de ellos ciertamente cuestionables. En la práctica estas situaciones se resuelven con procedimientos ad-hoc, que aún no han sido recogidos en la bibliografía sobre la materia y sólo muy pocas de ellas han sido tratadas en algunos papers. Varios de esos procedimientos seguramente no pasarían el “filtro académico” pero el propósito de este artículo no es académico, sino describir algunas de esas situaciones y orientar las buenas prácticas. Palabras clave: tasa promedio de crecimiento, WACC approach, estructura de capital óptima, múltiplos implícitos. El proceso tradicional de valuación por DCF En la valuación tradicional por DCF existen 3 categorías fundamentales: el flujo de fondos proyectado, el costo del capital y el valor de la continuidad de la compañía: 1. Free Cash Flow = Resultado operativo + Amortizaciones ± ∆ Capital de trabajo – Impuestos – Gastos de capital 2. El costo promedio ponderado del capital WACC = ke E D + kd (1 − t ) E+D E+D 3. El valor de la continuidad Vc...
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...The Little Book of Valuation Aswath Damodaran Stern School of Business 44 West Fourth Street, 9-‐96 New York, NY 10012 Email: adamodar@stern.nyu.edu Phone: 212-‐998-‐0340 First draft: October 14, 2010 Preface Knowing the value of an asset may not be a prerequisite for investing or a guarantee for success, but it does help us make more informed judgments. For most investors, though, valuing an asset seems to be a task that is far too complex and complicated for their skill sets. Consequently, they either depend upon those that they regard as professionals (equity research analysts, appraisers) for their valuations or ignore value entirely when investing. In this book, I hope to show that valuation, at its core, is simple and that anyone who is willing to spend some time collecting information and analyzing it, can ...
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...FIRST SEMESTER Course : 1: Principles of Management Introduction: - Concept of Management, Scope, Functions and Principles of Management, Evolution of Management thought. 2. Planning: - The Process of Planning, Objectives, Policy and Procedures, Forecasting and Decision Making. 3. Organizing: - Meaning, Importance and Principles, Span of Management, Centralization and Decentralization, Patterns of Organization, Line and Staff Relationships. 4. Staffing: - Nature & Scope of Staffing, Manpower Planning, Selection & Training, Performance Appraisal. 5. Controlling: - Concept or Managerial Control, Control aids, Score Responsibilities of Managers. Books Recommended: by Paul Hersey & Ken Blanchard 1. Management & Organizations Behaviour 2. Essentials of Management by Koontz & O Donald 3. Principal and Practice of Management by L.M. Prasad 4. Human Behavior at Work by Kaith Devis 5. Organizational Behavior by Robbins 1. Course : 2: Business Organization Introduction: - Nature & Scope of Business System, Objectives of Business and Social Responsibilities of Business 2. Organizing a Business: - Forms of Ownership Organization Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Private & Public Ltd. Companies, Choice of suitable form of Business Organization. Public Sector: - Central Government, Public Corporation, Local Government, Organization 3. neither Public nor Private Sector, Clubs & Society, Cooperative Societies, Worker s Cooperatives, Building Societies. 4. Elements of Insurance: - Meaning and...
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...Aula 1 - Chapter 1 quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012 15:04 • Overview of Financial Management and the Financial Environment ○ Objetivo de uma empresa: Maximizar riqueza (riqueza ≠ lucro) ○ Razão de uma empresa: viabiliza um lucro que o acionista não conseguiria sozinho ○ Topicas in this Chapter: Forms of Business Organization Objective of the firm: Maximize Wealth Determinants of fundamental value Financial securities, markets and institutions ○ Corporate financce provides the skills managers need to: Identify and select the corporate strategies and individual projects that add value to the firm. Forecast the funding requirements of the company, and devise strategies for acquiring those funds. *Finanças: - Avaliar a proposta de valor dos projetos (análise de viabilidade) - Buscar dinheiro para as estratégias e propostas (captação de recursos) ○ Becoming a Public Corporation and Growing Afterwards: Initial Public Offering (IPO) of stock □ Raises Cash □ Allows founders and pre-IPO investors to "harvest" some of their wealth Subsequent issues of debt and equity ○ Agency Problems and Corporate Governance: Agency Problem: managers may act in their own interest and not on behalf of owners (stockholders) Corporate Governance is the set of rules that control a company's behavior toweards its directors, managers, employees, stockholders, creditors, costumers, competitors and the community. Corporate Governance can help control agency problems. *Comportamento ético...
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...FINANCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN 2007 – 2010 C Salter Chief Financial Services Officer Audit Exchequer & Procurement Projects Revenues Development & Supplies Accountancy Service Strategic Technical Venues Accountancy Estates Accountancy Management http://web1.com/finance Issue 1 March 2007 Process Owner: Chief Financial Services Officer Authorisation: Christine Salter Page 1 of 17 FINANCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN 2007 - 10 Contents 1. Overview of Service 1.1 1.2 1.3 Service Aims Services Provided Resources Summary 2. Contribution to Corporate Plan and Service Context 3. Performance Report 3.1 3.2 3.3 Performance Indicators Customer Focussed Services Achievements Against Corporate and Service Objectives 4. Future Service 4.1 4.2 Programmes, Projects & Improvement Actions Developing Internal and External Communication 5. Aligning Resources 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Finance & Assets Efficiency People IT Delivered Systems Knowledge 6. Action Plan 6.1 6.2 6.3 Risk Assessment Sustainability & Equality Appraisal Business Continuity Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F. Issue 1 Business Objectives Matrix 2007/10 Business Objectives Update 2006/07 Workforce Planning Template 2007/08 Budget Analysis (i) Sustainability & (ii) Equality Appraisal Matrix Business Continuity Template March 2007 Process Owner: Chief Financial Services Officer Authorisation: Christine Salter ...
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