...Business Support Company Ltd. ABOUT US Keystone is a professional services company with management and administrative staff headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The company provides comprehensive business solutions to private businesses, financial institutions, investors, bilateral and multilateral institutions. A special strength of Keystone lies in its ability to help prepare for and implement energy sector projects both with regards to conventional and nonconventional energy sources. Keystone is also particularly strong in the areas of financial modeling and conducting legal and technical due diligence. These strengths are applicable in a wide variety of fields and we are constantly branching out to new areas to expand our product offering. Keystone has a global network of expert consultants across major cities including Boston, Delhi, Dubai, Hong Kong, London, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, and Washington DC. Keystone is continually expanding to other major cities as its business grows. OUR APPROACH Keystone’s Project Teams pair international experts with local talent to devise Global Best Practice Solutions tailored to the specific country context. This also allows us to offer a high international quality service locally. Our first and foremost goal is to craft concrete and actionable steps for our clients that deliver results. OUR STRENGTHS Expertise : Keystone draws its strength from its diverse team of international experts. The company has a select...
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...Limited 4 The Indian Oil and Gas Industry Overview – Why the industry is Superior 4 About the industry 4 Yearly Consumption 5 Yearly Domestic Production 6 Imports 7 Industry Prospects 8 HPCL – Superior Business from Superior Industry 9 Industry Growth vs Overall Economy Growth 10 HPCL’s Profitability vs other Players in the Industry 10 Net Profit Margin 11 Return on Capital Employed 11 Return on Net Worth 12 Earnings per Share 13 Net Cash from Operating Activities 14 Barriers to entry in the Oil and Gas Industry 15 Growth Prospects of HPCL 15 Valuation Measures of HPCL 16 Intangible Assets of HPCL 17 Risk Parameters of HPCL 17 Use of Leverage by HPCL 18 Debt Equity Ratio 18 Return on Equity & Earnings per Share 19 Barriers to Entry enjoyed by HPCL 20 Shareholders’ Objectives and Returns 21 Quality Management – ROE and Stock Price 22 Shareholding Pattern 23 Valuation of HPCL 24 Free Cash Flow to Firm Approach 24 Dividend Discount Model 27 Ratios – ROE/PE & PEG 28 ROE/PE 28 PEG 28 Scenario Analysis 29 Optimistic Scenario 29 Most Likely Scenario 29 Pessimistic Scenario 30 Conclusion 30 References 31 About Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is a major player operating in the Indian Oil and Gas Industry with around 20% market share. HPCL is a Government of India Enterprise with a Navratna Status, and a Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 company, with an annual turnover...
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...Investment Policy Statement Investors Information Investor Profile 01 Name; Miss; H.A.Wanamali Birth Date; 31 May 1988 Relationship; Retail Investor Gender; Female Investor Profile 02 Name; Miss; W.D.D.M. Rathnasiri Birth Date; 19 Nov 1988 Relationship; Retail Investor Gender; Female Investor Profile 03 Name; Miss; P.D.S.S.Wetthesinghe Birth Date; 17 Oct 1988 Relationship; Retail Investor Gender; Female Statement of Objective Risk Aversion Our intention is gaining high return while controlling the risk level of the investment. Though the high return level implied the high tolerance for risk of investors, our objective is to maximize the return while minimizing the overall risk level of the investment to accomplish the maximized wealth. The major reason behind high level tolerance for risk is the return expected through the investment is high. Always we tried to maintain better relationship between the expected return and cost of investment. Except our main objective there are some co-objectives those are, * Mitigation of Risk To construct efficient and well diversified portfolio three persons are joined together through that we can manage and bear risk among us. On the other hand single marital status, young age and relax feeling of family responsibilities rub up the high tolerance level for risk. * Maintain an appropriate degree of portfolio diversification We will maintain efficient diversification portfolio at all time and it should be matches with the reasonable...
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...B / 46 Prophsoyuznaya, Nalchik, 360032 Russia PROFILE Master of Business Administration Finance and Investment Management graduate with the knowledge of Derivative Contracts, Equity and Fixed Income Securities, Strategic Planning and International Financial Management and over 7 years’ experience Corporate Actions Data, Operations Management, Accounting and Customer Relationship Management. Currently, I am currently learning German and C++ programming language with an objective of becoming Tech Savvy Corporate Finance Manager. SKILLS PROFILE Financial Statements Analysis under GAAP/IFRS Quantitative Methods Inventory Valuation Risk Applications of Options Contracts Futures/ Forward /Swap Derivative Contracts Equity/ Fixed Income Securities Valuation Real Estate Valuation Approaches Sales Face to Face/Phone calls Excel skills CRM Customer Relationship Management Acumen Analytical Skills Excellent Team Player Excellent Interpersonal skills Excellent Writing/Presentation Skills Psycho-analytical skills Public Speaking Diligent Multitasking Russian (fluent) EDUCATION London School of Business and Finance MBA Finance and Investment Management April 2011-April 2012 Business Center "1C Accountancy" Software Jun- Jul'2009 KBR State University 1st class Honor (80% excellent, 323 credits) Tourism Management Sep2003- July 2008 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AND ACHIEVEMENTS ...
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...2011 Company Valuation Report 1|Page Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 5 2. INTRODUCTION TO TRANSURBAN GROUP ................................................................... 9 2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 9 2.2 History .................................................................................................................................. 10 2.3 Share Price Performance ...................................................................................................... 12 2.4 Products and Services ........................................................................................................... 14 2.5 Toll Roads ............................................................................................................................ 15 2.5.1 CityLink ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.5.2 M2 Hills ......................................................................................................................... 15 2.5.3 Lane Cove Tunnel .......................................................................................................... 15 2.5.4 M1 Eastern Distributor ...........................................................
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...CHAPTER 2 SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 1. P.V. Ltd. Income Statement for Year 2 Accretion of discount (10% × 286.36) $28.64 P.V. Ltd. Balance Sheet As at Time 2 Financial Asset Cash $315.00 Shareholders’ Equity Opening balance Net income Capital Asset Present value 0.00 $315.00 $315.00 $286.36 28.64 Note that cash includes interest at 10% on opening cash balance of $150. 2. Suppose that P.V. Ltd. paid a dividend of $10 at the end of year 1 (any portion of year 1 net income would do). Then, its year 2 opening net assets are $276.36, and net income would be: Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Canada 8 P.V. Ltd. Income Statement For Year 2 Accretion of discount (10% × 276.36) $27.64 P.V.’s balance sheet at time 2 would be: P.V. Ltd. Balance Sheet As at Time 2 Financial Asset Cash: (140 + 14 + 150) $304.00 Shareholders’ Equity Opening balance: $276.36 (286.36 - 10.00 dividend) Capital Asset, at Present value 0.00 $304.00 $304.00 Net income 27.64 Thus, at time 2 the shareholders have: Cash from dividend Interest at 10% on cash dividend, for year 2 Value of firm per balance sheet $10.00 1.00 304.00 $315.00 This is the same value as that of the firm at time 2, assuming P.V. Ltd. paid no dividends (see Question 1). Consequently, the firm’s dividend policy does not matter to the shareholders under ideal conditions. It may be worth noting that a Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education Canada 9 crucial requirement here, following from...
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...|IPM Project Report | | | | | |Investment Portfolio Creation | |using | | | |Investment Philosophy – of Joel Greenblatt’s | |[pic] | | | | | | ...
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...help and support it would not have been such a learning experience. Last but not the least, this acknowledgement would not be complete without thanking Dr. Rajnandan Patnaik who has not only given valuable suggestions but also motivated me to take up the project with a varied perspective. I also extend my gratitude to my parents and all those who have helped me in some way or the other in the completion of this project. Table of Content 1. Introduction...................................................................................................................5 2. Analysis……………………………………………………………………………….7 3.1. RBI Definition 3.2.1. Manufacturing Enterprises………………………………………………..8 3.2.2. Services Enterprises………………………………………………………8 3.2. Categorization of SME Centers…………………………………………………..9 3.3. Organization Structure…………………………………………………………....9 3.4. Credit Selection...
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...Human Resource Accounting Human Resource Accounting is the process of assigning, budgeting, and reporting the cost of human resources incurred in an organization, including wages and salaries and training expenses. Human Resource Accounting is the activity of knowing the cost invested for employees towards their recruitment, training them, payment of salaries & other benefits paid and in return knowing their contribution to organisation towards it's profitability. Contemporary Issues •Human Resource Audit ◦Objectives and benefits of Human Resource Auditing ◦Human Resource Auditing Process •Human Resource Accounting ◦Methods of Human Resource Accounting •Human Resource Information Systems •Outsourcing and Crowdsourcing •Employer Brand •Temping or Temporary Staffing •Attrition •Call centers •Exit interviews •Stress Management •Balanced scorecard •Competency mapping •Human Resource Benchmarking •Employee absenteeism The American Accounting Association’s Committee on Human Resource Accounting (1973) has defined Human Resource Accounting as “the process of identifying and measuring data about human resources and communicating this information to interested parties”. HRA, thus, not only involves measurement of all the costs/ investments associated with the recruitment, placement, training and development of employees, but also the quantification of the economic value of the people in an organisation. Flamholtz (1971) too has offered a similar...
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...01 October 2009 Spotlight On (SP) Hiap Seng: Undervalued oil and gas play (Initiate Coverage) BUY; S$0.69; HSE SP; Price Target: 12-Month S$0.90 • • • • Huge 40-60% discount to peers is unwarranted. Expect high dividends of 4.0-4.5 Scents per share. Margins improvement to support earnings growth. Initiate coverage with a BUY rating. 30% upside to our target price of S$0.90. Ideas & Updates REGIONAL US Fed: Two collision courses SINGAPORE Banking: Positive uptick in loans Hiap Seng (Initiate Coverage) – See Spotlight MALAYSIA Tanjong PLC: Attractive yield play BUY; RM15.00; TJN MK; Price Target: 12-month RM19.25 HONG KONG PUBLIC HOLIDAY THAILAND Charoen Pokphand Foods – See Spotlight (TB) Charoen Pokphand Foods: Earnings surge, costs remain low BUY; Bt7.95; CPF TB; Price Target: 12-Month Bt9.60 (Prev Bt7.50) • • • 3Q09F will beat record high 2Q09 earnings Promising outlook with firm product prices, low raw material costs, and improving margins Raised earnings, and TP to Bt9.60. Undemanding valuation, 21% upside, maintain BUY. Singapore Research Team – 6533 9688 research@dbsvickers.com www.dbsvickers.com “In Singapore, this research report or research analyses may only be distributed to Institutional Investors, Expert Investors or Accredited Investors as defined in the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore.” “Recipients of this report, received from DBS Vickers Research (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“DBSVR”), are to contact DBSVR at +65 6398 7954 in respect of...
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...PersonID | Surname | Title | Given Names | Company | Seminar | Section Completed | Marks | 23270683 | Soesanto | Ms. | Pricillia Indah | Caltex | Wednesday, 3-6pm | Part A | | 25023772 | Yang | Ms. | Han | Caltex | Wednesday, 3-6pm | Part B | | 25843001 | Li | Mr. | Kangtai | Caltex | Wednesday, 3-6pm | Part C | | Prepared by: Part A: Pricillia Indah Soesanto 23270683 Part B: Han Yang 25023772 Part C: Kangtai Li 25843001 Prepared by: Part A: Pricillia Indah Soesanto 23270683 Part B: Han Yang 25023772 Part C: Kangtai Li 25843001 CALTEX Australia Ltd: BUSINESS VALUATION GROUP PROJECT CALTEX Australia Ltd: BUSINESS VALUATION GROUP PROJECT Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Purpose 4 1.2 Scope 4 1.3 Sources 4 2. Company Background 4 3. Benchmark 5 4. Capital Market Analysis 6 4.1 Share Ownership 6 4.2 Share Trading and Liquidity 9 4.2.1 Stock Liquidity 9 4.2.2 Bid-Ask Spread 10 4.3 52 Weeks High and Low 12 4.4 News and Disclosure Analysis 14 4.5 Analyst Coverage 17 5. Business Analysis 26 5.1 Macroeconomic Analysis 26 5.1.1 Economic Factors 26 GDP Growth 26 Exchange Rate 27 Interest Rate 28 5.1.2 Legal Factors 28 5.1.2 Market Factors 29 5.2 Industry Analysis 29 5.2.1 Rivalry Among Existing Companies 29 5.2.2 Threat of Substitutes or Services 30 Shale Gas 31 Biofuels and Renewable Resource 31 5.2.3 Threat...
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...Club. We analyze Indian companies and their attributes such as (1) IPR (brand and technology), (2) financial and industrial assets and (3) natural resources that can propel them to US$100 bn market capitalization over a period of time. We also look at global experience to draw conclusions for India; every decade throws up new and interesting names. Finally, we assess operating factors that are required to achieve and sustain US$100 bn market capitalization. Asset-based companies: A few banks can and will get there Other than financial services companies, we are skeptical of any other asset-based company entering the US$100 bn league from India. Asset-based companies require constant reinvestment to grow and return on invested capital is not high enough in ‘mature’ businesses to create meaningful value. Most will trade at and around book value. IPR-based companies: A rarity in India and will likely remain so Infosys and TCS can make it to the US$100 bn league on a 15-16% CAGR in earnings up to FY2021E and 14-15X P/E multiple. However, their headcount-led services business could face issues of (1) scalability, (2) manpower and (3) margin pressure. We don’t see circumstances changing meaningfully in India for creation of large IPR-based companies. Resource-based companies: Few candidates but right policies critical RIL and ONGC are obvious candidates to get to US$100 bn market capitalization fairly quickly. For RIL, the migration to a resource-based company from an asset-based cyclical...
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...* Moody's affirms Unilever's A1/P-1 ratings The company posted underlying volume growth of 7% for fiscal 2013 (to 31 March 2013), which compares favourably to the more benign levels of organic growth in Unilever's key developed markets of the Americas (EUR17.1 billion sales in fiscal 2012) and Europe (EUR13.9 Bn sales). | | | | Moody's Investors Service has today affirmed Unilever Group's A1 senior unsecured long-term ratings, the short-term Prime-1 (P-1) ratings for Commercial Paper and the (P)A2 subordinated shelf ratings with a stable outlook.Unilever PLC announced a voluntary open offer to increase its stake in Hindustan Unilever (HUL), its publicly listed subsidiary in India, from 52.48% to up to 75% at a price of Rs 600 per share. The potential total value of the transaction at the offer price (assuming full acceptances) is approximately INR292.2 billion or EUR4.1bn. Moody's expects the transaction to be fully debt financed.Source: IIFLhttp://www.indiainfoline.com/Markets/News/Moodys-affirms-Unilevers-A1P-1-ratings/5671898309 * GlaxoSmithkline Consumer Q1 net profit at Rs1564.10 mnGlaxoSmithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd has posted a net profit of Rs. 1564.10 mn for the quarter ended March 31, 2013 as compared to Rs. 1319.70 mn for the quarter ended March 31, 2012.Total Income has increased from Rs. 8608.70 mn for the quarter ended March 31, 2012 toRs. 10078.20 mn for the quarter ended March 31, 2013.Source: IIFLhttp://www.indiainfoline.com/Markets/News/GlaxoSmithkline-Consumer-Q1-net-profit-at-Rs1564...
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...approach This approach is developed by Brummet, Flamholtz and Pyle but the first attempt towards employee valuation made by R. G. Barry Corporation of Columbus, Ohio in the year 1967. This method measures the organization’s investment in employees using the five parameters: recruiting, acquisition; formal training and, familiarization; informal training, Informal familiarization; experience; and development. The costs were amortized over the expected working lives of individuals and unamortized costs (for example, when an individual left the firm) were written off. Limitations * The valuation method is based on false assumption that the dollar is stable. * Since the assets cannot be sold there is no independent check of valuation. * This method measures only the costs to the organization but ignores completely any measure of the value of the employee to the organization (Cascio 3). Replacement Cost approach This approach measures the cost of replacing an employee. According to Likert (1985) replacement cost include recruitment, selection, compensation, and training cost (including the income foregone during the training period). The data derived from this method could be useful in deciding whether to dismiss or replace the staff. Limitations * Substitution of replacement cost method for historical cost method does little more than update the valuation, at the expense of importing considerably more subjectivity into the measure. This method may also lead to...
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...Biman Bangladesh airlines: COMPANY OVERVIEW: Biman Bangladesh Airlines operates as a national flag carrier of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It carries the nation's flag to various South Asian destinations, South-East and Far-Eastern destinations, destinations to Gulf and Middle-East region, and European and North American points. The company has sales agents in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman, the United Arab Emirates; Athens, Greece; and Manama, Bahrain. Biman Bangladesh Airlines was founded in 1972 and is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It has additional offices in Barisal and Chittagong, Bangladesh; New York; Los Angeles, California; London and Manchester, the United Kingdom; Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates; Manama, Bahrain; Kolkata and Delhi, India; Bangkok; and Hong Kong. KEY DEVELOPMENTS FOR BIMAN BANGLADESH AIRLINES Biman Bangladesh Airlines to Launch Services from Manchester Airport 10/14/2011 Manchester Airport announced that Biman Bangladesh Airlines will begin services from Dhaka to Manchester this winter. Tickets for the twice-weekly service are on sale now and the inaugural flight is scheduled for 2 November 2011. The route will be the airport's longest direct flight. Services are scheduled to operate on Wednesdays and Saturdays with a newly purchased B777-300ER with a two class configuration. J.P. Morgan Provides USD 277 Million Financing Facility to Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited 08/9/2011 J.P. Morgan announced that it has provided a...
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