...important for the restaurant managers to provoke a free flow of work. China wok is one restaurant which is very close to the SEMO campus. As there are more number of chinese students coming every semester, the demand for this restaurant is huge. But this restaurant runs with longer lead time and cycle time. Thus, it leads to higher cost and more waiting time which is affecting the restaurant’s business. Value Stream Mapping is put into practice at China Wok by first identifying the various steps in the process. Then current state at China Wok will be identified and examined. Discussions/ meetings will be conducted with the workers and manager along with few interviews. Data will be gathered from them. Current State Value Stream Map is developed with the help of the collected data and information. It provides the current steps information, and also the information required to ship the final products (Jones & Womack, 1996). Cycle time and lead times are then calculated. Non-value added and value added activities are also recognized. VSM will be developed by removing the non-value added activities and wastes. Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visio are used as a part of the research, to draw the current and the future state maps. http://library.semo.edu:3608/ehost/detail?vid=13&sid=239841dc-2435-4355-b159-20a6d0246a0e%40sessionmgr112&hid=121&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=5531067...
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...Value stream mapping in fast food restaurants Imran Khan Afridi1, Asim Khan1 1 Nust Business School, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan (1imranafridi@live.com 1asim_3mba@yahoo.com) Abstract - The aim of this paper is to present that how Value stream mapping (VSM) can be applied to restaurant industry and especially fast food sector. The purpose was to identify wastes and how these can be reduced and/or eliminated by the help of value stream. A case study in Pakistan based restaurant has been carried out to illustrate this. A current state value stream map has been developed. Value stream map highlights opportunities to improve wastes and problems along the restaurant supply chain. Results indicated a non value adding steps of 29% at the processing. Value stream can be readily applied to restaurant industry. Keywords – Value stream mapping, Restaurants, Pakistan I. INTRODUCTION Lean manufacturing organization will think more on its customers rather than about running machinery to maximize capacity in order to cover labor and overhead costs. A study by [1] indicates that lean manufacturing can result in a 50% reduction of human effort, tools investment and manufacturing space. This paper will examine how time and cost reductions can be made along the restaurant supply chain in the restaurant industry by the help of Value stream mapping to analyze the processes involving in the making and identifying key areas of waste and probable solutions to overcome these. Value stream mapping...
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...Value Stream Mapping Prof. N.Raghavan Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Definitions • Value: What the Client wants from the process • Value stream: Includes all the processes and activities used to design, produce and deliver the product or service to the Client. --- All the steps – both value added and non value added – required to take a product or service from its raw materials state into the waiting arms of a happy customer. • Value Stream Map: Special type of flow chart that uses symbols from the “Language of Lean” to depict and improve the flow of inventory and information. Typ. VSM Value Stream • “Whenever there is a product for a customer, there is a value stream. The challenge lies in seeing it.” -Learning to See, Lean Enterprise Institute VSM • Value stream mapping is a lean manufacturing technique used to analyze and design the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. • VSM is a technique for identifying value-adding activities and eliminating nonvalue adding activities to optimise processes • Activities are generally divided into three categories: – (1) non-value adding (NVA); – (2) necessary but non-value adding (NNVA); and – (3) value-adding (VA). • In a formal sense, two depictions of the status are made: – Current state of VSM (CVSM) – Future state of VSM (FVSM) • Each scenario is depicted pictorially using standard symbols • We have to work on moving from CVSM to FVSM ...
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...Value Stream Mapping 1 Value Stream Mapping Definition • Value Stream Mapping (VSM): – Special type of flow chart that uses symbols known as "the language of Lean" to depict and improve the flow of inventory and information. 2 Value Stream Mapping Purpose • Provide optimum value to the customer through a complete value creation process with minimum waste in: – Design (concept to customer) – Build (order to delivery) – Sustain (in-use through life cycle to service) 3 Why ? • Many organizations pursuing “lean” conversions have realized that improvement events alone are not enough • Improvement events create localized improvements, value stream mapping & analysis strengthens the gains by providing vision and plans that connect all improvement activities • Value stream mapping & analysis is a tool that allows you to see waste, and plan to eliminate it 4 What Is Value? • A capability provided to a customer – of the highest quality, – at the right time, – at an appropriate price, as defined by the customer. • "Value" is what the customer is buying 5 What Is Value Stream Analysis? Planning tool to optimize results of eliminating waste current state VSM future state VSM + + Lean Basics = 6 Value Steam Mapping Steps Next Future State Future State Current State Original State 7 Apply Five Simple Principles • Specify value from the standpoint of end customer • Identify the value stream for each product...
Words: 1706 - Pages: 7
...Abstract - The aim of this paper is to present that how Value stream mapping (VSM) can be applied to restaurant industry and especially fast food sector. The purpose was to identify wastes and how these can be reduced and/or eliminated by the help of value stream. A case study in Pakistan based restaurant has been carried out to illustrate this. A current state value stream map has been developed. Value stream map highlights opportunities to improve wastes and problems along the restaurant supply chain. Results indicated a non value adding steps of 29% at the processing. Value stream can be readily applied to restaurant industry. Keywords – Value stream mapping, Restaurants, Pakistan I. INTRODUCTION The concept of fast food goes back half a century, yet has found its way into the Pakistani market only a decade or so back. With the introduction of many foreign brands finding their way into the country, in the late nineties, the Pakistani market has finally become accustomed to manufacturing and providing service in such a way that goes around the wholesome fast paced scenario. As time has passed, Pakistani restaurants have picked up the technique to play alongside the foreign players. Now we can see that many local brands have established their image on the fact that they provide not only locally designed food, enveloping the fast food concept. Hence we can say that fast food has evolved and redesigned the whole Pakistani restaurant market. In the past five...
Words: 2389 - Pages: 10
...eventually reduce the cost of services and products, thus growing more profits. Waste: Waste can be defined as a substance or a thing that is no longer useful in a process. Waste is in fact anything that adds cost, but not value to a product. Toyota executive Taiichi Ohno identified seven types of wastes in manufacturing system, namely: Overproduction- It is considered to be the worst of the wastes, as it multiplies the other 6 wastes and hides your true capability, thereby causing you to make bad decisions such as turn work away or invest in unnecessary additional capacity. Defects- It is also pure waste as poor quality is produced. Time, energy and materials are consumed needlessly, and even if the customer is not lost, you still need to do the work again. Inventory- It is the worst of all the 7 wastes. It ties up cash, requires labor, energy and fixed assets to manage it, and moreover it provides a false sense of comfort by hiding problems. Motion- In terms of ease of elimination and size of improvement impact, the waste of motion ranks very high and is often the target of kaizen. Process- It means that a process is not necessary or uses more resources then the customers need require. Transportation- It is quite visible and clearly adds no value, yet by itself not such a huge waste. This waste can shoot up the priority list whenever it increases the...
Words: 2966 - Pages: 12
...Question #1. Eliminating the queue of work dramatically quickens the time it takes a part to flow through a system. What are the disadvantages of removing those cues? Answer. Eliminating the queue reduces product inventory and limits machine capacity to increase productivity if demand increases. Additionally, removing one machine from the process effectively eliminates equipment redundancy and in the event of equipment malfunction of sole remaining machine will result in the interruption of the manufacturing process. It will be necessary to perform regular maintenance on sole remaining machine to insure it’s in good operating condition and not in danger of catastrophic break-down. Question #2. How do you think the machine operators would react to the change? Answer. It is natural for employees to experience anxiety, concern and frustration with the change in processes and job responsibilities. To help mitigate this it will be necessary for the company to inform and educate the employees in advance of the changes and help them understand the necessity for change. The changes are being implemented to improve productivity and provide the company a competitive advantage in the market-place. Failure to effect these changes could have a profoundly negative impact on company profitability and impact on employees. Additionally, company employees would be included in the analysis of productiy and the identification of process improvements. Including the employees as part...
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...to a location in another country. The employee must learn the language and culture of those around him, and vice-versa. This can be more difficult if this person is acting in a managerial capacity; someone in this position who cannot effectively communicate with or understand their employees' actions can lose their credibility. In an ever-expanding global economy, cross culture and adaptability will continue to be important factors in the business world. Cross-culture tries to bring together such relatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other and the culture of a society comprises the shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that are learned from earlier generations, imposed by the members of the present day society and passed on to the succeeding generations. Cross Cultural Management is a system designed to train people in the global business about the variations of cultures, practices and preferences of consumers around the globe. It poses as a challenge for companies who participate in the global market. As time passes by, the diversity in culture, practices and preferences significantly increases, and so is the need for...
Words: 4158 - Pages: 17
...Value Stream Mapping 1 Value Stream Mapping Definition • Value Stream Mapping (VSM): – Special type of flow chart that uses symbols known as "the language of Lean" to depict and improve the flow of inventory and information. 2 Value Stream Mapping Purpose • Provide optimum value to the customer through a complete value creation process with minimum waste in: – Design (concept to customer) – Build (order to delivery) – Sustain (in-use through life cycle to service) 3 Why ? • Many organizations pursuing “lean” conversions have realized that improvement events alone are not enough • Improvement events create localized improvements, value stream mapping & analysis strengthens the gains by providing vision and plans that connect all improvement activities • Value stream mapping & analysis is a tool that allows you to see waste, and plan to eliminate it 4 What Is Value? • A capability provided to a customer – of the highest quality, – at the right time, – at an appropriate price, as defined by the customer. • "Value" is what the customer is buying 5 What Is Value Stream Analysis? Planning tool to optimize results of eliminating waste current state VSM future state VSM + + Lean Basics = 6 Value Steam Mapping Steps Next Future State Future State Current State Original State 7 Apply Five Simple Principles • Specify value from the standpoint of end customer • Identify the value stream for each product...
Words: 1706 - Pages: 7
...Abstract - The aim of this paper is to present that how Value stream mapping (VSM) can be applied to restaurant industry and especially fast food sector. The purpose was to identify wastes and how these can be reduced and/or eliminated by the help of value stream. A case study in Pakistan based restaurant has been carried out to illustrate this. A current state value stream map has been developed. Value stream map highlights opportunities to improve wastes and problems along the restaurant supply chain. Results indicated a non value adding steps of 29% at the processing. Value stream can be readily applied to restaurant industry. Keywords – Value stream mapping, Restaurants, Pakistan I. INTRODUCTION The concept of fast food goes back half a century, yet has found its way into the Pakistani market only a decade or so back. With the introduction of many foreign brands finding their way into the country, in the late nineties, the Pakistani market has finally become accustomed to manufacturing and providing service in such a way that goes around the wholesome fast paced scenario. As time has passed, Pakistani restaurants have picked up the technique to play alongside the foreign players. Now we can see that many local brands have established their image on the fact that they provide not only locally designed food, enveloping the fast food concept. Hence we can say that fast food has evolved and redesigned the whole Pakistani restaurant market. In the past five years...
Words: 326 - Pages: 2
...dramatically. These practice (YM) can be applied in diferentes industires like airlines, hotel, chains, rental car agencies, restaurants, etc. Value stream mapping A ‘Value Stream’ (VS) is all the actions (both value-added and non-value-added) currently required to bring a product through the main flows essential to every product. VSM is a mapping tool that maps not only material flows but also information flows that control the material flows (it links the information flow to the process flow). It allows to visualize the process flow from a systems perspective . Advantages of VSM VSM Provides a big picture perspective that helps focus on improving the whole process, not just optimizing bits and pieces. Other benefits of value stream mapping is that help to identify where the waste is in your business process. Also, makes it easy to make improvements to your business because relates the manufacturing process steps to other components of the supply chain viz. distributors, suppliers and production control, shows the linkage between the information flow and material flow and links Production Control and Scheduling (PCS) functions to Shopfloor Control. Disadvantages of VSM There some disadvatages of VSM, form example: - requires training on symbols and mapping techniques. - Lacks any economic measure for “value” - Fails to map multiple products that do not have identical routings - Fails to relate plant...
Words: 711 - Pages: 3
...Houses Built On Sand: How the Lack of Operations Management Knowledge Undermines Lean Implementations Kate Mackle, John Bicheno, John Darlington Background: The MS in Lean Enterprise • Started at Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC), Cardiff Business School in 1999 • (LERC was founded by Dan Jones of Womack and Jones) • 2 Year part-time, for practicing Lean managers • Student average age 39 (31 to 53); 20% with MBA; 35% Six Sigma Black Belt; almost 200 Alumni • In First year, 9 one-week modules, 6 of which are held onsite at plant locations; Second year dissertation. • Thus far, 65 one-week MS modules have been held on site. • Most of the lecturers are are vastly experienced Lean consultants and managers • As from January 2013, the MS will be offered at University of Buckingham with the original LERC teaching team. Background to the presentation • The authors have been working in improvement for 25 years and have taught on a Masters level programme in Lean Operations for the last 13 years. We have often been struck by the weakness in demand and capacity management processes in companies we have worked with: diagnosing and then rectifying this weakness has frequently been an important early stage of those companies’ successful Lean transformations. • Similarly, students on the Masters programme, despite their current positions and prior education, have often – Lacked fundamental knowledge of Operations Management (especially Demand and Capacity) ...
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...Service Design and Transformation Reflective Report Introduction: According to Boud et al (1985), reflection refers to an opportunity to recall an experience, dwell upon it and evaluate it. As part of the assessment for ‘Service Design and Transformation module’, my group and I had to choose a service that needed change and help to redesign the service by applying approaches such as; Toyota Production System(TPS) , Plan Do Study Act(PDSA), Spaghetti and Value Stream mapping, as we have being taught in lectures. Aims and Objectives: This essay aims to give a reflective account of my contribution to the presentation; how my group and I planned the presentation and how well I worked with the group. All these will be analysed by adopting the Sibbert model. In addition I will briefly discuss the evidence and academic arguments used for my part of the group work, using relevant references. Also, a detailed account of how the formative and summative presentation went will be discussed, and the lessons I learnt through the whole process. Presentation Topic and Reasons for the chosen Topic: In my group we researched a range of topic before narrowing it down to antenatal care. According to Patients Opinion (2010), a patient narrated their experience in an antenatal clinic saying ‘’the waiting times for Antenatal Clinic are horrendous; I waited for my 9:30 appointment for 3 hours. Although the midwife I saw was kind and courteous and apologised’’. Based on all the evidence found...
Words: 1783 - Pages: 8
...Citibank Analyzing branch banking services and operations for improving process turnaround time and operational efficiency resulting in customer delight. Saryu Kamra & Anubha Mathur 7/14/2011 ABSTRACT This project on Branch Banking Operations attempts to trace and map the branch banking processes end to end and identify all non value added activities and wastages in terms of time so that the Turn Around Time for Customers as well as time required for completion of any transaction or instruction can be reduced considerably. The data collection was divided into two parts, first at individual level and then at the process level. For the former, a chart was prepared for different individuals to map their daily activities and the time taken for these so as to make a comparative analysis vis-à-vis their efficiency in terms of the time spent with the customer and processing further. For the latter, a time and motion study was carried out to map the various Branch activities which were broken down to the micro level to analyze the wastages and superfluous activities involved in the processing of different instructions with the help of Value Stream Maps. The wasteful activities were then identified using the Lean Model introduced by Toyota Production System and classified into seven different categories. These were then individually analyzed and the extent of their effects on various activities and processes were analyzed and recommendations were made accordingly. Summer Internship...
Words: 4704 - Pages: 19
...Copper Kettle Catering. – Case Study Abstract This case study will answer specific questions surrounding founders Wayne and Janet Williams’s full-service catering company, Copper Kettle Catering. Copper Kettle Catering is known as one of the largest catering business in Raleigh. The company’s competitive priorities are high-quality food, delivery reliability, flexibility and cost. Operations include two distinct processes; deliver only and deliver and serve. This case study will also discuss Copper Kettle Catering’s competitive priorities, the changing nature of the customer and the lean concepts and practices the company can implement to increase flexibility, reduce lead times and lower costs in order to stay competitive with small specialty caterers targeting specific well-defined market segments. The Millers must also consider any barriers to implementing a lean system to meet the demands of menu flexibility and faster response times. Keywords: lean systems Copper Kettle Catering. – Case Study Synopsis Copper Kettle Catering is known for their catering services that provides box luncheons and deliver and serve services for large parties, dinners and weddings. Demand for deliver only services are constant with a changing product mix. The planning horizon is short. In contrast, the deliver and serve side process has a more seasonal demand with a longer planning horizon with customers booking dates weeks or months in advance. Both processes are supported by food...
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