...Executive Summary on Veteran’s Affairs (VA) and Loss of Private Information IS3350 Unit 2 Assignment 1: Executive Summary on Veteran’s Affairs (VA) and Loss of Private Information Background On 3 May 2006, a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) laptop was stolen from a VA data analyst’s home in Montgomery County, Maryland. In addition to the laptop, a personal external hard drive was stolen. The external hard drive contained the personal data (names, social security numbers, dates of birth, disability ratings) for 26.5 million veterans and their spouses. It should be noted that the massive data theft was only one of many that had been discovered over the course of 1.5 years. Upon discovery of the theft, the VA employee immediately notified the local police and his supervisors. His supervisors did not notify the Veterans Affairs Secretary until 16 May 2006. On 17 May 2006, the Veterans Affairs Secretary notified the FBI, who began to work with the Montgomery County police to investigate the theft. Results and Conclusions Issue 1: The VA employee had authorization to access and use the VA databases for performance of official duties. He was not, however, authorized to take it home as he had no official need to have the data at home. The private data was not properly safeguarded. He failed to password protect (at the very minimum) and encrypt it (Opfer, 2006). For this, he receives the highest honors in the idiot category. Issue 2: The response of managers...
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...Executive Summary on Veteran’s Affairs (VA) and Loss of Private Information On 3 May 2006, a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) laptop was stolen from a VA data analyst’s home in Montgomery County, Maryland. In addition to the laptop, a personal external hard drive was stolen. The external hard drive contained the personal data (names, social security numbers, dates of birth, disability ratings) for 26.5 million veterans and their spouses. It should be noted that the massive data theft was only one of many that had been discovered over the course of 1.5 years. Upon discovery of the theft, the VA employee immediately notified the local police and his supervisors. His supervisors did not notify the Veterans Affairs Secretary until 16 May 2006. On 17 May 2006, the Veterans Affairs Secretary notified the FBI, who began to work with the Montgomery County police to investigate the theft. There were two main issues in this incident that I identified. Issue 1 was the VA employees had authorization to access and use the VA databases for performance of his duties. He was not authorized to take it home as he had no official need to have the data at home. The private data was not properly safeguarded. He failed to password protect (at the very minimum) and encrypt it. Issue 2 was the response of managers and senior executives regarding the notification of stolen data were inappropriate and not timely. They failed to determine the magnitude of the data loss. There was a failure to notify...
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...1/8/2015 Don Delano, Steve Brown Unit 2 Assignment 1 Executive Summary on Veteran’s Affairs and Loss of Private information On May 3, 2006 an analyst took home a laptop and hard drive with personal data that was unencrypted. Another thing was that he had been doing this for the past three years. This was a mistake on the part of the data analyst because the information requires strict protection according to HIPAA act. According to the study he had permission to take the laptop and hard drive home from his supervisor. The information was stolen from his residence which he reported immediately to the local law enforcement and his immediate supervisor. Unfortunately his supervisor did not escalate it in a timely manner which was another mistake made in this situation. Auditors informed the Veterans affairs of the lack of cyber security, the agency took a lackadaisical approach to fixing the problems. The agency waited until May 22, 2006 to inform the people that were affected by the loss of information. If the security measures were in place the loss would have been a lot less. The cost was estimated between 100 million and 500 million. The information should have as a minimum been encrypted allowing protection, and making it harder for someone to retrieve the data off both the laptop and the hard drive. This would allow them the ability to mitigate the loss of data. The Veterans affair needs to implement a security plan and also conduct annual training. This would ensure...
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...Part 1 Final Project “Will a paperless environment improve the Veterans Benefit Processing?” Timberly M Williams Kaplan University GM505 Action Research and Consulting Skills Professor Dr. Barbara-Leigh Tonelli 08/20/2013 Part One of Final Project This paper explains the benefits of a paperless environment within the Department of Veteran Affairs. Here I will research all of the positive and negative benefits on how this process will help eliminate Veterans wait time on benefit approval. Scope and Purpose VBA is responding to the significant expansion in the scope and complexity of its mission. While VA completed a record-breaking 1 million claims per year over the past three years, the number of claims received continues to exceed the number processed and the backlog of claims has grown. In response, VA is implementing a comprehensive Transformation plan—a series of people, process and technology initiatives—to increase productivity and accuracy of disability claims processing. Once the Transformation is fully implemented, VA expects to systematically reduce the backlog and reach its 2015 goal - to eliminate the claims backlog and process all claims within 125 days with 98 percent accuracy. | VBA Compensation Benefits There are currently 3.9 million Veterans receiving disability benefits from VA. In the past four years, VA has added more than 940,000 Veterans to the VA compensation rolls, more than the active duty Army and Navy combined. In fiscal year 2012...
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...Running head: Post-9/11 Veterans with PTSD: A battle with smoking Proposal Paper for Post-9/11 Veterans with PTSD: A battle with smoking Morgan Mathews and Brenda Pizana The University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing In partial fulfillment of the requirements of N5366 Principles of Research in Nursing Dr. Michelle Hampton, PhD, RN-CCRN, Clinical Faculty July 31, 2015 Pinch table Author/yr Design Sample Size Interventions Outcomes Notes Use of Learning Collaborative to Support Implementation of Integrated Care for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Use of Learning Collaborative to Support Implementation of Integrated Care for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 2014 Longitudinal, Time series Quasi- experimental study. Methodological Research Collaborative change framework using the learning collaborative model 70 staff members from 12 VA PTSD Clinics After training and development of a expert panel team, questionnaires evaluated how feasible and effective integrative care for smoking cessation using the Learning Collaborative Model. The LC model would be useful to implement integrated care to patients without interfering with treatment. The staff found it useful but difficult to communicate and meet with teams to train Unique challenges: different clinics...
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...Homeless Veterans in America Name Institution Part 1 Statistics show that there are between 130,000 and 200,000 homeless veterans in America. Homeless veterans amount to about one-fourth and one-fifth of the entire homeless population in America. Homeless veterans are a population of Americans who have at one time or the other served their country in war. An estimated 131,000 veterans spend a night homeless, and this population doubles if one considers the population of homeless veterans over the course of the year. An approximate of 40% homeless men are veterans that are a significant considering 34% of the general adult male population is composed of veterans. Besides being homeless, this population faces other problems which include; social, economic, and psychological problems (Alker, 2009). Homeless veterans are more likely to suffer addiction as compared to the general population. According to Alker (2009), 76% of homeless veterans are alcohol or drug addicts. Because of the painful memories and the new reality of homelessness that dawn on them they turn to alcohol and drugs. Coupled with all the problems these homeless veterans experience social problems such as isolation. For this reason, they have no one to share their pains with and, therefore, they rarely receive help for treatable conditions such as addiction (Center for American Progress, 2008). Economic stressors are a root cause of homelessness for American veterans. The skills acquired from their military...
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...Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research and Development Office of Technology Transfer Response to Presidential Memorandum: Accelerating Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Federal Research in Support of High-Growth Businesses 1. Executive Summary. Every year, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) researchers develop dozens of new health care-related technologies and other inventions that benefit VA’s patients, other Veterans, and all Americans. VA’s Technology Transfer Program (TTP) translates the results of VA employees’ discoveries into practice. The program educates VA inventors on their rights and obligations; evaluates inventions; obtains patents; and helps commercialize new products. VA’s program is different from other Federal technology transfer programs, because it is highly decentralized. More than 100 VA medical centers (VAMC) conduct research, and all are Federal Laboratories. In addition, 124 VAMCs have formal affiliations with academic institutions and hospitals, and many full- and part-time VA employees also have academic appointments or are employed at an affiliated academic institution or hospital. Because of these arrangements, most VA inventions are jointly owned by VA and its academic affiliates, making technology transfer a collaborative effort. In order to fulfill the goals of the President’s Memorandum dated October 28, 2011, requiring all Federal departments and agencies to accelerate technology transfer and support private sector commercialization...
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...Unit 7: Financing the Transaction Real Estate Law, Spring 2016 Chapter 21 Financing is a key to most real estate transactions. Although many changes keep occurring in real estate financing, the mortgage remains the primary method of financing a real estate purchase. This chapter introduces you to the nature and purpose of the mortgage. One purpose of this chapter is to acquaint you with the basic vocabulary of mortgage financing. It also discusses: 1. The legal repercussions of a mortgagor's default and the many different types of mortgage loans. 2. The application of the mortgage in financing the purchase of real estate. 3. The rights and duties of the parties 4. The relationship between mortgages and other liens. 5. The options often available to buyers and sellers when mortgaged real property is sold. Mortgage--a written instrument that uses real property to secure payment of a debt. Deed of Trust--a 3-party written instrument created by statute as follows: 1. Borrower- known in a deed of trust as the grantor 2. Trustee – neutral third party who holds title in trust as long as the debt is unpaid 3. Lender – known in the deed of trust as the beneficiary There are significant differences between a mortgage and a deed of trust. Primarily in how they are foreclosed once the loan is in default.. Mortgages, for the most part, are a thing of the past and have been replaced by modern deed of trust. Following are a few terms with which you should...
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...to 100 percent higher than those without weight challenge, that is healthy weight individuals. Results by some studies indicates, that approximately 21 percent of all medical spending is obesity related, increased rates of disability and reduced productivity also comes as a result of obesity. (Hammond, 2012) Obesity is also linked to almost 400,000 deaths per year in the United States. (Gabel, et al. 2009) Early prevention can yield significant savings from the health care stand point. A 5 percent reduction in the occurrence of diabetes and hypertension would save almost $25 billion a year in health care costs. (Hammond, 2012). Obesity constitute both public health issues and economic problems in various ways it also induces social and private costs. The cost of treating obesity and the chronic conditions that comes with it demands higher medical cost and claims expenses, increases in disability expenses, increased absence from work, and lower work efficiency when putting the employer into consideration. Obese people sustain medical expenses about 37 percent higher than individuals of normal weight. The increasing cost of...
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...Service Members, their families, and caregivers with information they need on military facilities, health care services, and benefits. It supports access to the Wounded Warrior Resource Call Center and trained specialists who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone at 1-800-342-9647 or by e-mail at wwrc@militaryonesource.com. Advocacy/Support - Disabled American Veterans* www.dav.org The DAV’s 1.2 million members provide grassroots advocacy and services in communities nationwide. From educating lawmakers and the public about important issues to supporting services and legislation to help disabled veterans — the DAV is there to promote its message of hope to all who have served and sacrificed. Advocacy/Support - National Veterans Foundation* www.nvf.org Our Mission: to serve the crisis management, information and referral needs of all U.S. Veterans and their families through: * Management and operation of the nation’s only toll-free helpline for all veterans and their families. * Public awareness programs that shine a consistent spotlight on the needs of America’s veterans. * Outreach services that provide veterans and families in need with food, clothing, transportation, employment, and other essential resources. Advocacy/Support - Salute Inc.* www.saluteinc.org SALUTE, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness and support of issues facing active military personnel, veterans and their families and to provide financial support...
Words: 19627 - Pages: 79
...employee for difficult situations that may arise. In addition, audits should be conducted prior to any major economic change in the company occurs, i.e. acquisitions, stock buybacks, selling assets, etc. This should be done in order to maintain the credibility of Dollar General and will prevent any leaked information before Dollar General is made aware of their own affairs. These measure will help in maintaining an honorable CSR plan and structure. Political Dollar General is only interested in entertaining ideas of great business practices and making ethical decisions that...
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...Medical Association AMPS Auction Market Preferred Stock ANSI American National Standards Institute AP Accounts Payable AR Accounts Receivable APB Accounting Principles Board APR Annual Percentage Rate APV Adjusted Present Value APY Annual Percentage Yield ASAE American Society of Association Executives ASB Accounting Standards Board ASHHRA American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers ATB Accountants Trial Balance ASTD American Society for Training and Development ATB Across the Board ATO 1.) Administrative Time Off 2.) Asset Turnover ATOI After Tax Operating Income ATU Annual Tax Unit AWL Actual Wage Loss AWOL Absent Without Leave AWW Average Weekly Wage...
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...primary pharmaceutical products. An Australian professor wrote a revealing article about how Glaxo manipulates research evidence in medical journals. He gained this insight through internal company documents he had access to during a lawsuit. Bottom line? If you think corrupt and dishonest drug companies are being honest about vaccine safety, efficacy and adverse reactions, you have been deceived by their marketing and PR departments. Glaxo is pleading guilty and paying a criminal fine of $1 billion for misreporting efficacy data and failing to report adverse safety data from post marketing studies. ****************************************************************************************** Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, July 2, 2012 GlaxoSmithKline to Plead Guilty and Pay $3 Billion to Resolve Fraud Allegations and Failure to Report Safety Data Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in U.S. History Global health care giant GlaxoSmithKline LLC (GSK) agreed to plead guilty and to pay $3 billion to resolve its criminal and civil liability arising from the company’s unlawful promotion...
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...Order Code RL33199 Data Security Breaches: Context and Incident Summaries Updated May 7, 2007 Rita Tehan Information Research Specialist Knowledge Services Group Data Security Breaches: Context and Incident Summaries Summary Personal data security breaches are being reported with increasing regularity. Within the past few years, numerous examples of data such as Social Security, bank account, credit card, and driver’s license numbers, as well as medical and student records have been compromised. A major reason for the increased awareness of these security breaches is a California law that requires notice of security breaches to the affected individuals. This law, implemented in July 2003, was the first of its kind in the nation. State data security breach notification laws require companies and other entities that have lost data to notify affected consumers. As of January 2007, 35 states have enacted legislation requiring companies or state agencies to disclose security breaches involving personal information. Congress is considering legislation to address personal data security breaches, following a series of high-profile data security breaches at major financial services firms, data brokers (including ChoicePoint and LexisNexis), and universities. In the past three years, multiple measures have been introduced, but to date, none have been enacted. This report will be updated regularly. Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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...Wometco Home Theater From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2011) Wometco Home Theater Launched 1977 Closed 1986 Owned by Wometco Enterprises Picture format 480i (SDTV) Country United States Language English Broadcast area New York metropolitan area Headquarters Fairfield, New Jersey The Wometco Home Theater (WHT) was an early pay television service in the New York City area, that was owned by Miami-based Wometco Enterprises, which owned several major network affiliates in mid-sized media markets and its flagship WTVJ in Miami (then a CBS affiliate on channel 4, now an NBC owned-and-operated station on channel 6). The signals were broadcast beginning in August 1977 on WWHT-TV (channel 68) and later on WSNL-TV (channel 67) out of Smithtown, New York. The service had ended by 1986. Contents [hide] 1 Overview 2 List of Wometco Home Theater affiliates 3 References 4 See also Overview[edit] Wometco Home Theater descrambling box. Initially subscribers paid $15 for a set-top descrambling box that allowed subscribers to view channel 68's scrambled television signals (a later addressable, 2-channel version of this descrambler was developed under vice president of engineering...
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