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Victory In Europe Day Research Paper

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Victory in Europe Day was the public holiday celebrated on 8 May 1945 to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces. It thus marked the end of World War II.
In March 1945 American and British forces moved eastward into Germany in large numbers, stopping at the Elbe River in accordance with already negotiated agreements with the Soviet Union. On April 30 Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker. On May 7, the allies forced Germany’s surrender, ending the war in Europe after almost 6 years of killing and war.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, then commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, issued this Victory Order of the Day to commend the victorious Allied troops. …show more content…
From America’s entrance to WWII in 1941 and V-E Day about 300,000 American soldiers died in battle. Other allied countries suffered greater losses, with nearly 500,000 British forces and 7.5 million Soviet troops dying in battle. Hoping to preclude factionalism among the Allies, Eisenhower emphasized the shared nature of both Allied losses and ultimate victory: “The route you have travelled through hundreds of miles is marked by the graves of former comrades. From them has been exacted the ultimate sacrifice; blood of many nations—American, British, Canadian, French, Polish and others—has help to gain the

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