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Words: 357 - Pages: 2

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Is It Important for Media to Represent Its Viewers? Give Examples from One Media Form, I.E. Television, Newspapers, Radio, Internet Broadcasts Etc.

...It very often that a person turns on a television to watch programmes without really analysing the characters they see in the shows. As viewers, we mostly ingest what we see as pure entertainment. So is not always obvious to us about how certain groups of people are being portrayed in the media, what sort of messages are being implied, or the ramifications that arise from the various representations we see. To conclude how important media representation is to viewers, we have to first understand what media representation is, what is being represented, and how it impacts society and how we perceive what or whom that is represented. In this essay I will focus primarily on the media representation in television and its examples. According to Long and Wall (2009), a definition of media representation is “to describe, or depict something; to call it up in the mind by description, portrayal or imagination. To represent also means to symbolise, to stand for, to be a specimen of or to substitute for” (p.79). In my opinion, television is one of the more impactful media form in representation. Television shows are capable of describing and depicting sceneries and people visually, and special emphasis on sound effects and such help make the scenes more vivid. So it is probably the media format that which communicates to us most straightforwardly. And by doing so, the television easily offers a sneak peak into the lives of various people living across the world, or the beautiful landscapes...

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Realism Is a Set of Conventions That We as Viewers Understand, in a Given Historical Moment, to Be a Representation That Corresponds to Reality. Through the Close Analysis of Soap Opera – and with Reference to at Least

...Realism is a set of conventions that we as viewers understand, in a given historical moment, to be a representation that corresponds to reality. Through the close analysis of soap opera – and with reference to at least three academic sources, outline the conventions of realism and explain how they are used effectively in British soaps. Realism has been universally recorded as the quality of representing a person or situation in an accurate way. Ever since the conversion from radio to television, British soap operas have used realism effectively to attract and sustain audiences. Coronation Street (1960- ), the British soap opera set in a fictional town in Manchester and Eastenders (1985- ), the British soap opera set in a fictional London Borough are currently the two main soap operas in Britain where realism is used effectively to draw audiences. The original producer of Eastenders once commented, “We don’t make life, we reflect it” (Geraghty, 1991:32). This shows that representing reality has always been the main aim in this genre. This also shows that they are not trying to create their own town, with their own conventions, but rather reflect what they see in everyday life into the soap opera. One main way in which realism is conveyed is by the sense of place and/or community. A sense of place can easily be established by the title sequence alone. For example, Eastenders’ title sequence consists of a map of London’s east end (Allen 1995: 67). This sets up the sense of...

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