...Reversal Correction - HLD [pic] Version 1.7 Version Created on 6/01/2009 Table of Contents 1. Revision History 4 2. Overview 5 2.1 Purpose 5 2.2 Scope 5 2.2.1 In Scope 5 2.2.2 Out of Scope 5 2.3 Assumptions 6 2.4 Reference 7 2.5 Functional Description – Reversal-Correction Process 8 2.5.1 Functional Overview 8 Current State Data Flow Diagrams 8 Future State Data Flow Diagrams 12 2.6 Related Application Requirements 19 2.7 Key Considerations 20 2.8 Source System Inputs 21 2.9 FDS/ODS Inputs 21 2.10 FDS/ODS Outputs 22 2.11 Logical Data Model Diagram – N/A 22 2.11.1 Table Definitions 22 2.12 Technical Description 25 2.13 Processing Logic 25 2.13.1 Functional Process Flow 25 2.13.2 Process 01 – Identification 29 Inputs 29 Outputs 29 Potential temporary/staging table definition 30 Processing Steps 31 Mapping document 31 2.13.3 Process 02 – Reversal 32 Inputs 32 Outputs 32 Potential temporary/staging table definition 34 Processing Steps 34 Mapping document 35 2.13.4 Process 03 – Delete 35 Inputs 35 Outputs 36 Potential temporary/staging table definition 37 Processing Steps 37 Mapping document 37 2.13.5 Process 04 – Correction 38 ...
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...Pharos University EE212_ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT & Interface Prepared By: Dr. Sahar Abd El Moneim Moussa Dr. Sahar Abd El Moneim Moussa 1 CH1_ ERRORS IN MEASUREMENTS Dr. Sahar Abd El Moneim Moussa 2 INTRODUCTION Measurement involves using an instrument as a physical means of determining a quantity or variable. A measuring device: a device used for obtaining a value which nearly represents an unknown variable or quantity. The advancement of science and technology leads to the progress in the measuring techniques. Dr. Sahar Abd El Moneim Moussa 3 Classification of Measuring Instruments: 1- Mechanical Instruments: • These are the first type of measuring instruments. Since they have moving parts then they are useful for stable operation but due the inertia of the moving elements are slow then they are not suitable for measuring dynamic variables and transient operations. • Dr. Sahar Abd El Moneim Moussa 4 Classification of Measuring Instruments: ( cont.) 2- Electrical Instruments: • Since 1801. By discovering electricity, the electrical measuring instruments appear. Electrical instruments have in general electric circuit consisting of some resistors and a magnetic circuit consisting of either a permanent or a coil with an iron core. It depends upon the interaction between the electric circuit and the magnetic circuit. • • Dr. Sahar Abd El Moneim Moussa 5 Classification of...
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...purpose of sending criminals to prison is to transform them into honest and law abiding citizens by inculcating in them distaste for crime and criminality” (US-China Law Review; Mar2010, Vol. 7 Issue 3, p15-29, 15p). In United States of America the correction system provides many programs that are designed in order to rehabilitate inmates. Some of those programs include religion related services like Bible study groups or religious congregations. The other forms can include art crafts, sports, found raising activities or prison work assignments. For those offenders that are struggling with addictions, there are drug and alcohol treatment programs that offer anonymous group meetings. Also, definitely as a one of very supportive programs is visitation with family and nonfamily outsiders. Parole it is a supervision that offender receives after being released from the prison. It is a similar to probation method of supervision when it comes to its conditions. Just like on probation, while on parole the convict has to obey the law, stay away from substances like drugs and alcohol and report to his or her officer until the parole is over. The word parole came from old French parole d’honneur which means “word of honor” (Burk Foster, Corrections The Fundamentals). In United States of America parole came to life at the end of 1800’s and by...
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...Re: Accounting for a Loss Contingency Verdict Overturned on Appeal Date: Relevant Facts: • W Inc and your company have been engaged in litigation over a specific patent infringement matter. • In May 2007, W filed a claim. • On December 31 2007, your company determined that a loss in connection to the claim was probable. • The company estimated a loss between 15 and $20 million USD. • $17 million USD was named as the most likely amount of loss. • A jury trial took place on September 2009. • On September 24 2009 the jury found in favor of W. • The judgment required your company to pay W $18.5 million USD. • In November 2009, your company filed an appeal. • In December 2010, the court of appeals overturned the jury verdict and the $18.5 million judgement. • On January 6th 2011 W filed a petition for re-hearing. • On February 10, 2011, the appellate judges declined W’s petition. • On February 28 2011, the company’s management determined that the lawsuit was closed. Specific Issue 1: For the year ended December 31 2007, financial statements, what amounts should the company record as a liability? Options: The company could record the liability at 15 million, $17 million, or $20 million. Before deciding what amount to accrue, we should determine if the contingency qualifies for accrual. According to ASC 450-20-25-2, a loss contingency must be accrued if “the information available…indicates that it is probable that… a liability had been incurred...
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...[Cover page] Policy Analysis Unit (PAU) Working Paper Series: WP 0604 Inflation and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: 1981-2005 Shamim Ahmed Md. Golam Mortaza December 2005 Policy Analysis Unit (PAU) Research Department, Bangladesh Bank Head Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh (www.bangladeshbank.org.bd) (www.bangladesh-bank.org) Policy Analysis Unit* (PAU) Working Paper Series: WP 0604 Inflation and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: 1981-2005 Shamim Ahmed Research Economist, Policy Analysis Unit Research Department Bangladesh Bank Md. Golam Mortaza Senior Research Associate Centre for Policy Dialogue December 2005 Copyright © 2005 by Bangladesh Bank * The Bangladesh Bank (BB), in cooperation with the World Bank Institute (WBI), has formed the Policy Analysis Unit (PAU) within its Research Department in July 2005. The aim behind this initiative is to upgrade the capacity for research and policy analysis at BB. As part of its mandate PAU will publish, among other, several Working Papers on macroeconomic research completed by its staff every quarter. The precise topics of these papers are chosen by the Resident Economic Adviser in consultation with the PAU members. These papers reflect research in progress, and as such comments are most welcome. It is anticipated that a majority of these papers will eventually be published in learned journals after the due review process. Neither the Board of Directors nor the management of Bangladesh Bank, nor WBI, nor any agency...
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...I.D.B.I. SPECIALIST OFFICER EXAM 07 English Language Directions (1-10) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Though the last twenty five years have seen China double the world with its excellent economic performance, it has shied away from playing the kind of active role in international affairs that would seem commensurate with its economic weight This is because traditionally China's politics have been defined by the need for economic development above all else. In the past, China's authorities have tended to down play the country's international clout, choosing to stress instead its developing country status and limited military capabilities. Such modest rhetoric was intended to allay the fears that China's rise was causing across its immediate neighbourhood. That Beijing is finally acknowledging it’s; status as a major player in the international system is evidenced by the fact that the President has formally developed a theory of international relations; the concept of harmonious world. The concept, encompassing broad notions of multilateralism, prosperity for all through common development and tolerance for diversity has left world opinion perplexed. There are commendable objectives but theory is short on specifics regarding the means to achieve them. China's recent willingness to be a more active player internationally stems from...
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...harnessingquanta COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. Simple Rules for a Complex Quantum World An exciting new fundamental discipline of research combines information science and quantum mechanics By Michael A. Nielsen Updated from the November 2002 issue 25 COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. Over the past few decades, scientists have learned that simple rules can give rise to very rich behavior. A good example is chess. Imagine you’re an experienced chess player introduced to someone claiming to know the game. You play a few times and realize that although this person knows the rules of chess, he has no idea how to play well. He makes absurd moves, sacrificing his queen for a pawn and losing a rook for no reason at all. He does not truly understand chess: he is ignorant of the high-level principles and heuristics familiar to any knowledgeable player. These principles are collective or emergent properties of chess, features not immediately evident from the rules but arising from interactions among the pieces on the chessboard. Scientists’ current understanding of quantum mechanics is like that of a slowlearning student of chess. We’ve known the rules for more than 70 years, and we have a few clever moves that work in some special situations, but we’re only gradually learning the high-level principles that are needed to play a skillful overall game. The discovery of these principles is the goal of quantum information science, a fundamental field...
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...Frequent Errors in English Grammar: Articles and Possessive Markers Keiko Muto-Humphrey 1. Introduction During past decade or so, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has been making increasing efforts to shift the focus of EFL pedagogy from “correctness and accuracy” in English to “communicative ability” (MEXT 1998). In response to this, much emphasis has been placed on students’ ability to express themselves orally in class. This has, however, had the (undesired) effect of grammar and lexis being minimised in schools. We are now at a stage whereby the overwhelming majority of students enter universities with an insufficient knowledge of grammar and lexis. This paper will examine two error patterns committed by Japanese studying English as a second language: the genitive markers of/’s indicating possession; and the English article system a/an/the. The former is concerned with the misuse of the English preposition of, which I consider to originate in the L1. The analysis shown below manifests that it is difficult for Japanese students to distinguish between of and ’s: a comparison of this will ensue. The latter originates in the misuse/overgeneralisation of learning strategies: the usage of articles: a/an/the. The Japanese language lacks an article system, making this, “one of the greatest problems for Japanese learners [and this] is vividly revealed in the high frequency of mistakes,...” (Kimizuka 1968:78). After analysing the two...
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...questions you may have on the year-end programs. The telephone number is 1.800.223.1711. The pages shown in this document are from Release 9.1. Although the corresponding Release 9 pages differ in their style of design and appearance, the navigation path and content of each page in Release 9 is identical to the Release 9.1 page illustrations shown in this document. Electronic Self Service Forms W-2 and W-2c in PeopleSoft 9 and 9.1 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America (Releases 9 and 9.1) delivers functionality to enable Payroll for North America and ePay employers to use XML Publisher (XMLP) to produce Forms W-2 and W-2c in PDF format for U.S. and U.S. Territory employees. (Note: XML Publisher is also referred to as BI Publisher.) This functionality creates online as well as paper forms in PDF format, and provides employees with access to an electronic version of their W-2 and W-2c forms through Self Service. The system creates and stores data in XML format and builds the PDF file for display on demand using XMLP templates. Employees are then able to view or print the W-2 and W-2c forms. The system also provides a Payroll Administrator view, whereby the administrator can access employees’ forms for verification or reprint purposes. The payroll administrator is able to view forms for all employees, including forms for employees who have not consented to receiving their forms electronically. To assist with the process of obtaining employee consent for online...
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...08 Fall Halo Errors in Performance Management Systems - Anita Rajendran Performance Appraisals are the backbone of Human Resources and a crucial aspect of the entire Performance Management System (PMS) but also the most difficult to implement. The effectiveness of a Performance Appraisal can be seriously impacted by the common errors that raters make. Halo is one such error and can be defined as "the influence of a global evaluation on individual attributes of a person" (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977, p. 250) or "the influence of a rater's general impression on ratings of specific ratee qualities" (Lance, LaPointe, & Stewart, 1994, p. 339). The article tries to understand the background and research done into halo error and whether there is clear evidence to suggest that there is a positive or negative link to rating accuracy due to Halo error. It attempts to see if there are ways in which an organization can effectively utilize these research findings to counter halo error or whether any experiments done are effective only in a laboratory setting. Finally review on whether this aspect of the performance appraisal can be incorporated into an actual performance appraisal system. Individual Research Paper – Halo Error in Performance Management Systems Introduction and Background 3 What is Halo Error – The underlying research and theory 3 Deep Dive 5 How to counter the halo error or reduce error? 5 Effective use of the understanding of Halo Error 6 References 8 ...
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...Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Stock Prices in India – An Empirical Analysis By Golaka C Nath* and G P Samanta** Abstract: The dynamic linkage between exchange rate and stock prices has been subjected to extensive research for over a decade and attracted considerable attention from researchers worldwide during the Asian crisis of 1997-98. The issue is also important from the viewpoint of recent large cross-boarder movement of funds. In India the issue is also gaining importance in the liberalization era. With this background, the present study examines the causal relationship between returns in stock market and forex market in India. Using daily data from March 1993 to December 2002, we found that causal link is generally absent though in recent years there has been strong causal influence from stock market return to forex market return. The results, however, are tentative and we need further in-depth research to identify the causes and consequences of the findings. January 2003 * Manager, NSEIL, Bandra-Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 ** Assistant Adviser, RBI, DESACS, C-8, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 The views expressed in the paper are those of the authours’ and not necessarily of the organizations they belong to. 1 Introduction The Asian crisis of 1997-98 has made a strong pitch for dynamic linkage between stock prices and exchange rates. During the crisis period, the world has noticed that the emerging markets collapsed due...
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...attacks, automated readers are most likely vulnerable to SQL injections and command injections. Our contribution consists of an analysis of the QR Code as an attack vector, showing different attack strategies from the attackers point of view and exploring their possible consequences. Figure 2: QR Code cards, public transport vehicles, etc. Indeed, this mechanism has a vast number of potential applications [4, 1, 2, 13, 9]. For instance, the sports brand Umbro have embedded QR codes into the collars of England football shirts, sending fans to a secret website where prizes can be won. In this paper, we explore the structure and creation process of QR codes as well as potential attacks against or utilizing QR codes. We give an overview of the error correction capabilities and possible ways to alter both error correction data and payload in order to either modify or inject information into existing codes. Furthermore, we explore numerous vectors that might enable an attacker to exploit either the user’s trust in the content embedded in the code or automated processes handling such codes. Our main contributions are: • to outline possible modifications to different parts of QR Codes such as error correction codes or masking, • to describe resulting attack vectors, both against humans (e.g. phishing attacks) and automated processes...
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...International Journal of Business and Society, Vol. 11 No. 2, 2010, 35 - 50 THE EFFECTS OF MACROECONOMIC EVILS ON PROPERTY AND VIOLENT CRIMES IN MALAYSIA Chor Foon Tang♣ University of Malaya ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of macroeconomic evils – unemployment and inflation on different categories of crime rates – property and violent crimes in Malaysia via the multivariate Johansen-Juselius and Granger causality techniques. This study used annual data from 1970 to 2006. Johansen-Juselius cointegration tests revealed that property and violent crimes are cointegrated with unemployment and inflation. Furthermore, the empirical evidence exhibit that unemployment and inflation are the driving factors for crimes in Malaysia. Therefore, supply-side economy may be an ideal choice of policy to reduce crime rates in Malaysia. Keywords: Crime, Inflation, Unemployment, Malaysia 1. INTRODUCTION Recent deliberation on whether “Malaysia is a safe haven for travel and investment?” was frequently asked by the international tourists and foreign investors owing to the increasing trend of crime rates in Malaysia. From the visual inspection in Figure 1, both property and violent crime rates in Malaysia has increased quite significantly between 1970 and 2006. Over a decade from 1970 to 1980, both property and violent crime rates in Malaysia increased more than two folds. The property crime rate increased drastically from 25 thousand...
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...General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (Including Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-3SS, W-2c, and W-3c) Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Need Help? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How To Get Forms and Publications . . . . . . . . . . . Common Errors on Forms W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 . . . . . Special Reporting Situations for Form W-2 . . . . . . . Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Instructions for Forms W-2c and W-3c . . . . Special Situations for Forms W-2c and W-3c . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-2c . . . . . . . . . . . . Specific Instructions for Form W-3c . . . . . . . . . . . . Form W-2 Reference Guide for Box 12 Codes . . . . Form W-2 Box 13 Retirement Plan Checkbox Decision Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Reporting Example Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. 1 3 4 4 4 6 12 13 20 22 23 24 25 27 Additionally, Forms W-2 and W-2c electronic and paper wage...
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...FAO COMMODITY AND TRADE POLICY RESEARCH WORKING PAPER No.22 Threshold cointegration in the sugarethanol-oil price system in Brazil: evidence from nonlinear vector error correction models George Rapsomanikis and David Hallam1 Commodities and Trade Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations September 2006 1 The authors are Economist and Chief in the Trade Policy Service, Commodities and Trade Division. FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Papers are published by the Commodities and Trade Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). They are working documents and do not reflect the opinion of FAO or its member governments. Also available at http://www.fao.org/es/ESC/ Additional copies of this working paper can be obtained from Olwen.Gotts@fao.org The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction...
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